Should the United States go back to a top federal tax rate of 70%?

Should the United States go back to a top federal tax rate of 70%?

  • Yes

  • No

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There are taxes on capital gains. They need to be raised!

If you want to stop growth, that's exactly what you do.

The reason capital gains taxes are not ridiculous is to encourage investments in the US. If tax rates are too high, the risk of making money is not worth it. Investors would rather invest in tax-free bonds or off shore investments.

So now we make capital gains taxes 50%. You purchased your home in 1990 for 150K. Today you sold it for 250K. You made 100K from your long-term investment. But now you owe government 50K of that for capital gains taxes.

The United States has one of the lowest tax rates in the world in terms of a revenue collected per year as a percentage of its GDP. U.S. tax revenues are only about 22% of annual GDP while in a country like Norway, they amount to nearly 60% of GDP. Is business and investment dead in Norway? Nope. Norway has a strong economy.
That $20 trillion debt is not going to pay itself off.

Since every fiat Federal Reserve note is borrowed into existence with interest attached to it? How could the debt of USA.INC ever be paid back ? Throw in all other countries that have a central bank. None of this is by accident because that is what these parasitic entities were created to do.
1812 is world that no longer exist. The United States has interest all over the world that is vital to its economy and its survival. As time goes by, the world becomes ever more interdependent. Isolationism has been dead since the 19th century. A country like Switzerland is dependent upon NATO for its true security.
Thank you, Woodrow Wilson.

I agree, the US had absolutely no business in WWI and it totally screwed up Europe for a long time, because it was an evil war.

What war is not evil?
Thank you Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!!!

Poll: A majority of Americans support raising the top tax rate to 70 percent

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and her Republican critics have both called her proposal to dramatically increase America's highest tax rate "radical" but a new poll released Tuesday indicates that a majority of Americans agrees with the idea.

In the latest The Hill-HarrisX survey, which was conducted Jan. 12 and 13 after the newly elected congresswoman called for the U.S. to raise its highest tax rate to 70 percent, found that a sizable majority of registered voters, 59 percent, supports the idea.

Wait so Cortex has this great College degree and she's still working in a restaurant before she is elected, and that makes her some economic wizard we should listen to?
There are taxes on capital gains. They need to be raised!

If you want to stop growth, that's exactly what you do.

The reason capital gains taxes are not ridiculous is to encourage investments in the US. If tax rates are too high, the risk of making money is not worth it. Investors would rather invest in tax-free bonds or off shore investments.

So now we make capital gains taxes 50%. You purchased your home in 1990 for 150K. Today you sold it for 250K. You made 100K from your long-term investment. But now you owe government 50K of that for capital gains taxes.

The United States has one of the lowest tax rates in the world in terms of a revenue collected per year as a percentage of its GDP. U.S. tax revenues are only about 22% of annual GDP while in a country like Norway, they amount to nearly 60% of GDP. Is business and investment dead in Norway? Nope. Norway has a strong economy.
Who are you kidding? Federal taxes are just the start. Then add social security/medicare. And we are ready to start the race. We are taxed at that rate also. Only we add other things like massive security state and military that denies us things. We do get a benefit of our fiat currency used as a medium of exchange without a surcharge for much of our business and trade. There are hundreds and thousands of taxes we pay. And it adds up. Also, many of the products made here are taxed at each level of production until the completed product. That can be 20% of the cost before we are charged again as a sales tax and more.
Typical libstain wants your money so she can spend it. Fuck all that.

It's not tax revenue they're after. It's power. Very few wealthy people will pay 70%. They'll leave the country first, and politicians know that. So, such insane tax rates always come with a wheel barrow full of "incentives" and loopholes. Congress uses these as carrots and sticks to manipulate society, to control private wealth. As long as rich people do as they're told, and don't piss off Congress, they'll be left alone, with most of their wealth intact.
we don't need the taxes if we abolish our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.

Just declare anarchy.

Have you got your guns and farmland?
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States. No anarchy allowed.

