SICKENING: Crowd Cheers When Beto O’Rourke Voices Support Day-Before-Birth

When one becomes a democrat, they go through a decades old rite of passage.


The Far-left Democrats, the Party of INFANTICIDE, continue to reveal their true sick and twisted selves every day.

This time, Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke told a man during a campaign event that he supports a woman’s right to kill her baby even just one day before birth.

WATCH the disturbing clip here:
SICKENING: Crowd Cheers When Beto O’Rourke Voices Support For Day-Before-Birth Abortion (VIDEO)

Yes, they are vile murdering animals. Barack Obama championed this sort of sub-human slaughter as a pol in Illinois; his speeches advocating it are what got him noticed by the DNC as their kind of vermin.

Too bad this site won't let anyone post pictures of the process Democrats are so proud of supporting, at least the last time I tried to post the series of pics they were blocked, maybe the source site blocked them, I don't know..

It consists of pulling the child nearly all the way out of the birth canal with tongs until just the head of the child is inside the canal, then shoving a pair of scissors into its skull until it dies. that way they think they can run around claiming the child 'wasn't born yet, so it isn't murder' ... this is their idea of 'scientific reasoning n stuff', the sick scum. There is no adequate way to describe just how sick, evil, and deranged these psychopaths are.

No Surprise Roberto Francisco is fine with it, most meth heads are fashion victims desensitized to anything that smacks of basic humanity. They already support homosexual pedophile 'rights' movements, racist displacement agendas followed by genocides, and Making Red China Great Again; they especially admire Red China's organ legging business.
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I see that the nutjobs are out in force. If a nine-months pregnant person is in distress, a C-section will be performed. Plumbers and used-car salesmen should stay the hell out of the hospitals.

Again, WTF is going on with the people who are against birth control? Use education and technology to prevent unwanted pregnancies before they get started. This is something that we all should be able to support. What is wrong with these people? Ask them to 'fess up as to what they are trying to do to the American People, on camera.
Who is stopping you from using it?

You did not address my question about why the queerdos want to limit or eliminate access to birth control and education on sexual issues. What is going on with these assholes? I am not talking about abortion, here. I am specifically talking about preventive birth control. These shit-for-brains types should be confronted in public. Pigpence is up to his eyeballs in this shit. Start with him.

A pill a day could keep the obstetrician away, without abortion. But there is a scumbag named Valerie Huber who has been given charge of birth-control funding at DHS. She apparently is just against sex for whatever reason. I think that she is a member of a loony religious cult and has something with batteries on her nightstand or is an asexual. In any event, she needs to be called out, interviewed, and her face seen on TV. Why is she not being honest with the American People?
So who prevents you from getting your birth control again?

The issue here is that these people are making policy that covers the entire country and involves public funds, but they hide from the public and refuse to provide any explanation for their activities. Why would you put some screwball who doesn't even like sex and doesn't have a clue as to why people engage in it in charge of awarding Title X grants for birth control and then allow her to hide from questions?

The Far-left Democrats, the Party of INFANTICIDE, continue to reveal their true sick and twisted selves every day.

This time, Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke told a man during a campaign event that he supports a woman’s right to kill her baby even just one day before birth.

WATCH the disturbing clip here:
SICKENING: Crowd Cheers When Beto O’Rourke Voices Support For Day-Before-Birth Abortion (VIDEO)

You idiots need to get a grip. Nobody kills a viable fetus the day before it's born. That you keep promoting these lies as something we really do, is beyond the pale.

This is all they got to sell their supports... They have made them poorer, dumber, unhealthier while living in fear.... They have to create boogy men to run from...
But Trump's a RACIST....Your stupidity and lies are hereby noted!

Trump IS a racist. He's using a white power symbol as his election logo. He's deporting brown people, not white people. He is openly encouraging racists and mass shooters with his rhetoric. He was charged with racial in housing in New York in the 1970's not once but twice,

And then there's every racist sentence issued for from his lying mouth. You can deny Trump is a racist all you want but the evidence contradicts you at every turn.
No business of a dumb Canadian.

It is the business of every decent human being on earth.
You idiots need to get a grip. Nobody kills a viable fetus the day before it's born. That you keep promoting these lies as something we really do, is beyond the pale.

This is all they got to sell their supports... They have made them poorer, dumber, unhealthier while living in fear.... They have to create boogy men to run from...
But Trump's a RACIST....Your stupidity and lies are hereby noted!

Trump IS a racist. He's using a white power symbol as his election logo. He's deporting brown people, not white people. He is openly encouraging racists and mass shooters with his rhetoric. He was charged with racial in housing in New York in the 1970's not once but twice,

And then there's every racist sentence issued for from his lying mouth. You can deny Trump is a racist all you want but the evidence contradicts you at every turn.
No business of a dumb Canadian.

It is the business of every decent human being on earth.
Decent human beings don’t murder the unborn.

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