Should the popular vote be the ultimate decider?

so we're sitting in a thread where people are bitching cause they want popular vote IN THIS INSTANCE and you're turning it into TRUMP BAD and making HIM look like HE doesn't like the constitution when again, the entire premise of this thread is mad cause the left lost and wants to rewrite the constitution to fit their current base of power.

Well, we probably do need to rewrite the best bad ideas of 18th Century Slave rapists.....

the fact that someone that BOTH parties knows is unqualified is in there after the people loudly said, "NO!" shows that the constitution has failed, miserably.
See your argument has no logic so demonize our founding fathers because you have zero respect for the country, just need to feed your ID like a 2 year old.

as for being upset about rapists at the start of our country well that really hasn't (cough clinton cough) changed now has it?

i wish to god the left would quit being so fucking emo-extreme and think everything should be decided on how they feel.

Last edited:
Madison was right. Time has proven that. the election of 2016 certainly proves his wisdom.

we all get it that you don't like the outcome of 2016 (your claims of previous complaints notwithstanding) and this is but another vain attempt to make the claim that Trump and Putin stole the election from crooked Hillary.

You continue to post patent dishonesty. Or perhaps you'd like to essplain to the class how it is that I was posting exactly the same points for exactly the same reasons before 2016. What, am I some kind of psychic? Perhaps we can discern next week's lottery numbers from my posts from last February?

It completely baffles me what summa y'all partisan hacks don't get about how linear time works.

Yes, Madison was right. And what you didn't bother to read above was that Madison thought the WTA practice, which had just got started spreading at the time, should be BANNED.

Do we want a few large population centers deciding for all the states?

We don't HAVE "a few large population centers deciding for all the states". That's a façile mythology with no basis.

I know it's easy to just keep regurgitating the same old bullshit script over and over and over but it doesn't render it any less bullshitious. The script has to make some kind of logical sense when it's first scripted, which this one NEVER has. The whole idea of voting is that the majority prevails, period. Therefore in any one of those states, whoever gets the most votes for Governor, is going to be Governor, simple as that. The fact that more people live in the cities of that state than in the hinterlands is irrelevant to anything. Are we going to penalize people for living in cities now? What is that, some kind of governmental repopulation plan?

If more people didn't live in cities ---- we wouldn't be calling them "cities" now would we. Think about it.

are you serious? its one continuous city from Boston to DC, another one from San Diego to LA, Houston to Dallas, Miami to Ft Lauderdale. Those are what is known as population centers, and most of their residents lean left and expect the govt to take care of them.

How about if you are on welfare or food stamps you don't get to vote, only taxpayers get to vote since they are the ones funding the government?

How about if you get off your perch and quit purporting to speak for X millions of people in the megalopoli who you don't even know? What a concept.

Again, the fact that you're butthurt about how (you perceive) some cherrypicked sector votes is irrelevant. That sector may be just as butthurt about the way you vote. That's why we all vote; mine counters yours. But I don't get to say yours doesn't count and you don't get to say mine doesn't.

I agree with your last sentence, and that is exactly why we have the EC, so that the votes of residents of the small states do in fact count and that those people are represented.
Not a complicated concept, you must be pretty dense.
You continue to post patent dishonesty. Or perhaps you'd like to essplain to the class how it is that I was posting exactly the same points for exactly the same reasons before 2016. What, am I some kind of psychic? Perhaps we can discern next week's lottery numbers from my posts from last February?

It completely baffles me what summa y'all partisan hacks don't get about how linear time works.

Yes, Madison was right. And what you didn't bother to read above was that Madison thought the WTA practice, which had just got started spreading at the time, should be BANNED.

Do we want a few large population centers deciding for all the states?

We don't HAVE "a few large population centers deciding for all the states". That's a façile mythology with no basis.

I know it's easy to just keep regurgitating the same old bullshit script over and over and over but it doesn't render it any less bullshitious. The script has to make some kind of logical sense when it's first scripted, which this one NEVER has. The whole idea of voting is that the majority prevails, period. Therefore in any one of those states, whoever gets the most votes for Governor, is going to be Governor, simple as that. The fact that more people live in the cities of that state than in the hinterlands is irrelevant to anything. Are we going to penalize people for living in cities now? What is that, some kind of governmental repopulation plan?

