Sidney Powel; we have Evidence Dominions Software was DESIGNED to Rig Elections


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Not sure anything will come of it, because there are so many spineless Republicans, like in Georgia.

According to Powell, the Trump campaign has enough evidence to launch a serious criminal investigation.
"We're fixing to overturn the election results in multiple states and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes but my millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose," Powell explained. "We have sworn witness testimony about why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections."
According to Powell, the witness that the Trump team has is someone who has seen elections rigged in other countries. Those same tactics and software were allegedly deployed to the United States.
"They did this on purpose. It was calculated. They've done it before," she said. "We have evidence of 2016 in California. We have so much evidence I feel like it's coming in through a fire hose."
Host Maria Bartiromo pushed back, saying the election must be certified in a few weeks. She wanted to know if there was enough time for Powell and the team to produce evidence of the alleged wrongdoing.
"First of all, I never say anything I can't prove. Secondly, the evidence is coming in so fast I can't even process it all. Millions of Americans have written by now, I would say, definitely hundreds of thousands have stepped forward with their different experiences of voter fraud but this is massive election fraud and I'm very concerned it not only involved Dominion and its Smartmatic software but that the software was essentially used by other election machines also."
Interestingly enough, Powell stated that the software's user manual talks about how "votes can be wiped away."
"It's absolutely brazen how people bought this system and why they bought this system," the attorney said.
Powell stated whistleblowers came forward over alleged paybacks. She said in states where the new election technology was purchased and implemented, there's evidence of officials' family members being paid large lump sums of money.
There are other concerns about how the software can be utilized. The attorney stated software and election officials have the ability to do things like delete ballots, force the machine not to read voters' signatures or the down ballot. Powell said there's also the ability for the machine to be programed to only count votes for Biden.
"It's like drag and drop whatever you want wherever you want, upload votes," she explained.
The attorney said the campaign has a sworn affidavit from a person who knows how the system works and was allegedly there when the system was being created and implemented.

Well, I am not convinced that anything will come of this. Dimocrap judges will toss it out no matter what evidence is presented, and GOP judges are cowards.

IF this election is not corrected and based on actual verified votes, our Republic is dead.
Not sure anything will come of it, because there are so many spineless Republicans, like in Georgia.

According to Powell, the Trump campaign has enough evidence to launch a serious criminal investigation.
"We're fixing to overturn the election results in multiple states and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes but my millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose," Powell explained. "We have sworn witness testimony about why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections."
According to Powell, the witness that the Trump team has is someone who has seen elections rigged in other countries. Those same tactics and software were allegedly deployed to the United States.
"They did this on purpose. It was calculated. They've done it before," she said. "We have evidence of 2016 in California. We have so much evidence I feel like it's coming in through a fire hose."
Host Maria Bartiromo pushed back, saying the election must be certified in a few weeks. She wanted to know if there was enough time for Powell and the team to produce evidence of the alleged wrongdoing.
"First of all, I never say anything I can't prove. Secondly, the evidence is coming in so fast I can't even process it all. Millions of Americans have written by now, I would say, definitely hundreds of thousands have stepped forward with their different experiences of voter fraud but this is massive election fraud and I'm very concerned it not only involved Dominion and its Smartmatic software but that the software was essentially used by other election machines also."
Interestingly enough, Powell stated that the software's user manual talks about how "votes can be wiped away."
"It's absolutely brazen how people bought this system and why they bought this system," the attorney said.
Powell stated whistleblowers came forward over alleged paybacks. She said in states where the new election technology was purchased and implemented, there's evidence of officials' family members being paid large lump sums of money.
There are other concerns about how the software can be utilized. The attorney stated software and election officials have the ability to do things like delete ballots, force the machine not to read voters' signatures or the down ballot. Powell said there's also the ability for the machine to be programed to only count votes for Biden.
"It's like drag and drop whatever you want wherever you want, upload votes," she explained.
The attorney said the campaign has a sworn affidavit from a person who knows how the system works and was allegedly there when the system was being created and implemented.

Well, I am not convinced that anything will come of this. Dimocrap judges will toss it out no matter what evidence is presented, and GOP judges are cowards.

