Should The Second Amendment Be Amended

if yes what should be changed and why
if no, reasons why

from Scotland and have to write about the American constitution in a modern studies essay. need to get primary source info from Americans on their views if the second amendment (sorry the question is a bit vague)
It already was amended. See 14th amendment.
if yes what should be changed and why
if no, reasons why

from Scotland and have to write about the American constitution in a modern studies essay. need to get primary source info from Americans on their views if the second amendment (sorry the question is a bit vague)

Yeah, the "a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state" part should be removed.
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Should the first amendment be repealed?
Without the second the first would be.
if yes what should be changed and why
if no, reasons why

from Scotland and have to write about the American constitution in a modern studies essay. need to get primary source info from Americans on their views if the second amendment (sorry the question is a bit vague)

Here's something to chew on:

Thanks to strict criminal laws, working conditions in Great Britain are the safest in the Western world—that is, if your profession is burglary. On the other hand, if you’re a law-abiding citizen quietly staying at home, you’re at much greater risk in the nearly gun-free United Kingdom, than in the gun-happy United States of America.

In late October, teacher Robert Symonds, who lived in the London suburb of Putney, was stabbed to death in his home by a burglar. Last week, in Halifax (near Manchester), 71-year-old priest Father Ingwell was stabbed several times by a burglar. The same week, burglars in the fancy London neighborhood of Chelsea stabbed banker John Monckton to death. Terrifying home invasion burglaries are not rare events in England. Overall, Great Britain has a higher violent crime rate than the United States, and a higher burglary rate. Significantly, only about one-eighth of American burglaries take place while the victim is home, whereas over half of all British burglaries do.

One reason that British burglars are so much bolder than their American cousins is that only about 4% of British homes legally possess a gun, whereas about half of American homes do. British police administrators require guns at home to be stored unloaded in a safe, and that ammunition be in a separate safe. No American jurisdiction has such extreme “safe storage” requirements. As a result, an American burglar who breaks into an occupied home faces a significant risk of getting shot.
Here's a bit more to chew on:

It is axiomatic in the United States that burglars avoid occupied homes. As an introductory criminology textbook explains, "Burglars do not want contact with occupants; they depend on stealth for success." [FN8] Only thirteen percent of U.S. residential burglaries are attempted against occupied homes. [FN9] But this happy fact of life, so taken for granted in the United States, is not universal.

The overall Canadian burglary rate is higher than the American one, and a Canadian burglary is four times more likely to take place when the victims are home. [FN10]

In Toronto, forty-four percent of burglaries were against occupied homes, and twenty-one percent involved a confrontation with the victim. [FN11] Most Canadian residential burglaries occur at night, while American burglars are known to prefer daytime entry to reduce the risk of an armed confrontation. [FN12]

Research by the federal government's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention found that, based on 1994 data, American youths 10 to 17 years old had much higher arrest rates than Canadian youths for every category of violent and property crime. The lone exception was burglary, for which Canadian youths were one-third more likely to be involved. [FN13] In cities such as Vancouver, home invasion burglaries aimed at elderly people have become endemic, and murders of the elderly during those burglaries all too frequent. [FN14] Unfortunately, help from the government is not always available. In Quebec, the provincial police (Sureté du Québec) are under orders from their commander to reduce arrests for burglary, because the jails are full. [FN15]​
if yes what should be changed and why
if no, reasons why

from Scotland and have to write about the American constitution in a modern studies essay. need to get primary source info from Americans on their views if the second amendment (sorry the question is a bit vague)

One more for the road. Spend some time and compare homicide and firearm homicide rates around the world and link to level of gun ownership but control for race and you see that the US white homicide rate is not proportional to the level of gun ownership.

The US doesn't have a high homicide rate because of too many guns. Our homicide rate in our black community typically matches the homicide rate seen in African nations.

if yes what should be changed and why
if no, reasons why

from Scotland and have to write about the American constitution in a modern studies essay. need to get primary source info from Americans on their views if the second amendment (sorry the question is a bit vague)

One more for the road. Spend some time and compare homicide and firearm homicide rates around the world and link to level of gun ownership but control for race and you see that the US white homicide rate is not proportional to the level of gun ownership.

The US doesn't have a high homicide rate because of too many guns. Our homicide rate in our black community typically matches the homicide rate seen in African nations.


Great post. The truth is large.
Amend an amendment? Do we do that?

What will the lefties think of next?
Yeah it should say

CONGRESS shall make no laws whatsoever concerning the right of the people to keep, posses, own and bear arms and the Executive Branch shall make no regulations interfering with the right of the people, individually or collectively, to keep , posses, bear and own arms.

