Shouldn't we at least ban affirmative action for doctors and judges???

The original intent was to prevent racially biased employers from always choosing white candidates over non-white candidates.

Again you lie. The original (and continuing) intent of affirmative action is to persecute white people. Our govt refuses to admit what every one knows - that blacks are mentally inferior and their problems are their own fault. Instead the govt says black failure is the fault of white people and so we're gonna hurt whitey anyway we can!!!

Just like the other poster stated, you have the emotional maturity of a toddler,

Affirmative action refers to equal opportunity employment measures that Federal contractors and subcontractors are legally required to adopt.

These measures are intended to prevent discrimination against employees or applicants for employment on the basis of "color, religion, sex, or national origin"

There is no "intent to persecute white people", considering the fact that white females have benefitted exponentially from the initiative.

For someone who objects so vehemently to this initiative, you don't know anything about it. Affirmative action is not a "help blacks, hurt whites" conspiracy.

YOUR issue is that you are an insecure, and illiterate racist idiot, who is not capable of sound logic or reasoning. It is my guess that you blame AA for your own academic and work related deficiencies. Try learning something and you might get a job.
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"Affirmative Action" is a judge-made, unconstitutional initiative (it has never been codified in Federal law, believe it or not), intended to compel FEDERAL and STATE institutions (agencies, schools, police departments, etc) to seek out and promote the interests of QUALIFIED persons belonging to groups who were historically the victims of unjust discrimination, based solely on being a person of that group.

Lacking the ability to make AA apply generally, supportive government bureaucrats and officials sought to impose it on the private sector and non-government institutions by making it an obligation of contract (or grant). If you got a large government contract or grant, you had to have an AA plan, so in order even to bid on a significant contract you had to have an AA plan in place.

Typically, AA programs apply to hiring, promotions, and in Academe, admissions. But remember, PRIVATE employers and associations that do not do business with government are NOT REQUIRED by law to have affirmative action programs, although most private employers and schools purport not to DISCRIMINATE AGAINST persons in the traditionally-designated victim groups (my terminology, not theirs).

One of the most famous cases of overt discrimination and a "thumb-your-nose" attitude by a private institution was the notorious unwritten but inviolate policy of the Augusta National Golf Club not to admit women or "knee-grows." Ultimately, they have admitted a few of both, but their refusal and Governments' inability to do anything about it caused a lot of consternation within the Victim Nation. It still does, I suppose.

The question is whether AA is EVER a legitimate, worthwhile programme. The Original Poster is concerned about the possibility of AA for doctors and judges, presumably because incompetence in these positions could be catastrophic.

It's probably not as much of an issue as it could be in those two specific cases. You can't get to be a doctor unless you pass the state medical boards, and you can't be a judge unless you have passed a Bar Exam at some time in your career. These are not insignificant exams and even though there seem to be incompetents in both professions, they can't be stupid - having passed the exams - and there are examples of white men incompetents in both fields.

The fundamental scenario is this: There is a test to qualify for some government job (or admission to a school, or a promotion), and if the Selector were to make the choice purely on quantitative grounds, the Victim-Class applicants might never get the goods. So in order to get some of them hired, promoted, and/or admitted, the Selector dips down a little lower into the pool, and selects the most qualified Victim-Class applicant, in spite of the fact that s/he is not among the top applicants, using the established criteria.

IMHO, a "good" affirmative action plan meets three criteria: First, the person selected must be FULLY QUALIFIED for whatever it is. It can't be a police applicant who lacks the reading and writing skills required to understand laws, testify in court, write a coherent arrest report, and so on. You get the idea. Fully qualified, period. Second, there must be a reasonable case that proves the institution was unfairly discriminating in the past. Third, there must be some benefit to the institution coming out of the AA. For example, there is a benefit for the Chicago police department to have a demographic profile that is similar to the demographics of Chicago.

In short, "bad" AA programs promote the interests of unqualified people They do badly on the job. They fail out of the college, or spend years there taking a watered-down courseload, and eventually can only succeed my majoring in "Black Studies," or some such nonsense.

Now, to be specific, Our Beloved First Lady was employed as the Diversity Director of a large Chicago group of hospitals, and made several hundred thousand dollars a year for doing basically nothing.

