Should There Be Some Limit on Freedom of Speech?

The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
IMO its not a freedom of speech issue. If you break my rules while in my home I reserve the right to kick your ass out of my home. If you want freedom of speech on the internet start your own platform.

View attachment 513663
ever hear of a monopoly?
Ever hear of MySpace? They WERE a big deal and now their gone. Nothing is permanent about anything. If it’s such a problem, why haven’t the entrepreneurs on the right done anything about it or are the courts just an easy way out? Reagan would be embarrassed.

A fascit fucktard like you invoking Reagan is as pathetic as you can get.

Fascitbook joining the feds to decide for everyone else what is "misinformation" or not is straight out of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.....In Murica, it's known as "prior restraint" and ruled by USSC as defacto censorship.

You're not half paranoid about trump getting kicked of fb.
what does that even mean?
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
IMO its not a freedom of speech issue. If you break my rules while in my home I reserve the right to kick your ass out of my home. If you want freedom of speech on the internet start your own platform.

View attachment 513663
ever hear of a monopoly?
Ever hear of MySpace? They WERE a big deal and now their gone. Nothing is permanent about anything. If it’s such a problem, why haven’t the entrepreneurs on the right done anything about it or are the courts just an easy way out? Reagan would be embarrassed.
Myspace is still here.
LOL liar. You spread misinformation. Your speech should be banned. Myspace is Facebook.

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The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.

Yes. All rights have limits.

Basically rights are "you can do whatever you like as long as you don't infringe on other people's rights". So anything that infringes on the rights of others is a limit.
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.

Yelling "Fire" (emergency, act quickly!) in a crowded theater (captive audience) is much different than putting disputable opinions and facts on the internet.

The govt has no right to meddle in what a free people want to say online UNLESS they are organizing to do something that would cause a fire in a crowded theater.

Talking about medicine, even if the govt claims PANDEMIC!, does not qualify.
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
We don't need the fucking government telling us what we can and can't say.

If people are stupid enough to believe what they read on Facebook then IMO that's just evolution's way of culling the herd
Thats only true if their stupidity doesn't have any affect on you.
It doesn't

I got vaccinated
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.

Yelling "Fire" (emergency, act quickly!) in a crowded theater (captive audience) is much different than putting disputable opinions and facts on the internet.

The govt has no right to meddle in what a free people want to say online UNLESS they are organizing to do something that would cause a fire in a crowded theater.

Talking about medicine, even if the govt claims PANDEMIC!, does not qualify.

Thank goodness Facebook and Twitter are private.... but NewsMax can still spread lies and hysteria so there's that.
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.

Yelling "Fire" (emergency, act quickly!) in a crowded theater (captive audience) is much different than putting disputable opinions and facts on the internet.

The govt has no right to meddle in what a free people want to say online UNLESS they are organizing to do something that would cause a fire in a crowded theater.

Talking about medicine, even if the govt claims PANDEMIC!, does not qualify.

Thank goodness Facebook and Twitter are private.... but NewsMax can still spread lies and hysteria so there's that.

Matters not if they are "private". If they are deleting and/or manipulating speech at the behest of the US govt for reasons OTHER than nat'l security, that's in violation of the Constitution.
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
We don't need the fucking government telling us what we can and can't say.

If people are stupid enough to believe what they read on Facebook then IMO that's just evolution's way of culling the herd
54% of teens get their news from social media and they are certainly not all stupid. In few years, they will be running this country. If in 1776, every single person in the colonies including, every race, every religion, every loyalist to crown, and every mentally derange person had the capability to share every thought and everything they have herd to every other person, I think the 1st amendment would look a tot different.
With freedom comes risk.

And I disagree that all teens aren't dumb
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
The problem is that some entity would have to be given the authority to decide what is/is not information vs misinformation and the authority to act on that opinion. Censorship.
Each individual must have the freedom to decide for themselves what truths or lies they are willing to believe.
And when it effects others? Like blatant lies about elections? Misinformation about vaccinations. When it starts effecting peoples' lives in a negative way or undermines democratic institutions, then something has to be done.
What makes you think those people would do anything differently if speech was regulated by the government.

This is just confirmation bias. People look for validation of the dumb shit they believe.
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
We don't need the fucking government telling us what we can and can't say.

If people are stupid enough to believe what they read on Facebook then IMO that's just evolution's way of culling the herd
54% of teens get their news from social media and they are certainly not all stupid. In few years, they will be running this country. If in 1776, every single person in the colonies including, every race, every religion, every loyalist to crown, and every mentally derange person had the capability to share every thought and everything they have herd to every other person, I think the 1st amendment would look a tot different.
Woa you're going off the deep end here
I don't think so. If the founders had seen the almost unspeakable internet pornography children are exposed to today under the guise of freedom of speech, the inciting of riots, and misinformation sickening and killing people, they probably would have ban the internet. The point being, the founders wrote the constitution based on the world as it was then.
I doubt that.

