Should the mods/admins, be forced to wear silly hats?


Gold Member
Nov 2, 2013
I think it would help to humanize them and make everyone post in a more lighthearted and happy manner.

All the hats should have a flower.

CK should have a pot on his.


I should be promoted to site admin so that I could control life and death ... like the ancient Greek gods, I would occasionally walk amongst the humans and they could film it for TV.

I want Charo in it, though - no Charo, no Cabbie - that's final.


Also, I think that we need more women on this site; indeed ... there will NEVER be enough women.


I'm "perma-banned" (air quotes) aren't I????

As a parting act of rebellion, I'm setting fire to my keyboard. :dev2:

Take that ... suckers! :poke:

Moved to the nut-house in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... .

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Good luck prying that beer helmet off of cereal_killer

Cereal Killer is one bad-azz mamma-jamma.

He once played pro football, but was banned for testing positive for a controlled substance; that substance was purported to be ... Cereal Killer!!!!


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