If more people didn't live in cities ---- we wouldn't be calling them "cities" now would we. Think about it.

are you serious? its one continuous city from Boston to DC, another one from San Diego to LA, Houston to Dallas, Miami to Ft Lauderdale. Those are what is known as population centers, and most of their residents lean left and expect the govt to take care of them.

How about if you are on welfare or food stamps you don't get to vote, only taxpayers get to vote since they are the ones funding the government?

How about if you get off your perch and quit purporting to speak for X millions of people in the megalopoli who you don't even know? What a concept.

Again, the fact that you're butthurt about how (you perceive) some cherrypicked sector votes is irrelevant. That sector may be just as butthurt about the way you vote. That's why we all vote; mine counters yours. But I don't get to say yours doesn't count and you don't get to say mine doesn't.

I agree with your last sentence, and that is exactly why we have the EC, so that the votes of residents of the small states do in fact count and that those people are represented.
Not a complicated concept, you must be pretty dense.

Represented so much, in fact, that it takes four New Yorkers to equal one Wyoming voter.

(Map on this page sectioned, can't copy here) (unfortunately does not seem to include AK and HI)

Is it your opinion that some voter who lives in Ossining New York should have one-quarter of the vote of a resident of Cheyenne Wyoming?

From the link:
>> The average electoral vote represents 436,000 people, but that number rises and falls per state depending on that state’s population over 18 years of age. (The map above shows the population 18 years and older per electoral vote by state.) The states with the fewest people per electoral vote, and therefore the highest “vote power,” are Wyoming, Vermont, and North Dakota. In Wyoming, there are 143,000 people for each of its three electoral votes. The states with the weakest votes are New York, Florida, and California. These states each have around 500,000 people for each electoral vote.

In other words, one Wyoming voter has roughly the same vote power as four New York voters. (Mouse over the map and it will show you where your state ranks in voting power.) <<​

Is it your position that the country "should be run by" the Wyomings and North Dakotas and fuck the New Yorkers and Texans and Pennsylvanians?

Now let's rerun that first sentence:
>> The average electoral vote represents 436,000 people, but that number rises and falls per state depending on that state’s population... <<​

--- So why not just apportion it evenly? If one EV represents 436,000 (or whatever number we may choose), make it represent the same thing everywhere.

Or are you still gonna insist that people who live around other people must be penalized?
so we're sitting in a thread where people are bitching cause they want popular vote IN THIS INSTANCE and you're turning it into TRUMP BAD and making HIM look like HE doesn't like the constitution when again, the entire premise of this thread is mad cause the left lost and wants to rewrite the constitution to fit their current base of power.

Well, we probably do need to rewrite the best bad ideas of 18th Century Slave rapists.....

the fact that someone that BOTH parties knows is unqualified is in there after the people loudly said, "NO!" shows that the constitution has failed, miserably.
See your argument has no logic so demonize our founding fathers because you have zero respect for the country, just need to feed your ID like a 2 year old.

as for being upset about rapists at the start of our country well that really hasn't (cough clinton cough) changed now has it?

i wish to god the left would quit being so fucking emo-extreme and think everything should be decided on how they feel.


You "wish" an entire side of the political spectrum would emote with one voice so you could assign blanket personality traits?

Thinking is so much work, innit.
so we're sitting in a thread where people are bitching cause they want popular vote IN THIS INSTANCE and you're turning it into TRUMP BAD and making HIM look like HE doesn't like the constitution when again, the entire premise of this thread is mad cause the left lost and wants to rewrite the constitution to fit their current base of power.

Well, we probably do need to rewrite the best bad ideas of 18th Century Slave rapists.....

the fact that someone that BOTH parties knows is unqualified is in there after the people loudly said, "NO!" shows that the constitution has failed, miserably.
See your argument has no logic so demonize our founding fathers because you have zero respect for the country, just need to feed your ID like a 2 year old.

as for being upset about rapists at the start of our country well that really hasn't (cough clinton cough) changed now has it?

i wish to god the left would quit being so fucking emo-extreme and think everything should be decided on how they feel.


You "wish" an entire side of the political spectrum would emote with one voice so you could assign blanket personality traits?

Thinking is so much work, innit.
Pretty sure you wouldn't know.
so we're sitting in a thread where people are bitching cause they want popular vote IN THIS INSTANCE and you're turning it into TRUMP BAD and making HIM look like HE doesn't like the constitution when again, the entire premise of this thread is mad cause the left lost and wants to rewrite the constitution to fit their current base of power.

