Sidney Powell Files Lawsuit Against State of Georgia For Election “Rigging” – Links and pdf…

Yet some Deplorable Loon on a messageboard is qualified? You wouldn't know qualified it if knocked on your door, fucked you up the arse and left a $100 bill in your butt crack.

This is the anti-intellectualism of the cult

I know. Vast majority (but not all) Trump fans on this board are fat, obese, elderly white males. Probably of high school education level. One thing I always chuckle at is a certain demographic in the Conservative arena belittle those with college educations. Or they think they know better than a judge who has spent their whole life in law practice. They do a Google search, find a nutter like Powell and hang onto her apron strings and words like gospel, and then regurgitate them as fact.

So, you attack members of this board, while knowing nothing about them, because Sidney Powell filed suits in GA, and MI....Sounds like someone is more than a little frightened they may lose....
Mac, not only am I not frightened of her, I'll bet you your position on this board that she fails. If she wins I'll leave for a year, if she loses you will.
Put up or shut up.

You’ll never get a “put-up” outta this crowd of miscreants. Well, I did get one out of Redfish and like a man he announced the loss and his departure until I told him I’d forgive the bet. Not sure if he’ll be back but hope so.

Sid Powell burned out her welcome among judges during the Mikey Flynn mess followed by 32 failed election lawsuits. They know at this point that she KrayKray & will toss her to the gooses in 3-2-1 ;)

The bet still stands. and if old senile pervert Joe wins, I am leaving. But the election has not been decided, the vote fraud was massive and is being revealed, court filings have started and SCOTUS will probably eventually decide this mess.

Are you still standing behind your bet to leave?


1 why is sydney powell getting multiple death threats if she has nothing?
2. why did the dominion leaders flee the country if their software was legal?
You don't need to bet to leave. If Joe wins, there is zero reason for USMB to exist because Democracy is Dead, and The Republic is Dead. All of us should leave and focus on our spiritual walk with God at that point, as Politics is Dead Also.

Once you corrupt and destroy the integrity of the vote, it is very hard to come back from being a banana republic unless you shed blood to take power back for the people.

To quote Joe Biden when he addressed "We The People"






There was clear Massive Fraud committed by The Democrats, because they had no choice. The turnout was so Yuge for Donald Trump that they had to pump about 20-30 Million Fraudulent votes in the system.

I am not going to even talk about the massive fraud, but just show you common sense.

Consider these facts.

1.) The Overwhelming Majority of incumbent Presidents if they have shown leadership and have proven they can manage the economy get re-elected.

2.) President Trump won 30% of The Democrat Vote, a large majority of The Independent Vote, 20% of the Black Vote, and 40% of The Hispanic Vote. There literally was no way for Biden to win except through last minute voter registrations and fraudulent ballots to overcome that. This is why there are millions of 1st time voters who cast no down ballots that had to be dumped in to the system in large numbers and batches.

One example in Georgia shows how bad the fraud is. In a town where 900 votes were cast by all military citizens who served at the local military base, all 900 went to Joe Biden when these voters insisted they voted for President Trump. That is just 1 town in 1 county in George. 900 votes for Trump electronically swapped for Biden. People need to go to jail for life for that. That is 900 cases of theft. I won't talk too much about Fraud, because I would have to write a 500 page post detailing just some of the cases....

3.) No President who has won Texas, Florida, Iowa and Ohio has ever lost his re-election. No way did Joe get around this unless he committed massive voter fraud. And he had to be in on it and know about it just like he knew about The Russian Collusion COUP.

4.) President Trump's approval rating was higher than Obama's when Obama was re-elected. No way did Joe win without massive voter fraud.

5.) Americans like Freedom and like more money in their paychecks and they vote with their pocket books. Joe Biden ran 180 degrees from that norm promising to destroy businesses, lock people in their homes, raise their taxes, restrict their movements, take away their guns, and restrict their freedom of speech. No way could Biden win with this message unless massive voter fraud was involved.

