Sick Of Same Old Crime And Violence, Chicago Tries Electing A Democrat This Time


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Sick Of Same Old Crime And Violence,
Chicago Tries Electing A Democrat This Time
4 Apr 2023 ~~

CHICAGO, IL — After a century of electing nothing but Democrats and getting only corruption, death, and poverty in return, Chicago residents have decided to make a change to the status quo by electing a different Democrat this time.
"Maybe this Democrat will be different," said one local business owner while sweeping up the broken glass from her store after getting robbed for the 15th time this year. "We tried Democrats 4 years ago, and also before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, going back to the early 1900s. I sure wish there was some other kind of thing we could choose that would help."
"Oh well."
As violence and despair continue to rise in the city, Chicago remains hopeful that maybe this Democrat politician implementing the same Democrat policies will somehow achieve a better result than all the other times it's been tried.
"I sure hope something changes soon," said Chicago resident Oprah Winfrey from her luxury high-rise condo. "I heard a rumor that my assistant's driver's intern's errand boy got shot in the face last week! Terrible!"

Well, this time they elected a Maoist Democrat Commie so maybe things will be... different?
Just another example that once the people are indoctrinated and sufficiently stupid, they will follow the media without question.
Chicago voters had the choice between:
(1) a tough-on-crime candidate offering hope of at least trying to change the status quo;​
(2) a defund-the-police-type hack politician who promises more of the same but happens to check the right skin-color box.​
Of course, chose number 2.
This is reminiscent of the Los Angeles mayoral election last year wherein voters had the choice between a law-and-order, pro-business candidate who happened to be white and the more-of-the-same-liberal-crap black candidate. And again, they chose the latter.
The definition of insanity is; “Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results “.
chicago mayor.jpg
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Sick Of Same Old Crime And Violence,
Chicago Tries Electing A Democrat This Time
4 Apr 2023 ~~

CHICAGO, IL — After a century of electing nothing but Democrats and getting only corruption, death, and poverty in return, Chicago residents have decided to make a change to the status quo by electing a different Democrat this time.
"Maybe this Democrat will be different," said one local business owner while sweeping up the broken glass from her store after getting robbed for the 15th time this year. "We tried Democrats 4 years ago, and also before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, and before that, going back to the early 1900s. I sure wish there was some other kind of thing we could choose that would help."
"Oh well."
As violence and despair continue to rise in the city, Chicago remains hopeful that maybe this Democrat politician implementing the same Democrat policies will somehow achieve a better result than all the other times it's been tried.
"I sure hope something changes soon," said Chicago resident Oprah Winfrey from her luxury high-rise condo. "I heard a rumor that my assistant's driver's intern's errand boy got shot in the face last week! Terrible!"

Well, this time they elected a Maoist Democrat Commie so maybe things will be... different?
Just another example that once the people are indoctrinated and sufficiently stupid, they will follow the media without question.
Chicago voters had the choice between:
(1) a tough-on-crime candidate offering hope of at least trying to change the status quo;​
(2) a defund-the-police-type hack politician who promises more of the same but happens to check the right skin-color box.​
Of course, chose number 2.
This is reminiscent of the Los Angeles mayoral election last year wherein voters had the choice between a law-and-order, pro-business candidate who happened to be white and the more-of-the-same-liberal-crap black candidate. And again, they chose the latter.
The definition of insanity is; “Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results “.
I fervently believe that by electing this current disaster of a DEMONRAT that things will be different. Am I wrong? Or can worse be considered different?
Shitcongo is a foreign country to me, in every way imaginable.

I look forward to unspeakable mayhem and terror in the streets of that shithole.... the kind that would make the previous shit lizard blush. I'm giddy just thinking about those satanic parasites offing each other in large numbers. :hyper:

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