Should Trump be impeached?

It's been 35 days since the release of the Mueller report.
Where's the impeachment?
Why wont the Democrats put up or shut up?
Maybe because they haven't seen the full report yet?
There's nothing in the report. If there was, you'd know it by now. You guys are hilarious in a tragic pitiful way.
How could we know it if we haven't seen it?
You don't believe Mueller?
I haven't seen the entire report. I have seen him state that he didn't exonerate trump on obstruction.
You don't get it. Everyone is "exonerated" if they're not charged with something. You learned a new word, but you don't know how to use it. People are exonerated AFTER they have been charged with a crime. You're either convicted or exonerated. Trump hasn't been charged; therefore, he can't be "exonerated". Now, I have given you a lesson in law, but I don't believe you're going to actually learn anything. Do you know why? I'll tell you why. It's because you're stupid.
There's nothing in the report. If there was, you'd know it by now. You guys are hilarious in a tragic pitiful way.
How could we know it if we haven't seen it?

Here ya go Einstein, have at it.
Read the full Mueller report - CNNPolitics
I don't know about you, but I can't read redacted sections. Thanks for tryin' anyway.

Yes, but Congress can...dumbass.

No, they can't since they were never given an unredacted version.
It's against the law. You know that.
How could we know it if we haven't seen it?

Here ya go Einstein, have at it.
Read the full Mueller report - CNNPolitics
I don't know about you, but I can't read redacted sections. Thanks for tryin' anyway.

Yes, but Congress can...dumbass.

No, they can't since they were never given an unredacted version.

Get a clue.
Dershowitz Has Bad News For Dems, You Are Not Getting Unredacted Mueller Report

You dumbass... that's what I said.
Maybe because they haven't seen the full report yet?
There's nothing in the report. If there was, you'd know it by now. You guys are hilarious in a tragic pitiful way.
How could we know it if we haven't seen it?
You don't believe Mueller?
I haven't seen the entire report. I have seen him state that he didn't exonerate trump on obstruction.
You don't get it. Everyone is "exonerated" if they're not charged with something. You learned a new word, but you don't know how to use it. People are exonerated AFTER they have been charged with a crime. You're either convicted or exonerated. Trump hasn't been charged; therefore, he can't be "exonerated". Now, I have given you a lesson in law, but I don't believe you're going to actually learn anything. Do you know why? I'll tell you why. It's because you're stupid.
If that were true, Muelpler would have said he exonerated trump of obstruction. He didn't.
There's nothing in the report. If there was, you'd know it by now. You guys are hilarious in a tragic pitiful way.
How could we know it if we haven't seen it?
You don't believe Mueller?
I haven't seen the entire report. I have seen him state that he didn't exonerate trump on obstruction.
You don't get it. Everyone is "exonerated" if they're not charged with something. You learned a new word, but you don't know how to use it. People are exonerated AFTER they have been charged with a crime. You're either convicted or exonerated. Trump hasn't been charged; therefore, he can't be "exonerated". Now, I have given you a lesson in law, but I don't believe you're going to actually learn anything. Do you know why? I'll tell you why. It's because you're stupid.
If that were true, Muelpler would have said he exonerated trump of obstruction. He didn't.
You can't exonerate someone who hasn't been charged, you idiot.
read article 3 of Nixons impeachment ...

end of story -

I'll even help RW derelicts ...

Article 3
In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, contrary to his oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has failed without lawful cause or excuse to produce papers and things as directed by duly authorized subpoenas issued by the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives on April 11, 1974, May 15, 1974, May 30, 1974, and June 24, 1974, and willfully disobeyed such subpoenas. The subpoenaed papers and things were deemed necessary by the Committee in order to resolve by direct evidence fundamental, factual questions relating to Presidential direction, knowledge or approval of actions demonstrated by other evidence to be substantial grounds for impeachment of the President. In refusing to produce these papers and things Richard M. Nixon, substituting his judgment as to what materials were necessary for the inquiry, interposed the powers of the Presidency against the the lawful subpoenas of the House of Representatives, thereby assuming to himself functions and judgments necessary to the exercise of the sole power of impeachment vested by the Constitution in the House of Representatives.

In all of this, Richard M. Nixon has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice, and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.

Wherefore, Richard M. Nixon, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office.