6.) Enthusiasm for The Candidate. Enthusiasm for Biden was in The Basement where he was. He did not campaign, and when he wasn't hiding in his basement, No one showed up. Joe did not have to campaign because the fix was in. The Same thing Hillary did in certain states because she though she had it rigged, but turnout for Trump overwhelmed their cheating. No way can Joe win on The Enthusiasm Factor.

7.) Extreme Vetting vs Extreme Corruption. $48 Million Dollars in the most Massive Cavity Search and Invasion of Privacy of a President Ever for 4 years turns up NOTHING! Even Trump's Children are grilled, cellphones and emails went through and The Trump Campaign was spied on.

By Contrast, Everyone looked the other way with Biden. Stories we knew to be true were censored by Big Tech and The Media. The FBI even tried to hide Hunter Biden's Laptop from Public Knowledge and Public View. 17% of Democrats say they would not have voted for Joe Biden if they knew about his corruption. Big Tech and The Left Stream Media is who interfered in out Election and no one else. Joe Biden has no ethical or moral credibility. While The Media and The Deep State have spent 4 years calling President Trump a Liar, they have been proven wrong every single time.

By Contrast, No one can prove Joe Biden and his family are Godly, Honest, Truthful people that have not stolen the taxpayer blind and have not sold their office for personal gain and profit.

While Trump is not beholden to anyone, Joe is beholden to everyone.

I have no doubt that your numbers are off on some groups. Also you forgot to include deletions from Trump's 2016 totals. In the Atlanta suburbs, Clinton won by single digits. Biden won by double digits. Your regurgitating every fake news story will not save you.

All the stories of Biden were supplied by Putin.

All Biden said was that he would follow the advice that doctors gave him regarding the coronavirus.

You are not Godly, honest or truthful.
From an article about Trump's relentless frivolous lawsuits trying to overturn the election..'But that’s the point. Trump’s strategy, his allies concede in private, wasn’t to change the outcome, but to create a host of phantom claims about the 2020 presidential race that would infect the nation with doubt and keep his base loyal, even though the winner was clear and there has been no evidence of mass voter fraud.'...They're baaack: Trump and allies still refuse election loss
The purpose of this lawsuit as well as the previous 30 or so has been to create the illusion in Trump's mind and his followers that he did not lose the election and to delay the process as long as possible.

Unless the court can determine exactly which votes were illegal, there will be no change in the total count. The one thing the court will not do is nullify any voter's ballot unless it is prove to be invalid. Accusations, suppositions about what could have happened or lack of oversight will not change a single vote.

The election results are fraudulent.

Fraud takes a while to prove but is doable and must be done.

You and the Fake News Media aka The SEE BS Network want to create the illusion that Biden's victory is legitimate by the FAKE POLLS and constant denials.

It doesn't matter - we must keep on trucking

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater (R-Az)
Even if you can prove fraud, the likelihood of changing the outcome of an election is very small. Once a vote is cast, it is almost impossible to determine how that voter voted due to state laws and state constitutions requiring ballot secrecy. In every major election, there are always a few thousand cases of voter fraud discovered spread across the 50 states. The perpetrators may be punished but the counts are not changed.
Unless, you nullify the whole damn election do to fraud-----

And btw, the ones cheating which is always the fricking dems---should automatically lose and be put in prison for fraud.
And btw, the ones cheating which is always the fricking dems---should automatically lose and be put in prison for fraud.

In the wash up of this election I wouldn't be surprised if some people did some time in the pokey. I'm confident they will be from the red side of the ledger....
But the election has not been decided,

Yeah it has. Looks like you're leaving.
And at what stage are you going to leave? When the EC votes are given on Dec 17? Or when Joe is sworn in on Jan 20? Or when the lawsuits stop in 2050? I'm sure you'll find some excuse to stick around.
From an article about Trump's relentless frivolous lawsuits trying to overturn the election..'But that’s the point. Trump’s strategy, his allies concede in private, wasn’t to change the outcome, but to create a host of phantom claims about the 2020 presidential race that would infect the nation with doubt and keep his base loyal, even though the winner was clear and there has been no evidence of mass voter fraud.'...They're baaack: Trump and allies still refuse election loss
The purpose of this lawsuit as well as the previous 30 or so has been to create the illusion in Trump's mind and his followers that he did not lose the election and to delay the process as long as possible.

