Since Liberals Ignored It, Let's Look at the Dept. of Labor-BLS Jobs Report for Last Month

196,000 jobs is a train wreck, it was while Obama was President
U3 and U6 are made up statistics by BLS. Our President has told us so.
The actual number of unemployed is 170 million Americans
Not when you are running at full employment. There are more jobs available than people looking.
Things are looking really, really good right now. We may even be seeing some unexpected life from overseas. A recession may not happen for quite a while. Damn good. Now, it's time to look at the exploding debt Trump allowed to get us here. This is a great sugar high, but that's the other half of this equation.
Mac has this 100% correct. We must now balance what we are doing, and address the debt. It has been successfully navigated for 1/2 of the equation, now we must address the other 1/2!
The problem is, neither wing wants to talk about the debt when they're in power. It's always the other guy's fault. (Although, outside of recovering from the Meltdown, the Dems have a better record)

This is yet another reason we need term limits, and some kind of flexible balanced budget amendment.

These people simply are not serious, and they certainly don't deserve the trust of the country.

To be fair, the Republicans under Trump have *tried* to impose some halfway meaningful restraint on spending, but Senate Dems have forced them to abandon the effort each time by threatening to filibuster spending bills to keep the government open.

Look at the budgets that Trump has submitted. They called for sizable cuts in many programs, but his budgets have been basically DOA because of Senate Dems.

Trump’s budget calls for sizable cuts to many programs and then moves that money plus adds more to other things to end up bigger than ever.

Sent from my iPhone using
Things are looking really, really good right now. We may even be seeing some unexpected life from overseas. A recession may not happen for quite a while.

Damn good.

Now, it's time to look at the exploding debt Trump allowed to get us here. This is a great sugar high, but that's the other half of this equation.

Mac has this 100% correct. We must now balance what we are doing, and address the debt. It has been successfully navigated for 1/2 of the equation, now we must address the other 1/2!

LOL. Neither party cares about debt. Where is the Tea Party now that a Republican is President

Go read my two previous replies. Go read the last two budgets that Trump has submitted. Go read the Congressional Record of the Senate debates on the budget. You don't know what you're talking about.

The last budget Trump submitted is the largest budget request in the history of the country

Sent from my iPhone using
196,000 jobs is a train wreck, it was while Obama was President U3 and U6 are made up statistics by BLS. Our President has told us so. The actual number of unemployed is 170 million Americans

LOL! Yeah, okay. Thanks for sharing. Go get your brain reset so that the "Warning: Facts Being Presented" notice in your brain will turn off.

FYI, none other than Bernie Sanders has said that the U-6 is the most accurate measurement of the employment situation. He made this point several times during the 2016 primary.
U6 is Fake News
Our President told us so
Bernie Sanders is a commie
Our President told us so

The real number of unemployed is over 50 percent.

Put your little Red Helmet back on.

Indisputable facts
196,000 jobs is a train wreck, it was while Obama was President U3 and U6 are made up statistics by BLS. Our President has told us so. The actual number of unemployed is 170 million Americans

LOL! Yeah, okay. Thanks for sharing. Go get your brain reset so that the "Warning: Facts Being Presented" notice in your brain will turn off.

FYI, none other than Bernie Sanders has said that the U-6 is the most accurate measurement of the employment situation. He made this point several times during the 2016 primary.
U6 is Fake News
Our President told us so
Bernie Sanders is a commie
Our President told us so

The real number of unemployed is over 50 percent.
Best unemployment numbers since 1969. Trump is the man, about time you realize that.
Once again an example of Trump being born on third base and taking credit for hitting a triple

Being handed 4.7 percent unemployment will do that
196,000 jobs is a train wreck, it was while Obama was President U3 and U6 are made up statistics by BLS. Our President has told us so. The actual number of unemployed is 170 million Americans

LOL! Yeah, okay. Thanks for sharing. Go get your brain reset so that the "Warning: Facts Being Presented" notice in your brain will turn off.

