since gun sales are soaring maybe remington will do well and be able cover

All those bullshit lawsuits over sandy hook.
What kind of dumbass thinks a manufacturer is liable for what a crazy person does with their tools?
If i ever get attacked with a hammer, i am going to sue Stanley.
If i ever get hit by a drunk driver, i am going to sue chevy amd Jim Beam.
Do you idiots ever think about what your bedwetting is doing to society?
Lol oh Christ fuck them. How about we focus on topics that actually matter.

The 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms, the right to self-defense is of primary importance. It matters more than just about anything else.

What's the matter? Can't get enough talk about Stormy Daniels?
Lol I don’t give two shits about it. It’s a completely one dimensional topic compared to stuff that matters.

Nothing matters more than freedom.
Yeah and you have the right to own a gun. The 2nd amendment will NEVER be repealed. That’s why it’s stupid to keep talking about it. Proposing certain gun control will do nothing to repeal the amendment. Hell even the 1st amendment right has limitations. Defamation is illegal. Oh and guess what? Cars are registered and it requires a license to operate them. Do you think people are going to start abolishing cars because of this? Obviously not.

The 2A likely won’t be repealed but we will lose the right it protects bit by bit. It’s the death by 1000 papercuts. Bump stocks today, AR-15s tomorrow, then all semi - autos after that, then heavy taxes on ammo, registration, restrictions, licenses, red flags, and on and on until our guns are nothing more than a paperweight.

Nothing is more important than freedom and the Bill
Of Rights. Nothing.
Only a coward is afraid if he isn't armed 24/7

So according to you, our law-enforcement and military personnel are "cowards" because they're armed?

I've had a concealed carry permit since 2011 and have carried every day since then. Let me tell you: There's no better peace of mind than knowing you have the tools and training to protect and defend your life, the lives of your family members, and your property at an instant's notice.

Would you rather people duke it out with fists when confronted by a robber, mugger, or rapist? Do you think this is like the old days or something, where everyone gets into a fist-fight, then shakes hands and makes up afterwards?

That is truly an idiotic belief. Did you know that a person can ne killed stone cold dead with only one well-placed fist-punch to the head? So should I take your advice and go unarmed, and maybe try to "duke it out" if someone tries to beat the living crap out me?

Maybe after we are worn out, we'll shake hands, build a nice little camp fire, roast some marshmallows, and sing a round or two of "Kumbaya" like they did in all those episodes of "Bonanza" you watched on TV?

You truly are as bleeding idiot. I'm 67 years old and weigh a measly a180 pounds. I am no body builder and I am not a boxer4, a wrestler, or an MMA fighter. Do you seriously think I'm going to let some thug wail on me until I'm either unconscious or dead?

Do you even know why law-enforcement personnel carry sidearms? To protect your worthless carcass? Guess again. They carry them to protect themselves, not you. The Supreme Court once ruled that the police have "no duty to protect" you or anyone else.

So if they can carry weapons to protect themselves, why is it that you believe I can't? So just stop with your idiocy, ok? I will continue to carry a weapon because I am a "trusted" individual according to the laws of my state and my country. I have been vetted, trained, have had my criminal background checked, and have every right under the Second Amendment of my constitution and the laws of my state to protect myself, my family, and my hard-earned property.

And neither you, nor anyone else is going to deprive me of the right.

I never mentioned cops or military in this thread. You, and anybody else who thinks they need to be armed 24/7 is a coward.

You stubbornly continue to not get it, don't you? Just how does it make someone a "coward" if they're taking on the responsibility for the protection of themselves and their family?

In my book, that's what a real man does. A real man doesn't hide in his house while three armed home-invaders are breaking through the door. A real man doesn't attempt to call the police and wait 15 minutes, while those home invaders are raping his wife and murdering his children.

A real man takes proactive measures to ensure the safety of his and his family's lives, and not be a sniveling coward like you hoplophobic, gun-traumatized, and immature little children who think that your precious government will be there to save you every time you need them at a moment's notice.

