Should We Cancel Thanksgiving?

Should We Cancel Thanksgiving?

  • Yes, It's time we quit celebrating such a horrid event

  • No, that's just too woke for me

  • Don't know but I'll have to give it some thought

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We should cancel privacy invasion, entrapment and revolving door politics.

I still await the day I win my privacy back, fuck who cares about the holidays, do you realize how much potential income this intrusion takes away?

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Just wondering how woke people are. How many are actually so woke they would seriously consider canceling Thanksgiving? How many are ready to tell your family that you aren't going to attend such a despicable holiday?

How marginalized is this opinion now? Oh, even Google has a Thanksgiving doodle up today. So, really marginalized.

Sorry miserable Leftists, we love Thanksgiving. You don't like it, go cry in a corner.

Next Up: Christmas isn't a Christian holiday, it's really pagan and your tree is an idol. hahahha...more misery
After arriving in Massachusetts Bay in November 1620 following a harrowing 66-day Atlantic crossing, the 105 Pilgrims (as they are known today) spent the first winter aboard their ship the Mayflower. It’s likely we wouldn’t be celebrating Thanksgiving today at all if not for a saintly Native American named Tisquantum, also called Squanto, a member of the Pawtuxet tribe who spoke English and taught the colonists how to plant native crops (like corn), tap the maple trees for sap, and fish in the Bay.

Well sure. That's what the entire celebration is about, right? The Pilgrims survived pretty much ONLY because the Natives helped them.
What are you thankful for, exactly? Certainly not half the population (Liberals) black people, Indians, gay people, trans people, Mexicans. So what is it exactly about this country that you are thankful for?

Are you able to think outside the boxes they put you in? I guess not.

I laughed, anyway
Hellbillies pathetic ass can celebrate the fact that he is allowed to exist by the very white people he despises!!!!

That makes me smile.
Of course the pilgrims knew how to farm.

What do you think they thought they’d do once they got to a North America? Go to the local market?
Of course the pilgrims knew how to farm.

What do you think they thought they’d do once they got to a North America? Go to the local market?
Plus, if the native Americans (of North America) had really known how to farm better than Europeans, the continent wouldn’t have had such a low population density prior to European arrival.

There’s a reason there was no settlements remotely like the towns of Europe or China on the continent. The Indians were waaaay behind them developmentally. Hunter-gatherer societies can’t support large settlements or complex economies. To suggest the Indians had more developed agriculture than the English is ludicrous.
^ Unintentionally ignorant.^

No dear. Not only do I "know" it, I've been teaching it for 30 years. Wow.

Just the absolute arrogance of Leftists. You assume who I hate; you assume what I know.

Don't you know what they say about assuming?

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