IF this election is not corrected and based on actual verified votes, our Republic is dead.
If the election isn't or can't be certified---doesn't the election then go to state vote where Trump would win?
Not sure anything will come of it, because there are so many spineless Republicans, like in Georgia.

According to Powell, the Trump campaign has enough evidence to launch a serious criminal investigation.
"We're fixing to overturn the election results in multiple states and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes but my millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose," Powell explained. "We have sworn witness testimony about why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections."
According to Powell, the witness that the Trump team has is someone who has seen elections rigged in other countries. Those same tactics and software were allegedly deployed to the United States.
"They did this on purpose. It was calculated. They've done it before," she said. "We have evidence of 2016 in California. We have so much evidence I feel like it's coming in through a fire hose."
Host Maria Bartiromo pushed back, saying the election must be certified in a few weeks. She wanted to know if there was enough time for Powell and the team to produce evidence of the alleged wrongdoing.
"First of all, I never say anything I can't prove. Secondly, the evidence is coming in so fast I can't even process it all. Millions of Americans have written by now, I would say, definitely hundreds of thousands have stepped forward with their different experiences of voter fraud but this is massive election fraud and I'm very concerned it not only involved Dominion and its Smartmatic software but that the software was essentially used by other election machines also."
Interestingly enough, Powell stated that the software's user manual talks about how "votes can be wiped away."
"It's absolutely brazen how people bought this system and why they bought this system," the attorney said.
Powell stated whistleblowers came forward over alleged paybacks. She said in states where the new election technology was purchased and implemented, there's evidence of officials' family members being paid large lump sums of money.
There are other concerns about how the software can be utilized. The attorney stated software and election officials have the ability to do things like delete ballots, force the machine not to read voters' signatures or the down ballot. Powell said there's also the ability for the machine to be programed to only count votes for Biden.
"It's like drag and drop whatever you want wherever you want, upload votes," she explained.
The attorney said the campaign has a sworn affidavit from a person who knows how the system works and was allegedly there when the system was being created and implemented.

Well, I am not convinced that anything will come of this. Dimocrap judges will toss it out no matter what evidence is presented, and GOP judges are cowards.

IF this election is not corrected and based on actual verified votes, our Republic is dead.
Yet, they waited until after the election to come forward..How convenient..
Not sure anything will come of it, because there are so many spineless Republicans, like in Georgia.

According to Powell, the Trump campaign has enough evidence to launch a serious criminal investigation.
"We're fixing to overturn the election results in multiple states and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes but my millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose," Powell explained. "We have sworn witness testimony about why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections."
According to Powell, the witness that the Trump team has is someone who has seen elections rigged in other countries. Those same tactics and software were allegedly deployed to the United States.
"They did this on purpose. It was calculated. They've done it before," she said. "We have evidence of 2016 in California. We have so much evidence I feel like it's coming in through a fire hose."
Host Maria Bartiromo pushed back, saying the election must be certified in a few weeks. She wanted to know if there was enough time for Powell and the team to produce evidence of the alleged wrongdoing.
"First of all, I never say anything I can't prove. Secondly, the evidence is coming in so fast I can't even process it all. Millions of Americans have written by now, I would say, definitely hundreds of thousands have stepped forward with their different experiences of voter fraud but this is massive election fraud and I'm very concerned it not only involved Dominion and its Smartmatic software but that the software was essentially used by other election machines also."
Interestingly enough, Powell stated that the software's user manual talks about how "votes can be wiped away."
"It's absolutely brazen how people bought this system and why they bought this system," the attorney said.
Powell stated whistleblowers came forward over alleged paybacks. She said in states where the new election technology was purchased and implemented, there's evidence of officials' family members being paid large lump sums of money.
There are other concerns about how the software can be utilized. The attorney stated software and election officials have the ability to do things like delete ballots, force the machine not to read voters' signatures or the down ballot. Powell said there's also the ability for the machine to be programed to only count votes for Biden.
"It's like drag and drop whatever you want wherever you want, upload votes," she explained.
The attorney said the campaign has a sworn affidavit from a person who knows how the system works and was allegedly there when the system was being created and implemented.