Grow the hell up. Start taking some responsibility for your sorry existence and quit a potential murder victim or a statistic.

If you are afraid to face every day life without being armed 24/7, you're a coward.

Ok fluffy lil poodle, we’ve heard your opinion already.

I’m thinking he has inadequacy in bed problems.

I'm not the one who uses a gun to make up for inadequacies in other areas
Doesn't take much to get gun nuts back to spending their money, does it?

Yeah, we are successful and enthusiastic. We aren’t leeches in society and earn our money. Therefor we have it to spend.
Most everyone I know is a gun owner. A few of them are gun nuts. I don't know about where you live, but around here, the gun nuts aren't any where near financially stable.

Where I live, we don't have gun nuts. We have gun hobbyists, hunters, and concerned citizens. All of those people are more stable than lefties are, and successful people.

Yes, you have gun nuts. You just don't want to admit it.
So according to you, our law-enforcement and military personnel are "cowards" because they're armed?

I've had a concealed carry permit since 2011 and have carried every day since then. Let me tell you: There's no better peace of mind than knowing you have the tools and training to protect and defend your life, the lives of your family members, and your property at an instant's notice.

Would you rather people duke it out with fists when confronted by a robber, mugger, or rapist? Do you think this is like the old days or something, where everyone gets into a fist-fight, then shakes hands and makes up afterwards?

That is truly an idiotic belief. Did you know that a person can ne killed stone cold dead with only one well-placed fist-punch to the head? So should I take your advice and go unarmed, and maybe try to "duke it out" if someone tries to beat the living crap out me?

Maybe after we are worn out, we'll shake hands, build a nice little camp fire, roast some marshmallows, and sing a round or two of "Kumbaya" like they did in all those episodes of "Bonanza" you watched on TV?

You truly are as bleeding idiot. I'm 67 years old and weigh a measly a180 pounds. I am no body builder and I am not a boxer4, a wrestler, or an MMA fighter. Do you seriously think I'm going to let some thug wail on me until I'm either unconscious or dead?

Do you even know why law-enforcement personnel carry sidearms? To protect your worthless carcass? Guess again. They carry them to protect themselves, not you. The Supreme Court once ruled that the police have "no duty to protect" you or anyone else.

So if they can carry weapons to protect themselves, why is it that you believe I can't? So just stop with your idiocy, ok? I will continue to carry a weapon because I am a "trusted" individual according to the laws of my state and my country. I have been vetted, trained, have had my criminal background checked, and have every right under the Second Amendment of my constitution and the laws of my state to protect myself, my family, and my hard-earned property.

And neither you, nor anyone else is going to deprive me of the right.

I never mentioned cops or military in this thread. You, and anybody else who thinks they need to be armed 24/7 is a coward.

You stubbornly continue to not get it, don't you? Just how does it make someone a "coward" if they're taking on the responsibility for the protection of themselves and their family?

In my book, that's what a real man does. A real man doesn't hide in his house while three armed home-invaders are breaking through the door. A real man doesn't attempt to call the police and wait 15 minutes, while those home invaders are raping his wife and murdering his children.

A real man takes proactive measures to ensure the safety of his and his family's lives, and not be a sniveling coward like you hoplophobic, gun-traumatized, and immature little children who think that your precious government will be there to save you every time you need them at a moment's notice.

Grow the hell up. Start taking some responsibility for your sorry existence and quit a potential murder victim or a statistic.

If you are afraid to face every day life without being armed 24/7, you're a coward.

You know nothing about me. I can leave the house any time I want to in an unarmed condition. But I don't because I have the right to be armed.

And nothing you can do or say is going to change that. Despite all your rage, you're still nothing but a rat in a cage. In other words, you can't change anything. Not me, and not even yourself.

So suck it. Suck it long and hard.

