Shouldn't we at least ban affirmative action for doctors and judges???


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
These are two occupations where it's super important the practitioner be able. I say no more of this score "norming" on the LSAT and the MCAT that lets dummy minorities into our law and med schools. And once accepted, they should have to meet the same standards to graduate as the whites and asians.

Imagine you're charged with a crime and the judge can't even read!!! Happens every day.
These are two occupations where it's super important the practitioner be able. I say no more of this score "norming" on the LSAT and the MCAT that lets dummy minorities into our law and med schools. And once accepted, they should have to meet the same standards to graduate as the whites and asians.

Imagine you're charged with a crime and the judge can't even read!!! Happens every day.

So you have been in front a judge charged with a crime and the judge could not read?

Beav, you are out there.

Affirmative action absolutely does apply to Judges and doctors. What do you think the Bakke decision was all about. It was all about affirmative action in medical school. Patrick Chavis had his license revoked for malpractice and Alan Bakke did eventually get into medical school and is a respected physician.
There are black doctors? According to the right, they can't tie their own shoes.
i wouldnt get too bent about it

that is the least of the worries

as doctors and health providers flee the profession

thanks to obamacare
Affirmative action absolutely does apply to Judges and doctors. What do you think the Bakke decision was all about. It was all about affirmative action in medical school. Patrick Chavis had his license revoked for malpractice and Alan Bakke did eventually get into medical school and is a respected physician.

And the court ruled that affirmative action was not mandatory but permissible and Bakke was admitted....35 years ago. As for Chavis, he was admitted to medical school through an Affirmative Action program 41 years ago. Affirmative Action as it was back in those days looks differently now than it did then.
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Banning affirmative action for doctors is more important than ever. Currently when I walk into a doctor's office and see an AA hire I can let my feet do the talking and hit the door. That option will soon be more difficult.

Unfortunately, this is not an entirely unjustified attitude. At best, AA trades short term merit for long term social goals. At worst, it gives new credibility to old stereotypes, undermines self worth and fosters dependency on government programs.
You want the best doctor you can afford. It ain't going to be the black guy. Unless you really believe throwing chicken bones on the ground and shaking a stick with feathers tied to it is good medicine.
I dont even let blacks wash my car . VooDoo and Black magic juju never cured anything infact everything a nog touches goes to Hell in a hand basket.
Banning affirmative action for doctors is more important than ever. Currently when I walk into a doctor's office and see an AA hire I can let my feet do the talking and hit the door. That option will soon be more difficult.

That's what obozocare will do. The govt will decide what doctor you get and they will force you to use a black doctor that nobody wants.
Banning affirmative action for doctors is more important than ever. Currently when I walk into a doctor's office and see an AA hire I can let my feet do the talking and hit the door. That option will soon be more difficult.

That's what obozocare will do. The govt will decide what doctor you get and they will force you to use a black doctor that nobody wants.

Black doctor. Now there's an oxymoron. Might as well call it what it is. Witch doctor.
The original intent was to prevent racially biased employers from always choosing white candidates over non-white candidates.

Again you lie. The original (and continuing) intent of affirmative action is to persecute white people. Our govt refuses to admit what every one knows - that blacks are mentally inferior and their problems are their own fault. Instead the govt says black failure is the fault of white people and so we're gonna hurt whitey anyway we can!!!
The original intent was to prevent racially biased employers from always choosing white candidates over non-white candidates.

Again you lie. The original (and continuing) intent of affirmative action is to persecute white people. Our govt refuses to admit what every one knows - that blacks are mentally inferior and their problems are their own fault. Instead the govt says black failure is the fault of white people and so we're gonna hurt whitey anyway we can!!!

Well I am sure many of those black folks over the first 250 years of US history used AA to make sure that only white folks were hired.

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