This is "good" affirmative action.
These are two occupations where it's super important the practitioner be able. I say no more of this score "norming" on the LSAT and the MCAT that lets dummy minorities into our law and med schools. And once accepted, they should have to meet the same standards to graduate as the whites and asians.

Imagine you're charged with a crime and the judge can't even read!!! Happens every day.

Apparently you are unaware that affirmative action may help people (white women are the highest % to use AA) get into a does not help them graduate.
Affirmative Action can help people to graduate, indirectly. Professors are self conscious about failing Victims and water down their standards. Administrations look approvingly on such attitudes and actions. Colleges create bullshit majors (communications, black studies, etc) so that the AA students will have some chance of "succeeding." When Blacks fail out in large numbers, it makes everyone look bad.
Affirmative Action has already corrupted the judiciary even if blacks aren't sitting on the bench. There is enough white guilt to serve the same purpose.
These are two occupations where it's super important the practitioner be able. I say no more of this score "norming" on the LSAT and the MCAT that lets dummy minorities into our law and med schools. And once accepted, they should have to meet the same standards to graduate as the whites and asians.

Imagine you're charged with a crime and the judge can't even read!!! Happens every day.

Clarence Thomas agrees with you that AA should be abolished, but for different reasons, thus proving, by your standard, that he is stupid.
It's probably not as much of an issue as it could be in those two specific cases. You can't get to be a doctor unless you pass the state medical boards, and you can't be a judge unless you have passed a Bar Exam at some time in your career. These are not insignificant exams and even though there seem to be incompetents in both professions, they can't be stupid - having passed the exams - and there are examples of white men incompetents in both fields.

BS. Affirmative action is everywhere and that includes on the medical exam and the bar exam. There are lots of black doctors and lawyers that can't even read.

Apparently you are unaware that affirmative action may help people (white women are the highest % to use AA) get into a does not help them graduate.

It does too, you idiot. Most colleges use affirmative action grading to "help" the moron blacks.
It's probably not as much of an issue as it could be in those two specific cases. You can't get to be a doctor unless you pass the state medical boards, and you can't be a judge unless you have passed a Bar Exam at some time in your career. These are not insignificant exams and even though there seem to be incompetents in both professions, they can't be stupid - having passed the exams - and there are examples of white men incompetents in both fields.

BS. Affirmative action is everywhere and that includes on the medical exam and the bar exam. There are lots of black doctors and lawyers that can't even read.

Supply a link supporting that Beav.
"Affirmative Action" is a deliberate misnomer created to mask a policy of racial quotas, just as the "Affordable Care Act" is a misnomer for shifting health care costs from older/unemployed people to younger/employed people.

Apparently you are unaware that affirmative action may help people (white women are the highest % to use AA) get into a does not help them graduate.

It does too, you idiot. Most colleges use affirmative action grading to "help" the moron blacks.

Prove it, shitforbrains, or take your idiocy over to the Conspiracy Forum.

BS. Affirmative action is everywhere and that includes on the medical exam and the bar exam. There are lots of black doctors and lawyers that can't even read.

Supply a link supporting that Beav.

Hey stupid. The govt admits it has billions of affirmative action programs. The burden of proof is thus on you to show black doctors and lawyers are qualified. Let's see it, white-hater.

BS. Affirmative action is everywhere and that includes on the medical exam and the bar exam. There are lots of black doctors and lawyers that can't even read.

Supply a link supporting that Beav.

Hey stupid. The govt admits it has billions of affirmative action programs. The burden of proof is thus on you to show black doctors and lawyers are qualified. Let's see it, white-hater.

Illogical douchebag.

BS. Affirmative action is everywhere and that includes on the medical exam and the bar exam. There are lots of black doctors and lawyers that can't even read.

Supply a link supporting that Beav.

Hey stupid. The govt admits it has billions of affirmative action programs. The burden of proof is thus on you to show black doctors and lawyers are qualified. Let's see it, white-hater.

Lol! Dumb ass. I know a few black doctors and attorneys, and feel free to out any post where I have ever even insinuated that I hate the white people of this country or any country. What I do have though is an extreme dislike for misinformed IDIOTS and RACIST jerks no matter what their race you.

YOU claim that there are lots of black doctors and attorneys who can't read.

Prove it, asshole.
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