Shutdown makes US 'less desirable' for science


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Shutdown makes US 'less desirable' for science

just added by Kerry Sheridan

The US government shutdown puts international science collaboration in peril and could have far-reaching impacts on innovation and research, a top science group said Wednesday.

"If the government shutdown continues for a week or more, it is going to make the United States less desirable as an international research collaborator," said Joanne Carney, director of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Office of Government Relations.

Read more at: Shutdown makes US 'less desirable' for science

thanks a lot republicans. congrats:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Translation: it makes the U.S. less desirable for grant seeking by science-grifters.

Plenty of real science is taking place in the private sector.
The New Atlantis » The Sources and Uses of U.S. Science Funding

Private industry accounts for about 2/3 with the government and other sources, universities.... accounting for the other 1/3

The type of research performed differs between government and private industry. Government research is split, 50/50 between military research and other basic research.

Typically, basic research performed through government grants leads to spin offs that create new private industries which then further develop the technology towards marketability.

For instance, Genentech. Genentech: About Us

Genentech Inc., is a biotechnology corporation, founded in 1976 by venture capitalist Robert A. Swanson and biochemist Dr. Herbert Boyer.[1][2] It is considered to have founded the biotechnology industry.[1][2] Boyer is considered to be a pioneer in the field of recombinant DNA technology. In 1973, Boyer and his colleague Stanley Norman Cohen demonstrated that restriction enzymes could be used as "scissors" to cut DNA fragments of interest from one source, to be ligated into a similarly cut plasmid vector.[citation needed] While Cohen returned to the laboratory in academia,[1] Swanson contacted Boyer[3] to found the company.[1]

Genentech is a spin off of government funded university science.
I guess now we are listening to lobbyists who are getting their pinata at the trough gravy train pinched.

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