We have our Orders.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Your premise seems to be everything belongs to the collective. You are advocating slavery. Ones earnings belong to no one but the earner. The great experiment in collectivism (the Soviet Union) failed. You are one of those who refuses to learn from history.
Your premise seems to be everything belongs to the collective. You are advocating slavery. Ones earnings belong to no one but the earner. The great experiment in collectivism (the Soviet Union) failed. You are one of those who refuses to learn from history.
Government is socialism. We have a Constitution.
It is! We can start with the bloated Defense budget. We don't need billions of spending on new tanks.

Yes we do. The Russians have a brand new tank called the T-14 Armata have leaped ahead of the United States and the West in Tank technology. First production model was released in 2015, although full production to replace Russia's tank fleet has not started yet. Still though, that's way ahead of the United States and other Western countries. The last time the United Sates started mass producing a new tank was in 1981. Roughly the same time period for the United Kingdom and Germany. Germany is dusting of plans to build the Leopard III tank with France. The United States is still just upgrading the old M1 tank without any new firm plans to replace it. As a result, In the 2020s, NATO will have a much greater challenge in defending its eastern border especially in areas like Estonia and Latvia.
If we go to war with Russia it won’t be with tanks. Their tanks are for intimidating Ukraine and their neighbors.

What was the last war overseas that we fought without tanks?
Bosnian War. consider that a real war? How many Americans were injured or killed during that vicious war?
None. We had a real Commander in Chief for that one.
Typical libstain wants your money so she can spend it. Fuck all that.
We've already established that neither you, nor anyone in here, nor perhaps 80% plus of Americans will be affected by such a tax plan

Would your income be affected by Ocasio Cortez’s 70% marginal tax rate plan

Stop being so melodramatic.
But NLT is gonna move out of that trailer park and start that company that makes him $10M per year. So he must oppose this NOW.
Sorry bud but my neighborhood dont allow trailers. We have to keep our RV's in offsite storage.
the environmental groups are great and all...but they think the planet’s gonna melt in five years. I don’t. I think carbon pollution, all things considered, is bad for human beings. But it’s not what I think of when I wake up in the morning

we dont need a 70 percent tax to fight "climate change", my friends
I don't care what the majority of Americans want in this particular case (though usually, I do).

Most Americans are not in the tax bracket in question - naturally they will be for raising the tax rate in a tax bracket they have nothing to do with.

The ONLY, truly fair tax is where every American (who is not poor - it is pointless to tax poor people) pays EXACTLY the same tax rate...including capital gains.

Raising taxes on anybody has an indirect effect on everybody.

If it's one thing I learned, it's that the rich guy never takes the hit. Come up with some tax scheme for companies, they simply increase the price of their products, freeze pay increases and benefits for their workers, move some or all operations overseas, and it's the little guy who always ends up paying or getting hurt.

Let's say you came across a small fortune: a small lottery winning, winning a huge lawsuit, being an heir of a wealthy relative. Now you have 200K to do with what you want. Would you risk that money in investments if government is going to take almost 3/4 of it if you make out? It's simply not worth the risk.

People investing money is what makes our world go round., Bring that to a halt and you do the same for our economy.

Tax policy is about what is best for the country as a whole, not the rich, or individuals in the middle class etc. In order for the nation and government to survive and thrive, tax revenue must be raised in the quantities that are needed for national defense and other government functions regardless of whether you think a certain rate is "fair" or penalizes success.

Which is why everybody should be paying income tax. However that's simply not the case. Almost half of our country doesn't pay one dime into income tax. And I don't care about payroll deductions since you get most of that back in social programs and it goes to operate local governments.

I understand that we need taxes to operate the federal government, but I also understand the waste of money by our federal government. I'll vote for the representative the gives me the most goodies as long as they send the bill to you. That's how we got 20 trillion in the hole.

If we raised the marginal rate to 70%, who would want to create wealth? It's simply not worth your time or money. Given the fact the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 70% of all collected income taxes and you think it's not fair, then what percentage should they be paying?
I would like to know which members of the USMB here warm over $10 million a year.