Well, I am not convinced that anything will come of this. Dimocrap judges will toss it out no matter what evidence is presented, and GOP judges are cowards.

IF this election is not corrected and based on actual verified votes, our Republic is dead.
Every software designer adds a back door that he only has the key.
Not sure anything will come of it, because there are so many spineless Republicans, like in Georgia.

According to Powell, the Trump campaign has enough evidence to launch a serious criminal investigation.
"We're fixing to overturn the election results in multiple states and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes but my millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose," Powell explained. "We have sworn witness testimony about why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections."
According to Powell, the witness that the Trump team has is someone who has seen elections rigged in other countries. Those same tactics and software were allegedly deployed to the United States.
"They did this on purpose. It was calculated. They've done it before," she said. "We have evidence of 2016 in California. We have so much evidence I feel like it's coming in through a fire hose."
Host Maria Bartiromo pushed back, saying the election must be certified in a few weeks. She wanted to know if there was enough time for Powell and the team to produce evidence of the alleged wrongdoing.
"First of all, I never say anything I can't prove. Secondly, the evidence is coming in so fast I can't even process it all. Millions of Americans have written by now, I would say, definitely hundreds of thousands have stepped forward with their different experiences of voter fraud but this is massive election fraud and I'm very concerned it not only involved Dominion and its Smartmatic software but that the software was essentially used by other election machines also."
Interestingly enough, Powell stated that the software's user manual talks about how "votes can be wiped away."
"It's absolutely brazen how people bought this system and why they bought this system," the attorney said.
Powell stated whistleblowers came forward over alleged paybacks. She said in states where the new election technology was purchased and implemented, there's evidence of officials' family members being paid large lump sums of money.
There are other concerns about how the software can be utilized. The attorney stated software and election officials have the ability to do things like delete ballots, force the machine not to read voters' signatures or the down ballot. Powell said there's also the ability for the machine to be programed to only count votes for Biden.
"It's like drag and drop whatever you want wherever you want, upload votes," she explained.
The attorney said the campaign has a sworn affidavit from a person who knows how the system works and was allegedly there when the system was being created and implemented.

Well, I am not convinced that anything will come of this. Dimocrap judges will toss it out no matter what evidence is presented, and GOP judges are cowards.

IF this election is not corrected and based on actual verified votes, our Republic is dead.
Fake news, debunked dozens of times, google is your friend.

Have some patience & faith. This is going to start coming out soon & the backlash will be enormous. Even some Dems are going to be shocked at the blatant attempt to steal this with massive fraud.
DT won in a landslide & they couldn't cover their tracks trying to produce enough ballots & switches to turn it. They left hard evidence everywhere. Witnesses, ignoring court orders, changing rules, calling the counting for the night then producing hundreds of thousands of ballots with no chain of custody, backdating, forging, electioneering, dead & out of state voters, unheard of voter participation, statistical impossibilities, etc...
Don't focus on the dates as much as what is coming & ignore MSM.
It will take a while but Biden will never get sworn in.
Lots of Dems& others going down hard for this. Finally!!!
If the election isn't or can't be certified---doesn't the election then go to state vote where Trump would win?

It goes to the House of Representatives.

I've seen speculation that that is the goal of Trump's challenges, to prove that the election is so badly flawed, that it has to go to the House.

How does that make sense, you ask, if Democraps dominate the House? Well, there's a twist. If the Presidential election goes to the House, every state gets only one vote, regardless of how many misrepresentatives it has in the House. California, with 53 misrepresentatives, gets only one vote, as does Alaska, with only one misrepresentative.

If you go by number of representatives, then yes, the Democraps dominate the House; but if you go with one vote per state, then Republicans clearly dominate, and Trump would be certain to win.

Of course, the way things are going, this year, it is difficult to know what to believe. It's getting increasingly difficult to distinguish between batshit crazy conspiracy theory crap, and batshit crazy reality.

