SIAP:Apple announces plans to repatriate $350 billion in overseas cash, add 20,000 jobs in America

Anyone who believes this nonsense has no clue how business operates.

1. Apple specifically has had more profits than it knew what to do with for a long time now, MORE profits from tax-cuts would simply mean more money they don't know what to do with.

2. Money spent on capital expenditures and jobs is also called EXPENSES and thus are taxed at ZERO percent.
What's your point?
Anyone who believes this nonsense has no clue how business operates.

1. Apple specifically has had more profits than it knew what to do with for a long time now, MORE profits from tax-cuts would simply mean more money they don't know what to do with.

2. Money spent on capital expenditures and jobs is also called EXPENSES and thus are taxed at ZERO percent.
I wonder how many construction jobs and related support jobs will be generated by Apple's preparation of a new campus. I wonder how much material sales revenue will be generated as a result of their new campus. I wonder how much retail business will be generated to serve their new campus for years to come. I wonder how you goddamned idiot liberals ever managed to graduate from kindergarten.

Idiot, you still do not get it, Apple will pay ZERO tax rate on profits that pay for these EXPENSES.

Apple doesn't build anything or hire anyone because they got a tax cut, they build it because they think it is good for their company.
do they think aapl is hiring 20,000 because they want to please drumph?
Idiot, you still do not get it, Apple will pay ZERO tax rate on profits that pay for these EXPENSES.

Apple doesn't build anything or hire anyone because they got a tax cut, they build it because they think it is good for their company.
So, why is Apple doing it now and SAYING that they are doing it because of tax reform?
Anyone who believes this nonsense has no clue how business operates.

1. Apple specifically has had more profits than it knew what to do with for a long time now, MORE profits from tax-cuts would simply mean more money they don't know what to do with.

2. Money spent on capital expenditures and jobs is also called EXPENSES and thus are taxed at ZERO percent.
Capital expenditures generally line the pockets of vendors. Vendors pay taxes on their income. You are an idiot.

Ok, again idiot, they aren't doing it because of a tax-cut. They had all the money in the world to do it ALREADY.
But the taxes were too high, so they didn't. Now the taxes are reasonable and they plan to do it. The Trump Tax Plan is paying off big time and you are too stupid to know it.

What asshole did you pull that assertion from?

Are you listening to a single word of what I'm explaining to you?
You are not qualified to explain anything to me or anyone else. You are an idiot, a useful idiot for the lame brain Democrats who contend that corporations actually pay taxes. Here's a hint, dufus: Corporate 'taxes' are business expenses covered by higher prices for their goods and services. Consumers pay the 'taxes' levied on corporations.

Jeesus you are just an ignoramus chuck full of right-wing bullshit.

Prices are not set by after tax profits dummy, they are set by supply and demand. If Apple thought it could sell iphones for 2000 bucks a pop it would do so tomorrow.
Anyone who believes this nonsense has no clue how business operates.

1. Apple specifically has had more profits than it knew what to do with for a long time now, MORE profits from tax-cuts would simply mean more money they don't know what to do with.

2. Money spent on capital expenditures and jobs is also called EXPENSES and thus are taxed at ZERO percent.
I wonder how many construction jobs and related support jobs will be generated by Apple's preparation of a new campus. I wonder how much material sales revenue will be generated as a result of their new campus. I wonder how much retail business will be generated to serve their new campus for years to come. I wonder how you goddamned idiot liberals ever managed to graduate from kindergarten.

Idiot, you still do not get it, Apple will pay ZERO tax rate on profits that pay for these EXPENSES.

Apple doesn't build anything or hire anyone because they got a tax cut, they build it because they think it is good for their company.
do they think aapl is hiring 20,000 because they want to please drumph?
The link says the job expansion was planned before any repatriation. But that's not to say I think the repatriation part of the tax cut was a bad idea. It was a good idea, and until the Oranguton, it had bipartisan support.

It's one of those things in life. When you see people who disagree about some stuff agree about other stuff, it tends to show a good idea. LOL

Like marriage. Not that I pay attention to my wife anymore. Negotiation is now "just do what you're gonna do anyway, and let me watch TV."
Capital expenditures generally line the pockets of vendors. Vendors pay taxes on their income. You are an idiot.

Ok, again idiot, they aren't doing it because of a tax-cut. They had all the money in the world to do it ALREADY.
But the taxes were too high, so they didn't. Now the taxes are reasonable and they plan to do it. The Trump Tax Plan is paying off big time and you are too stupid to know it.

What asshole did you pull that assertion from?

Are you listening to a single word of what I'm explaining to you?
You are not qualified to explain anything to me or anyone else. You are an idiot, a useful idiot for the lame brain Democrats who contend that corporations actually pay taxes. Here's a hint, dufus: Corporate 'taxes' are business expenses covered by higher prices for their goods and services. Consumers pay the 'taxes' levied on corporations.

