Should we be concerned about the legitimacy of Gov. Greg Abbott's election?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017

Texas removes 1 million ineligible voters from voter rolls — finds 30% of noncitizens previously cast ballots​

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) announced Monday that since he signed Senate Bill 1 into law in 2021, the state has removed more than 1 million ineligible voters from its voter rolls.

Or for that matter the election of the enormously corrupt AG Ken Paxton?

Or is the purge of voter rolls in TX really about something else?

Texas GOP doubles down on fraud claims as Trump, Cruz leads shrink​

AUSTIN – Texas Republicans are doubling down on claims that Democrats in the state’s biggest cities are attempting to steal the 2024 election – a contest in which the GOP’s leads in the Senate and presidential races are increasingly narrowing.

State GOP leaders like Gov. Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton have made the state’s large urban counties a focus of allegations of a grand Democratic conspiracy to steal the 2024 election.

Every State is SUPPOSED to purge their voter rolls every year. Meanwhile shitholes like New York and California allow the dead to continue to vote and illegal aliens.
Democrats claiming to be concerned with election fraud....

is like Al Capone claiming to be concerned with the presence of illegal liquor in Chicago...
Every State is SUPPOSED to purge their voter rolls every year. Meanwhile shitholes like New York and California allow the dead to continue to vote and illegal aliens.
when i lived in cal the registrar of voters sent out cards before the election to the PO to verify if this person was still at this address.....they purged plenty....
Every State is SUPPOSED to purge their voter rolls every year. Meanwhile shitholes like New York and California allow the dead to continue to vote and illegal aliens.
Thanks for making my point. Namely, the weird belief voter fraud only happens in Dem controlled states. See how seamlessly it fits in to the weird trumpian narrative that only Dems benefit from voter fraud. Voter fraud being virtually non-existent in the US.

To which the rubes reply, "but a lot of people are concerned about it according to polls." To which I reply, "that's because Repubs keep doing things to stop a problem that doesn't exist, creating the false impression it does............BECAUSE THAT'S THE GOAL."

Why? Cuz it gives them cover to pass suppressive voter laws.

Conservative groups are pushing to clean voter rolls. Others see an effort to sow election distrust​

By Associated Press Nationwide
PUBLISHED 12:44 PM ET Jul. 13, 2024

Conservative groups are systematically attempting to challenge the legitimacy of large numbers of voter registrations across the country before the presidential election.
The strategy is part of a wider effort raising questions about the integrity of this year's election as former President Donald Trump repeatedly claims without evidence that his opponents are trying to cheat.

The National Voter Registration Act already requires states to take steps to maintain accurate and current voter registration lists.
Just because someone finds an outdated registration doesn't mean election officials are unaware of it, Cohen said.

"Voter registration lists are living, breathing databases," she said. "That's part of the challenge, because people move and die and change their names and just exist every single day, and when you get a list, you're purchasing a moment in time. Registration activities and voter registration list maintenance activities are happening on an ongoing basis."

Democrats claiming to be concerned with election fraud....

is like Al Capone claiming to be concerned with the presence of illegal liquor in Chicago...
Repubs claiming there actually is significant voter fraud is like trump claiming to be concerned for the families of dead "suckers and losers" in Arlington.
Thanks for making my point. Namely, the weird belief voter fraud only happens in Dem controlled states. See how seamlessly it fits in to the weird trumpian narrative that only Dems benefit from voter fraud. Voter fraud being virtually non-existent in the US.

To which the rubes reply, "but a lot of people are concerned about it according to polls." To which I reply, "that's because Repubs keep doing things to stop a problem that doesn't exist, creating the false impression it does............BECAUSE THAT'S THE GOAL."

Why? Cuz it gives them cover to pass suppressive voter laws.

Conservative groups are pushing to clean voter rolls. Others see an effort to sow election distrust​

By Associated Press Nationwide
PUBLISHED 12:44 PM ET Jul. 13, 2024

Conservative groups are systematically attempting to challenge the legitimacy of large numbers of voter registrations across the country before the presidential election.
The strategy is part of a wider effort raising questions about the integrity of this year's election as former President Donald Trump repeatedly claims without evidence that his opponents are trying to cheat.

The National Voter Registration Act already requires states to take steps to maintain accurate and current voter registration lists.
Just because someone finds an outdated registration doesn't mean election officials are unaware of it, Cohen said.

"Voter registration lists are living, breathing databases," she said. "That's part of the challenge, because people move and die and change their names and just exist every single day, and when you get a list, you're purchasing a moment in time. Registration activities and voter registration list maintenance activities are happening on an ongoing basis."

🥨 🥨 🥨
Gee, I wonder why the board's pseudo conservatives don't want to consider their faux concerns about election integrity cuts both ways?

Texas removes 1 million ineligible voters from voter rolls — finds 30% of noncitizens previously cast ballots​

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) announced Monday that since he signed Senate Bill 1 into law in 2021, the state has removed more than 1 million ineligible voters from its voter rolls.