And in the event that the House somehow fails to produce a valid result, then it goes to the Senate. It occurs tome as off, that if the 100 Senators all come to an exact tie, that the tiebreaking vote would then be cast by the President of the Senate, also known as the Vice President of the United States. It's statistically very unlikely to get to that point, but if it does, then it would be Vice President Mike Pence who would, at that point, have the authority to single-handedly decide the outcome of the election.
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If the election isn't or can't be certified---doesn't the election then go to state vote where Trump would win?

It goes to the House of Representatives.

I've seen speculation that that is the goal of Trump's challenges, to prove that the election is so badly flawed, that it has to go to the House.

How does that make sense, you ask, if Democraps dominate the House? Well, there's a twist. If the Presidential election goes to the House, every state gets only one vote, regardless of how many misrepresentatives it has in the House. California, with 53 misrepresentatives, gets only one vote, as does Alaska, with only one misrepresentative.

If you go by number of representatives, then yes, the Democraps dominate the House; but if you go with one vote per state, then Republicans clearly dominate, and Trump would be certain to win.

Of course, the way things are going, this year,it is difficult to know what to believe. It's getting increasingly difficult to distinguish between batshit crazy conspiracy theory crap, and batshit crazy reality.

It goes nowhere. The electors vote, the election is certified.
Trump can file all the lawsuits he'd like. All of them are being tossed.
No trip to the House. No trip to the Supreme Court.
Not sure anything will come of it, because there are so many spineless Republicans, like in Georgia.

According to Powell, the Trump campaign has enough evidence to launch a serious criminal investigation.
"We're fixing to overturn the election results in multiple states and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes but my millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose," Powell explained. "We have sworn witness testimony about why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections."
According to Powell, the witness that the Trump team has is someone who has seen elections rigged in other countries. Those same tactics and software were allegedly deployed to the United States.
"They did this on purpose. It was calculated. They've done it before," she said. "We have evidence of 2016 in California. We have so much evidence I feel like it's coming in through a fire hose."
Host Maria Bartiromo pushed back, saying the election must be certified in a few weeks. She wanted to know if there was enough time for Powell and the team to produce evidence of the alleged wrongdoing.
"First of all, I never say anything I can't prove. Secondly, the evidence is coming in so fast I can't even process it all. Millions of Americans have written by now, I would say, definitely hundreds of thousands have stepped forward with their different experiences of voter fraud but this is massive election fraud and I'm very concerned it not only involved Dominion and its Smartmatic software but that the software was essentially used by other election machines also."
Interestingly enough, Powell stated that the software's user manual talks about how "votes can be wiped away."
"It's absolutely brazen how people bought this system and why they bought this system," the attorney said.
Powell stated whistleblowers came forward over alleged paybacks. She said in states where the new election technology was purchased and implemented, there's evidence of officials' family members being paid large lump sums of money.
There are other concerns about how the software can be utilized. The attorney stated software and election officials have the ability to do things like delete ballots, force the machine not to read voters' signatures or the down ballot. Powell said there's also the ability for the machine to be programed to only count votes for Biden.
"It's like drag and drop whatever you want wherever you want, upload votes," she explained.
The attorney said the campaign has a sworn affidavit from a person who knows how the system works and was allegedly there when the system was being created and implemented.

Well, I am not convinced that anything will come of this. Dimocrap judges will toss it out no matter what evidence is presented, and GOP judges are cowards.

IF this election is not corrected and based on actual verified votes, our Republic is dead.
This has been going on way too long. More and more people are learning about how voting machines can be hacked and how they can be programmed to produce inaccurate counts.

State by state, there should be a focused effort to iron out the kinks, dump the junk regardless of previous investment, and start from scratch if needed. There is enough corruption without adding to it by allowing voting machine errors that can be eliminated completely from the equation.

Personally, as much as I remain impressed with AI, voting in the national elections in all states (not federal mandated no, per state law) should be paper ballots showing proof of each vote with each voter being able to track his or her vote after the fact. That will wake up the congressional fossils who aren't doing enough to prevent voter fraud on both sides of the aisle. There have been a few bills brought to the floor that would have partially improved things but were defeated.

