Should We Cancel Thanksgiving?

Should We Cancel Thanksgiving?

  • Yes, It's time we quit celebrating such a horrid event

  • No, that's just too woke for me

  • Don't know but I'll have to give it some thought

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That was nuts to suggest Pilgrims came all that distance to start a new civilization without knowing how to farm.
After arriving in Massachusetts Bay in November 1620 following a harrowing 66-day Atlantic crossing, the 105 Pilgrims (as they are known today) spent the first winter aboard their ship the Mayflower. It’s likely we wouldn’t be celebrating Thanksgiving today at all if not for a saintly Native American named Tisquantum, also called Squanto, a member of the Pawtuxet tribe who spoke English and taught the colonists how to plant native crops (like corn), tap the maple trees for sap, and fish in the Bay.
That article doesn't even back up your insane claim but thanks for the anecdotal article anyway. You guys will believe anything your borg collective throw out at you. The article basically states that the Indians taught them how to grow native crops. They already knew how to grow the crops they brought with them, which grew in a similar environment. The article also states that is is POSSIBLE the Pilgrims may not have survived without help from the Indians. You need to look the word possible up in the dictionary.
That article doesn't even back up your insane claim but thanks for the anecdotal article anyway. You guys will believe anything your borg collective throw out at you.
After arriving in Massachusetts Bay in November 1620 following a harrowing 66-day Atlantic crossing, the 105 Pilgrims (as they are known today) spent the first winter aboard their ship the Mayflower. It’s likely we wouldn’t be celebrating Thanksgiving today at all if not for a saintly Native American named Tisquantum, also called Squanto, a member of the Pawtuxet tribe who spoke English and taught the colonists how to plant native crops (like corn), tap the maple trees for sap, and fish in the Bay.
The pilgrims knew how to fact, they knew how to farm better than the indians did since once they were able to survive a winter, the pilgrims prospered and the Europeans spread across the continent....while the indians lost their land...
Yea, that's why a slew of them didn't make it thru the first winter, Ace.
After arriving in Massachusetts Bay in November 1620 following a harrowing 66-day Atlantic crossing, the 105 Pilgrims (as they are known today) spent the first winter aboard their ship the Mayflower. It’s likely we wouldn’t be celebrating Thanksgiving today at all if not for a saintly Native American named Tisquantum, also called Squanto, a member of the Pawtuxet tribe who spoke English and taught the colonists how to plant native crops (like corn), tap the maple trees for sap, and fish in the Bay.
LOL. So, the Indians taught the colonists how to plant corn in November? The colonists didn't know how to fish? Really? You actually believe that crap? Again, your article is anecdotal, the opinion of a liberal who wants to rewrite history.
Yea, that's why a slew of them didn't make it thru the first winter, Ace.

They were in a brand new country and on their own, dipshit..........and had to actually clear the land for proper farming, and once they got going, they outproduced the indians because...they were actual farmers from an agricultural society, and they weren't barbaric hunter dipshit.
I hope the Minnesota Vikings show up this time. I don't know who those faggots were on Sunday against the Cowboys. Maybe the Viqueens.
They were in a brand new country and on their own, dipshit..........and had to actually clear the land for proper farming, and once they got going, they outproduced the indians because...they were actual farmers from an agricultural society, and they weren't barbaric hunter dipshit.
Those "barbaric hunter gatherers" saved the Pilgrims asses, halftard. Btw idiot. Do ya think the Pilgrims were vegans who didn't eat meat so your insult aimed at Native American shows your full of shit, ya fuck.

Do ya think The Pilgrims got their meat from the local butcher, CLOWN?
They were in a brand new country and on their own, dipshit..........and had to actually clear the land for proper farming, and once they got going, they outproduced the indians because...they were actual farmers from an agricultural society, and they weren't barbaric hunter dipshit.

You're quite the clueless little idiot, aren't you?
British troops, prior to the Revolution were the most notorious at giving Indians pox-laden blankets!
Study history, man!!

It's a good thing non-Westerners never killed anyone - or committed genocide or slavery.

You naive simpleton victim.
No. You are not.Had we not taught you people how to farm you would have starved. The statement that all we did is kill other Indians is the height of ignorance.

I can tell you're like totally a genuine "Native American" injun - your profile photo proves it.

Ya half-wit haha ;)

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