Unless the court can determine exactly which votes were illegal, there will be no change in the total count. The one thing the court will not do is nullify any voter's ballot unless it is prove to be invalid. Accusations, suppositions about what could have happened or lack of oversight will not change a single vote.

The election results are fraudulent.

Fraud takes a while to prove but is doable and must be done.

You and the Fake News Media aka The SEE BS Network want to create the illusion that Biden's victory is legitimate by the FAKE POLLS and constant denials.

It doesn't matter - we must keep on trucking

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater (R-Az)
Even if you can prove fraud, the likelihood of changing the outcome of an election is very small. Once a vote is cast, it is almost impossible to determine how that voter voted due to state laws and state constitutions requiring ballot secrecy. In every major election, there are always a few thousand cases of voter fraud discovered spread across the 50 states. The perpetrators may be punished but the counts are not changed.
Unless, you nullify the whole damn election do to fraud-----

And btw, the ones cheating which is always the fricking dems---should automatically lose and be put in prison for fraud.
Trying to come up with every possible way popssible to suppress the vote is weakening the system too.
Even if you can prove fraud, the likelihood of changing the outcome of an election is very small. Once a vote is cast, it is almost impossible to determine how that voter voted due to state laws and state constitutions requiring ballot secrecy. In every major election, there are always a few thousand cases of voter fraud discovered spread across the 50 states. The perpetrators may be punished but the counts are not changed.
This isn't every major election and a Dominion server was seized in Germany so we can see in real time
how votes were dumped into Biden totals, on a reoccurring and clock like schedule.
Once this finally makes it to the Supreme Court I can't imagine it being anything but bad and lights out
for the corrupt, crooked Biden campaign.
There will be no case about this going to the Supreme Court because the story is false. German authorities, the company, and the US Army denied that any such operation took place. This conspiracy theory rose out of the similar claim about the company Scytl's server being seized by the US Army in Frankfurt. The story was changed to Dominion Voting Systems when it was revealed that Scytl had no server in Germany and did not produce software or equipment to count votes and there only connection with US elections was designing websites to provide voter information and education.

Now that it's becoming common knowledge that the voting machines in Georgia produce a paper ballot and thus a complete audit trail and the ballots are not sent across the Internet, the story will certainly be changed with different players. This is what makes conspiracy theories interesting. They never die but just keep changing to fit the situation. This one will probably reemerge in a different election changed as needed. I don't usually waste the time replying to this crap but this one has gone too far.

Last edited:
From an article about Trump's relentless frivolous lawsuits trying to overturn the election..'But that’s the point. Trump’s strategy, his allies concede in private, wasn’t to change the outcome, but to create a host of phantom claims about the 2020 presidential race that would infect the nation with doubt and keep his base loyal, even though the winner was clear and there has been no evidence of mass voter fraud.'...They're baaack: Trump and allies still refuse election loss
The purpose of this lawsuit as well as the previous 30 or so has been to create the illusion in Trump's mind and his followers that he did not lose the election and to delay the process as long as possible.

Unless the court can determine exactly which votes were illegal, there will be no change in the total count. The one thing the court will not do is nullify any voter's ballot unless it is prove to be invalid. Accusations, suppositions about what could have happened or lack of oversight will not change a single vote.

The election results are fraudulent.

Fraud takes a while to prove but is doable and must be done.

You and the Fake News Media aka The SEE BS Network want to create the illusion that Biden's victory is legitimate by the FAKE POLLS and constant denials.

