Simply Amazing!


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
The display of public ignorance has moved beyond being funny to being, well, amazing.

I have yet to see Liberty even discussed among partisan hacks- the Duopoly Party has succeeded- shameful- amazingly shameful.

So much, maybe too much, information at finger tips and people still argue about what politician is best- there is NO such thing, as a best politician- especially today- less evil, perhaps, that depends on perspective- arguing over who is the better thief (taxes) is an antithesis to Liberty- yet, how is knowingly doing the same thing over and over expecting different results not considered evil? Innocent evil maybe?

Consider: progressive- that requires moving forward- returning to is not moving forward, it's regressive-

Conservative: to keep. Really? What? Doing the same thing over and over?

Liberal: They ain't- well, except by today's standards with other peoples money.

Economics: 2+2= 4 or someone is lying.

Simple English: words mean things or they don't.

The constitution: simple English
The Declaration of Independence: simple English

The tax code (laws): near incomprehensible

Laws: intended to punish- also to make no harm no foul activity a criminal action-

Judiciary: Gods wearing black dresses in public o_O

Liberty: NEVER discussed


The display of public ignorance has moved beyond being funny to being, well, amazing.

I have yet to see Liberty even discussed among partisan hacks- the Duopoly Party has succeeded- shameful- amazingly shameful.

So much, maybe too much, information at finger tips and people still argue about what politician is best- there is NO such thing, as a best politician- especially today- less evil, perhaps, that depends on perspective- arguing over who is the better thief (taxes) is an antithesis to Liberty- yet, how is knowingly doing the same thing over and over expecting different results not considered evil? Innocent evil maybe?

Consider: progressive- that requires moving forward- returning to is not moving forward, it's regressive-

Conservative: to keep. Really? What? Doing the same thing over and over?

Liberal: They ain't- well, except by today's standards with other peoples money.

Economics: 2+2= 4 or someone is lying.

Simple English: words mean things or they don't.

The constitution: simple English
The Declaration of Independence: simple English

The tax code (laws): near incomprehensible

Laws: intended to punish- also to make no harm no foul activity a criminal action-

Judiciary: Gods wearing black dresses in public o_O

Liberty: NEVER discussed
The dirty secret of Liberty is that we only have as much as we can afford. What do any of the classic liberties mean without the income or opportunity to fully enjoy them? We have a nation of wage slaves who have no options in their lives. They must go out the door everyday to work a crap job they hate just to survive. What is liberty to a person who's money is spent on necessity before they make it?
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The dirty secret of Liberty is that we only have as much as we can afford. What do any of the classic liberties mean without the income or opportunity to fully enjoy them? We have a nation of wage slaves who have no options in their lives. They must go out the door everyday to work a crap job they hate just to survive. What is liberty to a person who's money is spent on necessity before they make it?
So, just forget or ignore it? How's that working out?

I hate to tell you, but, people have worked doing crap they don't like to survive since man discovered he had an appetite and the kids and woman wanted to be clothed and sheltered- Liberty means you can pursue Happiness in the manner you define- not society or Empty Suits who prefer you be enslaved- with Liberty options are limitless to everyone- with restrictions Liberty is, well, resricted to those who pay to play to insure Liberty stays restricted- or, maybe you want an over night success? That is a physical impossibility- change takes time, positive change especially- forced change the time is less, but, still time consuming- unless of course a "pandemic" is introduced- then the sheep who fear Liberty and are completely ignorant (thanks to Public Education) of what Liberty does for an Individual in his pursuits- fall in line like the good little slaves are expected to do- Liberty be damned- Individual Rights are left to the courts- relegated to second class, if lucky, a little consideration, when IF Liberty were at the fore front there would be less court involvement- but, the sheeple slaves prefer an "official" decide what is best- especially for his neighbor he doesn't like- or a political opponent that lies on purpose and is not held accountable by the very courts the slave sheeple rely on for *fair*- never mind one of the most important bumper sticker slogans we have- LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL- sowing seeds of Liberty ensures fruit will be produced- not sowing seeds ensures weeds will take over a fertile turf-

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