Both parties are guilty for kicking the can down the road. Now that the public is fully aware of this ongoing issue, more voters knowing about it compared to previous few years by about ten-fold, it's a good time to contact state representatives to get this a priority at the state level.

Not sure anything will come of it, because there are so many spineless Republicans, like in Georgia.

According to Powell, the Trump campaign has enough evidence to launch a serious criminal investigation.
"We're fixing to overturn the election results in multiple states and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes but my millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose," Powell explained. "We have sworn witness testimony about why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections."
According to Powell, the witness that the Trump team has is someone who has seen elections rigged in other countries. Those same tactics and software were allegedly deployed to the United States.
"They did this on purpose. It was calculated. They've done it before," she said. "We have evidence of 2016 in California. We have so much evidence I feel like it's coming in through a fire hose."
Host Maria Bartiromo pushed back, saying the election must be certified in a few weeks. She wanted to know if there was enough time for Powell and the team to produce evidence of the alleged wrongdoing.
"First of all, I never say anything I can't prove. Secondly, the evidence is coming in so fast I can't even process it all. Millions of Americans have written by now, I would say, definitely hundreds of thousands have stepped forward with their different experiences of voter fraud but this is massive election fraud and I'm very concerned it not only involved Dominion and its Smartmatic software but that the software was essentially used by other election machines also."
Interestingly enough, Powell stated that the software's user manual talks about how "votes can be wiped away."
"It's absolutely brazen how people bought this system and why they bought this system," the attorney said.
Powell stated whistleblowers came forward over alleged paybacks. She said in states where the new election technology was purchased and implemented, there's evidence of officials' family members being paid large lump sums of money.
There are other concerns about how the software can be utilized. The attorney stated software and election officials have the ability to do things like delete ballots, force the machine not to read voters' signatures or the down ballot. Powell said there's also the ability for the machine to be programed to only count votes for Biden.
"It's like drag and drop whatever you want wherever you want, upload votes," she explained.
The attorney said the campaign has a sworn affidavit from a person who knows how the system works and was allegedly there when the system was being created and implemented.

Well, I am not convinced that anything will come of this. Dimocrap judges will toss it out no matter what evidence is presented, and GOP judges are cowards.

IF this election is not corrected and based on actual verified votes, our Republic is dead.
Yet, they waited until after the election to come forward..How convenient..

how the fuck were they supposed to know before the election?

politicians aren't data analysts and IT specialists, they can't "see it coming" in this respect.

Also, Texas did reject Dominion several times for this reason...
Have some patience & faith. This is going to start coming out soon & the backlash will be enormous. Even some Dems are going to be shocked at the blatant attempt to steal this with massive fraud.
DT won in a landslide & they couldn't cover their tracks trying to produce enough ballots & switches to turn it. They left hard evidence everywhere. Witnesses, ignoring court orders, changing rules, calling the counting for the night then producing hundreds of thousands of ballots with no chain of custody, backdating, forging, electioneering, dead & out of state voters, unheard of voter participation, statistical impossibilities, etc...
Don't focus on the dates as much as what is coming & ignore MSM.
It will take a while but Biden will never get sworn in.
Lots of Dems& others going down hard for this. Finally!!!
You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time. A. Lincoln.
It goes to the House of Representatives.
It goes nowhere. The electors vote, the election is certified.
Trump can file all the lawsuits he'd like. All of them are being tossed.
No trip to the House. No trip to the Supreme Court.

Not if the process that leads to the Electors being selected is proven to be invalid. If the voting process is proven to be sufficiently flawed, then no Electors can be selected.

No Electors, no Electoral College.

It goes to the House.

Try reading the Constitution, some time; assuming it's not beyond your literacy level.
Not sure anything will come of it, because there are so many spineless Republicans, like in Georgia.

