Should you be required to not interfere with Criminals?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
This is exactly what our imbalanced Justice system advises when it comes to your property. When confronted by violent criminals, our Justice System, as well as our society in general has a policy of non interference or even cooperation.

Here's a recent example.....
California man whose laptop stolen at Starbucks fatally struck by suspect's vehicle while trying to get it back, police say
California man whose laptop stolen at Starbucks fatally struck by suspect's vehicle while trying to get it back, police say

This occurred at a Starbucks. The man was sitting at a table minding his own business when a thief snatched his laptop and bolted for the door where a get away driver and vehicle waited outside.

The man instinctively ran after the thieves but was subsequently struck by the get away vehicle and died from his injuries.

On the surface, it might appear, at least in this particular situation, letting the thieves have the laptop uncontested would have had a better outcome.

But an underlying issue is attached to that plan and that is that it actually encourages more crime. What better situation for criminals than having the confidence knowing that anything they want to take will not be challenged. Why not just allow thieves to knock on any door and request what of your property they want, have you full fill their order and then pray they leave peacefully?

What effect on crime do you think a policy that essentially says criminals will not be "harassed" while committing their crimes will have on crime overall?

Anyone who believes that crime is less in Leftist controlled areas is a fool. Regardless of what their published crime reports say. New York for example has a reported crime rate so low, it defies logic. But what's most likely happening is a concerted effort to hide the true crime statistics through manipulation of booking entries and convoluted entries of crime. Many are beginning to question the statistics and reports coming from such areas where the reported crime rate is supposedly lower per capita than rural towns in Montana.

Why New York crime has plunged to record lows
With a murder rate of 3.4 per 100,000 in 2017, the city of 8.5 million had crime levels comparable to sparsely populated states such as Montana and Wyoming.

Why New York City's Crime Rates Are the Lowest in Modern History - InsideHook
But criminologists are not entirely sure why the declines have continued. Franklin E. Zimring, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law told The New York Times that better policing accounted for much of the thirty-year decline, but it is not the primary driver anymore. He said the reason for the decline is “utterly mysterious.”

But back to the Left promoting criminal activity......
California leads the way. In 2014 Proposition 14 was passed which effectively reduced many former Felony offenses to misdemeanors. The effect was a sharp rise in crime including shoplifting across the board and across the state..
California's Prop 47 leads to rise in shoplifting, thefts, criminal activity across state
California's Prop 47 leads to rise in shoplifting, thefts, criminal activity across state

Seriously, is it not common sense?

The Left has demonstrated a clear and consistent pattern of softness on criminals if not an outright propensity to protect criminals. Liberal judges frequently cut sentences short, give stunningly light sentences for serious crime and often release violent criminals far earlier than established norms.

It almost seems like an outright war on civilization and law abiding people. Is there an agenda of criminality inflicted on victims and society at large by the leftist judges and prosecutors? To be honest, it seems like pure insanity. And yet, we accept it through a lack of concerted effort to put an end to it.

Criminals and criminal activity is only thwarted through a show of strong force and a willingness to defend life AND PROPERTY. That means less prosecution of individuals protecting their lives and property.

Yet time and time again we see the innocent gun owner whop protected his property and home and family treated as the criminal receiving harsher sentences than the criminals who committed the crime.

If our society is to survive, this kind of madness MUST end. Liberal judges and prosecutors who frequently viciously go after victims while showing compassion for criminals must be themselves brought to justice.

Attitudes must change, laws must be changed. Common sense must return to the Justice System before more innocent hard working people going about their lives fall victim to a system which clearly gives criminals an advantage.
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First. I doubt the criminal justice system encouraged the situation in which a man struck his head and died.

But to the gist of your rant. It is called a proportional response. It is expected and used every day by pretty much everyone. We do not assign the death penalty for petty crimes. We save the most severe penalty for the most severe crimes.

As far as citizens getting in trouble defending their property. Again it is proportional. What is allowed is proportional to the situation. That is what common sense demands.

Take any situation where the citizen was charged for attacking the criminal. In nearly every case the response was out of proportion to the crime. Usually the idiot citizen shot the baddie while backing or running away. Citizens are allowed to use lethal force to defend lives. Again proportional response. If you are a threat to my life, I am allowed to use lethal force to defend my life. If you are running away, the threat to my life is over. There is no immediate threat. If I chase you down I have committed a crime. My actions are not proportional to the situation any longer.

That is common sense. Normally the courts respect this common sense approach.

There are thousands of examples. The woman who shot an alligator in her kitchen. She called the cops who were writing up a citation for hunting without a license. The gator moved and the cop drew his weapon and shot the gator. Still in the kitchen. The DA dropped the charges at the first hearing. Common sense.

There are times when common sense failed. But generally speaking the proportional response is accepted and not penalized.
Another example of how backwards we've become......

California couple left out bikes for thieves, beat them, posted videos to YouTube, police say
California couple left out bikes for thieves, beat them, posted videos to YouTube, police say

So this couple got tired of burglars stealing from them constantly and decided to do something about it.

And yet the media and the courts are now calling THEM the CRIMINALS?

This is EXACTLY what I'm referring to. The "Progressive left" has America so screwed up that we now accept their notion that criminals are victims and victims are criminals.

I don't have a problem with ANYTHING the couple did..including posting the video on Youtube.
If you do, then you've been brainwashed too.
Another example of how backwards we've become......

California couple left out bikes for thieves, beat them, posted videos to YouTube, police say
California couple left out bikes for thieves, beat them, posted videos to YouTube, police say

So this couple got tired of burglars stealing from them constantly and decided to do something about it.

And yet the media and the courts are now calling THEM the CRIMINALS?

This is EXACTLY what I'm referring to. The "Progressive left" has America so screwed up that we now accept their notion that criminals are victims and victims are criminals.

I don't have a problem with ANYTHING the couple did..including posting the video on Youtube.
If you do, then you've been brainwashed too.

Oddly. That scenario is one even the proponents of the Castle Doctrine said was not protected. Apparently they are brainwashed to your way of thinking.

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