I know there is nothing I can say to relieve your debilitating fear. That would probably take a good therapist several years. You claim that you could face the real world without being armed any time you wanted to, yet you continue strapping on every time you leave the safety of your home. Sounds a lot like an alcoholic who says he could quit drinking any time he wants. You will never get better until you admit your fear is a problem.

Oh, I wasn't aware that you were a mind-reading psychologist with super ESP powers.

Oh wait: You're not, are you? The best you can do is project your own fear and ignorance on other people, hoping to bring them down to your level or fear and ignorance.

Not gonna work, sweetmeat.
Sure they do . They make obama a boogeyman . “The black guy coming for your guns “.

Truth is obama was as hands off guns as you get from a dem prez. Until sandy hook happened .

The only reason he didn’t get it done was because he didn’t have the power to. Once he lost the House it would have been political suicide. But like I have proven in my own thread here, the left, all of them, want to take ou guns away. Many admit that fact, the others lie about it.

You are full of it . Typical gun nut . Any talk of sensible gun controls = BAN ALL GUNS!

Many leftists are at least honest about it. Would you like me to quote some of them? The rest are lying, as you are.

Only a coward is afraid if he isn't armed 24/7

More lies. It is YOU who are afraid. You are so afraid that you believe the bull shit stories you are told and live in constant fear that a gun is going to get up and go shoot you.

If all you are going to do is tell one lie after another, you are no longer a part of this discussion.

I have my own guns. I got the first single shot 22 when I was 7.
So according to you, our law-enforcement and military personnel are "cowards" because they're armed?

I've had a concealed carry permit since 2011 and have carried every day since then. Let me tell you: There's no better peace of mind than knowing you have the tools and training to protect and defend your life, the lives of your family members, and your property at an instant's notice.

Would you rather people duke it out with fists when confronted by a robber, mugger, or rapist? Do you think this is like the old days or something, where everyone gets into a fist-fight, then shakes hands and makes up afterwards?

That is truly an idiotic belief. Did you know that a person can ne killed stone cold dead with only one well-placed fist-punch to the head? So should I take your advice and go unarmed, and maybe try to "duke it out" if someone tries to beat the living crap out me?

Maybe after we are worn out, we'll shake hands, build a nice little camp fire, roast some marshmallows, and sing a round or two of "Kumbaya" like they did in all those episodes of "Bonanza" you watched on TV?

You truly are as bleeding idiot. I'm 67 years old and weigh a measly a180 pounds. I am no body builder and I am not a boxer4, a wrestler, or an MMA fighter. Do you seriously think I'm going to let some thug wail on me until I'm either unconscious or dead?

Do you even know why law-enforcement personnel carry sidearms? To protect your worthless carcass? Guess again. They carry them to protect themselves, not you. The Supreme Court once ruled that the police have "no duty to protect" you or anyone else.

So if they can carry weapons to protect themselves, why is it that you believe I can't? So just stop with your idiocy, ok? I will continue to carry a weapon because I am a "trusted" individual according to the laws of my state and my country. I have been vetted, trained, have had my criminal background checked, and have every right under the Second Amendment of my constitution and the laws of my state to protect myself, my family, and my hard-earned property.

And neither you, nor anyone else is going to deprive me of the right.

I never mentioned cops or military in this thread. You, and anybody else who thinks they need to be armed 24/7 is a coward.

You stubbornly continue to not get it, don't you? Just how does it make someone a "coward" if they're taking on the responsibility for the protection of themselves and their family?

In my book, that's what a real man does. A real man doesn't hide in his house while three armed home-invaders are breaking through the door. A real man doesn't attempt to call the police and wait 15 minutes, while those home invaders are raping his wife and murdering his children.

A real man takes proactive measures to ensure the safety of his and his family's lives, and not be a sniveling coward like you hoplophobic, gun-traumatized, and immature little children who think that your precious government will be there to save you every time you need them at a moment's notice.

Grow the hell up. Start taking some responsibility for your sorry existence and quit a potential murder victim or a statistic.

If you are afraid to face every day life without being armed 24/7, you're a coward.

