Should we trust our "intel community?"


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
CNN says we should.... the same CNN that colluded with the Hillary campaign and cheated, giving Hillary the CNN debate questions before the debate, for the purpose of manipulating the US election....

Let's go over why we should NOT trust our post W "intel community...."

1. yellowcake in Niger = document was FORGED, Saddam already had yellowcake he could not enrich
2. Saddam sending chem to AQ = one Gitmo waterboarded in Libya to say that, then murdered - AQ never used chem
3. a "757" hit the Pentagon on 911 = clearly a cruise missile
4. Saddam trying to build a centrifuge = a lie to cover for lie #1, why he wanted more yellowcake he could not enrich
5. war in Iraq about AQ and "insurgents armed by Iran" = standard Sunni vs. Shia
6. we will be welcomed as "liberators" = Zionist lie proved a lie

The list is endless. Our treasonous Zionist "intel community" only cares about "national security" for the nation of

When you can't refute the mountain of evidence piling up against, you do your best to discredit those who are collecting the evidence.

Hence the attacks on the FBI and the DOJ. All republican led institutions by the way.

And then you get the willfully ignorant like the OP who are commanded to parrot these talking points.

If you know you can't win in a court of law, try and win in the court of public approval.

What good sheep you are.
Let's go over why we should NOT trust our post W "intel community...."

1. yellowcake in Niger = document was FORGED, Saddam already had yellowcake he could not enrich
2. Saddam sending chem to AQ = one Gitmo waterboarded in Libya to say that, then murdered - AQ never used chem
3. a "757" hit the Pentagon on 911 = clearly a cruise missile
4. Saddam trying to build a centrifuge = a lie to cover for lie #1, why he wanted more yellowcake he could not enrich
5. war in Iraq about AQ and "insurgents armed by Iran" = standard Sunni vs. Shia
6. we will be welcomed as "liberators" = Zionist lie proved a lie

All your cute citations above were DURING....and NOT POST W....Cheney and Rumsfeld REFUSED to acknowledge what the intel community was telling them......The only thing that could save W to have a second term was a war ON Iraq.
People will trust whatever matches their partisan bend, realty is not relevant.

The same people that do not trust that FBI or DOJ will tell you to never question ICE or the border patrol.

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The "mountain of evidence" is that the "Russia collusion" is total BS engineered by Obama and other TRAITORS.

You HATE that TRUTH.

So what.

Every point in the OP is 100% dead on accurate, including this one...

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were DURING....and NOT POST W.


Obama was told the truth about 911 right after being sworn in. Obama sold out and got favorable media coverage for selling out, just like W.

Ever wonder why O and W are such pals???
The "mountain of evidence" is that the "Russia collusion" is total BS engineered by Obama and other TRAITORS.

You HATE that TRUTH.

So what.

Every point in the OP is 100% dead on accurate, including this one...

Too funny.

What happened to Barbara Olsen? Just curious.
Billy wants you to believe that a 757 travelling at 500 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground made this hole in steel reinforced concrete...

Billy wants you to believe that a 757 travelling at 500 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground made this hole in steel reinforced concrete...

Revel in your dementia.

Wrong hole. Do your friends ever tell you that?

OK, Billy, where is the "plane" in your photo?

Where did it hit???

Is the thin aluminum frame of a "757" capable of smashing through steel reinforced concrete?
CNN says we should.... the same CNN that colluded with the Hillary campaign and cheated, giving Hillary the CNN debate questions before the debate, for the purpose of manipulating the US election....

Let's go over why we should NOT trust our post W "intel community...."

1. yellowcake in Niger = document was FORGED, Saddam already had yellowcake he could not enrich
2. Saddam sending chem to AQ = one Gitmo waterboarded in Libya to say that, then murdered - AQ never used chem
3. a "757" hit the Pentagon on 911 = clearly a cruise missile
4. Saddam trying to build a centrifuge = a lie to cover for lie #1, why he wanted more yellowcake he could not enrich
5. war in Iraq about AQ and "insurgents armed by Iran" = standard Sunni vs. Shia
6. we will be welcomed as "liberators" = Zionist lie proved a lie

The list is endless. Our treasonous Zionist "intel community" only cares about "national security" for the nation of

First of all, you started with the word CNN, anything after cannot be trusted.
Markymark... trying passing third grade English next time....
OK, Billy, where is the "plane" in your photo?

Where did it hit???

Is the thin aluminum frame of a "757" capable of smashing through steel reinforced concrete?

You posted a picture of a tiny hole somewhere to support your claim. Even the brickwork doesn't match the Pentagon's.

And yet even so, you seem to think you retain credibility. Amazing in itself.

You may attend to any silly drug-induced fantasy you choose. I will not join you there.
More of what the "US intel community" claims that is not true. The "intel community" said this is "not a controlled demolition."

They lied....

The CIA, NIA, & FBI should only be trusted when:

Brennan is perp-walked in handcuffs and prosecuted.

Clapper is perp-walked in handcuffs and prosecuted.

Comey, McCabe, and Strzok are perp-walked in handcuffs and prosecuted.

The DOJ should not be trusted again until:

Rosenstein, Holder, and Lynch are perp-walked in handcuffs and prosecuted.

...and to top it off, both Hillary (for her crimes) and Barry need to be perp-walked - all of these very publicly - and prosecuted.

There is no way on hell Barry did not know about any of it and most probably directed it.

This is what you get when you elect the son of an American-Hating Anti-Colonialist who wanted to see America removed as a leading power and influence in the world....when you elected an admitted student of Communist Frank Marshall Davis, a dedicated student of socialist Saul Alensky - who quoted the Socialist's Book 'Rules For Radicals' during his Inauguration Speech...when you elect an admitted 'apprentice' of approx. a decade to a racist, hate-spewing, America-hating 'pastor'...when you elect someone who announces his plan to run for President from the living room of an unrepentant domestic terrorist whose regret is that he did not perpetrate more attacks on his own country that killed 1st responders....when you elect a man about whom the media said, "HIS PAST DOES NOT MATTER..."

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