Jeesus you are just an ignoramus chuck full of right-wing bullshit.

Prices are not set by after tax profits dummy, they are set by supply and demand. If Apple thought it could sell iphones for 2000 bucks a pop it would do so tomorrow.
The only reason corporations make profits is that their expenses (including 'taxes') are always less than their income. Being competitive drives them to other countries where taxes are less. Lowering our taxes brings them is patently obvious to anyone with a working brain. Apparently, you are not included in this group.
Idiot, you still do not get it, Apple will pay ZERO tax rate on profits that pay for these EXPENSES.

Apple doesn't build anything or hire anyone because they got a tax cut, they build it because they think it is good for their company.
So, why is Apple doing it now and SAYING that they are doing it because of tax reform?


Corporations made out like bandits under the tax reform and they know it. If they don't put up a good show about how it helps America generally they know the rates are going right back up.

This is what they are REALLY doing with all that public-debt-financed windfall:

Dow closes at record high after Wal-Mart surges on $20 billion buyback
Idiot, you still do not get it, Apple will pay ZERO tax rate on profits that pay for these EXPENSES.

Apple doesn't build anything or hire anyone because they got a tax cut, they build it because they think it is good for their company.

And when were you the CEO of a major corporation, assclown?

They said specifically said, "Apple on Wednesday made a slew of announcements about its investment in and contribution to the U.S. economy in part because of the new tax law."

So it was a major factor in this decision. I realize it's bad news for a Marxist like you to see the successes of Capitalism in action, but do try to contain your flaming butt hurt.
Idiot, you still do not get it, Apple will pay ZERO tax rate on profits that pay for these EXPENSES.

Apple doesn't build anything or hire anyone because they got a tax cut, they build it because they think it is good for their company.

And when were you the CEO of a major corporation, assclown?

They said specifically said, "Apple on Wednesday made a slew of announcements about its investment in and contribution to the U.S. economy in part because of the new tax law."

So it was a major factor in this decision. I realize it's bad news for a Marxist like you to see the successes of Capitalism in action, but do try to contain your flaming butt hurt.

HA! Way to be a total assclown - since when is being CEO a requirement to understand basic economics?

I'm also not an English teacher but I'm pretty sure "in part" DOES NOT mean "major factor".

They aren't going to put out a presser on this, but Apple's lobbying, like many other corporations spiked big time ahead of the tax reform and sure enough it was money well spent for them.

Game plan now is to be able to ride out the populist outrage and actually keep these low rates along with all the sweetheart deals long term.
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Yeap, that is indeed good news, and if Obama were still in office, you'd see liberals posting threads cheering this encouraging development. Of course, under Obama, American overseas capital did not come back to the U.S. like it's now starting to do because the tax laws gave American companies no incentive to bring that money back. Under the new tax law, companies are penalized for parking money overseas and are rewarded for bringing it back to the U.S. Gee, what a novel idea.
Yeap, that is indeed good news, and if Obama were still in office, you'd see liberals posting threads cheering this encouraging development. Of course, under Obama, American overseas capital did not come back to the U.S. like it's now starting to do because the tax laws gave American companies no incentive to bring that money back. Under the new tax law, companies are penalized for parking money overseas and are rewarded for bringing it back to the U.S. Gee, what a novel idea.
The dems were open to cutting the corp rate. This is not new.
Yeap, that is indeed good news, and if Obama were still in office, you'd see liberals posting threads cheering this encouraging development. Of course, under Obama, American overseas capital did not come back to the U.S. like it's now starting to do because the tax laws gave American companies no incentive to bring that money back. Under the new tax law, companies are penalized for parking money overseas and are rewarded for bringing it back to the U.S. Gee, what a novel idea.
Whether dem or pub a great thing to happen
Apple announces plans to repatriate billions in overseas cash, says it will 'contribute' $350 billion to the economy over 5 years

MORE BAD NEWS FOR PROGS.....APPLE REPATRIATING $350 BILLION.....that's alot of taxes at 21%.

Sorry the economy is doing well, Progs. It sucks, i know. More people working and those people keeping more fo their money is BAD FOR PROGS.

Apple on Wednesday made a slew of announcements about its investment in and contribution to the U.S. economy.

The headline from Apple is that it will "contribute" $350 billion in the U.S. economy over the next five years, although it's unclear exactly how the company came to that number.

But the company did say promise to create 20,000 new jobs and a new campus thanks, in part, to the prospect of tax reform. It said it would spend over $30 billion in capital expenditures over the next five years.

It also said it anticipates a $38 billion tax bill for repatriated cash, as a result of the new tax bill. This implies it will bring back virtually all of its $250 billion in overseas cash.
They decided to get while the getting is good.

This is the worst possible news for the Dims. It means that, if other corporations do likewise, by 2020 the economy will be exploding.

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