Ok fluffy lil poodle, we’ve heard your opinion already.

I’m thinking he has inadequacy in bed problems.

I'm not the one who uses a gun to make up for inadequacies in other areas

That's one of the stupidest and lamest Alinskyite ploys you leftards have and frankly, it doesn't work. Like your cries of "racist" and "bigot", nobody really gives a rat's ass any more.

Never heard of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"?
Doesn't take much to get gun nuts back to spending their money, does it?

Yeah, you liberty hating Stalinists aren't looking to take our guns....

A former Supreme Court justice just became the most prominent voice to call for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment

Your civil war will not end well for you, traitor.

Another gun nut having wet dreams over an imagined civil war. Why don't you just play cow boys and Indians to get that silliness out of your system?
I never mentioned cops or military in this thread. You, and anybody else who thinks they need to be armed 24/7 is a coward.

You stubbornly continue to not get it, don't you? Just how does it make someone a "coward" if they're taking on the responsibility for the protection of themselves and their family?

In my book, that's what a real man does. A real man doesn't hide in his house while three armed home-invaders are breaking through the door. A real man doesn't attempt to call the police and wait 15 minutes, while those home invaders are raping his wife and murdering his children.

A real man takes proactive measures to ensure the safety of his and his family's lives, and not be a sniveling coward like you hoplophobic, gun-traumatized, and immature little children who think that your precious government will be there to save you every time you need them at a moment's notice.

Grow the hell up. Start taking some responsibility for your sorry existence and quit a potential murder victim or a statistic.

If you are afraid to face every day life without being armed 24/7, you're a coward.

You know nothing about me. I can leave the house any time I want to in an unarmed condition. But I don't because I have the right to be armed.

And nothing you can do or say is going to change that. Despite all your rage, you're still nothing but a rat in a cage. In other words, you can't change anything. Not me, and not even yourself.

So suck it. Suck it long and hard.

I know there is nothing I can say to relieve your debilitating fear. That would probably take a good therapist several years. You claim that you could face the real world without being armed any time you wanted to, yet you continue strapping on every time you leave the safety of your home. Sounds a lot like an alcoholic who says he could quit drinking any time he wants. You will never get better until you admit your fear is a problem.

Oh, I wasn't aware that you were a mind-reading psychologist with super ESP powers.

Oh wait: You're not, are you? The best you can do is project your own fear and ignorance on other people, hoping to bring them down to your level or fear and ignorance.

Not gonna work, sweetmeat.

Are you man enough to go one day without being armed? I thought not.
Doesn't take much to get gun nuts back to spending their money, does it?

Yeah, you liberty hating Stalinists aren't looking to take our guns....

A former Supreme Court justice just became the most prominent voice to call for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment

Your civil war will not end well for you, traitor.

Another gun nut having wet dreams over an imagined civil war. Why don't you just play cow boys and Indians to get that silliness out of your system?

Gezus. Do you argue with your husband as obstinately and pig-headed as you do on here? Do you just like hearing yourself disagree with someone?

What kind of a man would put up with a contentious woman like yourself??
I never mentioned cops or military in this thread. You, and anybody else who thinks they need to be armed 24/7 is a coward.

You stubbornly continue to not get it, don't you? Just how does it make someone a "coward" if they're taking on the responsibility for the protection of themselves and their family?

In my book, that's what a real man does. A real man doesn't hide in his house while three armed home-invaders are breaking through the door. A real man doesn't attempt to call the police and wait 15 minutes, while those home invaders are raping his wife and murdering his children.

A real man takes proactive measures to ensure the safety of his and his family's lives, and not be a sniveling coward like you hoplophobic, gun-traumatized, and immature little children who think that your precious government will be there to save you every time you need them at a moment's notice.

Grow the hell up. Start taking some responsibility for your sorry existence and quit a potential murder victim or a statistic.

If you are afraid to face every day life without being armed 24/7, you're a coward.

Ok fluffy lil poodle, we’ve heard your opinion already.

