Signups for Official USMB Mafia Game #2


Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013
Hello, everyone. I want to play a game.

Following the completion of our first game, Official USMB Mafia Game #1, I'm intent on hosting a second game that will improve upon the first. I'm looking for people who are interested in playing this game. It's fun, because it's psychological, and a way to put the energy you use towards political debate towards solving a very fun game.

Only serious applicants, please. If you join up, please plan to stay on the ride, instead of jumping off in mid-air. :D

At least twelve people make a good game. The more, the merrier! If you're new and not sure about how to play, that's OK! I'm here to help answer gameplay questions as the game unfolds. And now players here are becoming experienced, too, so why not join? We've got a developing support system, as Mafia takes root here. :smiliehug:

SO, if you want to try and work with Town to find and kill the Scum, or scheme to take out the Townies, come on in and try your hand at this awesome game! :badgrin::eusa_clap:

If you want to play with us, please post here. ;-)

Player List So Far:

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think mertex said she was in elsewhere

my only concern now is that im the prime candidate to get eliminated this game immediately
I'm reading the other thread sounds fun, count me in [MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION]. I might be a bit confused, but I hope to figure it out.
CaféAuLait;9101196 said:
I'm reading the other thread sounds fun, count me in [MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION]. I might be a bit confused, but I hope to figure it out.

Youll catch on quick and wake clarifies things when needed.
CaféAuLait;9101196 said:
I'm reading the other thread sounds fun, count me in [MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION]. I might be a bit confused, but I hope to figure it out.

That's awesome. I will do my best to answer all questions, and if I don't know, I'll verify it with the creator of Mafia. :D
Okay, reading the other thread, how or why was Cereal Killer and Syreen killed in the night? is there a secret vote taking place? What am I missing? Thanks [MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] for any info.
I'm in again -- hopefully for a longer time this time.

Regards from Rosie
I think I understand it a bit better, will forward questions to you or post in thread when game starts.
This is good. I'm excited for the next game.

I don't think I'll be able to get it running tomorrow because of work, but I'm still working at getting the structure of this game going.

One thing that might be easier for new players is if we stick to the town, and one larger Scum team. That would make the game less chaotic, and more linear. A Town Jailkeeper would fit into that Setup, too.
CaféAuLait;9101368 said:
Okay, reading the other thread, how or why was Cereal Killer and Syreen killed in the night? is there a secret vote taking place? What am I missing? Thanks [MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] for any info.

Yep...each mafia team gets together and votes to kill off the others one at a time

One team (red) got Syreen and Syreen (blue) got CK
Player List So Far:


I'm hoping CK will play again, too. :D [MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION]

If CK's in we've got 14; 15 if Moonglow joins. [MENTION=30820]Moonglow[/MENTION]

This Setup is going to be more linear. Easier. Less chaotic. One Town, one Scum team. The Scum team will have 3 members this time. :badgrin: Though the bad guy team will be larger, there will only be one possible death each Night. That'll make the game more stable.

Town Cop
Town Doc
Town Jailkeeper
Town Bodyguard
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie

Mafia Godfather
Mafia Goon
Mafia Goon

The Town Jailkeeper can target one player at Night, and lock his or her butt up in jail. Meaning, he makes it so that target can't do anything. However, it also makes it so his target can't be killed. It's a Roleblocker, but also a Doctor ability, combined.

The town Bodyguard is a noble soul who will target one other player during each Night, and will take the kill instead if his or her target is attacked by Scum. It's a protective, sacrificial role, and can be very useful.

And... the Godfather. Oh damn. This is the big boss honcho of all Mafiadom. He or she can be investigated, but the Cop will always get a result of 'Innocent." That's how evil and slick the Godfather is. The Goons do his dirty work while sowing confusion and paranoia. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
think mertex said she was in elsewhere

my only concern now is that im the prime candidate to get eliminated this game immediately

Thats only because im not playing!

Appreciate the invite from wake but i would
Need to play in the "special" league.

If there is a game level for ppl like me
Who get lost in the parking lot
With a gps, i know how to do that well!
hey wake. thanks for the invite, but i don't have the time right now to dedicate to it and be a contributing player.

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