Similarities between ISIS and Qanon/Trump seditionists

Just imagine what the conservative narrative would have been if Muslims broke into the Capitol building, planted bombs, and chanted “Hang Mike Pence”.
Imagine the BLM riots if Trump had stolen the election.
But no media double standard against Trump at all.

What about them? I would have condemned them.

You would have too. Unless it’s a bunch of angry Trump supporters. Then the narrative changes to “Bu-bu-but BLM!”
The similarities between ISIS and Qanon/Trump seditionists is chilling.

You must have that very confused with the Biden Fascists:

Biden America.jpg

There are no Trump seditionists. Trump had over 40 rallies and never so much as a blade of grass out of place. All the riots and sedition belong only to YOU.
What about them? I would have condemned them.

You would have too. Unless it’s a bunch of angry Trump supporters. Then the narrative changes to “Bu-bu-but BLM!”
And I would have defended Biden if all the same evidence we've seen was against Trump. That's the difference between you and I ....I'm honest and believe in actual justice.....not convenient justice.
The similarities between ISIS and Qanon/Trump seditionists is chilling.
- Both have done the majority of their recruiting through social media. Social media has allowed both groups to state untrue propaganda without any checks on truth or implication of then lies.

- the real similarity is the result of the untrue propaganda and conspiracies
---- ISIS convinces their followers they are fighting for god and the "infidels" are against god. For those who truly support god know this is just the opposite of the truth. ISIS actions are sinful in almost every religion
---- Qanon/Trump seditionists convince their followers they are fighting to save the USA; they are patriots. For true patriotic Americans, they know this is just the opposite of the truth. Qanon/Trump seditionists are treasonous in their actions. They override our countries principles based on lies and unfounded conspiracy theories.

Qanon/Trump seditionists are a minority in the USA. They must be stopped in their tracks.

You need to define a ‘trump seditionist’.
What about them? I would have condemned them.

You would have too. Unless it’s a bunch of angry Trump supporters. Then the narrative changes to “Bu-bu-but BLM!”
And I would have defended Biden if all the same evidence we've seen was against Trump. That's the difference between you and I ....I'm honest and believe in actual justice.....not convenient justice.

I believe in the outcome that our legal democratic system supports regardless of who it supports. Look at you spinning to try to justify domestic terrorism.

If this had been radicalized Muslims who broke into the Capitol, planted bombs, killed a police officer, and chanted to hang Mike Pence: “RADICAL ISLAM MUST BE CONDEMNED”.

But when it’s a bunch of Trump supporters who broke into the Capitol, planted bombs, killed a police officer, and chanted hang Mike Pence: “Bu-bu-but the evidence!” “Bu-bu-but BLM!”
Please move this to the TAUNTING area where it belongs.
This is not taunting. This is what many see to be the truth. I provided documentation. I would hope the mods do not remove a real truthful point.
Angelo - this post must hit home. Think about it before it is too late for you. Domestic terrorists will go to jail.
This is not taunting. This is what many see to be the truth. I provided documentation. I would hope the mods do not remove a real truthful point.
Angelo - this post must hit home. Think about it before it is too late for you. Domestic terrorists will go to jail.
That sounds like an accusation....which is further reason this thread should be in the basement.
The similarities between ISIS and Qanon/Trump seditionists is chilling.
- Both have done the majority of their recruiting through social media. Social media has allowed both groups to state untrue propaganda without any checks on truth or implication of then lies.

- the real similarity is the result of the untrue propaganda and conspiracies
---- ISIS convinces their followers they are fighting for god and the "infidels" are against god. For those who truly support god know this is just the opposite of the truth. ISIS actions are sinful in almost every religion
---- Qanon/Trump seditionists convince their followers they are fighting to save the USA; they are patriots. For true patriotic Americans, they know this is just the opposite of the truth. Qanon/Trump seditionists are treasonous in their actions. They override our countries principles based on lies and unfounded conspiracy theories.

Qanon/Trump seditionists are a minority in the USA. They must be stopped in their tracks.

You need to define a ‘trump seditionist’.
A Trump seditionist is the Trump supporter who claims the 2020 election was fraudulent with all data and court decisions proving otherwise. From there you go to those who try to interrupt the government to prevent the lawful election be implemented.
The similarities between ISIS and Qanon/Trump seditionists is chilling.
- Both have done the majority of their recruiting through social media. Social media has allowed both groups to state untrue propaganda without any checks on truth or implication of then lies.

- the real similarity is the result of the untrue propaganda and conspiracies
---- ISIS convinces their followers they are fighting for god and the "infidels" are against god. For those who truly support god know this is just the opposite of the truth. ISIS actions are sinful in almost every religion
---- Qanon/Trump seditionists convince their followers they are fighting to save the USA; they are patriots. For true patriotic Americans, they know this is just the opposite of the truth. Qanon/Trump seditionists are treasonous in their actions. They override our countries principles based on lies and unfounded conspiracy theories.

