Show you care @


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
this might seem harsh, but the whole time Obama and Democrats have been in office this has been going on...NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN they take notice and show OUTRAGE...I see this as phony as everything these people (Democrats/progressives/Obama's/Clintons/etc) do
Tweets, pictures, etc better seen at site

As I pointed out the other day, nothing says you care quite like a Hallmark greeting Tweet:

brfLady M shows her disappointment in us for not having done enough to bring the girls home.

So get those hashtag selfies fired up! We’re launching another episode of hashtag diplomacy; because it worked so well in that Russia/Ukraine kerfuffle.

jen psaki hashtag diplomacyUnitedforUkraine

Hollywood has jumped onboard with its own version called “Real Men Don’t Buy Girls.”

Screenshot Studio capture #1962That’s Justin Timberlake, left, and Sean Penn, right, in case you don’t care enough anymore to know.

aston-i-demi-u-borbi-protiv-zlostavljanja-devojcica_800x600And this is Eva (Desperate Housewife) Longoria, Ashton Kutcher (Demi Moore’s former boy toy) and the actress who once had temporary custody of Ashton and now vaguely resembles Demi Moore.

I hate to be critical because I know they care, and they’re doing it for a good cause, butt “real men”? – isn’t that rather insensitive, to gays I mean? If they objected to Boulder’s “Sea Level Is For Sissies” I can’t see how they aren’t going to be offended by “Real Men Don’t Buy Girls” - on multiple levels. BTW: Real Men don’t wear “Rasta” beanies either, Ashton.

Anyway, that’s probably why big time politicians like Hillary are sticking with #BringBackOurGirls.

hillary clinton tweet stand up chuck

Tweets the Lady who did not see fit to “brand” the Boko Haram a terrorist group when she had the chance:

This wasn’t just an episode of bureaucratic indifference. The Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA and many in Congress lobbied the State Department to list Boko Haram, but Clinton stood firm in defense of the Nigerian terrorists. Now, with the kidnapping outrage in the news, Hillary is tweeting away on behalf of the Nigerian girls. (snip)

ALL of it here
Michelle Obama's Mirror: Show You Care @
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This Nigerian creature amassed $7 billion in sapping Nigeria of oil. Can't she hire a police force with tasers to track down what are probably her cousins who allegedly kidnapped those women? Isn't a lot of marriages in Africa kind of a kidnap situation anyhow?

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