The founders understood that there is risk in freedom and that people have the right to make their own decisions even if you disagree with those decisions
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.

Yelling "Fire" (emergency, act quickly!) in a crowded theater (captive audience) is much different than putting disputable opinions and facts on the internet.

The govt has no right to meddle in what a free people want to say online UNLESS they are organizing to do something that would cause a fire in a crowded theater.

Talking about medicine, even if the govt claims PANDEMIC!, does not qualify.

Thank goodness Facebook and Twitter are private.... but NewsMax can still spread lies and hysteria so there's that.

Matters not if they are "private". If they are deleting and/or manipulating speech at the behest of the US govt for reasons OTHER than nat'l security, that's in violation of the Constitution.

This is a private board and they set their terms of service on USMB.

Bill O'Reilly doesn't agree with you..He and Trump are suing media outlets for stating thier ticket sales are going slow.
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.

Yelling "Fire" (emergency, act quickly!) in a crowded theater (captive audience) is much different than putting disputable opinions and facts on the internet.

The govt has no right to meddle in what a free people want to say online UNLESS they are organizing to do something that would cause a fire in a crowded theater.

Talking about medicine, even if the govt claims PANDEMIC!, does not qualify.

Thank goodness Facebook and Twitter are private.... but NewsMax can still spread lies and hysteria so there's that.
Our nation has been dying slowly. The revelation that most of the media are shills for Progressive Socialist agendas is near a death knell for it. They investigate so little on Prog politicians. And those that do may end up in cement shoes at the bottom of the sea. Every Repub president is belittled by them. Reagan was belittled by the then social media system. Investigation of the Biden family is warranted. Yet nothing. Investigation of the Clinton family is warranted. Yet nothing. Investigation of some powerful Prog politicians in D.C. is warranted. Yet nothing.
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.

Yelling "Fire" (emergency, act quickly!) in a crowded theater (captive audience) is much different than putting disputable opinions and facts on the internet.

The govt has no right to meddle in what a free people want to say online UNLESS they are organizing to do something that would cause a fire in a crowded theater.

Talking about medicine, even if the govt claims PANDEMIC!, does not qualify.

Thank goodness Facebook and Twitter are private.... but NewsMax can still spread lies and hysteria so there's that.
Our nation has been dying slowly. The revelation that most of the media are shills for Progressive Socialist agendas is near a death knell for it. They investigate so little on Prog politicians. And those that do may end up in cement shoes at the bottom of the sea. Every Repub president is belittled by them. Reagan was belittled by the then social media system. Investigation of the Biden family is warranted. Yet nothing. Investigation of the Clinton family is warranted. Yet nothing. Investigation of some powerful Prog politicians in D.C. is warranted. Yet nothing.

Bill O'Reilly is suing media outlets for reporting that his rally sales are slow and Trump tried to stop the publication of 5 books in the past two years.. Remember?
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.

Yelling "Fire" (emergency, act quickly!) in a crowded theater (captive audience) is much different than putting disputable opinions and facts on the internet.

The govt has no right to meddle in what a free people want to say online UNLESS they are organizing to do something that would cause a fire in a crowded theater.

Talking about medicine, even if the govt claims PANDEMIC!, does not qualify.

Thank goodness Facebook and Twitter are private.... but NewsMax can still spread lies and hysteria so there's that.

Matters not if they are "private". If they are deleting and/or manipulating speech at the behest of the US govt for reasons OTHER than nat'l security, that's in violation of the Constitution.

This is a private board and they set their terms of service on USMB.

Bill O'Reilly doesn't agree with you..He and Trump are suing media outlets for stating thier ticket sales are going slow.

I understand that. The problem would be if the US gov came to USMB and said we need to see what the people on your board are saying because we don't like it.

Not because it's dire threat to US natl security

Just because we don't like it.

THAT is a big violation of the First Amendment
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.

Yelling "Fire" (emergency, act quickly!) in a crowded theater (captive audience) is much different than putting disputable opinions and facts on the internet.

The govt has no right to meddle in what a free people want to say online UNLESS they are organizing to do something that would cause a fire in a crowded theater.

Talking about medicine, even if the govt claims PANDEMIC!, does not qualify.

Thank goodness Facebook and Twitter are private.... but NewsMax can still spread lies and hysteria so there's that.

