Should we be concerned about the legitimacy of Gov. Greg Abbott's election?

A million were found inelligible on their voter rolls and only 6500 were non citizen, much less that actually voted.

What about the 1 million of the others? The Americans not eligible on their purge list? Did those Americans vote in previous elections, diluting the eligible citizen's vote?
too late to challenge the election results now, but glad to see that he and Paxton are cleaning up things now.

Texas voted for Trump, Abbott and Paxton, and they're now saying that 30% of the votes for these men came from illegals????

Maybe the Texas state elections need to be and overturned overturned if 30% of the voters who elected them were unqualified to vote.
Texas voted for Trump, Abbott and Paxton, and they're now saying that 30% of the votes for these men came from illegals????

Maybe the Texas state elections need to be and overturned overturned if 30% of the voters who elected them were unqualified to vote.
who's saying 30 percent of those illegals voted for them? Besides you, what a weird thing to say.
A million were found inelligible on their voter rolls and only 6500 were non citizen, much less that actually voted.

What about the 1 million of the others? The Americans not eligible on their purge list? Did those Americans vote in previous elections, diluting the eligible citizen's vote?

6500 were "potentially" ineligable to vote. So instead of writing to these people and asking them for proof of citizenship, these names were simply made "inactive", and now they're being notified of the problem.

Notice should be going out BEFORE they strike these names.

Texas removes 1 million ineligible voters from voter rolls — finds 30% of noncitizens previously cast ballots​

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) announced Monday that since he signed Senate Bill 1 into law in 2021, the state has removed more than 1 million ineligible voters from its voter rolls.

Or for that matter the election of the enormously corrupt AG Ken Paxton?

Or is the purge of voter rolls in TX really about something else?

Texas GOP doubles down on fraud claims as Trump, Cruz leads shrink​

AUSTIN – Texas Republicans are doubling down on claims that Democrats in the state’s biggest cities are attempting to steal the 2024 election – a contest in which the GOP’s leads in the Senate and presidential races are increasingly narrowing.

State GOP leaders like Gov. Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton have made the state’s large urban counties a focus of allegations of a grand Democratic conspiracy to steal the 2024 election.

Election denial is treason and insurrection.

6500 were "potentially" ineligable to vote. So instead of writing to these people and asking them for proof of citizenship, these names were simply made "inactive", and now they're being notified of the problem.

Notice should be going out BEFORE they strike these names.
that should be the responsibility of the voter to keep his name active and to put in an address change if they move....many apt dwellers dont do that......and there a lot of them....
6500 were "potentially" ineligable to vote. So instead of writing to these people and asking them for proof of citizenship, these names were simply made "inactive", and now they're being notified of the problem.

Notice should be going out BEFORE they strike these names.
Guessing you would get all bent out of shape if Abbott and team asked them for their papers. You just want illegal votes counted as election integrity is not good for the left.
Guessing you would get all bent out of shape if Abbott and team asked them for their papers. You just want illegal votes counted as election integrity is not good for the left.

No I don't want non-citizens voting, but Republican efforts to "true the vote" result in AMERICAN CITIZENS being stripped of the right to vote right before an election with no notice.

Their efforts to "clean up" voter lists always results in the names being stricken being almost exclusively within areas that traditionally vote Democrat, in states where the majority votes Republicans. Red State officials seem to believe that Republicans never die or move.
No I don't want non-citizens voting, but Republican efforts to "true the vote" result in AMERICAN CITIZENS being stripped of the right to vote right before an election with no notice.

Their efforts to "clean up" voter lists always results in the names being stricken being almost exclusively within areas that traditionally vote Democrat, in states where the majority votes Republicans. Red State officials seem to believe that Republicans never die or move.
Name someone who's had their right to vote stripped before the election without notice....I'll wait.

Yes, areas that tend to vote Dems, often have illegal voters, weird how that works out.....
that should be the responsibility of the voter to keep his name active and to put in an address change if they move....many apt dwellers dont do that......and there a lot of them....

No it shouldn't. The voters don't have access to the lists, or their records. I certainly don't check the list before an election, but I do get a notice of the location of my polling station, hours, and early voting dates prior to the election. We're told if we don't get a notice, we may not be on the list.

But if I'm not on the list, I can take my proof of citizenship and my proof of residency to the polling station and cast a provisional vote in my new riding, and change my address and get registered in immediately, which I did in the 2015 Federal Election, when I moved three weeks before the election.

Every first world nation in the world is making it easier and easier for citizens to vote. Only Republican controlled states in the USA are making it more and more difficult for their citizens to voted, even though there is absolutely zero evidence that non-citizens are voting.
6500 were "potentially" ineligable to vote. So instead of writing to these people and asking them for proof of citizenship, these names were simply made "inactive", and now they're being notified of the problem.

Notice should be going out BEFORE they strike these names.
Write a strongly worded email to soi boy Trudeau expressing your complaint.

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