Any member of congress who proposes such a law shall be tried for capital treason
your first point says they see guns as a tool of war then go on to say we needed to protect ourselves from spanish, mexicans and indians which we conquered by WAR. which is what guns are usually supposed to be associated with. your second point is that we are many trying to be one and those among us are more violent then their homogenous groups. WRONG,. we, the whites of American, have always been more violent then the peaceful people we've conquered. We have been shrewder about it and better at hiding it ommitting it from our history books to protect the guilty. your third post is not worth responding to. thanks. now let's have a look at the 4th. same answer i already gave and some to the third as well.

The version of what I said according to an angry child with a thin knowledge of history and a heavy bias and agenda.
peace out. nice chatting. no hard feelings. are you packing? i bet they gave you a carry permit too. lol.

No, no hard feelings at all. I just think you're an illiterate simpleton. If you ever actually want to discuss what I actually said, let me know.
No, there is no need to modify the 2nd amendment.

But if you insist, then remove the first 13 words.

That won't change what it means at all. But it will eliminate one of the excuses the left uses to pretend it doesn't mean what it says.
if yes what should be changed and why
if no, reasons why

from Scotland and have to write about the American constitution in a modern studies essay. need to get primary source info from Americans on their views if the second amendment (sorry the question is a bit vague)
This doesn't make any sense.

Amendments can't be 'amended.'

In America the judicial branch of government determines what the Constitution means, including the Second Amendment, in accordance with the rule of law, one of the many advantages of living in a Republic as opposed to a democracy, such as the UK.

In the United States citizens' civil rights are not subject to the capricious whims of simple majorities; Constitutional case law is settled, accepted, and applied consistently, thus safeguarding the individual liberty of every American.
if yes what should be changed and why
if no, reasons why

from Scotland and have to write about the American constitution in a modern studies essay. need to get primary source info from Americans on their views if the second amendment (sorry the question is a bit vague)
This doesn't make any sense.

Amendments can't be 'amended.'

In America the judicial branch of government determines what the Constitution means, including the Second Amendment, in accordance with the rule of law, one of the many advantages of living in a Republic as opposed to a democracy, such as the UK.

In the United States citizens' civil rights are not subject to the capricious whims of simple majorities; Constitutional case law is settled, accepted, and applied consistently, thus safeguarding the individual liberty of every American.
Wrong the government does not determine what the Constitution means. The Constitution was set up telling the government what it cannot do. The bill of rights was set up to protect the citizens from the government telling the government what it cannot do against the people. YOU FUCKING DUMB ASS.

Show of hands, who wants to amend the Second Amendment?

American Progressive are no different that their forefathers, Mao, Stalin and Hitler. They're craving elimination of the Second Amendment so they can rule like a dictatorship.
werent these folks with their hands up well armed? they were all gun nuts too.
The population, the people they reigned over were not
Our Founding Fathers new that one day our government would become corrupt and the people would have to throw them out violently.

the right to bear arms is supposed to be any arm of any kind.

As it is, the police are better armed than most citizens are allowed.

I don't think I need to tell you the history of English tyranny, but it would be nice if you reminded the leftist of America
if yes what should be changed and why
if no, reasons why

from Scotland and have to write about the American constitution in a modern studies essay. need to get primary source info from Americans on their views if the second amendment (sorry the question is a bit vague)
You don't want people to have guns. Not vague at all.
if yes what should be changed and why
if no, reasons why

from Scotland and have to write about the American constitution in a modern studies essay. need to get primary source info from Americans on their views if the second amendment (sorry the question is a bit vague)
This doesn't make any sense.

Amendments can't be 'amended.'

In America the judicial branch of government determines what the Constitution means, including the Second Amendment, in accordance with the rule of law, one of the many advantages of living in a Republic as opposed to a democracy, such as the UK.

In the United States citizens' civil rights are not subject to the capricious whims of simple majorities; Constitutional case law is settled, accepted, and applied consistently, thus safeguarding the individual liberty of every American.
Wrong the government does not determine what the Constitution means. The Constitution was set up telling the government what it cannot do. The bill of rights was set up to protect the citizens from the government telling the government what it cannot do against the people. YOU FUCKING DUMB ASS.
He's not the dumb ass. You are.

Show of hands, who wants to amend the Second Amendment?

American Progressive are no different that their forefathers, Mao, Stalin and Hitler. They're craving elimination of the Second Amendment so they can rule like a dictatorship.
werent these folks with their hands up well armed? they were all gun nuts too.
Their victims were unarmed. Same thing happened in Progressive Uncle Joe's USSR and in Progressive Chairman Mao's China. Progressive take away the arms so they can fill the mass graves. Progressives are history's biggest mass murderers, killing their own countrymen on a scale that's beyond comprehension

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