Shouldn't this bother all of us?

The notion of "revamping" (whatever the hell that actually means in this context -- something considerably more precise would be helpful) the CIA or other intelligence agencies doesn't bother me. That the man is (1) at this juncture, (2) publicly talking about it at this juncture, and (3) discrediting the organizations he's got no choice but to rely upon and work with is what bothers me.
  1. The timing of this announcement is strange coming from a man who does not routinely receive his daily intelligence brief, thus he's not forming a relationship with the people who work at the organizations he intends to "revamp." If he doesn't develop that relationship, he cannot possibly know the quality of people he's dealing with and the quality of information and analysis they convey/develop.
  2. Talking about that particular intention, one that wasn't among his key campaign message undermines the confidence the employees of those organizations have in him and it weakens their morale. Not good, especially considering his novelty with intelligence community matters. He's literally behaving and speaking like the hair benders and taxi drivers noted in my signature line.
  3. No good end is served by his public derogation of the IC.
Trump seems not to realize that the government isn't the private sector. He can't just fire civil servants, but they can make his live very, very difficult.
Why can't he fire them? The unions you Think? That was an executive order under careful.....

Of what I wrote, the firing of civil service workers is what you found comment-worth? Boy...

Anyway....Firing federal workers is difficult
The notion of "revamping" (whatever the hell that actually means in this context -- something considerably more precise would be helpful) the CIA or other intelligence agencies doesn't bother me. That the man is (1) at this juncture, (2) publicly talking about it at this juncture, and (3) discrediting the organizations he's got no choice but to rely upon and work with is what bothers me.
  1. The timing of this announcement is strange coming from a man who does not routinely receive his daily intelligence brief, thus he's not forming a relationship with the people who work at the organizations he intends to "revamp." If he doesn't develop that relationship, he cannot possibly know the quality of people he's dealing with and the quality of information and analysis they convey/develop.
  2. Talking about that particular intention, one that wasn't among his key campaign message undermines the confidence the employees of those organizations have in him and it weakens their morale. Not good, especially considering his novelty with intelligence community matters. He's literally behaving and speaking like the hair benders and taxi drivers noted in my signature line.
  3. No good end is served by his public derogation of the IC.
Trump seems not to realize that the government isn't the private sector. He can't just fire civil servants, but they can make his live very, very difficult.
Why can't he fire them? The unions you Think? That was an executive order under careful.....

Of what I wrote, the firing of civil service workers is what you found comment-worth? Boy...

Anyway....Firing federal workers is difficult
Then why did you say it?

An EO can be eliminated by a
The notion of "revamping" (whatever the hell that actually means in this context -- something considerably more precise would be helpful) the CIA or other intelligence agencies doesn't bother me. That the man is (1) at this juncture, (2) publicly talking about it at this juncture, and (3) discrediting the organizations he's got no choice but to rely upon and work with is what bothers me.
  1. The timing of this announcement is strange coming from a man who does not routinely receive his daily intelligence brief, thus he's not forming a relationship with the people who work at the organizations he intends to "revamp." If he doesn't develop that relationship, he cannot possibly know the quality of people he's dealing with and the quality of information and analysis they convey/develop.
  2. Talking about that particular intention, one that wasn't among his key campaign message undermines the confidence the employees of those organizations have in him and it weakens their morale. Not good, especially considering his novelty with intelligence community matters. He's literally behaving and speaking like the hair benders and taxi drivers noted in my signature line.
  3. No good end is served by his public derogation of the IC.
Trump seems not to realize that the government isn't the private sector. He can't just fire civil servants, but they can make his live very, very difficult.

Then it's about time the Public Sector ran into someone like Trump. Civil SERVANTS are exactly that; accountable to the PEOPLE!!!


That "bravado" - for lack of a better term - surely sounds good in your mind to say. I'm sure others think so too. The reality is not nearly the same as the tone of that sort of remark.

Civil service employees have very clearly defined jobs and their duty is to perform them as specified and without misconduct. If they perform their job as its defined, they are serving the people, but accountable to "the people" beyond that, no, what they do is just work. That type accountability is what comes with being appointed or elected.

