Silenced: Bill Clinton's Son, Danney Williams, Permanently Banned From YouTube

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Actually it's your claim, McRacist. Burden of proof is YOURS. Yours and Jim Hoft. :rofl: And rotsa ruck wit dat.

Remind us all what Bill Clinton is running for while you're at it.

Dumb shit.
Actually, attacks on Bill Clinton are justified.Why? Because several months back Hillary stated she would put Bill in charge of revitalizing the economy. So yes, he should not be immune from ridicule and political attacks from patriotic Americans like myself.

Video: Hillary Clinton Says Bill Will Revitalize the Economy

You didn't even make a "political attack" Stupid. You parroted a 24-year-old internet myth that's been taken to the cleaners years ago. And then you excised the word "alleged" from Jim Hoft's headline to make it a point-blank assertion. And again, that puts the onus on YOU. Moreover even if you could demonstrate it to be factual it's got zippo to do with politics anyway.

Sorry pipsqueak, I never claimed I made a political attack. You seem to have reading
comprehension problems. That's expected of someone lacking in White genetic superiority of European heritage, a trait that embodies my essence and well being. I don't expect you to understand as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates.

And I quote your OWN POST still nested above:

"So yes, he should not be immune from ridicule and political attacks"

-- and obviously the only "ridicule" present here is your own self-inflicted.
I have yet to politically
attack him on this thread. Get with the program Jew!

NO SHIT SHERLOCK. That's what I already told you above.

We're still waiting on your link. You know, for your title. I already know you don't have any for your siglines.
Mod Message -- Threads get closed when the OP starts trolling their own. I think this has been adequately discussed given the lack of evidence. MY suggestion? Steve and Vigi should go start a "Go Fund Me" page for this man's "adequate" paternity test. While the Clintons allow him to live.. :biggrin:
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