It doesn't matter - we must keep on trucking

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater (R-Az)
Even if you can prove fraud, the likelihood of changing the outcome of an election is very small. Once a vote is cast, it is almost impossible to determine how that voter voted due to state laws and state constitutions requiring ballot secrecy. In every major election, there are always a few thousand cases of voter fraud discovered spread across the 50 states. The perpetrators may be punished but the counts are not changed.
Unless, you nullify the whole damn election do to fraud-----

And btw, the ones cheating which is always the fricking dems---should automatically lose and be put in prison for fraud.
It would be illegal for the state to refuse to certify an election which has been certified by each county. Once the state certifies the election, lawsuits aren't going change anything.

The only thing these lawsuits and Trump's claims of a rigged election do is undermine confidence in the American democratic processes. There's no need for the Russians to discredit American democracy, Trump is doing the job for them.
From an article about Trump's relentless frivolous lawsuits trying to overturn the election..'But that’s the point. Trump’s strategy, his allies concede in private, wasn’t to change the outcome, but to create a host of phantom claims about the 2020 presidential race that would infect the nation with doubt and keep his base loyal, even though the winner was clear and there has been no evidence of mass voter fraud.'...They're baaack: Trump and allies still refuse election loss
The purpose of this lawsuit as well as the previous 30 or so has been to create the illusion in Trump's mind and his followers that he did not lose the election and to delay the process as long as possible.

Unless the court can determine exactly which votes were illegal, there will be no change in the total count. The one thing the court will not do is nullify any voter's ballot unless it is prove to be invalid. Accusations, suppositions about what could have happened or lack of oversight will not change a single vote.

The election results are fraudulent.

Fraud takes a while to prove but is doable and must be done.

You and the Fake News Media aka The SEE BS Network want to create the illusion that Biden's victory is legitimate by the FAKE POLLS and constant denials.

It doesn't matter - we must keep on trucking

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater (R-Az)
Even if you can prove fraud, the likelihood of changing the outcome of an election is very small. Once a vote is cast, it is almost impossible to determine how that voter voted due to state laws and state constitutions requiring ballot secrecy. In every major election, there are always a few thousand cases of voter fraud discovered spread across the 50 states. The perpetrators may be punished but the counts are not changed.
Unless, you nullify the whole damn election do to fraud-----

And btw, the ones cheating which is always the fricking dems---should automatically lose and be put in prison for fraud.
It would be illegal for the state to refuse to certify an election which has been certified by each county. Once the state certifies the election, lawsuits aren't going change anything. The only thing these lawsuits and Trump's claims of a rigged election do is in undermine confidence in the American democratic processes. There's no need for the Russians to discredit American democracy, Trump is doing the job for them.
How about the fact that millions of people know their vote is pointless?
From an article about Trump's relentless frivolous lawsuits trying to overturn the election..'But that’s the point. Trump’s strategy, his allies concede in private, wasn’t to change the outcome, but to create a host of phantom claims about the 2020 presidential race that would infect the nation with doubt and keep his base loyal, even though the winner was clear and there has been no evidence of mass voter fraud.'...They're baaack: Trump and allies still refuse election loss
The purpose of this lawsuit as well as the previous 30 or so has been to create the illusion in Trump's mind and his followers that he did not lose the election and to delay the process as long as possible.

Unless the court can determine exactly which votes were illegal, there will be no change in the total count. The one thing the court will not do is nullify any voter's ballot unless it is prove to be invalid. Accusations, suppositions about what could have happened or lack of oversight will not change a single vote.

The election results are fraudulent.

Fraud takes a while to prove but is doable and must be done.

You and the Fake News Media aka The SEE BS Network want to create the illusion that Biden's victory is legitimate by the FAKE POLLS and constant denials.

It doesn't matter - we must keep on trucking

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater (R-Az)
Even if you can prove fraud, the likelihood of changing the outcome of an election is very small. Once a vote is cast, it is almost impossible to determine how that voter voted due to state laws and state constitutions requiring ballot secrecy. In every major election, there are always a few thousand cases of voter fraud discovered spread across the 50 states. The perpetrators may be punished but the counts are not changed.
Unless, you nullify the whole damn election do to fraud-----

And btw, the ones cheating which is always the fricking dems---should automatically lose and be put in prison for fraud.
It would be illegal for the state to refuse to certify an election which has been certified by each county. Once the state certifies the election, lawsuits aren't going change anything.