Well, we probably do need to rewrite the best bad ideas of 18th Century Slave rapists.....

the fact that someone that BOTH parties knows is unqualified is in there after the people loudly said, "NO!" shows that the constitution has failed, miserably.
See your argument has no logic so demonize our founding fathers because you have zero respect for the country, just need to feed your ID like a 2 year old.

as for being upset about rapists at the start of our country well that really hasn't (cough clinton cough) changed now has it?

i wish to god the left would quit being so fucking emo-extreme and think everything should be decided on how they feel.


You "wish" an entire side of the political spectrum would emote with one voice so you could assign blanket personality traits?

Thinking is so much work, innit.
Pretty sure you wouldn't know.

What I wouldn't know is how to bend my mind around to the point where I could imagine entire swaths of a philosophy so monolithic that I could assign an emotion to it.
so we're sitting in a thread where people are bitching cause they want popular vote IN THIS INSTANCE and you're turning it into TRUMP BAD and making HIM look like HE doesn't like the constitution when again, the entire premise of this thread is mad cause the left lost and wants to rewrite the constitution to fit their current base of power.

Well, we probably do need to rewrite the best bad ideas of 18th Century Slave rapists.....

the fact that someone that BOTH parties knows is unqualified is in there after the people loudly said, "NO!" shows that the constitution has failed, miserably.
See your argument has no logic so demonize our founding fathers because you have zero respect for the country, just need to feed your ID like a 2 year old.

as for being upset about rapists at the start of our country well that really hasn't (cough clinton cough) changed now has it?

i wish to god the left would quit being so fucking emo-extreme and think everything should be decided on how they feel.


You "wish" an entire side of the political spectrum would emote with one voice so you could assign blanket personality traits?

Thinking is so much work, innit.
Pretty sure you wouldn't know.

What I wouldn't know is how to bend my mind around to the point where I could imagine entire swaths of a philosophy so monolithic that I could assign an emotion to it.
Do we want a few large population centers deciding for all the states?

We don't HAVE "a few large population centers deciding for all the states". That's a façile mythology with no basis.

I know it's easy to just keep regurgitating the same old bullshit script over and over and over but it doesn't render it any less bullshitious. The script has to make some kind of logical sense when it's first scripted, which this one NEVER has. The whole idea of voting is that the majority prevails, period. Therefore in any one of those states, whoever gets the most votes for Governor, is going to be Governor, simple as that. The fact that more people live in the cities of that state than in the hinterlands is irrelevant to anything. Are we going to penalize people for living in cities now? What is that, some kind of governmental repopulation plan?

If more people didn't live in cities ---- we wouldn't be calling them "cities" now would we. Think about it.

are you serious? its one continuous city from Boston to DC, another one from San Diego to LA, Houston to Dallas, Miami to Ft Lauderdale. Those are what is known as population centers, and most of their residents lean left and expect the govt to take care of them.

How about if you are on welfare or food stamps you don't get to vote, only taxpayers get to vote since they are the ones funding the government?

How about if you get off your perch and quit purporting to speak for X millions of people in the megalopoli who you don't even know? What a concept.

Again, the fact that you're butthurt about how (you perceive) some cherrypicked sector votes is irrelevant. That sector may be just as butthurt about the way you vote. That's why we all vote; mine counters yours. But I don't get to say yours doesn't count and you don't get to say mine doesn't.

I agree with your last sentence, and that is exactly why we have the EC, so that the votes of residents of the small states do in fact count and that those people are represented.
Not a complicated concept, you must be pretty dense.

Represented so much, in fact, that it takes four New Yorkers to equal one Wyoming voter.

(Map on this page sectioned, can't copy here) (unfortunately does not seem to include AK and HI)

Is it your opinion that some voter who lives in Ossining New York should have one-quarter of the vote of a resident of Cheyenne Wyoming?

From the link:
>> The average electoral vote represents 436,000 people, but that number rises and falls per state depending on that state’s population over 18 years of age. (The map above shows the population 18 years and older per electoral vote by state.) The states with the fewest people per electoral vote, and therefore the highest “vote power,” are Wyoming, Vermont, and North Dakota. In Wyoming, there are 143,000 people for each of its three electoral votes. The states with the weakest votes are New York, Florida, and California. These states each have around 500,000 people for each electoral vote.