I’m thinking he has inadequacy in bed problems.

I'm not the one who uses a gun to make up for inadequacies in other areas

That's one of the stupidest and lamest Alinskyite ploys you leftards have and frankly, it doesn't work. Like your cries of "racist" and "bigot", nobody really gives a rat's ass any more.

Never heard of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"?
Never heard of "The Boy Too Afraid To Face Life Without Being Armed"?
Doesn't take much to get gun nuts back to spending their money, does it?

Yeah, you liberty hating Stalinists aren't looking to take our guns....

A former Supreme Court justice just became the most prominent voice to call for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment

Your civil war will not end well for you, traitor.

Another gun nut having wet dreams over an imagined civil war. Why don't you just play cow boys and Indians to get that silliness out of your system?

Gezus. Do you argue with your husband as obstinately and pig-headed as you do on here? Do you just like hearing yourself disagree with someone?

What kind of a man would put up with a contentious woman like yourself??

Oh, My. Now you think I'm a woman. Is there anything else you can be wrong about?
You stubbornly continue to not get it, don't you? Just how does it make someone a "coward" if they're taking on the responsibility for the protection of themselves and their family?

In my book, that's what a real man does. A real man doesn't hide in his house while three armed home-invaders are breaking through the door. A real man doesn't attempt to call the police and wait 15 minutes, while those home invaders are raping his wife and murdering his children.

A real man takes proactive measures to ensure the safety of his and his family's lives, and not be a sniveling coward like you hoplophobic, gun-traumatized, and immature little children who think that your precious government will be there to save you every time you need them at a moment's notice.

Grow the hell up. Start taking some responsibility for your sorry existence and quit a potential murder victim or a statistic.

If you are afraid to face every day life without being armed 24/7, you're a coward.

You know nothing about me. I can leave the house any time I want to in an unarmed condition. But I don't because I have the right to be armed.

And nothing you can do or say is going to change that. Despite all your rage, you're still nothing but a rat in a cage. In other words, you can't change anything. Not me, and not even yourself.

So suck it. Suck it long and hard.

I know there is nothing I can say to relieve your debilitating fear. That would probably take a good therapist several years. You claim that you could face the real world without being armed any time you wanted to, yet you continue strapping on every time you leave the safety of your home. Sounds a lot like an alcoholic who says he could quit drinking any time he wants. You will never get better until you admit your fear is a problem.

Oh, I wasn't aware that you were a mind-reading psychologist with super ESP powers.

Oh wait: You're not, are you? The best you can do is project your own fear and ignorance on other people, hoping to bring them down to your level or fear and ignorance.

Not gonna work, sweetmeat.

Are you man enough to go one day without being armed? I thought not.

Insulting my masculinity isn't going to gain you any points. Besides, I'm not married to you, so what you want is of no consequence to me.

I also know several women who carry every day. Are they any less feminine because they do?
Doesn't take much to get gun nuts back to spending their money, does it?

Yeah, you liberty hating Stalinists aren't looking to take our guns....

A former Supreme Court justice just became the most prominent voice to call for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment

Your civil war will not end well for you, traitor.

Another gun nut having wet dreams over an imagined civil war. Why don't you just play cow boys and Indians to get that silliness out of your system?

Gezus. Do you argue with your husband as obstinately and pig-headed as you do on here? Do you just like hearing yourself disagree with someone?

What kind of a man would put up with a contentious woman like yourself??

Oh, My. Now you think I'm a woman. Is there anything else you can be wrong about?

Then quit acting like one and nobody will think you are one.
If you are afraid to face every day life without being armed 24/7, you're a coward.

You know nothing about me. I can leave the house any time I want to in an unarmed condition. But I don't because I have the right to be armed.

And nothing you can do or say is going to change that. Despite all your rage, you're still nothing but a rat in a cage. In other words, you can't change anything. Not me, and not even yourself.

So suck it. Suck it long and hard.

