Sideshow Bob's Black Friday?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Emmet has heard enough from Bob's pack of hacks....and now Judge Sullivan has the opportunity to end Sideshow Bob's folly for good. Either Sully gets the agent notes and and an explanation why Flynn was charged with perjury several months after he was bamboozled into an interview with Comey's "couple of guys" ie Strzok TODAY, or Flynn walks. The FBI has stonewalled anybody and everybody so far when asked to show their work. Emmet has had enough of could be the the day we've been waiting for.

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It's going to be HIGH DRAMA if Mueller stiffs Sullivan's request for the paperwork.....If Flynn walks, Mueller is finished.
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Incidentally, the other Sideshow Bob had one of the best names in the history of TV comedies:

Robert Underdunk Terwilliger Jr., PhD :10:
I doubt Mueller can refuse. A Judge, is a Judge, is a Judge. He'll get what he wants.
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So it turns out Mueller did NOT give Judge Sullivan what he wanted. Instead of the original 302s from the first Flynn interview, Mueller turned over a memo Strzok wrote months later and apparently it was heavily redacted. At least this is the impression various Fox News anchors got because that's what their sources said. Bob's mouthpiece made an usual statement to the press late Friday saying the FBI acted properly, which is bizarre because even Comey admitted he didn't. Will Sullivan put up with this continued stonewalling from Sideshow Bob or pull the plug on the Flynn escapade? A decision is due this coming Tuesday...I'm betting the charges and plea deal are dismissed with extreme prejudice and Flynn sues the FBI and Comey personally for damages....and wins.
Flynn was set up like a bowling pin.

The Dimms are disgusting totalitarians and Mueller is the head of the Dimms SS.

He is Himler.
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Of course Mueller didn't want to give Sullivan what he wanted. He and Rosenstein both have already committed obstruction of justice by refusing to hand over documents subpoenaed by Congress.

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