simple question for the WTC collapse

Ok, one last time:

The Driver of the Kennedy limosene shot Kennedy, the bullet riocheted into outer space where it entered into orbit around the earth. The powers that be (which will be revealed shortly) needed that "Magic Bullet" so they sent an un-manned rocket into space to intercept it. In order to cover themselves, they faked the moon landing. Once they located the bullet they sent it on a trajectory to complete it's second mission. The bullet reentered the atmosphere an landed in a Hawaii hospital and destroyed a filing cabinet that held all of the birth certificates. A piece of shrapnel hit a muslim Nurse there and was lodged, unbeknownst to her, next to her heart. She was so shaken up by the experience that she went back to Afghanistan. The very next day she collapsed and died of the wound in a mosque. Word spread that this muslim woman died in a mosque after returning from the US and it was taken as a sign that Allah wanted a jihad by the faithful against the US. That woman's son was Osama Bin Laden.

Osama Bin Laden, known to have knowledge of the birth of one of the Democrats and George Soro's future stars; Barack Hussein Obama, had to be first discredited and then destroyed. They faked the planes, demolished the towers under controlled conditions, thus forcing Bush to get into a war that they could use to discredit the entire GOP with so that their star protege could be POTUS. Then their guy was able to kill Bin Laden

It was a brilliant plan, flawlessly executed. I hope i have answered all of your questions.
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Please do not respond to the fart comments.

Eventually he will either go away or stop hiding.
He'll go to where people give him the attention he so craves........If he doesn't get it here he'll go there.....Wherever there happens to be....
Melted Glass from house fires. Proof house fires exceed 1600 degree.






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Tech Specs
Technical Specifications for Glass

Softening Point - The temperature at which unsupported glass will begin to sag. If the temperature is reduced slightly, the glass will remain in the sagged shape. For soda-lime glass, this point is 726°C (1340°F).

When heat treating glass, the softening point should not be exceeded during heating to prevent roller wave or other shape distortion. Generally, heat treat processing equipment targets approximately 1180-1200°F maximum glass temperature during the glass heating phase.

Annealing Point - This is the temperature at which glass will relieve stresses (either compressive or tensile) in a matter of minutes. For soda-lime glass, the annealing point is 546°C (1015°F).

Specialty Glass Products, Inc
[ame=]Wine Bottle Melting - YouTube[/ame]
Tech Specs
Technical Specifications for Glass

Softening Point - The temperature at which unsupported glass will begin to sag. If the temperature is reduced slightly, the glass will remain in the sagged shape. For soda-lime glass, this point is 726°C (1340°F).

When heat treating glass, the softening point should not be exceeded during heating to prevent roller wave or other shape distortion. Generally, heat treat processing equipment targets approximately 1180-1200°F maximum glass temperature during the glass heating phase.

Annealing Point - This is the temperature at which glass will relieve stresses (either compressive or tensile) in a matter of minutes. For soda-lime glass, the annealing point is 546°C (1015°F).

Specialty Glass Products, Inc
that is irrelevant to the subject of this thread.
[ame=]Melting a Heineken bottle in a fire pit - YouTube[/ame]
I still can't get my mind to accept the fact that some people are more willing to accept this huge conspiracy
concept over what actually happened.
Tech Specs
Technical Specifications for Glass

Softening Point - The temperature at which unsupported glass will begin to sag. If the temperature is reduced slightly, the glass will remain in the sagged shape. For soda-lime glass, this point is 726°C (1340°F).

When heat treating glass, the softening point should not be exceeded during heating to prevent roller wave or other shape distortion. Generally, heat treat processing equipment targets approximately 1180-1200°F maximum glass temperature during the glass heating phase.

Annealing Point - This is the temperature at which glass will relieve stresses (either compressive or tensile) in a matter of minutes. For soda-lime glass, the annealing point is 546°C (1015°F).

Specialty Glass Products, Inc

:cuckoo: You are clueless dude. :lol: Heat treating annealing temp is not the melting point. :lol:

Glass does not change shape until it exceeds 1340°F. Pyrex does not change shape until it exceeds 1550°F. I have shown you proof that glass melts in ordinary house fires. I have also personally seen Pyrex melt & run down a foundation wall in a regular house fire. Some day I will make my way back to that 7 year old foundation & take a picture & post it here.
Tech Specs
Technical Specifications for Glass

Softening Point - The temperature at which unsupported glass will begin to sag. If the temperature is reduced slightly, the glass will remain in the sagged shape. For soda-lime glass, this point is 726°C (1340°F).

When heat treating glass, the softening point should not be exceeded during heating to prevent roller wave or other shape distortion. Generally, heat treat processing equipment targets approximately 1180-1200°F maximum glass temperature during the glass heating phase.

Annealing Point - This is the temperature at which glass will relieve stresses (either compressive or tensile) in a matter of minutes. For soda-lime glass, the annealing point is 546°C (1015°F).
I just posted wine bottles completely deforming in a backyard campfire
Specialty Glass Products, Inc

:cuckoo: You are clueless dude. :lol: Heat treating annealing temp is not the melting point. :lol:

Glass does not change shape until it exceeds 1340°F. Pyrex does not change shape until it exceeds 1550°F. I have shown you proof that glass melts in ordinary house fires. I have also personally seen Pyrex melt & run down a foundation wall in a regular house fire. Some day I will make my way back to that 7 year old foundation & take a picture & post it here.

I just posted a wine bottle complete deforming in a backyard "camp fire"

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