Shouldn't this bother all of us?

US "intel" is either intentionally devious or unintentionally bad. That is why The Donald is smart to keep his own private, personal security team in place.
SHOULDN'T THIS SCARE THE H*LL OUT OF ALL OF US WHO APPRECIaTE FREEDOM?(okay, the paid Russian trolls can not chime in...)
In all seriousness, do you realize that this is precisely the same kind of silly stuff the Left was mocking the Right for saying, maybe, six months ago?
Are you serious? Really?

Jimbo and his kind can't remember yesterday, let alone six months ago.
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency

What the fuck does a massive Federal Spy Agency have to do with Freedom?

These were the same motherfuckers that were wantonly violating the privacy rights of not only American Citizens but Foreign Citizens around the globe under the current dickhead and the dickhead that was in the Oval Office before him, aren't these the multi-billion tax payer dollars a year douche bags that were caught completely unaware by 9/11 and the rise of ISIS?

If President Trump plans to go start knocking some heads together over at NSA, CIA and DHS more power to 'em.

"I can't in good conscience allow the U.S. government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they're secretly building." -- Edward Snowden

Dumb A@s, you don't mind if Putin is dictating to Stump how to change our intelligence agencies? Oh wait, if he were, then the intelligence agencies would know....oh wait....not if he redesigns to the agencies to give Russia a free hand...
I get impression that Mr. Know It All makes up his own facts. So I can see the savings here, intelligence just gets in the way of his notions.

Maybe he will put the other alleged rapist, Assange, in charge of our intelligence?
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency

What the fuck does a massive Federal Spy Agency have to do with Freedom?

These were the same motherfuckers that were wantonly violating the privacy rights of not only American Citizens but Foreign Citizens around the globe under the current dickhead and the dickhead that was in the Oval Office before him, aren't these the multi-billion tax payer dollars a year douche bags that were caught completely unaware by 9/11 and the rise of ISIS?

If President Trump plans to go start knocking some heads together over at NSA, CIA and DHS more power to 'em.

"I can't in good conscience allow the U.S. government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they're secretly building." -- Edward Snowden

Dumb A@s, you don't mind if Putin is dictating to Stump how to change our intelligence agencies? Oh wait, if he were, then the intelligence agencies would know....oh wait....not if he redesigns to the agencies to give Russia a free hand...
You will believe anything.

Trump is the DEVIL!

Obama is a SAINT!

WTF man!
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency

Someone who has denied the findings of multiple intelligence agencies; who has a very unhealthy admiration for Putin; someone who has clearly shown authoritarian tendencies is now going to restructure our top intelligence agency. Is Vladimir going to have input on this process?


(okay, the paid Russian trolls can not chime in...)
As someone who appreciates freedom, I think it is a wonderful idea to start looking more closely at our spy community. It's long overdue.
US intelligence agencies have been wrong repeatedly, but lefties don't know the history.

Just another example of the Left's knee jerk reaction to anything Trump says. They are like trained monkeys.

Yup and they are all lines up and hoping like hell that Trump fails.

Of course they all tell you what a great POTUS Douchebag was even though he sucked.

Dictators don't fail....they Dictate.
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency

Someone who has denied the findings of multiple intelligence agencies; who has a very unhealthy admiration for Putin; someone who has clearly shown authoritarian tendencies is now going to restructure our top intelligence agency. Is Vladimir going to have input on this process?


(okay, the paid Russian trolls can not chime in...)
And, for our intelligence agencies to poo poo away
the seriousness of Hillary's private email server,

removing classified security headers and replacing them
with inconspicuous email headers, who knows how many persons
had access to information they weren't even cleared for, nor
would have been, and down the road finding emails originating
from Hillary's private email server stored on a laptop, Huma,
at one time, shared with her disgraced husband, who had the laptop

and then listen to fucking ojerkoff talk about hacking, blah blah,
and the DNC blah blah, and Russia did it but, have yet to come
forward with the information which confirms this nonsense

and we have a bunch of computer illiterates in office
sitting in front of a computer, opening malicious emails infecting
the network with viruses, and forwarding the virus,
allowing a 16 year old to waltz in a back door,

shows me we have sub par at best, intelligence agencies
equipped to deal with cyber security for the 21st century

an FBI agency that doesn't know what constitutes criminal behavior,
unless it involves sexting a minor.

And, the CIA doesn't feel they need to get to the bottom of,
the correlation between money received through the Clinton foundation
and the rogue, Middle Eastern governments the money originated from.

Shake it up baby... shake it up!
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency

What the fuck does a massive Federal Spy Agency have to do with Freedom?

These were the same motherfuckers that were wantonly violating the privacy rights of not only American Citizens but Foreign Citizens around the globe under the current dickhead and the dickhead that was in the Oval Office before him, aren't these the multi-billion tax payer dollars a year douche bags that were caught completely unaware by 9/11 and the rise of ISIS?

If President Trump plans to go start knocking some heads together over at NSA, CIA and DHS more power to 'em.

"I can't in good conscience allow the U.S. government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they're secretly building." -- Edward Snowden

Dumb A@s, you don't mind if Putin is dictating to Stump how to change our intelligence agencies?
I would but since I'm not a brainless hyper-partisan drone like you are I don't believe that "Putin is dictating" anything to the President-Elect since there is absolutely no credible evidence to indicate that; I do however understand that the logic and reason proof shell that you exist in precludes the necessity for evidence and relies solely on partisan propaganda and complete bullshit instead.

