Shrugging off growing impeachment evidence, GOP stands with Trump


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
I found this...not really anything new..just the usual rehash...except..there was a quote that stuck in my mind:

Republicans shrug off growing evidence, stand with Trump against impeachment

Yet Republicans are rallying around the president, including longtime foreign policy hawks such as retiring Rep. Mac Thornberry of Texas. The former House Armed Services Committee chairman and steadfast critic of Russia on Sunday called Trumpā€™s use of foreign aid to elicit a political probe from that nation ā€œinappropriateā€ but accused Democrats of running a ā€œtaintedā€ and ā€œone-sidedā€ probe.

ā€œThereā€™s a reason we let murderers and robbers and rapists go free when their due process rights have been violated,ā€ Thornberry said on ABCā€™s ā€œThis Week.ā€

GOP cohesion will test Democratsā€™ impeachment strategy as they moved their inquiry into the public sphere Wednesday. Democrats recognize that the onus is on them to make the case to independent voters who donā€™t have time to sift through thousands of pages of transcripts alleging presidential misconduct.

This guy...knowingly or not..linked Trump with, "murderers and robbers and rapists"--that got free on violations of due process....An interesting glimpse into this man's psyche.
Itā€™s also confirmation that Thornberry is either ignorant or dishonest: ignorant of the fact that ā€˜due processā€™ isnā€™t applicable concerning the impeachment process ā€“ a process thatā€™s political, not legal.

Or Thornberry is aware of that fact and instead decides to propagate the lie that ā€˜due processā€™ is not being observed.

Either way, Thornberry is far from alone with regard to his fellow Republicans, who are just as ignorant, and just as dishonest.
There is no evidence. All Dems. have is an unhealthy hatred of our President and their own warped desire to spin conspiracies. We saw it with Russia, we saw it with Kavanaugh, we saw it with me too, we saw it with Sessions and Barr, we're seeing it with Ukraine It's all exactly like Zaid said the coup against Trump would be
This guy...knowingly or not..linked Trump with, "murderers and robbers and rapists"--that got free on violations of due process....An interesting glimpse into this man's psyche.

Naw, he didn't "link" that, except to say, we let people go upon violation of due process who have done much worse than Trump (or so he thinks). So, that's a gotcha nothing-burger.

Far more important is that he is decrying as "tainted" a process that follows rules written by Republicans in the context of the interminable Benghazi witch hunt. That, actually, is a glimpse into the man's psyche - or rather, into the Republican psyche: They are addicted to hypocrisy.
Growing evidence? With each new revelation it is actually shrinking.
I found this...not really anything new..just the usual rehash...except..there was a quote that stuck in my mind:

Republicans shrug off growing evidence, stand with Trump against impeachment

Yet Republicans are rallying around the president, including longtime foreign policy hawks such as retiring Rep. Mac Thornberry of Texas. The former House Armed Services Committee chairman and steadfast critic of Russia on Sunday called Trumpā€™s use of foreign aid to elicit a political probe from that nation ā€œinappropriateā€ but accused Democrats of running a ā€œtaintedā€ and ā€œone-sidedā€ probe.

ā€œThereā€™s a reason we let murderers and robbers and rapists go free when their due process rights have been violated,ā€ Thornberry said on ABCā€™s ā€œThis Week.ā€

GOP cohesion will test Democratsā€™ impeachment strategy as they moved their inquiry into the public sphere Wednesday. Democrats recognize that the onus is on them to make the case to independent voters who donā€™t have time to sift through thousands of pages of transcripts alleging presidential misconduct.

This guy...knowingly or not..linked Trump with, "murderers and robbers and rapists"--that got free on violations of due process....An interesting glimpse into this man's psyche.
Trump is a mob boss. He has involved so many people in his shady dealing that they will protect him just to save their own ass.
What "growing" impeachment effort? Last I checked, CNN and MSNBC hasn't used the word "bombshell" since last week.
EVEN IF EVERYTHING PROMOTED BY SCHIFF IS TRUE, the QPQ never actually happened; the funds were not significantly delayed, and the "crime" is largely imaginary. The construction of anything that could remotely benefit a political candidacy as "an illegal campaign donation" is a new phenomenon and not supported by logic or precedent. It is only used against Republicans and Dems who are out of favor at the moment.