Qanon/Trump seditionists are a minority in the USA. They must be stopped in their tracks.

That is why some are calling for big tech to do what they did to shut off the ISIS social media pipeline to new recruits. This time targeting BOTH right wing and left wing extremist groups.
I feel they should shut off access to any who advocate violence whether on the left or the right.
Qanon/Trump seditionists and Antifa are the same.
You can make the same comparisons of Antifa and ISIS
What about them? I would have condemned them.

You would have too. Unless it’s a bunch of angry Trump supporters. Then the narrative changes to “Bu-bu-but BLM!”
And I would have defended Biden if all the same evidence we've seen was against Trump. That's the difference between you and I ....I'm honest and believe in actual justice.....not convenient justice.
Please provide the evidence you have saying the election was fraudulent. This sites demand accusations be documented. If you cannot document you claim the election is fraudulent I feel your post should be taken down.
I provided documentation on my observations.
The similarities between ISIS and Qanon/Trump seditionists is chilling.
- Both have done the majority of their recruiting through social media. Social media has allowed both groups to state untrue propaganda without any checks on truth or implication of then lies.

- the real similarity is the result of the untrue propaganda and conspiracies
---- ISIS convinces their followers they are fighting for god and the "infidels" are against god. For those who truly support god know this is just the opposite of the truth. ISIS actions are sinful in almost every religion
---- Qanon/Trump seditionists convince their followers they are fighting to save the USA; they are patriots. For true patriotic Americans, they know this is just the opposite of the truth. Qanon/Trump seditionists are treasonous in their actions. They override our countries principles based on lies and unfounded conspiracy theories.

Qanon/Trump seditionists are a minority in the USA. They must be stopped in their tracks.

You need to define a ‘trump seditionist’.
A Trump seditionist is the Trump supporter who claims the 2020 election was fraudulent with all data and court decisions proving otherwise. From there you go to those who try to interrupt the government to prevent the lawful election be implemented.
Your info is bad. Court decisions were mostly to not make any decisions.
It’s not that people who question the veracity of this election are seditionist but that anyone who doesn’t see this election as dubious is a liar.
Please provide the evidence you have saying the election was fraudulent. This sites demand accusations be documented. If you cannot document you claim the election is fraudulent I feel your post should be taken down.
I provided documentation on my observations.
7 different states have been holding State Legislture hearings with hundreds of witnesses, thousands of documents and video evidence.

If you've been ignoring it, then you played right along with your masters' plans to remove Trump, by whatever means possible., because 98% of the media ignored it too.
Just imagine what the conservative narrative would have been if Muslims broke into the Capitol building, planted bombs, and chanted “Hang Mike Pence”.
I was thinking along the same lines, imagine the reaction from the right if Hillary voters had done this in 2017.
You would first have to have all media dominated by pro-trump/anti-Hillary and there would have had to have been riots all summer long in the name of pro-police and pro-Trump.
WTF is Qanon....and what does it have to do with normal Americans?

Qanon is one of those haunted places that your Democrat 'parents' forbid their lefty lemmings to go. After all, they wouldn't want any anti-Democrat news out there.
Goebbels would be proud of the Democrat party today.
WTF is Qanon....and what does it have to do with normal Americans?

Qanon is one of those haunted places that your Democrat 'parents' forbid their lefty lemmings to go. After all, they wouldn't want any anti-Democrat news out there.
Goebbels would be proud of the Democrat party today.
But Republican 'parents' have no problem letting their righty lemmings go to that place? it
WTF is Qanon....and what does it have to do with normal Americans?

Qanon is one of those haunted places that your Democrat 'parents' forbid their lefty lemmings to go. After all, they wouldn't want any anti-Democrat news out there.
Goebbels would be proud of the Democrat party today.
But Republican 'parents' have no problem letting their righty lemmings go to that place? it
Apparently Republicans have no problem with people accessing whatever news they want. But I wouldn’t recommend going there for people like you it’s too ‘dangerous.’
Please provide the evidence you have saying the election was fraudulent. This sites demand accusations be documented. If you cannot document you claim the election is fraudulent I feel your post should be taken down.
I provided documentation on my observations.
7 different states have been holding State Legislture hearings with hundreds of witnesses, thousands of documents and video evidence.

If you've been ignoring it, then you played right along with your masters' plans to remove Trump, by whatever means possible., because 98% of the media ignored it too.
Hundreds of witnesses, thousands of documents?..links not assiocated with QAnon or OAN would be nice due to the fact they have also claimed the same thing without providing credible proof. Operative word 'credible'.

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