Should we be concerned about the legitimacy of Gov. Greg Abbott's election?

Texas voted for Trump, Abbott and Paxton, and they're now saying that 30% of the votes for these men came from illegals????

Maybe the Texas state elections need to be and overturned overturned if 30% of the voters who elected them were unqualified to vote.
No. They aren’t saying that, stupid. They are saying 30% of the illegals purged voted previously.

You are a moron.
Name someone who's had their right to vote stripped before the election without notice....I'll wait.

Yes, areas that tend to vote Dems, often have illegal voters, weird how that works out.....
The OP. There is no notice going out to registrees that they can no longer vote.
haha they couldn't vote before, they were:


The question was asked.

However, these roll clearings usually have a lot of eligible voters that are dropped as well. The idea is that they don't have time to get re-registered. Fun!
The question was asked.

However, these roll clearings usually have a lot of eligible voters that are dropped as well. The idea is that they don't have time to get re-registered. Fun!
Who was eligible that was dropped? The election is two months away, how much time do they need to re-register?
No it shouldn't. The voters don't have access to the lists, or their records. I certainly don't check the list before an election, but I do get a notice of the location of my polling station, hours, and early voting dates prior to the election. We're told if we don't get a notice, we may not be on the list.

But if I'm not on the list, I can take my proof of citizenship and my proof of residency to the polling station and cast a provisional vote in my new riding, and change my address and get registered in immediately, which I did in the 2015 Federal Election, when I moved three weeks before the election.

Every first world nation in the world is making it easier and easier for citizens to vote. Only Republican controlled states in the USA are making it more and more difficult for their citizens to voted, even though there is absolutely zero evidence that non-citizens are voting.
the voters know when they move they have change their address,many people here dont do that....quit making excuses for them....

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