Yes, a small percentage of civil service jobs involve direct contact with "the people," and something resembling the type of accountability I think you have in mind comes into play. But as we are in this thread talking about the intelligence services, the number of folks in those agencies that have such roles is very low in the scheme of things. Plus those people aren't the ones Trump will encounter or "revamp," thus in this thread's context, they don't matter.
The notion of "revamping" (whatever the hell that actually means in this context -- something considerably more precise would be helpful) the CIA or other intelligence agencies doesn't bother me. That the man is (1) at this juncture, (2) publicly talking about it at this juncture, and (3) discrediting the organizations he's got no choice but to rely upon and work with is what bothers me.
  1. The timing of this announcement is strange coming from a man who does not routinely receive his daily intelligence brief, thus he's not forming a relationship with the people who work at the organizations he intends to "revamp." If he doesn't develop that relationship, he cannot possibly know the quality of people he's dealing with and the quality of information and analysis they convey/develop.
  2. Talking about that particular intention, one that wasn't among his key campaign message undermines the confidence the employees of those organizations have in him and it weakens their morale. Not good, especially considering his novelty with intelligence community matters. He's literally behaving and speaking like the hair benders and taxi drivers noted in my signature line.
  3. No good end is served by his public derogation of the IC.
Trump seems not to realize that the government isn't the private sector. He can't just fire civil servants, but they can make his live very, very difficult.
Why can't he fire them? The unions you Think? That was an executive order under careful.....

Of what I wrote, the firing of civil service workers is what you found comment-worth? Boy...

Anyway....Firing federal workers is difficult
Then why did you say it?

An EO can be eliminated by a

I wrote it to amplify the point that preceded it in a way that also allowed me to compositionally conclude the post.
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency

Someone who has denied the findings of multiple intelligence agencies; who has a very unhealthy admiration for Putin; someone who has clearly shown authoritarian tendencies is now going to restructure our top intelligence agency. Is Vladimir going to have input on this process?


(okay, the paid Russian trolls can not chime in...)
The notion of "revamping" (whatever the hell that actually means in this context -- something considerably more precise would be helpful) the CIA or other intelligence agencies doesn't bother me. That the man is (1) at this juncture, (2) publicly talking about it at this juncture, and (3) discrediting the organizations he's got no choice but to rely upon and work with is what bothers me.
  1. The timing of this announcement is strange coming from a man who does not routinely receive his daily intelligence brief, thus he's not forming a relationship with the people who work at the organizations he intends to "revamp." If he doesn't develop that relationship, he cannot possibly know the quality of people he's dealing with and the quality of information and analysis they convey/develop.
  2. Talking about that particular intention, one that wasn't among his key campaign message undermines the confidence the employees of those organizations have in him and it weakens their morale. Not good, especially considering his novelty with intelligence community matters. He's literally behaving and speaking like the hair benders and taxi drivers noted in my signature line.
  3. No good end is served by his public derogation of the IC.
Trump seems not to realize that the government isn't the private sector. He can't just fire civil servants, but they can make his live very, very difficult.
Why can't he fire them? The unions you Think? That was an executive order under careful.....

Of what I wrote, the firing of civil service workers is what you found comment-worth? Boy...

Anyway....Firing federal workers is difficult
Then why did you say it?

An EO can be eliminated by a

I wrote it to amplify the point that preceded it in a way that also allowed me to compositionally conclude the post.
Indeed...l heard your dog whistle.....
The notion of "revamping" (whatever the hell that actually means in this context -- something considerably more precise would be helpful) the CIA or other intelligence agencies doesn't bother me. That the man is (1) at this juncture, (2) publicly talking about it at this juncture, and (3) discrediting the organizations he's got no choice but to rely upon and work with is what bothers me.
  1. The timing of this announcement is strange coming from a man who does not routinely receive his daily intelligence brief, thus he's not forming a relationship with the people who work at the organizations he intends to "revamp." If he doesn't develop that relationship, he cannot possibly know the quality of people he's dealing with and the quality of information and analysis they convey/develop.
  2. Talking about that particular intention, one that wasn't among his key campaign message undermines the confidence the employees of those organizations have in him and it weakens their morale. Not good, especially considering his novelty with intelligence community matters. He's literally behaving and speaking like the hair benders and taxi drivers noted in my signature line.
  3. No good end is served by his public derogation of the IC.
Trump seems not to realize that the government isn't the private sector. He can't just fire civil servants, but they can make his live very, very difficult.
Why can't he fire them? The unions you Think? That was an executive order under careful.....

Of what I wrote, the firing of civil service workers is what you found comment-worth? Boy...

Anyway....Firing federal workers is difficult
Then why did you say it?

An EO can be eliminated by a

I wrote it to amplify the point that preceded it in a way that also allowed me to compositionally conclude the post.
Indeed...l heard your dog whistle.....

There's no double entendre in what I wrote. I was quite direct and straightforward.
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency

Someone who has denied the findings of multiple intelligence agencies; who has a very unhealthy admiration for Putin; someone who has clearly shown authoritarian tendencies is now going to restructure our top intelligence agency. Is Vladimir going to have input on this process?