In other words, one Wyoming voter has roughly the same vote power as four New York voters. (Mouse over the map and it will show you where your state ranks in voting power.) <<​

Is it your position that the country "should be run by" the Wyomings and North Dakotas and fuck the New Yorkers and Texans and Pennsylvanians?

Now let's rerun that first sentence:
>> The average electoral vote represents 436,000 people, but that number rises and falls per state depending on that state’s population... <<​

--- So why not just apportion it evenly? If one EV represents 436,000 (or whatever number we may choose), make it represent the same thing everywhere.

Or are you still gonna insist that people who live around other people must be penalized?

in a word----------------YES. otherwise large numbers of citizens have no voice. Its why the EC was created, and like it or not, its not going away.
so we're sitting in a thread where people are bitching cause they want popular vote IN THIS INSTANCE and you're turning it into TRUMP BAD and making HIM look like HE doesn't like the constitution when again, the entire premise of this thread is mad cause the left lost and wants to rewrite the constitution to fit their current base of power.

Well, we probably do need to rewrite the best bad ideas of 18th Century Slave rapists.....

the fact that someone that BOTH parties knows is unqualified is in there after the people loudly said, "NO!" shows that the constitution has failed, miserably.
See your argument has no logic so demonize our founding fathers because you have zero respect for the country, just need to feed your ID like a 2 year old.

as for being upset about rapists at the start of our country well that really hasn't (cough clinton cough) changed now has it?

i wish to god the left would quit being so fucking emo-extreme and think everything should be decided on how they feel.


You "wish" an entire side of the political spectrum would emote with one voice so you could assign blanket personality traits?

Thinking is so much work, innit.

funny because that is exactly what the left is trying to do----------------make all of you into sheep/parrots who all think and say what they tell you to. If you dare leave the dem plantation you are to be ridiculed, called a traitor and a racist, especially if you happen to be black.

You fools demonize what you are, amazing.
so we're sitting in a thread where people are bitching cause they want popular vote IN THIS INSTANCE and you're turning it into TRUMP BAD and making HIM look like HE doesn't like the constitution when again, the entire premise of this thread is mad cause the left lost and wants to rewrite the constitution to fit their current base of power.

Well, we probably do need to rewrite the best bad ideas of 18th Century Slave rapists.....

the fact that someone that BOTH parties knows is unqualified is in there after the people loudly said, "NO!" shows that the constitution has failed, miserably.
See your argument has no logic so demonize our founding fathers because you have zero respect for the country, just need to feed your ID like a 2 year old.

as for being upset about rapists at the start of our country well that really hasn't (cough clinton cough) changed now has it?

i wish to god the left would quit being so fucking emo-extreme and think everything should be decided on how they feel.


You "wish" an entire side of the political spectrum would emote with one voice so you could assign blanket personality traits?

Thinking is so much work, innit.

funny because that is exactly what the left is trying to do----------------make all of you into sheep/parrots who all think and say what they tell you to. If you dare leave the dem plantation you are to be ridiculed, called a traitor and a racist, especially if you happen to be black.

You fools demonize what you are, amazing.

Yuh huh. And who would "you fools" be then, Mr.Oblivious-to-the-fact-that-you-just-did-the-same-thing?
We don't HAVE "a few large population centers deciding for all the states". That's a façile mythology with no basis.

I know it's easy to just keep regurgitating the same old bullshit script over and over and over but it doesn't render it any less bullshitious. The script has to make some kind of logical sense when it's first scripted, which this one NEVER has. The whole idea of voting is that the majority prevails, period. Therefore in any one of those states, whoever gets the most votes for Governor, is going to be Governor, simple as that. The fact that more people live in the cities of that state than in the hinterlands is irrelevant to anything. Are we going to penalize people for living in cities now? What is that, some kind of governmental repopulation plan?

If more people didn't live in cities ---- we wouldn't be calling them "cities" now would we. Think about it.

are you serious? its one continuous city from Boston to DC, another one from San Diego to LA, Houston to Dallas, Miami to Ft Lauderdale. Those are what is known as population centers, and most of their residents lean left and expect the govt to take care of them.

How about if you are on welfare or food stamps you don't get to vote, only taxpayers get to vote since they are the ones funding the government?