According to Powell, the Trump campaign has enough evidence to launch a serious criminal investigation.
"We're fixing to overturn the election results in multiple states and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes but my millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose," Powell explained. "We have sworn witness testimony about why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections."
According to Powell, the witness that the Trump team has is someone who has seen elections rigged in other countries. Those same tactics and software were allegedly deployed to the United States.
"They did this on purpose. It was calculated. They've done it before," she said. "We have evidence of 2016 in California. We have so much evidence I feel like it's coming in through a fire hose."
Host Maria Bartiromo pushed back, saying the election must be certified in a few weeks. She wanted to know if there was enough time for Powell and the team to produce evidence of the alleged wrongdoing.
"First of all, I never say anything I can't prove. Secondly, the evidence is coming in so fast I can't even process it all. Millions of Americans have written by now, I would say, definitely hundreds of thousands have stepped forward with their different experiences of voter fraud but this is massive election fraud and I'm very concerned it not only involved Dominion and its Smartmatic software but that the software was essentially used by other election machines also."
Interestingly enough, Powell stated that the software's user manual talks about how "votes can be wiped away."
"It's absolutely brazen how people bought this system and why they bought this system," the attorney said.
Powell stated whistleblowers came forward over alleged paybacks. She said in states where the new election technology was purchased and implemented, there's evidence of officials' family members being paid large lump sums of money.
There are other concerns about how the software can be utilized. The attorney stated software and election officials have the ability to do things like delete ballots, force the machine not to read voters' signatures or the down ballot. Powell said there's also the ability for the machine to be programed to only count votes for Biden.
"It's like drag and drop whatever you want wherever you want, upload votes," she explained.
The attorney said the campaign has a sworn affidavit from a person who knows how the system works and was allegedly there when the system was being created and implemented.

Well, I am not convinced that anything will come of this. Dimocrap judges will toss it out no matter what evidence is presented, and GOP judges are cowards.

IF this election is not corrected and based on actual verified votes, our Republic is dead.
Yet, they waited until after the election to come forward..How convenient..

how the fuck were they supposed to know before the election?

politicians aren't data analysts and IT specialists, they can't "see it coming" in this respect.

Also, Texas did reject Dominion several times for this reason...
The attorney said the campaign has a sworn affidavit from a person who knows how the system works and was allegedly there when the system was being created and implemented.
Not sure anything will come of it, because there are so many spineless Republicans, like in Georgia.

According to Powell, the Trump campaign has enough evidence to launch a serious criminal investigation.
"We're fixing to overturn the election results in multiple states and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes but my millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose," Powell explained. "We have sworn witness testimony about why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections."
According to Powell, the witness that the Trump team has is someone who has seen elections rigged in other countries. Those same tactics and software were allegedly deployed to the United States.
"They did this on purpose. It was calculated. They've done it before," she said. "We have evidence of 2016 in California. We have so much evidence I feel like it's coming in through a fire hose."
Host Maria Bartiromo pushed back, saying the election must be certified in a few weeks. She wanted to know if there was enough time for Powell and the team to produce evidence of the alleged wrongdoing.
"First of all, I never say anything I can't prove. Secondly, the evidence is coming in so fast I can't even process it all. Millions of Americans have written by now, I would say, definitely hundreds of thousands have stepped forward with their different experiences of voter fraud but this is massive election fraud and I'm very concerned it not only involved Dominion and its Smartmatic software but that the software was essentially used by other election machines also."
Interestingly enough, Powell stated that the software's user manual talks about how "votes can be wiped away."
"It's absolutely brazen how people bought this system and why they bought this system," the attorney said.
Powell stated whistleblowers came forward over alleged paybacks. She said in states where the new election technology was purchased and implemented, there's evidence of officials' family members being paid large lump sums of money.
There are other concerns about how the software can be utilized. The attorney stated software and election officials have the ability to do things like delete ballots, force the machine not to read voters' signatures or the down ballot. Powell said there's also the ability for the machine to be programed to only count votes for Biden.
"It's like drag and drop whatever you want wherever you want, upload votes," she explained.
The attorney said the campaign has a sworn affidavit from a person who knows how the system works and was allegedly there when the system was being created and implemented.

Well, I am not convinced that anything will come of this. Dimocrap judges will toss it out no matter what evidence is presented, and GOP judges are cowards.

IF this election is not corrected and based on actual verified votes, our Republic is dead.
Yet, they waited until after the election to come forward..How convenient..
You do have to wait for the fraud/crime to occur before you can actually process it.

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