(okay, the paid Russian trolls can not chime in...)
Lol, you didn't worry about a thing Obama did. Now shut you mouth and let the grown ups run things again.
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency

Someone who has denied the findings of multiple intelligence agencies; who has a very unhealthy admiration for Putin; someone who has clearly shown authoritarian tendencies is now going to restructure our top intelligence agency. Is Vladimir going to have input on this process?


(okay, the paid Russian trolls can not chime in...)
Lol, you didn't worry about a thing Obama did. Now shut you mouth and let the grown ups run things again.

Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency

Someone who has denied the findings of multiple intelligence agencies; who has a very unhealthy admiration for Putin; someone who has clearly shown authoritarian tendencies is now going to restructure our top intelligence agency. Is Vladimir going to have input on this process?


(okay, the paid Russian trolls can not chime in...)

Well let's see, during the Bush administration the CIA was the tool of Bush to tell the country that Iraq had WMD's when it did not.

Now with Obama in office they are his tool to tell us that the Russians stole the election.

Welcome to the USSR where the truth rests upon what administration is running it.
And yet no terror attack since 911. Funny hey. Boston Bombing , that was terror, but those things are going to happen in this day and age.
...and remember the work place violence at Fort Hood?

Major Hasan still lives!

I wonder if Obama allowed him to be a citizen of ISIS.

Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan petitions to be ‘citizen’ of Islamic State
Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan petitions to be ‘citizen’ of Islamic State

Those things are going to happen, people all the time go crazy and also get foolish religious ideologies. Plus we have such lax gun laws.
And yet no terror attack since 911. Funny hey. Boston Bombing , that was terror, but those things are going to happen in this day and age.
...and remember the work place violence at Fort Hood?

Major Hasan still lives!

I wonder if Obama allowed him to be a citizen of ISIS.

Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan petitions to be ‘citizen’ of Islamic State
Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan petitions to be ‘citizen’ of Islamic State

Those things are going to happen, people all the time go crazy and also get foolish religious ideologies. Plus we have such lax gun laws.
You fucking moron, do you think frivolous "feel good" gun control laws stop any crime whatsoever? Your little snowflake feelings are a bore. Even agreed Schooler knows people kill people not firearms. The most violent cult the planet has ever has known is Islam. They are all about violence and killing those they disagree with.... get a fucking clue and grow up political correctness is no way to live. Bed wetter
It didn't seem to bother anyone way back when JFK illegally used the CIA to train, equip and finance an invasion army against a sovereign country which they abandoned at the Bay of Pigs. It certainly bothered me that the CIA didn't seem to have a freaking clue about illegal alien terrorists attending flight school and learning how to steer a 747 into a building. It bothered me that Bill Clinton's National Security Adviser became a freaking thief stealing documents from the National Archives but it didn't seem to bother the criminal conspiracy known as the mainstream media. The only time the CIA seemed to come out of it's stupor was when they alleged that socialite Valery Plame was "outed" by Fox and they got it wrong. Shouldn't we be bothered that the CIA and the other "intelligence agencies" are whining that they are unable to protect the Country from cyber attacks? Trump is right....drain the freaking swamp.
Not going to provide any proof trust us......Bs.....McCain and Graham baying for action happy to operate in the dark......
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency

Someone who has denied the findings of multiple intelligence agencies; who has a very unhealthy admiration for Putin; someone who has clearly shown authoritarian tendencies is now going to restructure our top intelligence agency. Is Vladimir going to have input on this process?


(okay, the paid Russian trolls can not chime in...)

Well let's see, during the Bush administration the CIA was the tool of Bush to tell the country that Iraq had WMD's when it did not.

Now with Obama in office they are his tool to tell us that the Russians stole the election.

Welcome to the USSR where the truth rests upon what administration is running it.

That starts January 20th then Vladimir moves in.
It didn't seem to bother anyone way back when JFK illegally used the CIA to train, equip and finance an invasion army against a sovereign country which they abandoned at the Bay of Pigs. It certainly bothered me that the CIA didn't seem to have a freaking clue about illegal alien terrorists attending flight school and learning how to steer a 747 into a building. It bothered me that Bill Clinton's National Security Adviser became a freaking thief stealing documents from the National Archives but it didn't seem to bother the criminal conspiracy known as the mainstream media. The only time the CIA seemed to come out of it's stupor was when they alleged that socialite Valery Plame was "outed" by Fox and they got it wrong. Shouldn't we be bothered that the CIA and the other "intelligence agencies" are whining that they are unable to protect the Country from cyber attacks? Trump is right....drain the freaking swamp.

Love how you left out the Contras and WMD....slick.

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