How about if you get off your perch and quit purporting to speak for X millions of people in the megalopoli who you don't even know? What a concept.

Again, the fact that you're butthurt about how (you perceive) some cherrypicked sector votes is irrelevant. That sector may be just as butthurt about the way you vote. That's why we all vote; mine counters yours. But I don't get to say yours doesn't count and you don't get to say mine doesn't.

I agree with your last sentence, and that is exactly why we have the EC, so that the votes of residents of the small states do in fact count and that those people are represented.
Not a complicated concept, you must be pretty dense.

Represented so much, in fact, that it takes four New Yorkers to equal one Wyoming voter.

(Map on this page sectioned, can't copy here) (unfortunately does not seem to include AK and HI)

Is it your opinion that some voter who lives in Ossining New York should have one-quarter of the vote of a resident of Cheyenne Wyoming?

From the link:
>> The average electoral vote represents 436,000 people, but that number rises and falls per state depending on that state’s population over 18 years of age. (The map above shows the population 18 years and older per electoral vote by state.) The states with the fewest people per electoral vote, and therefore the highest “vote power,” are Wyoming, Vermont, and North Dakota. In Wyoming, there are 143,000 people for each of its three electoral votes. The states with the weakest votes are New York, Florida, and California. These states each have around 500,000 people for each electoral vote.

In other words, one Wyoming voter has roughly the same vote power as four New York voters. (Mouse over the map and it will show you where your state ranks in voting power.) <<​

Is it your position that the country "should be run by" the Wyomings and North Dakotas and fuck the New Yorkers and Texans and Pennsylvanians?

Now let's rerun that first sentence:
>> The average electoral vote represents 436,000 people, but that number rises and falls per state depending on that state’s population... <<​

--- So why not just apportion it evenly? If one EV represents 436,000 (or whatever number we may choose), make it represent the same thing everywhere.

Or are you still gonna insist that people who live around other people must be penalized?

in a word----------------YES. otherwise large numbers of citizens have no voice. Its why the EC was created, and like it or not, its not going away.

Ummmmmm nnnnnnnnnno, it isn't. Once AGAIN nothing like our contemporary population centers (cities) existed when the EC was created. Nor for that matter did California. Or Texas. Most Americans lived on farms and in the sticks. Your fallacy is Anachronism. Try again.
are you serious? its one continuous city from Boston to DC, another one from San Diego to LA, Houston to Dallas, Miami to Ft Lauderdale. Those are what is known as population centers, and most of their residents lean left and expect the govt to take care of them.

How about if you are on welfare or food stamps you don't get to vote, only taxpayers get to vote since they are the ones funding the government?

How about if you get off your perch and quit purporting to speak for X millions of people in the megalopoli who you don't even know? What a concept.

Again, the fact that you're butthurt about how (you perceive) some cherrypicked sector votes is irrelevant. That sector may be just as butthurt about the way you vote. That's why we all vote; mine counters yours. But I don't get to say yours doesn't count and you don't get to say mine doesn't.

I agree with your last sentence, and that is exactly why we have the EC, so that the votes of residents of the small states do in fact count and that those people are represented.
Not a complicated concept, you must be pretty dense.

Represented so much, in fact, that it takes four New Yorkers to equal one Wyoming voter.

(Map on this page sectioned, can't copy here) (unfortunately does not seem to include AK and HI)

Is it your opinion that some voter who lives in Ossining New York should have one-quarter of the vote of a resident of Cheyenne Wyoming?

From the link:
>> The average electoral vote represents 436,000 people, but that number rises and falls per state depending on that state’s population over 18 years of age. (The map above shows the population 18 years and older per electoral vote by state.) The states with the fewest people per electoral vote, and therefore the highest “vote power,” are Wyoming, Vermont, and North Dakota. In Wyoming, there are 143,000 people for each of its three electoral votes. The states with the weakest votes are New York, Florida, and California. These states each have around 500,000 people for each electoral vote.

In other words, one Wyoming voter has roughly the same vote power as four New York voters. (Mouse over the map and it will show you where your state ranks in voting power.) <<​

Is it your position that the country "should be run by" the Wyomings and North Dakotas and fuck the New Yorkers and Texans and Pennsylvanians?