The only thing these lawsuits and Trump's claims of a rigged election do is undermine confidence in the American democratic processes. There's no need for the Russians to discredit American democracy, Trump is doing the job for them.


The “Safe Harbor” provision of 3 U.S.C.§ 5 does not expire until December 8,2020,and the Electoral College does not vote for president and vice president until December 14, 2020.

So as long as there is a controversy and is before December 8, 2020 the elections have not been certified within the meaning of federal law.
Even if you can prove fraud, the likelihood of changing the outcome of an election is very small. Once a vote is cast, it is almost impossible to determine how that voter voted due to state laws and state constitutions requiring ballot secrecy. In every major election, there are always a few thousand cases of voter fraud discovered spread across the 50 states. The perpetrators may be punished but the counts are not changed.
This isn't every major election and a Dominion server was seized in Germany so we can see in real time
how votes were dumped into Biden totals, on a reoccurring and clock like schedule.
Once this finally makes it to the Supreme Court I can't imagine it being anything but bad and lights out
for the corrupt, crooked Biden campaign.
There will be no case about this going to the Supreme Court because the story is false. German authorities, the company, and the US Army denied that any such operation took place. This conspiracy theory rose out of the similar claim about the company Scytl's server being seized by the US Army in Frankfurt. The story was changed to Dominion Voting Systems when it was revealed that Scytl had no server in Germany and did not produce software or equipment to count votes and there only connection with US elections was designing websites to provide voter information and education.

Now that it's becoming common knowledge that the voting machines in Georgia produce a paper ballot and thus a complete audit trail and the ballots are not sent across the Internet, the story will certainly be changed with different players. This is what makes conspiracy theories interesting. They never die but just keep changing to fit the situation. This one will probably reemerge in a different election changed as needed. I don't usually waste the time replying to this crap but this one has gone too far.

Yet another bullshit post in which the author relies upon a member of the SEE BS NETWORK aka, The Fake News Media to claim that story was "debunked" - NO IT HASN'T BEEN DEBUNKED
So as long as there is a controversy and is before December 8, 2020
But there is no actual controversy. There are just people claiming there is, like flat earthers.

I understand that the socialists believe that WE THE PEOPLE - 80,000,000 strong - are potted plants and do not have a right to have our grievances redressed.

Thank you for the comment and now go fuck yourself.
I understand that the socialists believe that WE THE PEOPLE - 80,000,000 strong - are potted plants and do not have a right to have our grievances redressed.
What is this embarrassing whining? The court is accepting the filings. That's the only "right" you idiots have. They are getting laughed out of court. You have no "right" to anything else.
I understand that the socialists believe that WE THE PEOPLE - 80,000,000 strong - are potted plants and do not have a right to have our grievances redressed.
What is this embarrassing whining? The court is accepting the filings. That's the only "right" you idiots have. They are getting laughed out of court. You have no "right" to anything else.

We have been disenfranchised , our right to vote has been transgressed upon - we are filing VERIFIED COMPLAINTS and peacefully following the judicial procedure.

None of the 80,000,000 members of WE THE PEOPLE has broken into a WalMart to steal and loot , nor burned a city down nor kill Americans in the name of parasitism and socialism.

Keep in that mind you miserable fool
We have been disenfranchised , our right to vote has been transgressed upon -
That is such a stupid lie. your Cult has had 40+ opportunities in court to present a shred of evidence of this; you have failed every time. Might as well claim you can bend spoons with your minds. The world laughs at you.
We have been disenfranchised , our right to vote has been transgressed upon -
That is such a stupid lie. your Cult has had 40+ opportunities in court to present a shred of evidence of this; you have failed every time. Might as well claim you can bend spoons with your minds. The world laughs at you.

Listen you miserable piece of shit

The Demo Rats and RINOs get to nominate judges who become activists and use the bench as a platform for their agendas.