Or for that matter the election of the enormously corrupt AG Ken Paxton?

Or is the purge of voter rolls in TX really about something else?

Texas GOP doubles down on fraud claims as Trump, Cruz leads shrink​

AUSTIN – Texas Republicans are doubling down on claims that Democrats in the state’s biggest cities are attempting to steal the 2024 election – a contest in which the GOP’s leads in the Senate and presidential races are increasingly narrowing.

State GOP leaders like Gov. Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton have made the state’s large urban counties a focus of allegations of a grand Democratic conspiracy to steal the 2024 election.

Are you saying, illegal aliens elected Abbott and Paxton, the two presently most responsible for cracking down on illegal aliens and abortion rights in that state? Somehow, I doubt this. I have no problem with Texas cleaning its voter rolls. Any wrongly effected have over 60 days to prove they have voting rights, before the next election. If I was notified by mail, that I had been removed from the voter roll in my county, I would be down there, the next day to clear it up. If voting is important to them, and they should be eligible to vote, they would be, taking action, the next day, also.
Thanks for making my point. Namely, the weird belief voter fraud only happens in Dem controlled states. See how seamlessly it fits in to the weird trumpian narrative that only Dems benefit from voter fraud. Voter fraud being virtually non-existent in the US.

To which the rubes reply, "but a lot of people are concerned about it according to polls." To which I reply, "that's because Repubs keep doing things to stop a problem that doesn't exist, creating the false impression it does............BECAUSE THAT'S THE GOAL."

Why? Cuz it gives them cover to pass suppressive voter laws.

Conservative groups are pushing to clean voter rolls. Others see an effort to sow election distrust​

By Associated Press Nationwide
PUBLISHED 12:44 PM ET Jul. 13, 2024

Conservative groups are systematically attempting to challenge the legitimacy of large numbers of voter registrations across the country before the presidential election.
The strategy is part of a wider effort raising questions about the integrity of this year's election as former President Donald Trump repeatedly claims without evidence that his opponents are trying to cheat.

The National Voter Registration Act already requires states to take steps to maintain accurate and current voter registration lists.
Just because someone finds an outdated registration doesn't mean election officials are unaware of it, Cohen said.

"Voter registration lists are living, breathing databases," she said. "That's part of the challenge, because people move and die and change their names and just exist every single day, and when you get a list, you're purchasing a moment in time. Registration activities and voter registration list maintenance activities are happening on an ongoing basis."

So, I know logic isn't a strong skill with you but consider this statement.

Popular speech has no need to be silenced. Do you agree with that?

The logic is pretty basic. So, where do people who don't like specific types of speech focus their efforts to stop it? Do they do so in places that already have speech they agree with or do they concentrate on those places where there is speech they hate?

Now, there is little need for the Marxists to concentrate on states that already vote their way. No need to try and change the laws, no need to put in any effort at all.

However, in red states, where the government discovers that 30% of the non-citizens have cast a vote is indicative of the Marxists attempting to take control.

Now you know why all alleged voter fraud is happening in the Red states.

You can thank Me later.
To be clear, 6,500 of the purged were potential noncitizens and of them 1,930 had a voting history. There are 17.9MM registered voters in Texas.
To be clear, 6,500 of the purged were potential noncitizens and of them 1,930 had a voting history. There are 17.9MM registered voters in Texas.

Also Abbott is not up for re-election this year.

Texas removes 1 million ineligible voters from voter rolls — finds 30% of noncitizens previously cast ballots​

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) announced Monday that since he signed Senate Bill 1 into law in 2021, the state has removed more than 1 million ineligible voters from its voter rolls.

Or for that matter the election of the enormously corrupt AG Ken Paxton?

Or is the purge of voter rolls in TX really about something else?

Texas GOP doubles down on fraud claims as Trump, Cruz leads shrink​

AUSTIN – Texas Republicans are doubling down on claims that Democrats in the state’s biggest cities are attempting to steal the 2024 election – a contest in which the GOP’s leads in the Senate and presidential races are increasingly narrowing.

State GOP leaders like Gov. Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton have made the state’s large urban counties a focus of allegations of a grand Democratic conspiracy to steal the 2024 election.

too late to challenge the election results now, but glad to see that he and Paxton are cleaning up things now.
Are you saying, illegal aliens elected Abbott and Paxton, the two presently most responsible for cracking down on illegal aliens and abortion rights in that state? Somehow, I doubt this. I have no problem with Texas cleaning its voter rolls. Any wrongly effected have over 60 days to prove they have voting rights, before the next election. If I was notified by mail, that I had been removed from the voter roll in my county, I would be down there, the next day to clear it up. If voting is important to them, and they should be eligible to vote, they would be, taking action, the next day, also.
Do they notify those they purged?

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