Now let's rerun that first sentence:
>> The average electoral vote represents 436,000 people, but that number rises and falls per state depending on that state’s population... <<​

--- So why not just apportion it evenly? If one EV represents 436,000 (or whatever number we may choose), make it represent the same thing everywhere.

Or are you still gonna insist that people who live around other people must be penalized?

in a word----------------YES. otherwise large numbers of citizens have no voice. Its why the EC was created, and like it or not, its not going away.

Ummmmmm nnnnnnnnnno, it isn't. Once AGAIN nothing like our contemporary population centers (cities) existed when the EC was created. Nor for that matter did California. Or Texas. Most Americans lived on farms and in the sticks. Your fallacy is Anachronism. Try again.

from the left wing Washington post..

In defense of the electoral college
How about if you get off your perch and quit purporting to speak for X millions of people in the megalopoli who you don't even know? What a concept.

Again, the fact that you're butthurt about how (you perceive) some cherrypicked sector votes is irrelevant. That sector may be just as butthurt about the way you vote. That's why we all vote; mine counters yours. But I don't get to say yours doesn't count and you don't get to say mine doesn't.

I agree with your last sentence, and that is exactly why we have the EC, so that the votes of residents of the small states do in fact count and that those people are represented.
Not a complicated concept, you must be pretty dense.

Represented so much, in fact, that it takes four New Yorkers to equal one Wyoming voter.

(Map on this page sectioned, can't copy here) (unfortunately does not seem to include AK and HI)

Is it your opinion that some voter who lives in Ossining New York should have one-quarter of the vote of a resident of Cheyenne Wyoming?

From the link:
>> The average electoral vote represents 436,000 people, but that number rises and falls per state depending on that state’s population over 18 years of age. (The map above shows the population 18 years and older per electoral vote by state.) The states with the fewest people per electoral vote, and therefore the highest “vote power,” are Wyoming, Vermont, and North Dakota. In Wyoming, there are 143,000 people for each of its three electoral votes. The states with the weakest votes are New York, Florida, and California. These states each have around 500,000 people for each electoral vote.

In other words, one Wyoming voter has roughly the same vote power as four New York voters. (Mouse over the map and it will show you where your state ranks in voting power.) <<​

Is it your position that the country "should be run by" the Wyomings and North Dakotas and fuck the New Yorkers and Texans and Pennsylvanians?

Now let's rerun that first sentence:
>> The average electoral vote represents 436,000 people, but that number rises and falls per state depending on that state’s population... <<​

--- So why not just apportion it evenly? If one EV represents 436,000 (or whatever number we may choose), make it represent the same thing everywhere.

Or are you still gonna insist that people who live around other people must be penalized?

in a word----------------YES. otherwise large numbers of citizens have no voice. Its why the EC was created, and like it or not, its not going away.

Ummmmmm nnnnnnnnnno, it isn't. Once AGAIN nothing like our contemporary population centers (cities) existed when the EC was created. Nor for that matter did California. Or Texas. Most Americans lived on farms and in the sticks. Your fallacy is Anachronism. Try again.

from the left wing Washington post..

In defense of the electoral college

Sorry, WaPo links are useless. I'm not buying. If you are go ahead and quote it.
so we're sitting in a thread where people are bitching cause they want popular vote IN THIS INSTANCE and you're turning it into TRUMP BAD and making HIM look like HE doesn't like the constitution when again, the entire premise of this thread is mad cause the left lost and wants to rewrite the constitution to fit their current base of power.

Well, we probably do need to rewrite the best bad ideas of 18th Century Slave rapists.....

the fact that someone that BOTH parties knows is unqualified is in there after the people loudly said, "NO!" shows that the constitution has failed, miserably.
See your argument has no logic so demonize our founding fathers because you have zero respect for the country, just need to feed your ID like a 2 year old.

as for being upset about rapists at the start of our country well that really hasn't (cough clinton cough) changed now has it?

i wish to god the left would quit being so fucking emo-extreme and think everything should be decided on how they feel.


You "wish" an entire side of the political spectrum would emote with one voice so you could assign blanket personality traits?

Thinking is so much work, innit.

funny because that is exactly what the left is trying to do----------------make all of you into sheep/parrots who all think and say what they tell you to. If you dare leave the dem plantation you are to be ridiculed, called a traitor and a racist, especially if you happen to be black.