FYI, none other than Bernie Sanders has said that the U-6 is the most accurate measurement of the employment situation. He made this point several times during the 2016 primary.
U6 is Fake News
Our President told us so
Bernie Sanders is a commie
Our President told us so

The real number of unemployed is over 50 percent.
Best unemployment numbers since 1969. Trump is the man, about time you realize that.
Once again an example of Trump being born on third base and taking credit for hitting a triple

Being handed 4.7 percent unemployment will do that
Lol, you loons predicted the economy would crash when Trump was elected. Even your transgendered president said manufacturing jobs were gone for good. Trump proved you wrong.
Things are looking really, really good right now. We may even be seeing some unexpected life from overseas. A recession may not happen for quite a while. Damn good. Now, it's time to look at the exploding debt Trump allowed to get us here. This is a great sugar high, but that's the other half of this equation.
Mac has this 100% correct. We must now balance what we are doing, and address the debt. It has been successfully navigated for 1/2 of the equation, now we must address the other 1/2!
The problem is, neither wing wants to talk about the debt when they're in power. It's always the other guy's fault. (Although, outside of recovering from the Meltdown, the Dems have a better record)

This is yet another reason we need term limits, and some kind of flexible balanced budget amendment.

These people simply are not serious, and they certainly don't deserve the trust of the country.

To be fair, the Republicans under Trump have *tried* to impose some halfway meaningful restraint on spending, but Senate Dems have forced them to abandon the effort each time by threatening to filibuster spending bills to keep the government open.

Look at the budgets that Trump has submitted. They called for sizable cuts in many programs, but his budgets have been basically DOA because of Senate Dems.

Trump’s budget calls for sizable cuts to many programs and then moves that money plus adds more to other things to end up bigger than ever. Sent from my iPhone using

Sigh. . . . You're only going by the first year. Trump's proposed 2018 budget, for example, would have cut discretionary spending by a net $1.851 trillion over the 2018–2027 period. Guess what happened when it got to the Senate?

Look at the Senate debates for the last two budget deals. Federal spending would be substantially lower, and the deficit smaller, if the Republicans had gotten their way, but they were forced to compromise because the Dems threatened a filibuster. This is in the Congressional Record.
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Since liberals showed zero interest in all the good economic news for March, let's look at the Department of Larbor's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) jobs report for March. Here are some key highlights:

* The economy added 196,000 new jobs, in spite of all the cold weather and snow storms, etc.

* The change in jobs for January was revised up from +311,000 to +312,000, and the change for February was revised up from +20,000 to +33,000. I bet you never heard about those revisions on CNN, MSNBC, etc., etc.

* Employment in construction rose by 16,000 jobs, and has increased by 246,000 over the past 12 months.

* Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates were as follows: adult men (3.6 percent), adult women (3.3 percent), teenagers (12.8 percent), Whites (3.4 percent), Blacks (6.7 percent), Asians (3.1 percent), and Hispanics (4.7 percent). These are historic lows for blacks, Hispanics, and women:

Unemployment rate of women in the U.S. 1990-2018 | Timeline

Why Credit for the Decline in Black Unemployment Goes to Trump, Not Obama | People's Pundit Daily

By the way, Hispanic unemployment never dropped below 5% before October 2017. Never.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* In March, average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by 4 cents to $27.70, following a 10-cent gain in February. Over the past 12 months, average hourly earnings have increased by 3.2 percent. Most of my pay raises have been 2.0-2.5%.

* Average hourly earnings of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees increased by 6 cents to $23.24 in March.

* The U-6 unemployment rate, aka the real unemployment rate, dropped again in March and is now down to 7.3%, down from 8.1% in January.

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

In fact, the U-6 rate is now lower than it was in 2005 and is approaching how low it was in 1999!

U6 Unemployment Rate

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

I notice you didn't post jobs created?
So I guess you know Obama created more jobs in his last 2 years than the con did in his first 2?
And the economy is following Obamas graph since the depression?
196,000 jobs is a train wreck, it was while Obama was President U3 and U6 are made up statistics by BLS. Our President has told us so. The actual number of unemployed is 170 million Americans

LOL! Yeah, okay. Thanks for sharing. Go get your brain reset so that the "Warning: Facts Being Presented" notice in your brain will turn off.

FYI, none other than Bernie Sanders has said that the U-6 is the most accurate measurement of the employment situation. He made this point several times during the 2016 primary.
U6 is Fake News
Our President told us so
Bernie Sanders is a commie
Our President told us so

The real number of unemployed is over 50 percent.
Best unemployment numbers since 1969. Trump is the man, about time you realize that.
Once again an example of Trump being born on third base and taking credit for hitting a triple

Being handed 4.7 percent unemployment will do that
Lol, you loons predicted the economy would crash when Trump was elected. Even your transgendered president said manufacturing jobs were gone for good. Trump proved you wrong.
Such garbage.
Got a link saying the economy would crash?
Just in your small made up mind?
Of course not
Reducing taxes on millionaires like me usually is good for a while.
Looked at job creation?
Know why the con created fewer jobs than Obama? First 2 years/ last 2?
Economy is just following Obamas graph.
The zero college boys can't communicate w/o a 2 nd grade insult
I notice you didn't post jobs created.