I know there is nothing I can say to relieve your debilitating fear. That would probably take a good therapist several years. You claim that you could face the real world without being armed any time you wanted to, yet you continue strapping on every time you leave the safety of your home. Sounds a lot like an alcoholic who says he could quit drinking any time he wants. You will never get better until you admit your fear is a problem.

Oh, I wasn't aware that you were a mind-reading psychologist with super ESP powers.

Oh wait: You're not, are you? The best you can do is project your own fear and ignorance on other people, hoping to bring them down to your level or fear and ignorance.

Not gonna work, sweetmeat.

Are you man enough to go one day without being armed? I thought not.

Insulting my masculinity isn't going to gain you any points. Besides, I'm not married to you, so what you want is of no consequence to me.

I also know several women who carry every day. Are they any less feminine because they do?

Not less feminine. Perhaps a little crazier.

Yeah, you liberty hating Stalinists aren't looking to take our guns....

A former Supreme Court justice just became the most prominent voice to call for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment

Your civil war will not end well for you, traitor.

Another gun nut having wet dreams over an imagined civil war. Why don't you just play cow boys and Indians to get that silliness out of your system?

Gezus. Do you argue with your husband as obstinately and pig-headed as you do on here? Do you just like hearing yourself disagree with someone?

What kind of a man would put up with a contentious woman like yourself??

Oh, My. Now you think I'm a woman. Is there anything else you can be wrong about?

Then quit acting like one and nobody will think you are one.

You think I care what you think? That's funny.
If you are afraid to face every day life without being armed 24/7, you're a coward.

You know nothing about me. I can leave the house any time I want to in an unarmed condition. But I don't because I have the right to be armed.

And nothing you can do or say is going to change that. Despite all your rage, you're still nothing but a rat in a cage. In other words, you can't change anything. Not me, and not even yourself.

So suck it. Suck it long and hard.

I know there is nothing I can say to relieve your debilitating fear. That would probably take a good therapist several years. You claim that you could face the real world without being armed any time you wanted to, yet you continue strapping on every time you leave the safety of your home. Sounds a lot like an alcoholic who says he could quit drinking any time he wants. You will never get better until you admit your fear is a problem.

Oh, I wasn't aware that you were a mind-reading psychologist with super ESP powers.

Oh wait: You're not, are you? The best you can do is project your own fear and ignorance on other people, hoping to bring them down to your level or fear and ignorance.

Not gonna work, sweetmeat.

Are you man enough to go one day without being armed? I thought not.

Insulting my masculinity isn't going to gain you any points. Besides, I'm not married to you, so what you want is of no consequence to me.

I also know several women who carry every day. Are they any less feminine because they do?

Hell no, that's a bit of a turn on...LOL.
You know nothing about me. I can leave the house any time I want to in an unarmed condition. But I don't because I have the right to be armed.

And nothing you can do or say is going to change that. Despite all your rage, you're still nothing but a rat in a cage. In other words, you can't change anything. Not me, and not even yourself.

So suck it. Suck it long and hard.

I know there is nothing I can say to relieve your debilitating fear. That would probably take a good therapist several years. You claim that you could face the real world without being armed any time you wanted to, yet you continue strapping on every time you leave the safety of your home. Sounds a lot like an alcoholic who says he could quit drinking any time he wants. You will never get better until you admit your fear is a problem.

Oh, I wasn't aware that you were a mind-reading psychologist with super ESP powers.

Oh wait: You're not, are you? The best you can do is project your own fear and ignorance on other people, hoping to bring them down to your level or fear and ignorance.

Not gonna work, sweetmeat.

Are you man enough to go one day without being armed? I thought not.

Insulting my masculinity isn't going to gain you any points. Besides, I'm not married to you, so what you want is of no consequence to me.

I also know several women who carry every day. Are they any less feminine because they do?

Hell no, that's a bit of a turn on...LOL.

Anyone who thinks it isn't, is not right in the head.



Is it so outrageous to want universally background checks ? Is that to bad ?

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