From an article about Trump's relentless frivolous lawsuits trying to overturn the election..'But that’s the point. Trump’s strategy, his allies concede in private, wasn’t to change the outcome, but to create a host of phantom claims about the 2020 presidential race that would infect the nation with doubt and keep his base loyal, even though the winner was clear and there has been no evidence of mass voter fraud.'...They're baaack: Trump and allies still refuse election loss
The purpose of this lawsuit as well as the previous 30 or so has been to create the illusion in Trump's mind and his followers that he did not lose the election and to delay the process as long as possible.

Unless the court can determine exactly which votes were illegal, there will be no change in the total count. The one thing the court will not do is nullify any voter's ballot unless it is prove to be invalid. Accusations, suppositions about what could have happened or lack of oversight will not change a single vote.

The election results are fraudulent.

Fraud takes a while to prove but is doable and must be done.

You and the Fake News Media aka The SEE BS Network want to create the illusion that Biden's victory is legitimate by the FAKE POLLS and constant denials.

It doesn't matter - we must keep on trucking

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater (R-Az)
Even if you can prove fraud, the likelihood of changing the outcome of an election is very small. Once a vote is cast, it is almost impossible to determine how that voter voted due to state laws and state constitutions requiring ballot secrecy. In every major election, there are always a few thousand cases of voter fraud discovered spread across the 50 states. The perpetrators may be punished but the counts are not changed.
Unless, you nullify the whole damn election do to fraud-----

And btw, the ones cheating which is always the fricking dems---should automatically lose and be put in prison for fraud.
It would be illegal for the state to refuse to certify an election which has been certified by each county. Once the state certifies the election, lawsuits aren't going change anything.

The only thing these lawsuits and Trump's claims of a rigged election do is undermine confidence in the American democratic processes. There's no need for the Russians to discredit American democracy, Trump is doing the job for them.


The “Safe Harbor” provision of 3 U.S.C.§ 5 does not expire until December 8,2020,and the Electoral College does not vote for president and vice president until December 14, 2020.

So as long as there is a controversy and is before December 8, 2020 the elections have not been certified within the meaning of federal law.
No not controversy, legal challenges. The election will be controversial for a long time. GA, PA, NV have certified their elections and Arizona will likely do so within the next few days. Although Trump keeps coming up with legal challenges to stop the certification, he's fast running out of time. There is only 2 pending cases left.
There will be no case about this going to the Supreme Court because the story is false. German authorities, the company, and the US Army denied that any such operation took place. This conspiracy theory rose out of the similar claim about the company Scytl's server being seized by the US Army in Frankfurt. The story was changed to Dominion Voting Systems when it was revealed that Scytl had no server in Germany and did not produce software or equipment to count votes and there only connection with US elections was designing websites to provide voter information and education.

Now that it's becoming common knowledge that the voting machines in Georgia produce a paper ballot and thus a complete audit trail and the ballots are not sent across the Internet, the story will certainly be changed with different players. This is what makes conspiracy theories interesting. They never die but just keep changing to fit the situation. This one will probably reemerge in a different election changed as needed. I don't usually waste the time replying to this crap but this one has gone too far.
The fact that your two sources are Fact Check and an Austin newspaper doesn't give me any confidence in
your claims at all, not that the theft of the election will center around this one issue.
There is far, far, far more to dig into than just this one side issue.

All my sources say servers were seized in Germany so I'm at a loss to explain why Scytl, not Dominion,
was raided since you claim they only design websites. Something is strange here. Either Scytl was NOT
raided or they do a lot more than design websites.
Both things cannot be true.
No not controversy, legal challenges. The election will be controversial for a long time. GA, PA, NV have certified their elections and Arizona will likely do so within the next few days. Although Trump keeps coming up with legal challenges to stop the certification, he's fast running out of time. There is only 2 pending cases left.
Pennsylvania, Georgia and possibly Nevada, will be challenged at the Supreme Court level.
Georgia, in particular, is about as corrupt as it can possibly be.

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