Adopted 21-17 by the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives.
How could we know it if we haven't seen it?
You don't believe Mueller?
I haven't seen the entire report. I have seen him state that he didn't exonerate trump on obstruction.
You don't get it. Everyone is "exonerated" if they're not charged with something. You learned a new word, but you don't know how to use it. People are exonerated AFTER they have been charged with a crime. You're either convicted or exonerated. Trump hasn't been charged; therefore, he can't be "exonerated". Now, I have given you a lesson in law, but I don't believe you're going to actually learn anything. Do you know why? I'll tell you why. It's because you're stupid.
If that were true, Muelpler would have said he exonerated trump of obstruction. He didn't.
You can't exonerate someone who hasn't been charged, you idiot.

Trump did - himself.
How could we know it if we haven't seen it?
You don't believe Mueller?
I haven't seen the entire report. I have seen him state that he didn't exonerate trump on obstruction.
You don't get it. Everyone is "exonerated" if they're not charged with something. You learned a new word, but you don't know how to use it. People are exonerated AFTER they have been charged with a crime. You're either convicted or exonerated. Trump hasn't been charged; therefore, he can't be "exonerated". Now, I have given you a lesson in law, but I don't believe you're going to actually learn anything. Do you know why? I'll tell you why. It's because you're stupid.
If that were true, Muelpler would have said he exonerated trump of obstruction. He didn't.
You can't exonerate someone who hasn't been charged, you idiot.
Sure you can. That merely means he's not innocent and left it up to Congress to impeach him, should they find the needed evidence in his report.
You don't believe Mueller?
I haven't seen the entire report. I have seen him state that he didn't exonerate trump on obstruction.
You don't get it. Everyone is "exonerated" if they're not charged with something. You learned a new word, but you don't know how to use it. People are exonerated AFTER they have been charged with a crime. You're either convicted or exonerated. Trump hasn't been charged; therefore, he can't be "exonerated". Now, I have given you a lesson in law, but I don't believe you're going to actually learn anything. Do you know why? I'll tell you why. It's because you're stupid.
If that were true, Muelpler would have said he exonerated trump of obstruction. He didn't.
You can't exonerate someone who hasn't been charged, you idiot.
Sure you can. That merely means he's not innocent and left it up to Congress to impeach him, should they find the needed evidence in his teport.
You still don't get it. You're dumber than an empty box of Post Toasties.
I haven't seen the entire report. I have seen him state that he didn't exonerate trump on obstruction.
You don't get it. Everyone is "exonerated" if they're not charged with something. You learned a new word, but you don't know how to use it. People are exonerated AFTER they have been charged with a crime. You're either convicted or exonerated. Trump hasn't been charged; therefore, he can't be "exonerated". Now, I have given you a lesson in law, but I don't believe you're going to actually learn anything. Do you know why? I'll tell you why. It's because you're stupid.
If that were true, Muelpler would have said he exonerated trump of obstruction. He didn't.
You can't exonerate someone who hasn't been charged, you idiot.
Sure you can. That merely means he's not innocent and left it up to Congress to impeach him, should they find the needed evidence in his teport.
You still don't get it. You're dumber than an empty box of Post Toasties.
No worries. You can scream at Pelosi if she chooses to move forward with impeachment.

An "instant jolt?" :lmao:

The unemployment rate went from 4.2% to 6.0%. GDP went from 4.1% in 2000 to 1.0% in 2001 and 1.7% in 2002.

So where exactly was that "instant jolt?"
Yea 9-11 happend his taxes cut had a jolt to America,, so much so Obama extended bush tax cuts.. hmmm
9.11 was a boost to the economy?

And point to the numbers to prove your point, because unemployment rose steadily during his first two years and GDP was 1.0% and 1.7% respectively. I'm not seeing a "booooming" economy in there.
9-11 happened during the tax cut booooooming! It’s was expected to sky rocket.. just facts bro ..

So your definition of a booming economy is growing unemployment and shrinking GDP?

And cheering for terrorist attacks....apparently.
Cheering and encouraging more to come here. With out being checked
Huge booooom! Prior of course then we were attacked by democrats
If there was a huge boom, you'd be able to show the economic indicators to back up your silly assertion.

You can't because you're hallucinating the boom.
Obama kept the tax cuts .. hmmm
He kept them because we were in a monster recession and you don't raise taxes during a recession.

And you still can't produce any economic indicators from 2001 or 2002 showing the boom that's going off in your head.
What did the Democrats do in the last four years of Bush besides obstruct , to try to help build the economy?? Dodd frank? Please explain besides having a temper tantrum like a 3 year old towards bush. Which is why I went from Democrat to republican.
Focus Dumbfuck, focus. Wee're talking about Bush's first 2 years, not his last 4.