Uh, yes I did. I said 196,000 jobs were added to the economy last month.

So I guess you know Obama created more jobs in his last 2 years than the con did in his first 2? And the economy is following Obamas graph since the depression?

Oh, boy. We had a net loss of manufacturing jobs under Obama, which had never happened in any previous eight-year period. The U-6 rate stayed historically high until the last year or so of Obama's presidency, when businesses knew he would soon be replaced. Wages have risen dramatically over the last 18 months, whereas wages were stagnant/flat-lined for six of Obama's eight years--again, until businesses knew they only had less than two years until he would be out of office.
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I notice you didn't post jobs created? So I guess you know Obama created more jobs in his last 2 years than the con did in his first 2? And the economy is following Obama's graph since the depression?

I said 196,000 jobs were added to the economy last month. Did you not understand that those were new jobs?

We had a net loss of manufacturing jobs under Obama, which had never happened before in any previous eight-year period. The U-6 rate stayed historically high until the last year or so of Obama's presidency, when businesses knew he would soon be replaced. Wages have risen dramatically over the last 18 months, whereas wages were stagnant/flat-lined for six of Obama's eight years--again, until businesses knew they only had less than two years until he would be out of office.
196,000 jobs is a train wreck, it was while Obama was President U3 and U6 are made up statistics by BLS. Our President has told us so. The actual number of unemployed is 170 million Americans

LOL! Yeah, okay. Thanks for sharing. Go get your brain reset so that the "Warning: Facts Being Presented" notice in your brain will turn off.

FYI, none other than Bernie Sanders has said that the U-6 is the most accurate measurement of the employment situation. He made this point several times during the 2016 primary.
U6 is Fake News
Our President told us so
Bernie Sanders is a commie
Our President told us so

The real number of unemployed is over 50 percent.
Best unemployment numbers since 1969. Trump is the man, about time you realize that.
Once again an example of Trump being born on third base and taking credit for hitting a triple

Being handed 4.7 percent unemployment will do that
Lol, you loons predicted the economy would crash when Trump was elected. Even your transgendered president said manufacturing jobs were gone for good. Trump proved you wrong.
Are you celebrating that Trump did not mess up the Obama economy?
I notice you didn't post jobs created? So I guess you know Obama created more jobs in his last 2 years than the con did in his first 2? And the economy is following Obama's graph since the depression?

I said 196,000 jobs were added to the economy last month. Did you not understand that those were new jobs?

We had a net loss of manufacturing jobs under Obama, which had never happened before in any previous eight-year period. The U-6 rate stayed historically high until the last year or so of Obama's presidency, when businesses knew he would soon be replaced. Wages have risen dramatically over the last 18 months, whereas wages were stagnant/flat-lined for six of Obama's eight years--again, until businesses knew they only had less than two years until he would be out of office.
Not much different than the Obama economy

Republicans used to complain if Obama only had 196,000 jobs added
LOL! Yeah, okay. Thanks for sharing. Go get your brain reset so that the "Warning: Facts Being Presented" notice in your brain will turn off.

FYI, none other than Bernie Sanders has said that the U-6 is the most accurate measurement of the employment situation. He made this point several times during the 2016 primary.
U6 is Fake News
Our President told us so
Bernie Sanders is a commie
Our President told us so

The real number of unemployed is over 50 percent.
Best unemployment numbers since 1969. Trump is the man, about time you realize that.
Once again an example of Trump being born on third base and taking credit for hitting a triple

Being handed 4.7 percent unemployment will do that
Lol, you loons predicted the economy would crash when Trump was elected. Even your transgendered president said manufacturing jobs were gone for good. Trump proved you wrong.
Are you celebrating that Trump did not mess up the Obama economy?
That's a hoot!
196,000 jobs is a train wreck, it was while Obama was President U3 and U6 are made up statistics by BLS. Our President has told us so. The actual number of unemployed is 170 million Americans

LOL! Yeah, okay. Thanks for sharing. Go get your brain reset so that the "Warning: Facts Being Presented" notice in your brain will turn off.

FYI, none other than Bernie Sanders has said that the U-6 is the most accurate measurement of the employment situation. He made this point several times during the 2016 primary.
U6 is Fake News
Our President told us so
Bernie Sanders is a commie
Our President told us so

The real number of unemployed is over 50 percent.

Dude. You are embarrassing yourself.