In the eyes of the American public, it is bullshit. The idea that an American President can be removed from office for such a trivial faux pas is preposterous.
It is now coming out in testimony that Trump abused his power holding up assistance to Ukraine. The eventual release of that assistance came not on his orders but after the relevant agencies' lawyers concluded that the president did not have the power to put them on hold. It is also coming out that from the beginning there was a real concern that this could embolden Russia if they found out Ukraine no longer had strong American support. There's the underlying worry that has landed Trump where he is. It's bad enough that he was fucking with the election, he was also helping Russia against the official Ukraine policy of the United States. Argue if it was intentional or not but the fact remains that Trump has hobbled Ukraine at the moment it badly needs to make peace with Russia.

Do republicans care that Putin got an early Christmas present from Trump? Not in the least.
All I see is a big nothing burger that the lefty loons have hung their hats on.

Just like Russia, Kavanaugh and the rest of the lefty loon bull shit.

Hope they keep it up for the rest of 2019 and into 2020. They are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

Go Dems.
I found this...not really anything new..just the usual rehash...except..there was a quote that stuck in my mind:

Republicans shrug off growing evidence, stand with Trump against impeachment

Yet Republicans are rallying around the president, including longtime foreign policy hawks such as retiring Rep. Mac Thornberry of Texas. The former House Armed Services Committee chairman and steadfast critic of Russia on Sunday called Trumpā€™s use of foreign aid to elicit a political probe from that nation ā€œinappropriateā€ but accused Democrats of running a ā€œtaintedā€ and ā€œone-sidedā€ probe.

ā€œThereā€™s a reason we let murderers and robbers and rapists go free when their due process rights have been violated,ā€ Thornberry said on ABCā€™s ā€œThis Week.ā€

GOP cohesion will test Democratsā€™ impeachment strategy as they moved their inquiry into the public sphere Wednesday. Democrats recognize that the onus is on them to make the case to independent voters who donā€™t have time to sift through thousands of pages of transcripts alleging presidential misconduct.

This guy...knowingly or not..linked Trump with, "murderers and robbers and rapists"--that got free on violations of due process....An interesting glimpse into this man's psyche.
Lol evidence haha, Interpretation is not evidence Lol
All I see is a big nothing burger that the lefty loons have hung their hats on.

Just like Russia, Kavanaugh and the rest of the lefty loon bull shit.

Hope they keep it up for the rest of 2019 and into 2020. They are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

Go Dems.
Yeah Go Dems. Making republicans publicly choose between integrity and Trump has no political downside for democrats. About time they got some balls.
All I see is a big nothing burger that the lefty loons have hung their hats on.

Just like Russia, Kavanaugh and the rest of the lefty loon bull shit.

Hope they keep it up for the rest of 2019 and into 2020. They are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

Go Dems.
Yeah Go Dems. Making republicans publicly choose between integrity and Trump has no political downside for democrats. About time they got some balls.

Nah. Dems are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

Go Dems LOL
All I see is a big nothing burger that the lefty loons have hung their hats on.

Just like Russia, Kavanaugh and the rest of the lefty loon bull shit.

Hope they keep it up for the rest of 2019 and into 2020. They are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

Go Dems.
New witnesses keep coming forward claiming Trump freezed aid to Ukraine, without notifying congress.

Trump told Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation into the bidens or else they wouldn't get the aid. Extortion.
Trump promised an invite to the White House if they complied. Bribery.
I found this...not really anything new..just the usual rehash...except..there was a quote that stuck in my mind:

Republicans shrug off growing evidence, stand with Trump against impeachment

Yet Republicans are rallying around the president, including longtime foreign policy hawks such as retiring Rep. Mac Thornberry of Texas. The former House Armed Services Committee chairman and steadfast critic of Russia on Sunday called Trumpā€™s use of foreign aid to elicit a political probe from that nation ā€œinappropriateā€ but accused Democrats of running a ā€œtaintedā€ and ā€œone-sidedā€ probe.

ā€œThereā€™s a reason we let murderers and robbers and rapists go free when their due process rights have been violated,ā€ Thornberry said on ABCā€™s ā€œThis Week.ā€

GOP cohesion will test Democratsā€™ impeachment strategy as they moved their inquiry into the public sphere Wednesday. Democrats recognize that the onus is on them to make the case to independent voters who donā€™t have time to sift through thousands of pages of transcripts alleging presidential misconduct.

This guy...knowingly or not..linked Trump with, "murderers and robbers and rapists"--that got free on violations of due process....An interesting glimpse into this man's psyche.
Growing paid performances-not evidence-will lies be enough to topple our government-only Schiff knows for sure!

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