SHOWDOWN: Dirty FBI has Until Tomorrow to Turn Over Unclassified Document Tying Joe Biden to $5 Million Bribery Scheme – Or Face Contempt of Congress

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Time has run out for Chris Wray. Let's see what happens in the morning. Let's see if he'll do the right thing.

Time has run out for Chris Wray. Let's see what happens in the morning. Let's see if he'll do the right thing.

basically it is legal and above board anything a libturd does.....all good move on

FBI has Until Tomorrow Or Face Contempt of Congress​

Or what? What penalty does contempt of Congress hold? Does Congress have arrest powers? Prosecutorial powers? Or do they have to refer all of that to the FBI and DOJ themselves?

Contempt of Congress ought to mean they go in, haul your ass out of your office right from under your desk and haul your ass off to jail no matter who you are!
Time has run out for Chris Wray. Let's see what happens in the morning. Let's see if he'll do the right thing.

Last time the files on Hunter were due to be handed over, hours later Garland intimidated -obstruction by raiding Trumps resort home. This will repeat until someone actually follows the letter of the law and arrests them for obstruction and abusing power.
Time has run out for Chris Wray. Let's see what happens in the morning. Let's see if he'll do the right thing.

There is no incriminating document.
It's just your BDS clouding your senses.
Joe and Hunter Biden are living rent free in your head.

Last time the files on Hunter were due to be handed over, hours later Garland intimidated -obstruction by raiding Trumps resort home. This will repeat until someone actually follows the letter of the law and arrests them for obstruction and abusing power.
Garland would have to arrest himself.
Garland would have to arrest himself.
The way around this is the Congressional Judicial Committee that regulates the FBI so any formal complaint to the FBI on Garland's 2perjury & 2 times obstructing by intimidation has to be taken serious or else they would be obstructing on top of their problems they already created.
The other way around the self policing issue is to prosecute through state laws.
I believe on the top of my head it's
837.05 2) of Florida law about filing false charges in Florida, and
Fl Law: 914.22. Regarding their Intimidation to obstruct.
It might be up to Desantis or the FL AG to show some authority to protect their Florida citizens from abuse of Gov't and protect the sanctity of law in the state.

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