Should we get the hell out of Afghanistan?

It breaks my heart to see mentally handicapped former Soldiers and Marines who were injured in combat used as political tools by either side. It was obvious from the git go when democrats who authorized Bush's use of boots on the ground undermined the mission when it seemed they might get a spike in the polls courtesy of the liberal media. Why did democrats keep the mission going when they had the total majority after Obama's victory and could have ended it? Why did they keep the mission going under so many restraints that the Army and Marines couldn't possibly be victorious on the battlefield? Because it's the way democrats operate.

I served Jan.10 1962 to June 5th 1966 --

Just as in Viet Nam, the Democrats snatched defeat from the jaws of victory!
Thank you for your service, Nat. :thup:
It breaks my heart to see mentally handicapped former Soldiers and Marines who were injured in combat used as political tools by either side. It was obvious from the git go when democrats who authorized Bush's use of boots on the ground undermined the mission when it seemed they might get a spike in the polls courtesy of the liberal media. Why did democrats keep the mission going when they had the total majority after Obama's victory and could have ended it? Why did they keep the mission going under so many restraints that the Army and Marines couldn't possibly be victorious on the battlefield? Because it's the way democrats operate.

I served Jan.10 1962 to June 5th 1966 --

Just as in Viet Nam, the Democrats snatched defeat from the jaws of victory!

Semper Fi brother. LBJ set the rules so we could win every battle in Vietnam but still lose the war. Democrats tried to undermine the mission in Iraq and the senate majority leader should have been indicted for treason when he tried to impact the morale of the Troops when he said "the war is lost" just before the troop surge. Obama didn't want to fight. He couldn't even defend the Ambassador in Libya so he set the rules so Americans would be maimed and die for nothing.

Thanks for your service, Whitehall. :thup:
It breaks my heart to see mentally handicapped former Soldiers and Marines who were injured in combat used as political tools by either side. It was obvious from the git go when democrats who authorized Bush's use of boots on the ground undermined the mission when it seemed they might get a spike in the polls courtesy of the liberal media. Why did democrats keep the mission going when they had the total majority after Obama's victory and could have ended it? Why did they keep the mission going under so many restraints that the Army and Marines couldn't possibly be victorious on the battlefield? Because it's the way democrats operate.
You're right about restraints. It was a big mistake to disarm the guards at the Benghazi diplomatic station/American embassy. When the Ambassador asked for help, they ignored his plight with that unfortunate order made earlier. Washington needs more responsibility to people whose misfortune it is to be in our embassies where politics determines whether the guards have bullets in their weapons. Word gets around over there when something is that amiss.
It breaks my heart to see mentally handicapped former Soldiers and Marines who were injured in combat used as political tools by either side. It was obvious from the git go when democrats who authorized Bush's use of boots on the ground undermined the mission when it seemed they might get a spike in the polls courtesy of the liberal media. Why did democrats keep the mission going when they had the total majority after Obama's victory and could have ended it? Why did they keep the mission going under so many restraints that the Army and Marines couldn't possibly be victorious on the battlefield? Because it's the way democrats operate.

Politicians don't have the power civilians think they do. Can't just end a pointless war because it's the right thing to do. In no uncertain terms, every President within a month of taking office gets a reality check where they realize they're less 'Commander-In-Chief' and more like Scapegoat-In-Chief.

Defense contractors supply everything used in wars. They consequerntly benefit financially from wars. If a few thousand eager volunteers step foward to willing die so profit margins can continue, hey thanks fellas. But no politician has either the willingness nor capability to bring profit-making conflicts to a close - they'd literally be removed from office. One way, or another...

Way things are set up in the Federal government, this is going to be the way things really work for the forseeable future. Unless the military backed by the public wakes up to this realization (that they're being used by profit-minded businessmen who don't give a crap about them beyond their 'useful idiot' nature) and seize power, wars of choice and profit will continue to define the US.

But blaming politicians, Democrat or Republican is what you're supposed to do. So long as fools blame politicians instead of who they should, nothing will change.
There is little doubt that Cindy Sheehan's radical anti-war demonstrators were an arm of the dirty tricks democrat party or they wouldn't have quit right after Barry Hussein was elected. Barry had two years with a majority in both houses of congress and never addressed the conflict in Afghanistan as if he was a bystander instead of the most powerful man in the world.
It breaks my heart to see mentally handicapped former Soldiers and Marines who were injured in combat used as political tools by either side. It was obvious from the git go when democrats who authorized Bush's use of boots on the ground undermined the mission when it seemed they might get a spike in the polls courtesy of the liberal media. Why did democrats keep the mission going when they had the total majority after Obama's victory and could have ended it? Why did they keep the mission going under so many restraints that the Army and Marines couldn't possibly be victorious on the battlefield? Because it's the way democrats operate.

Wait, so Afghanistan is the fault of Democrats? :lol:

The sad part is there are so many people on both sides of the aisle who are as full of shit as you are and that is why these problems never get solved.
It breaks my heart to see mentally handicapped former Soldiers and Marines who were injured in combat used as political tools by either side. It was obvious from the git go when democrats who authorized Bush's use of boots on the ground undermined the mission when it seemed they might get a spike in the polls courtesy of the liberal media. Why did democrats keep the mission going when they had the total majority after Obama's victory and could have ended it? Why did they keep the mission going under so many restraints that the Army and Marines couldn't possibly be victorious on the battlefield? Because it's the way democrats operate.

Yes we should, I have friends there now and I don't even know why they are there anymore.

My cousin was a Marine who was killed there in July of 2010. Not really sure what his sacrifice was for.
It's hard to figure the left's attitude about Afghanistan. They seem content to play the political blame game while Troops are maimed and killed in a quagmire that has been going on for six years during a democrat administration. It's Barry Hussein's freaking conflict.
The killing of Bin Ladin was Barry's "mission accomplished". All that was lacking was a trip to a Carrier in a jet plane. It was supposed to be over when Bin Ladin was killed and mysteriously dumped at sea but it goes on and Barry pretends to be a bystander while the Military continues a stupid strategy that accomplishes nothing. You almost gotta laugh if it wasn't so tragic. While Americans are coming home maimed and in body bags the Defense Dept. issues a directive that Muslem Soldiers can wear beards. The next thing you will probably see from the administration that ain't got a clue is a directive that gay soldiers can wear dresses.
It breaks my heart to see mentally handicapped former Soldiers and Marines who were injured in combat used as political tools by either side. It was obvious from the git go when democrats who authorized Bush's use of boots on the ground undermined the mission when it seemed they might get a spike in the polls courtesy of the liberal media. Why did democrats keep the mission going when they had the total majority after Obama's victory and could have ended it? Why did they keep the mission going under so many restraints that the Army and Marines couldn't possibly be victorious on the battlefield? Because it's the way democrats operate.

Yes we should, I have friends there now and I don't even know why they are there anymore.

My cousin was a Marine who was killed there in July of 2010. Not really sure what his sacrifice was for.

:( Sorry for your loss brother.

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