Should US politicians put America first?

Absolutely. Who else are they supposed to put first? ISIS? Mexico? China?

Big biz!
Socialists don't realize that it's "big biz" which fuels the economy of the United States.

Even so, the Constitution still comes first. Socialists ripping off Americans for their hard-earned income isn't in the spirit of the Constitution.
I remember a couple years ago when Grinning Skull Pelosi explained that Welfare and EBT recipients were a great benefit to the economy because they spent a lot of money in stores and shops. I almost lost it. :bang3:
Absolutely. Who else are they supposed to put first? ISIS? Mexico? China?

Big biz!

So globalists?

I was being sarcastic.

So what's the catch with this thread anyway .
Yet you don't ever reply to the premise of the post. Why is that?

I know politicans should put Americans first. It's who they represent. No one else.

The op is a set up . Everyone is going to say yes . He has an alternative motive .
Absolutely. Who else are they supposed to put first? ISIS? Mexico? China?
My guess is that the OP stems from Democrats often putting other nations first by virtue of turning our military into "World Police" and the US treasury into the "World Charity Fund".

Our government should only be involved with other nations when it is in the best interests of the United States of America. This is clearly laid out in the Preamble to the Constitution, the document which all federal politicians swear an oath to support.

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Another one who's delusional ! It's the GOP who wants to put our military all over .
I'm honest enough to admit that the Republicans do use our military for reasons beyond true Constitutional need. Are you honest enough to admit the Democrats do the same?

Socialists don't realize that it's "big biz" which fuels the economy of the United States. Even so, the Constitution still comes first. Socialists ripping off Americans for their hard-earned income isn't in the spirit of the Constitution.
And there you go . All about big biz , IF anything does help the people, it's by accident .
Even though you can't see "big biz" provides jobs and wealth to workers, I have little doubt smarter, less biased people can see you are wrong.

Yes both can use military for non us reasons .

Ok, sometimes what's good for big biz is NOT what's good for America. You agree ?
I remember a couple years ago when Grinning Skull Pelosi explained that Welfare and EBT recipients were a great benefit to the economy because they spent a lot of money in stores and shops. I almost lost it. :bang3:
LOL. Agreed 100%. Pelosi is at the top of the Democratic Elite and epitomizes everything they stand for. She and Hillary Clinton are an anathema to most Americans. While the American public can't control who those in Pelosi's district vote into office, they can certainly control who is elected to the White House. This is why Hillary is out, but Pelosi is still in.

In the end, I have faith it will all work out, but it's a process that takes time. You, sir, have certainly seen the slowness of the process. Decades. Often generations.
Yea or nay

Absolutely, along with American workers and all her citizens!

This is exactly why the Democrats are in such deep doo. They actually have to make a case for Americans to transfer wealth not only to their fellow citizens, but to illegal aliens while some take their jobs to boot.

Good luck with that leftists, lol. I have seen the news, along with threads on here trying to pull heartstrings. If it were just myself getting pissed at the obvious propaganda, I would be worried. Thankfully most people not in the beltway or coasts, see right through it, and comment negatively on your message. Doubt me? Do what I do, go there and ask the heartland what they think of your narrative, lol. Maybe it will open your eyes!

Translation-----> you will probably get many more votes in your coastal, political enclaves, yet lose more seats across the country with your regional attitude. I say........carry on, you get Jersey, Fornication, Illy of nose, and New York. We get the rest!

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Americas and Americans FIRST , heck yeah and this is one time that it should be done for the adults , parents and their Children !!!

They represent the United State of America, not the world or Oceania or Gaia or the UN or whatever nonsensical fake identity the Progs dream up next.
Trump whooped the left's ass with America First :eusa_clap:
Yup, that is why the AHCA is failing in Congress, there is no border wall, the ban has failed for a second time, there are no more stupid tweets, and the JV trying to carry the water have spilled it! :lol:
Trump whooped the left's ass with America First :eusa_clap:
Yup, that is why the AHCA is failing in Congress, there is no border wall, the ban has failed for a second time, there are no more stupid tweets, and the JV trying to carry the water have spilled it! :lol:

Translation, you can't believe Trump kicked the crap out of Hillary, and you lost the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS nominations. Tissue? :itsok:
Translation: Trump won by the most narrow margin of any minority candidate in our history, the GOP lost seats in the House and the Senate, and Gorsuch is not going to do a thing about LGBT or abortion (hint: he is not Scalia re-channeled).

Politicians all over the world should put their own countries first,US included of course, that's a given.:thup:

Nation first, not Globalism!
It is sad that this question even needs to be asked.
Not only yes but fuck yes.
lets just keep it going , there is probably no one other than the Trump and the lefties want to get rid of him no matter what ..

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