You fools demonize what you are, amazing.

Yuh huh. And who would "you fools" be then, Mr.Oblivious-to-the-fact-that-you-just-did-the-same-thing?

nope, the truth is that conservatives think for themselves, and are not punished by the party for doing so. its only the dems who demand complete agreement and compliance.
Well, we probably do need to rewrite the best bad ideas of 18th Century Slave rapists.....

the fact that someone that BOTH parties knows is unqualified is in there after the people loudly said, "NO!" shows that the constitution has failed, miserably.
See your argument has no logic so demonize our founding fathers because you have zero respect for the country, just need to feed your ID like a 2 year old.

as for being upset about rapists at the start of our country well that really hasn't (cough clinton cough) changed now has it?

i wish to god the left would quit being so fucking emo-extreme and think everything should be decided on how they feel.


You "wish" an entire side of the political spectrum would emote with one voice so you could assign blanket personality traits?

Thinking is so much work, innit.

funny because that is exactly what the left is trying to do----------------make all of you into sheep/parrots who all think and say what they tell you to. If you dare leave the dem plantation you are to be ridiculed, called a traitor and a racist, especially if you happen to be black.

You fools demonize what you are, amazing.

Yuh huh. And who would "you fools" be then, Mr.Oblivious-to-the-fact-that-you-just-did-the-same-thing?

nope, the truth is that conservatives think for themselves, and are not punished by the party for doing so. its only the dems who demand complete agreement and compliance.

So you're still locked into party-think and purporting to preach to an Independent.

Think about it.

But your irony does remind me of a famous quote from one Will Rogers:
"I do not belong to an organized political party ---- I am a Democrat".
I agree with your last sentence, and that is exactly why we have the EC, so that the votes of residents of the small states do in fact count and that those people are represented.
Not a complicated concept, you must be pretty dense.

Represented so much, in fact, that it takes four New Yorkers to equal one Wyoming voter.

(Map on this page sectioned, can't copy here) (unfortunately does not seem to include AK and HI)

Is it your opinion that some voter who lives in Ossining New York should have one-quarter of the vote of a resident of Cheyenne Wyoming?

From the link:
>> The average electoral vote represents 436,000 people, but that number rises and falls per state depending on that state’s population over 18 years of age. (The map above shows the population 18 years and older per electoral vote by state.) The states with the fewest people per electoral vote, and therefore the highest “vote power,” are Wyoming, Vermont, and North Dakota. In Wyoming, there are 143,000 people for each of its three electoral votes. The states with the weakest votes are New York, Florida, and California. These states each have around 500,000 people for each electoral vote.

In other words, one Wyoming voter has roughly the same vote power as four New York voters. (Mouse over the map and it will show you where your state ranks in voting power.) <<​

Is it your position that the country "should be run by" the Wyomings and North Dakotas and fuck the New Yorkers and Texans and Pennsylvanians?

Now let's rerun that first sentence:
>> The average electoral vote represents 436,000 people, but that number rises and falls per state depending on that state’s population... <<​

--- So why not just apportion it evenly? If one EV represents 436,000 (or whatever number we may choose), make it represent the same thing everywhere.

Or are you still gonna insist that people who live around other people must be penalized?

in a word----------------YES. otherwise large numbers of citizens have no voice. Its why the EC was created, and like it or not, its not going away.

Ummmmmm nnnnnnnnnno, it isn't. Once AGAIN nothing like our contemporary population centers (cities) existed when the EC was created. Nor for that matter did California. Or Texas. Most Americans lived on farms and in the sticks. Your fallacy is Anachronism. Try again.

from the left wing Washington post..

In defense of the electoral college

Sorry, WaPo links are useless. I'm not buying. If you are go ahead and quote it.

so if a left wing publication doesn't toe the line it is to be denigrated? You are pathetic.
See your argument has no logic so demonize our founding fathers because you have zero respect for the country, just need to feed your ID like a 2 year old.

as for being upset about rapists at the start of our country well that really hasn't (cough clinton cough) changed now has it?

i wish to god the left would quit being so fucking emo-extreme and think everything should be decided on how they feel.


You "wish" an entire side of the political spectrum would emote with one voice so you could assign blanket personality traits?

Thinking is so much work, innit.

funny because that is exactly what the left is trying to do----------------make all of you into sheep/parrots who all think and say what they tell you to. If you dare leave the dem plantation you are to be ridiculed, called a traitor and a racist, especially if you happen to be black.