Where can I find the economic indicators showing an economic booooooom in 2001 or 2002?
The tax cut before the being attacked .. I was happy
Democrats CANT GOVERN.. it’s to the point where we might have to coup them.. Schiff is our INTEL guy.. we are going to be attacked .. he is in fit to sit.
How'd those two years with the GOP in charge of all three branches go? Got a Wall? Mexico pay for it? H. Clinton locked up? Obamacare gone? Budget balanced? ISIS gone?
Hmmm economy lol North Korea stop shooting ballistic missiles , new trade deals, are you retarted??
He was handed a strong and growing economy. That's like giving the win to a relief pitcher coming into the 9th inning with a 10-0 lead.
Bro I’m in the inner city 30 hour jobs at shack Shaw I and a 1,000 dollar penalty for not needing insurance was not good for us people.. you you rich elite democrats lol you are so out of touch with common people
If there was a huge boom, you'd be able to show the economic indicators to back up your silly assertion.

You can't because you're hallucinating the boom.
Obama kept the tax cuts .. hmmm
He kept them because we were in a monster recession and you don't raise taxes during a recession.

And you still can't produce any economic indicators from 2001 or 2002 showing the boom that's going off in your head.
What did the Democrats do in the last four years of Bush besides obstruct , to try to help build the economy?? Dodd frank? Please explain besides having a temper tantrum like a 3 year old towards bush. Which is why I went from Democrat to republican.
Focus Dumbfuck, focus. Wee're talking about Bush's first 2 years, not his last 4.

Where can I find the economic indicators showing an economic booooooom in 2001 or 2002?
The tax cut before the being attacked .. I was happy
No one asked you if you were happy. I challenged you to post economic indicators that there was a boooooom in 2001 or 2002.

You couldn't because the only booooom is your head exploding. :badgrin:
Democrats CANT GOVERN.. it’s to the point where we might have to coup them.. Schiff is our INTEL guy.. we are going to be attacked .. he is in fit to sit.
How'd those two years with the GOP in charge of all three branches go? Got a Wall? Mexico pay for it? H. Clinton locked up? Obamacare gone? Budget balanced? ISIS gone?
Hmmm economy lol North Korea stop shooting ballistic missiles , new trade deals, are you retarted??
He was handed a strong and growing economy. That's like giving the win to a relief pitcher coming into the 9th inning with a 10-0 lead.
Bro I’m in the inner city 30 hour jobs at shack Shaw I and a 1,000 dollar penalty for not needing insurance was not good for us people.. you you rich elite democrats lol you are so out of touch with common people
That you can't get a good job in a good economy is on you.
Obama kept the tax cuts .. hmmm
He kept them because we were in a monster recession and you don't raise taxes during a recession.

And you still can't produce any economic indicators from 2001 or 2002 showing the boom that's going off in your head.
What did the Democrats do in the last four years of Bush besides obstruct , to try to help build the economy?? Dodd frank? Please explain besides having a temper tantrum like a 3 year old towards bush. Which is why I went from Democrat to republican.
Focus Dumbfuck, focus. Wee're talking about Bush's first 2 years, not his last 4.

Where can I find the economic indicators showing an economic booooooom in 2001 or 2002?
The tax cut before the being attacked .. I was happy
No one asked you if you were happy. I challenged you to post economic indicators that there was a boooooom in 2001 or 2002.

You couldn't because the only booooom is your head exploding. :badgrin:
Biz we’re gearing up for a huge investment until the attack..
Democrats CANT GOVERN.. it’s to the point where we might have to coup them.. Schiff is our INTEL guy.. we are going to be attacked .. he is in fit to sit.
How'd those two years with the GOP in charge of all three branches go? Got a Wall? Mexico pay for it? H. Clinton locked up? Obamacare gone? Budget balanced? ISIS gone?
Hmmm economy lol North Korea stop shooting ballistic missiles , new trade deals, are you retarted??
He was handed a strong and growing economy. That's like giving the win to a relief pitcher coming into the 9th inning with a 10-0 lead.
Bro I’m in the inner city 30 hour jobs at shack Shaw I and a 1,000 dollar penalty for not needing insurance was not good for us people.. you you rich elite democrats lol you are so out of touch with common people
That you can't get a good job in a good economy is on you.
I don’t worry about my self like you do.. I’m talking about my fellow Americans graduating from school is run by democrats
Pelosi said she's praying for Trump.

I don't think the party of infanticide is exactly praying for anyone, that's not what they do!

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