Silencing The Victims of ObamaCare


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
And now for the next phase of the ObamaCare disaster: sending victims into Virtual Siberia-style Isolation by silencing them.

The 1st Amendment only applies to supporters of The One.


Julie Boonstra, a cancer patient who was kicked of off her health plan due to Obamacare, lashed out at Rep. Gary Peters (D., Mich.) on Saturday after lawyers for his campaign demanded that Michigan broadcasters cease airing ads featuring her story.

Boonstra, a Michigan resident, was diagnosed with leukemia five years ago. She was recently kicked off of her healthcare plan due to regulations passed as part of President Barack Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which Peters voted in favor of.

After relating her story publicly in an ad produced by the advocacy group Americans for Prosperity (AFP), Peters dispatched lawyers to prevent the spot from running on local television stations.

Boonstra, who says she is now struggling to pay out of pocket for her rising healthcare costs, told the Washington Free Beacon she is stunned by Peters’ efforts to censor her story.

“I’m appalled. I’m appalled as a mom, as a woman, and as a cancer patient, as someone living with cancer … who has stood before this nation to say, ‘I cannot afford that out of pocket expense,’” said Boonstra, who said she was given a 20 percent chance of surviving her disease. “As a Michigan resident, to silence my voice, I’m absolutely appalled.”

Peters, who is running for a seat in the Senate, instructed his legal council earlier this week to demand that stations stop running the AFP ad until additional evidence of the cancer victim’s claims could be produced.

“For the sake of both FCC licensing requirements and the public interest, your station should immediately require AFP to provide the factual documentation for its claims if you are going to continue airing this advertising,” read the letter from Peters’ lawyers.

The letter went on to question Boonstra’s motives and the facts presented in AFP’s ad.

Boonstra said she is “surprised” by what she described as the Peters campaign’s strong-arm tactics.

“I’m very surprised,” Boonstra said just hour after she attempted to confront Peter face-to-face at his Bloomfield Hills residence. “I have every right to tell my story and express my point of view and opinion on how Obamacare has affected me.”...

Cancer Victim Silenced by Rep. Gary Peters Speaks Out | Washington Free Beacon
Why do you hate cancer patients?

Toddle on idiot...
I am more interested in knowing the details of why she has lost her coverage in a system that supposedly has no pre-existing conditions exclusions.
I am more interested in knowing the details of why she has lost her coverage in a system that supposedly has no pre-existing conditions exclusions.
For that you would need to know the approved drugs and medical offices within her plan. Effective drugs, equipment and specialists that make coverage meaningful are not required under ACA rules.
I am more interested in knowing the details of why she has lost her coverage in a system that supposedly has no pre-existing conditions exclusions.
For that you would need to know the approved drugs and medical offices within her plan. Effective drugs, equipment and specialists that make coverage meaningful are not required under ACA rules.

but getting those meaningful contraceptives is required...!

I am more interested in knowing the details of why she has lost her coverage in a system that supposedly has no pre-existing conditions exclusions.

Millions of people have Lost The Plans They Liked, and the Doctors They Liked because the Obamanoids deemed the plans substandard. This is why the majority of ObamaCare sign ups that are not Medicaid related are just churn of people who lost their plans due to the ACA trying to find a replacement plan.

What many such people are discovering is that the ACA networks are so limited, that their doctors are not included, and it is very difficult to find a doctor who will accept new patients under ObamaCare.

There are for more of these stories than there are people who are happy and benefiting from ObamaCare...hence the concerted effort to Shut Them Up. It's a typical Obama tactic which he has used for years...silencing the opposition.

You mean the uber rich corporations who whine they can't afford health insurance for their employees so they fire them and the pathetic insurance companies who dump people with health problems because supposedly they can't afford their healthcare any longer? Once again Obama did not go far enough,force needs to be used to insure these bastard companies of all stripes stop kicking people from their insurance and stop firing or cutting people's hours because they now have to give them health insurance instead of cutting some of the MILLIONS their CEO's get.
You mean the uber rich corporations who whine they can't afford health insurance for their employees so they fire them and the pathetic insurance companies who dump people with health problems because supposedly they can't afford their healthcare any longer? Once again Obama did not go far enough,force needs to be used to insure these bastard companies of all stripes stop kicking people from their insurance and stop firing or cutting people's hours because they now have to give them health insurance instead of cutting some of the MILLIONS their CEO's get.

Wrong again, pipsqueak.

Obama made her plan illegal, so it was cancelled.

So sit on it and spin.
How can we deal with these guys.
Stories start surfacing that because of ObamaCare people are getting screwed over and the Libs say BS.
Then those that were screwed over do interviews and the left says these people are full of shit...

They will never accept the truth before them.
George Bush to Other Countries on Terrorism: You're either with us or against us.
The Democrats to the U.S.: You're either with us or against us.

Republicans feel the biggest threats to America are out of control federal spending, out of control regulation, and terrorism.
Democrats feel the biggest threats to America are free speech, free press, and the right to bear arms.
How can we deal with these guys.
Stories start surfacing that because of ObamaCare people are getting screwed over and the Libs say BS.
Then those that were screwed over do interviews and the left says these people are full of shit...

They will never accept the truth before them.

Well you know...Just Shut Up and genuflect to The Won.
How can we deal with these guys.
Stories start surfacing that because of ObamaCare people are getting screwed over and the Libs say BS.
Then those that were screwed over do interviews and the left says these people are full of shit...

They will never accept the truth before them.

Well you know...Just Shut Up and genuflect before The Won.
The deadline is looming for individual signup to ObamaCare.
We still have not seen anywhere near the 48 million that Obama said did not have coverage sign up.
Where are they?

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