You fools demonize what you are, amazing.

Yuh huh. And who would "you fools" be then, Mr.Oblivious-to-the-fact-that-you-just-did-the-same-thing?

nope, the truth is that conservatives think for themselves, and are not punished by the party for doing so. its only the dems who demand complete agreement and compliance.

So you're still locked into party-think and purporting to preach to an Independent.

Think about it.

you are no more an independent than Pelosi, Schumer, or crazy Maxine.
You "wish" an entire side of the political spectrum would emote with one voice so you could assign blanket personality traits?

Thinking is so much work, innit.

funny because that is exactly what the left is trying to do----------------make all of you into sheep/parrots who all think and say what they tell you to. If you dare leave the dem plantation you are to be ridiculed, called a traitor and a racist, especially if you happen to be black.

You fools demonize what you are, amazing.

Yuh huh. And who would "you fools" be then, Mr.Oblivious-to-the-fact-that-you-just-did-the-same-thing?

nope, the truth is that conservatives think for themselves, and are not punished by the party for doing so. its only the dems who demand complete agreement and compliance.

So you're still locked into party-think and purporting to preach to an Independent.

Think about it.

you are no more an independent than Pelosi, Schumer, or crazy Maxine.

Ummmm yeah OK. Post my voter registration and prove it then. Obviously you have a copy.
Represented so much, in fact, that it takes four New Yorkers to equal one Wyoming voter.

(Map on this page sectioned, can't copy here) (unfortunately does not seem to include AK and HI)

Is it your opinion that some voter who lives in Ossining New York should have one-quarter of the vote of a resident of Cheyenne Wyoming?

From the link:
>> The average electoral vote represents 436,000 people, but that number rises and falls per state depending on that state’s population over 18 years of age. (The map above shows the population 18 years and older per electoral vote by state.) The states with the fewest people per electoral vote, and therefore the highest “vote power,” are Wyoming, Vermont, and North Dakota. In Wyoming, there are 143,000 people for each of its three electoral votes. The states with the weakest votes are New York, Florida, and California. These states each have around 500,000 people for each electoral vote.

In other words, one Wyoming voter has roughly the same vote power as four New York voters. (Mouse over the map and it will show you where your state ranks in voting power.) <<​

Is it your position that the country "should be run by" the Wyomings and North Dakotas and fuck the New Yorkers and Texans and Pennsylvanians?

Now let's rerun that first sentence:
>> The average electoral vote represents 436,000 people, but that number rises and falls per state depending on that state’s population... <<​

--- So why not just apportion it evenly? If one EV represents 436,000 (or whatever number we may choose), make it represent the same thing everywhere.

Or are you still gonna insist that people who live around other people must be penalized?

in a word----------------YES. otherwise large numbers of citizens have no voice. Its why the EC was created, and like it or not, its not going away.

Ummmmmm nnnnnnnnnno, it isn't. Once AGAIN nothing like our contemporary population centers (cities) existed when the EC was created. Nor for that matter did California. Or Texas. Most Americans lived on farms and in the sticks. Your fallacy is Anachronism. Try again.

from the left wing Washington post..

In defense of the electoral college

Sorry, WaPo links are useless. I'm not buying. If you are go ahead and quote it.

so if a left wing publication doesn't toe the line it is to be denigrated? You are pathetic.

SO the WaPo charges for access, Dumbass. And I'm NOT BUYING. Which is what I just said.

Am I writing in Slovenian here or what? Do I need to get Michelle O'bama in here to translate?
See your argument has no logic so demonize our founding fathers because you have zero respect for the country, just need to feed your ID like a 2 year old.

as for being upset about rapists at the start of our country well that really hasn't (cough clinton cough) changed now has it?

i wish to god the left would quit being so fucking emo-extreme and think everything should be decided on how they feel.

Yawn, buddy, you get any Republican talking honestly, they'll admit they are as horrified by Trump as the left is. seriously, it's a daily horror show with that guy.

But the Founding Fathers were slave owners who talked a good game about "all men being created equal" but then went home and exploited their slaves and protected the interests of slave owners. The effects are still felt today.

Trump has exposed all the flaws in our system where he could be voted against by large majorities, TWICE, and still be in charge.

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