Matters not if they are "private". If they are deleting and/or manipulating speech at the behest of the US govt for reasons OTHER than nat'l security, that's in violation of the Constitution.

This is a private board and they set their terms of service on USMB.

Bill O'Reilly doesn't agree with you..He and Trump are suing media outlets for stating thier ticket sales are going slow.

I understand that. The problem would be if the US gov came to USMB and said we need to see what the people on your board are saying because we don't like it.

Not because it's dire threat to US natl security

Just because we don't like it.

THAT is a big violation of the First Amendment

Misinformation during a pandemic seems serious to me.
Here ya go Flopper - the GOP is right there with ya:

The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.

Yelling "Fire" (emergency, act quickly!) in a crowded theater (captive audience) is much different than putting disputable opinions and facts on the internet.

The govt has no right to meddle in what a free people want to say online UNLESS they are organizing to do something that would cause a fire in a crowded theater.

Talking about medicine, even if the govt claims PANDEMIC!, does not qualify.

Thank goodness Facebook and Twitter are private.... but NewsMax can still spread lies and hysteria so there's that.

Matters not if they are "private". If they are deleting and/or manipulating speech at the behest of the US govt for reasons OTHER than nat'l security, that's in violation of the Constitution.

This is a private board and they set their terms of service on USMB.

Bill O'Reilly doesn't agree with you..He and Trump are suing media outlets for stating thier ticket sales are going slow.

I understand that. The problem would be if the US gov came to USMB and said we need to see what the people on your board are saying because we don't like it.

Not because it's dire threat to US natl security

Just because we don't like it.

THAT is a big violation of the First Amendment

Misinformation during a pandemic seems serious to me.

Nope. The US Govt doesn't get to tell us we can't say stuff cause there's a virus.

Try it. In the Supreme Court. Do it.
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.

Yelling "Fire" (emergency, act quickly!) in a crowded theater (captive audience) is much different than putting disputable opinions and facts on the internet.

The govt has no right to meddle in what a free people want to say online UNLESS they are organizing to do something that would cause a fire in a crowded theater.

Talking about medicine, even if the govt claims PANDEMIC!, does not qualify.

Thank goodness Facebook and Twitter are private.... but NewsMax can still spread lies and hysteria so there's that.

Matters not if they are "private". If they are deleting and/or manipulating speech at the behest of the US govt for reasons OTHER than nat'l security, that's in violation of the Constitution.

This is a private board and they set their terms of service on USMB.

Bill O'Reilly doesn't agree with you..He and Trump are suing media outlets for stating thier ticket sales are going slow.

I understand that. The problem would be if the US gov came to USMB and said we need to see what the people on your board are saying because we don't like it.

Not because it's dire threat to US natl security

Just because we don't like it.

THAT is a big violation of the First Amendment

Misinformation during a pandemic seems serious to me.

Nope. The US Govt doesn't get to tell us we can't say stuff cause there's a virus.

Try it. In the Supreme Court. Do it.

Do you think the Supreme Court would agree to hear such a case? Spreading false medical information is dangerous. Do you agree?

Telling people to inject bleach to fight Covid seems like practicing medicine without a license to me.
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.

Yelling "Fire" (emergency, act quickly!) in a crowded theater (captive audience) is much different than putting disputable opinions and facts on the internet.

The govt has no right to meddle in what a free people want to say online UNLESS they are organizing to do something that would cause a fire in a crowded theater.

Talking about medicine, even if the govt claims PANDEMIC!, does not qualify.

Thank goodness Facebook and Twitter are private.... but NewsMax can still spread lies and hysteria so there's that.

Matters not if they are "private". If they are deleting and/or manipulating speech at the behest of the US govt for reasons OTHER than nat'l security, that's in violation of the Constitution.

This is a private board and they set their terms of service on USMB.

Bill O'Reilly doesn't agree with you..He and Trump are suing media outlets for stating thier ticket sales are going slow.

I understand that. The problem would be if the US gov came to USMB and said we need to see what the people on your board are saying because we don't like it.

Not because it's dire threat to US natl security

Just because we don't like it.

THAT is a big violation of the First Amendment

Misinformation during a pandemic seems serious to me.

Nope. The US Govt doesn't get to tell us we can't say stuff cause there's a virus.

Try it. In the Supreme Court. Do it.

Do you think the Supreme Court would agree to hear such a case? Spreading false medical information is dangerous. Do you agree?

Telling people to inject bleach to fight Covid seems like practicing medicine without a license to me.

It's immaterial if it's "dangerous".

Are you even American? I don't argue these things with non-Americans. They typically cannot even wrap their heads around it.

And don't bother to lie. I will look back and discover it.

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