I know. It is a fact that you are embarrassing yourself.
U6 is Fake News
Our President told us so
Bernie Sanders is a commie
Our President told us so

The real number of unemployed is over 50 percent.
Best unemployment numbers since 1969. Trump is the man, about time you realize that.
Once again an example of Trump being born on third base and taking credit for hitting a triple

Being handed 4.7 percent unemployment will do that
Lol, you loons predicted the economy would crash when Trump was elected. Even your transgendered president said manufacturing jobs were gone for good. Trump proved you wrong.
Are you celebrating that Trump did not mess up the Obama economy?
That's a hoot!
God knows he has tried
Who starts a trade war in a strong economy?
Best unemployment numbers since 1969. Trump is the man, about time you realize that.
Once again an example of Trump being born on third base and taking credit for hitting a triple

Being handed 4.7 percent unemployment will do that
Lol, you loons predicted the economy would crash when Trump was elected. Even your transgendered president said manufacturing jobs were gone for good. Trump proved you wrong.
Are you celebrating that Trump did not mess up the Obama economy?
That's a hoot!
God knows he has tried
Who starts a trade war in a strong economy?
He is stopping us from getting screwed over. He is the man!
Are you celebrating that Trump did not mess up the Obama economy?

So you can't grasp the fact that Trump has vastly improved on Obama's economy? A huge jump in manufacturing jobs vs. a net loss in such jobs. An almost immediate drop in the U-6 rate vs. the U-6 rate staying at historically high levels until Obama's final two years, with Trump's U-6 rate being lower than it ever was under Obama. A much better rise in wages vs. virtual stagnation for at least six years under Obama. A huge jump in the stock market vs. the slow growth of the stock market even in Obama's last years. Lowering the corporate income tax rate on our businesses vs. keeping them at the absurd rate of 35% (which was some 40% more than the average in Europe and Asia). Etc., etc., etc.
Are you celebrating that Trump did not mess up the Obama economy?

So you can't grasp the fact that Trump has vastly improved on Obama's economy? A huge jump in manufacturing jobs vs. a net loss in such jobs. An almost immediate drop in the U-6 rate vs. the U-6 rate staying at historically high levels until Obama's final two years, with Trump's U-6 rate being lower than it ever was under Obama. A much better rise in wages vs. virtual stagnation for at least six years under Obama. A huge jump in the stock market vs. the slow growth of the stock market even in Obama's last years. Lowering the corporate income tax rate on our businesses vs. keeping them at the absurd rate of 35% (which was some 40% more than the average in Europe and Asia). Etc., etc., etc.
I think Trump would have done better if he had just left the Obama economy alone. His poorly designed trade wars in a strong economy have done more damage than good. As did his destruction of the TPP
Are you celebrating that Trump did not mess up the Obama economy?

So you can't grasp the fact that Trump has vastly improved on Obama's economy? A huge jump in manufacturing jobs vs. a net loss in such jobs. An almost immediate drop in the U-6 rate vs. the U-6 rate staying at historically high levels until Obama's final two years, with Trump's U-6 rate being lower than it ever was under Obama. A much better rise in wages vs. virtual stagnation for at least six years under Obama. A huge jump in the stock market vs. the slow growth of the stock market even in Obama's last years. Lowering the corporate income tax rate on our businesses vs. keeping them at the absurd rate of 35% (which was some 40% more than the average in Europe and Asia). Etc., etc., etc.

I think Trump would have done better if he had just left the Obama economy alone. His poorly designed trade wars in a strong economy have done more damage than good. As did his destruction of the TPP

What? So you think we would better off if Trump had not cut taxes on middle-income workers by 20% for the second and third brackets and 13% for the fourth bracket?! So you think our companies would be doing better if Trump had not cut their income tax rate by 40% and reduced the regulatory burden on them?! So you think we would be better off it Trump had not vastly reduced the regulatory burden on manufacturers, which has been a big reason that we have seen a historic rise in manufacturing jobs?

As for Trump's supposedly "poorly designed trade wars" and the TPP, go talk to the leaders of major labor unions about that one. In case you missed the news, the trade deals that Trump has worked out thanks to the pressure of higher tariffs have been the best deals we have gotten in a long time.

Why do you suppose wages were stagnant during most of Obama's presidency and only rose very modestly toward the end of his tenure, but have risen substantially already under Trump? Why do you think we had a net *loss* of manufacturing jobs under Obama, which had never happened under any previous president who served two terms? It is just amazing that you people can't grasp the simple truth that when you let businesses keep more of their profits and cut their red tape, they earn more money, can afford to pay better salaries and benefits, free themselves from shareholders (as much as possible), and hire more workers?
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