The income above 10 million will be taxed at 70%.

Please vote in my poll.

It depends on what the rest of the tables would look like. Would she double all the marginal rates?

I doubt she has any plan. She's just throwing that out to see the reaction.

I think you're probably right, but I just wanted to throw a wet blanket on the OP. He's clueless about her plans. Ya never want to give a commie power. They'll pick your pocket clean.

35 years now of GOP giveaway to the rich has ruined the middle class and the country. You are absolutely Clueless. If the GOP didn't have lies and racism, they would have nothing at all. Always a disaster.... C 1929 1989 2008 allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, and now trade wars tariff fights and chaos for no good reason...
The give away to the rich will become very apparent for many when they do their taxes. For those with a large family and a mortgage, a $24,000 standard deduction is not equal to the loss of personal exemptions + deductions. For single parents it can be even worse.
The United States has one of the lowest tax rates in the world in terms of a revenue collected per year as a percentage of its GDP. U.S. tax revenues are only about 22% of annual GDP while in a country like Norway, they amount to nearly 60% of GDP. Is business and investment dead in Norway? Nope. Norway has a strong economy.

That's a great thing! We have the greatest country in the world. We have millions of people trying to get into America or a better life. Are millions trying to get into Norway?

What are the serious problems concerning Norway?
Geir Harald Hansen, lives in Norway
Jan 17, 2018 · David Reksten, lived in Oslo, Norway

The biggest threat to Norway is financial collapse.

Norway is a banana republic, economically. We don’t have much other than oil going for us. We also have a huge government with much wasteful spending.

The government has a large fund created from oil profits. But this is all promised away in pensions.

There is an imbalance in the size of generations. Soon we will have a lot of pensioners and too few young people to work and pay taxes.

Many immigrants don’t get a job and end up on permanent welfare. We are importing poverty.

The income from oil has dropped and the oil won’t last forever. There is nothing to replace it. There is a belief that government does things best. Private initiative has been strangled. At some point they realized it has gone too far so they tried to fix it with more government. They created something called Innovation Norway. It’s a government agency that takes our tax money and throws it at startups they think look cool. It doesn’t appear to be a good solution so far.

So we are becoming a country of no money, no source of new money, with old people on pensions and young people on welfare.
If you want to stop growth, that's exactly what you do.

The reason capital gains taxes are not ridiculous is to encourage investments in the US. If tax rates are too high, the risk of making money is not worth it. Investors would rather invest in tax-free bonds or off shore investments.

So now we make capital gains taxes 50%. You purchased your home in 1990 for 150K. Today you sold it for 250K. You made 100K from your long-term investment. But now you owe government 50K of that for capital gains taxes.

Usually, I agree with you 99 percent of the time but not this time.

There are no income or capital gains taxes on the sale of your private residence up to $250,000 gain if single or $500,000 if married. You can do this every two years. It is an excellent tool for investors. Having been a Realtor for over 45 years, all my investments were in real estate. Also by moving into one of your rental properties, you can convert it to your personal residence in three or four years. By using tax-free exchanges, I traded smaller houses for larger ones. All it takes is knowledge and planning. Now I'm in the house I wanted to retire in and I have a couple of free and clear rental properties. I also now have some money in stocks and cash but I hate the thought of paying taxes on the sale of stocks. I'm just spoiled.
Raising taxes on the rich does not hurt the economy and brings in vital tax revenue to pay for government programs including defense. The best policy is maximizing tax revenue coming into the government without hurting economic growth. Raising taxes on the rich income, capital gains, land, property accomplishes that goal. You want to keep taxes low or next to nothing on the lower class and middle class since they do most of the consumer spending. 70% of GDP growth comes from consumer spending.

We desperately need to the day when low and middle-income people ALSO paid income taxes. Today, as you know, 47 percent of households pay no income taxes. If they started to pay their fair share, we would soon be on our way to a fiscally responsible government.

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