Should women who have abortions be executed?

Should Women who have abortions face execution?

  • No! they should be punished some kind of punishment like prison or public shaming.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Okay, so I'm having an ongoing debate with another poster who thinks that women should be executed once we reach that happy day that abortion is completely banned in this country. Let's see how crazy we've gone as a country. This is a public poll.
Not in cases of medical neccesity, upon demonstration of a clear, and present danger to the life of the mother, as agreed upon by a panel of doctors...
Okay, so I'm having an ongoing debate with another poster who thinks that women should be executed once we reach that happy day that abortion is completely banned in this country. Let's see how crazy we've gone as a country. This is a public poll.
It's plain to see how crazy we've gone as a country. Your poll will be a fart in a hurricane...
Can't answer because the question is execution, the question (IMHO) should be charged with murder.

For decades we have been told that abortion is "murder", however in states that are banning abortion the person criminally responsible is the abortion provider. That makes no logical sense. If abortion is murder, then the woman should be charged with the same type and level of crimes for seeking ("attempted to...") or having an abortion. Therefore women should be charged in with the same crimes.


A woman hires a contract killer to kill her husband, she and the killer are charged with murder.

A woman hires a contract killer to kill her unborn baby, and the killer should be charged with murder.

Can't answer because the question is execution, the question (IMHO) should be charged with murder.

For decades we have been told that abortion is "murder", however in states that are banning abortion the person criminally responsible is the abortion provider. That makes no logical sense. If abortion is murder, then the woman should be charged with the same type and level of crimes for seeking ("attempted to...") or having an abortion. Therefore women should be charged in with the same crimes.


A woman hires a contract killer to kill her husband, she and the killer are charged with murder.

A woman hires a contract killer to kill her unborn baby, and the killer should be charged with murder.


Here's the thing, even when abortion was illegal, they never charged the women with ANY crime. Abortion providers were only charged when their incompetence killed the woman they were providing an abortion on. Now, this is partially because a lot of these laws were crafted in the Victorian Days when a woman doing things like "Speaking her mind" or "Wanting to vote" or "Controlling her own body" was considered "Hysteria" - I.e. being crazy because you had a vagina.
Well she clearly wasn't going a good job of controlling her own body, if she found herself wanting to commit abortion, as is the case 99.5% of the time...
Okay, so I'm having an ongoing debate with another poster who thinks that women should be executed once we reach that happy day that abortion is completely banned in this country. Let's see how crazy we've gone as a country. This is a public poll.
Yes....murder is murder
I support people's right to choose what to do with their own bodies.

The hypocrisy is that the same men arguing abortion rights and body rights also condemn those who reject the covid vaccine and don't think that group of people have any rights to their bodies. Consistency here.

On a personal level, I would not have an abortion and I don't agree with them. I think the baby has the right to its body to grow and be born.
Okay, so I'm having an ongoing debate with another poster who thinks that women should be executed once we reach that happy day that abortion is completely banned in this country. Let's see how crazy we've gone as a country. This is a public poll.
Yes. Its what Jesus wants.
In cases of rape, incest and danger to the mother's life abortion should carry no punisment. Morning after pills should be readily available. When a person claims to be pro life I ask them what they did to oppose the USA invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Okay, so I'm having an ongoing debate with another poster who thinks that women should be executed once we reach that happy day that abortion is completely banned in this country. Let's see how crazy we've gone as a country. This is a public poll.

No...they should not be executed....we need to do more to educate people that babies in the womb are babies, and should not be murdered.
Okay, so I'm having an ongoing debate with another poster who thinks that women should be executed once we reach that happy day that abortion is completely banned in this country. Let's see how crazy we've gone as a country. This is a public poll.
This is consistent with those hostile to privacy rights and reproductive autonomy, the notion that abortion is ‘murder’ and that both the woman and her doctor should be subject to punishment – in this case execution when convicted of ‘murder.’

One should hope that those who advocate for such a thing constitute a tiny, reprehwnsible minority.
This is consistent with those hostile to privacy rights and reproductive autonomy, the notion that abortion is ‘murder’ and that both the woman and her doctor should be subject to punishment – in this case execution when convicted of ‘murder.’

One should hope that those who advocate for such a thing constitute a tiny, reprehwnsible minority.

It is murder, but it has been sanctioned by the culture and allowed by the government......
Okay, so I'm having an ongoing debate with another poster who thinks that women should be executed once we reach that happy day that abortion is completely banned in this country. Let's see how crazy we've gone as a country. This is a public poll.
It took a half century to get here from a then questionable supreme court abortion ruling. It is going to take some time for people to change their ways somewhat. If women vote for Progs because of the abortion issue they will eventually destroy themselves as the nation is in real decline. The demographics say it.
They don't dare say yes, until women no longer have the right to vote.
Progs always promote the worse of any agenda or issue. And near all of their spouts never happen. Comforts of life dictates a lot of ways. Losing them, makes people ornery.

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