Oh wait, if he were, then the intelligence agencies would know....oh wait....not if he redesigns to the agencies to give Russia a free hand...
Sorry my babble to English translator is in the shop, please try again.
Most of Congress disagrees with you, Cultish Lunatics. That includes Democrats and Republicans. They will add more sanctions to Russia and they will not allow Trump to change our intelligence systems to suit Vladimir Putin. You can be assured of that!
The intelligence agencies have become so infiltrated with partisanship and so politicized that they no longer can function as intelligence agencies. They are propaganda arms of the Democrat party.

When President Elect Trump met for intelligence briefings he took his own team of intelligence advisors to sort out the lies. Harry Reid encouraged the intelligence advisors to lie. They have been lying to us for 8 years. These agencies need to be gutted.
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency

Someone who has denied the findings of multiple intelligence agencies; who has a very unhealthy admiration for Putin; someone who has clearly shown authoritarian tendencies is now going to restructure our top intelligence agency. Is Vladimir going to have input on this process?


(okay, the paid Russian trolls can not chime in...)
Do you know how many times the CIA and the FBI have had overhauls of procedures during their existence?
The intelligence agencies have become so infiltrated with partisanship and so politicized that they no longer can function as intelligence agencies. They are propaganda arms of the Democrat party.

When President Elect Trump met for intelligence briefings he took his own team of intelligence advisors to sort out the lies. Harry Reid encouraged the intelligence advisors to lie. They have been lying to us for 8 years. These agencies need to be gutted.

He took General Nutcase Flynn, the King of Fake News, to "sort out the lies." :thewave:

That needs to be in Sunday's Comic Paper!
The intelligence agencies have become so infiltrated with partisanship and so politicized that they no longer can function as intelligence agencies. They are propaganda arms of the Democrat party.

When President Elect Trump met for intelligence briefings he took his own team of intelligence advisors to sort out the lies. Harry Reid encouraged the intelligence advisors to lie. They have been lying to us for 8 years. These agencies need to be gutted.

You are talking about this "intelligence ad visor", right?

Flynn under fire for fake news
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency

What the fuck does a massive Federal Spy Agency have to do with Freedom?

These were the same motherfuckers that were wantonly violating the privacy rights of not only American Citizens but Foreign Citizens around the globe under the current dickhead and the dickhead that was in the Oval Office before him, aren't these the multi-billion tax payer dollars a year douche bags that were caught completely unaware by 9/11 and the rise of ISIS?

If President Trump plans to go start knocking some heads together over at NSA, CIA and DHS more power to 'em.

"I can't in good conscience allow the U.S. government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they're secretly building." -- Edward Snowden
Those motherfuckers have probably saved your and my ass, directly, numerous times, but of course we don't know about it. Maybe the NIS is an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy, and in that case, it WOULD be better if the agencies started working together. However, there is absolutely no reason for your disrespectful gumflapping.
I can see the intelligence briefings after the Trump overhaul...

Intel Tech.: "General Flynn, the Russians are moving into eastern Europe with military equipment."

Flynn: "You must be mistaken, Putin said he wasn't going to do that yet."

Intel Tech.: "No sir, we are sure that they are through our aerial photography."

Flynn: "Look, I just checked with the President and he said he has a feeling that your intelligence is wrong."

Intel Tech.: "But sir..."

Flynn: "Look son. who am I going to trust, you and your silly photos or our President? He has been on the phone with Assange all morning and has been assured the photos are wrong. Now, go back and dust off the statues of His Holiness Trump that I gave you last week"
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency

What the fuck does a massive Federal Spy Agency have to do with Freedom?

These were the same motherfuckers that were wantonly violating the privacy rights of not only American Citizens but Foreign Citizens around the globe under the current dickhead and the dickhead that was in the Oval Office before him, aren't these the multi-billion tax payer dollars a year douche bags that were caught completely unaware by 9/11 and the rise of ISIS?

If President Trump plans to go start knocking some heads together over at NSA, CIA and DHS more power to 'em.

"I can't in good conscience allow the U.S. government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they're secretly building." -- Edward Snowden
Those motherfuckers have probably saved your and my ass, directly, numerous times, but of course we don't know about it. Maybe the NIS is an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy, and in that case, it WOULD be better if the agencies started working together. However, there is absolutely no reason for your disrespectful gumflapping.
No reason? First off I and every other tax payer PAY FOR them to "save our asses" to the tune of 10's of billions of dollars a year (which they take VOLUNTARILY) and their track record isn't what any rational person would call stellar, ever heard of blow back (you can ask the Iranians and the creators of "stuxnet" about it if you haven't) ? notice that the world trade center isn't there anymore? notice that the middle east is in flames? Need I go on with the litany of failures that our "intelligence" services have so kindly bestowed upon the citizens of the United States and countless countries around the globe?

Secondly I don't pay these motherfuckers to spy on me and every other innocent person on the planet in clear and flagrant violation of individual liberty and generally accepted morality, not to mention bald face lying about it to our elected representatives and the public, the bastards have become more interested in protecting the supremacy of the federal government rather than the interests of the common citizenry, so yeah I'm all for someone taking a hatchet to these leviathan bureaucracies and sending the message that they're no longer free to do whatever pleases them and that they will be held accountable for their fuck ups going forward; if that's what Donald Trump wants to do, he has my full support in doing so.

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