Since Election- Black Lives Matter Have Found


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
they are no more relevant than me our you or any other Tom, Dick or Harry.

Trump has detailed there are no seats in back of the bus. Unless like at Southwest Airlines, you show up late and sit in the back.

Trumps victory is a documented example of a referendum on the Obama Presidency. You see, Obama legitimized Black Lives Matter and with that, gave them the green light (think LA Mayor Tom Bradley) to carry on in such an embarrassing matter while cloaked in the the false narrative that somehow they have been disenfranchised.

Trumps victory was plain and simple. America is sick of Obama's transformation of America which more resembles the transformation relative to the trip from the penthouse to the s-h-thouse

Time for modern plumbing and a flush in DC

De-legitimizing the Racist anti-Police group #BLM will be one of the great benefits of Trump's administration. Black Lives Matter is another Obama legacy that will fade from view.
De-legitimizing the Racist anti-Police group #BLM will be one of the great benefits of Trump's administration. Black Lives Matter is another Obama legacy that will fade from view.

Agreed. They are kind of like the 'tree that fell in the forest' kind of thing

they are no more relevant than me our you or any other Tom, Dick or Harry.

Trump has detailed there are no seats in back of the bus. Unless like at Southwest Airlines, you show up late and sit in the back.

Trumps victory is a documented example of a referendum on the Obama Presidency. You see, Obama legitimized Black Lives Matter and with that, gave them the green light (think LA Mayor Tom Bradley) to carry on in such an embarrassing matter while cloaked in the the false narrative that somehow they have been disenfranchised.

Trumps victory was plain and simple. America is sick of Obama's transformation of America which more resembles the transformation relative to the trip from the penthouse to the s-h-thouse

Time for modern plumbing and a flush in DC

^ most cuckold comment I've ever seen.
they are no more relevant than me our you or any other Tom, Dick or Harry.

Trump has detailed there are no seats in back of the bus. Unless like at Southwest Airlines, you show up late and sit in the back.

Trumps victory is a documented example of a referendum on the Obama Presidency. You see, Obama legitimized Black Lives Matter and with that, gave them the green light (think LA Mayor Tom Bradley) to carry on in such an embarrassing matter while cloaked in the the false narrative that somehow they have been disenfranchised.

Trumps victory was plain and simple. America is sick of Obama's transformation of America which more resembles the transformation relative to the trip from the penthouse to the s-h-thouse

Time for modern plumbing and a flush in DC

I have been saying this all along. Hillary lost mainly because she stuck herself to Obama like glue and had no message other than "Trump is bad". So on Nov. 8, Americans took all the disgust and anger they had towards Obama, on her. The corrupt media refuses to say this. They even created these bullshit fake "high approval numbers" for the legacy of their first black commie president, from the same fake polling entities that showed Hillary would win in a landslide. LOL
they are no more relevant than me our you or any other Tom, Dick or Harry.

Trump has detailed there are no seats in back of the bus. Unless like at Southwest Airlines, you show up late and sit in the back.

Trumps victory is a documented example of a referendum on the Obama Presidency. You see, Obama legitimized Black Lives Matter and with that, gave them the green light (think LA Mayor Tom Bradley) to carry on in such an embarrassing matter while cloaked in the the false narrative that somehow they have been disenfranchised.

Trumps victory was plain and simple. America is sick of Obama's transformation of America which more resembles the transformation relative to the trip from the penthouse to the s-h-thouse

Time for modern plumbing and a flush in DC

The recent mistrial in the cop shooting of the running Negro male from the burned out taillight traffic stop in S.C. is more relevant at the moment for any BLM upcoming confrontation or mass demonstrations.

This should be really interesting.

We will get to sit through yet another trial.

Then maybe yet another mistrial. Or maybe an acquittal perhaps.

Mistrial in murder case against cop who shot Walter Scott
I have been saying this all along. Hillary lost mainly because she stuck herself to Obama like glue and had no message other than "Trump is bad". So on Nov. 8, Americans took all the disgust and anger they had towards Obama, on her. The corrupt media refuses to say this. They even created these bullshit fake "high approval numbers" for the legacy of their first black commie president, from the same fake polling entities that showed Hillary would win in a landslide. LOL
Yup Hillary was way too lily white to be able to lick her lips and glue herself to BHO.

She had no idea the Negro vote is so racist and would not turn out for her when she needed them.

Funny haha !!
they certainly have LESS CLOUT than a group of people like the NRA. :p
The NRA has nothing to do with the right to shoot Negroes however.

The NRA is in support of the right to shoot anyone for any reason whether from open carry or concealed.

The NRA does not care if you are black, white, yellow, brown, red, or caramel.
they are no more relevant than me our you or any other Tom, Dick or Harry.

Trump has detailed there are no seats in back of the bus. Unless like at Southwest Airlines, you show up late and sit in the back.

Trumps victory is a documented example of a referendum on the Obama Presidency. You see, Obama legitimized Black Lives Matter and with that, gave them the green light (think LA Mayor Tom Bradley) to carry on in such an embarrassing matter while cloaked in the the false narrative that somehow they have been disenfranchised.

Trumps victory was plain and simple. America is sick of Obama's transformation of America which more resembles the transformation relative to the trip from the penthouse to the s-h-thouse

Time for modern plumbing and a flush in DC


Obama would have stormed that election easily. He'd have beaten Hillary, again, in the primaries and Trump wouldn't have stood a chance.

You see, the last guy to get the Republican nomination got MORE VOTES than Trump, and lost to Obama who got more votes than Trump TWICE.
I have been saying this all along. Hillary lost mainly because she stuck herself to Obama like glue and had no message other than "Trump is bad". So on Nov. 8, Americans took all the disgust and anger they had towards Obama, on her. The corrupt media refuses to say this. They even created these bullshit fake "high approval numbers" for the legacy of their first black commie president, from the same fake polling entities that showed Hillary would win in a landslide. LOL
Yup Hillary was way too lily white to be able to lick her lips and glue herself to BHO.

She had no idea the Negro vote is so racist and would not turn out for her when she needed them.

Funny haha !!
You can say they had a quid pro quo. In exchange for Obama pushing the attorney general not to indict Hillary, he would campaign for her like never before and supposedly bring home all those who voted for him in '08 and '12. The same people that are now pissed off at him. LOL

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