Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?

You know what, Old Lady? I think Comey basically told the truth as well! What neither of us knows is whether his testimony would have been different if the threat of tapes wasn't hanging over his head. I wish there were tapes of his conversation with Loretta Lynch about what to call the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails! I wish there were tapes of the conversation between Lynch and Bill Clinton on that plane in Arizona! Does anyone REALLY think they had a secret meeting to discuss their grandkids like they claimed? Who's THAT naive?

Yeah, people who know each other and work in the same business never, ever talk about their grandkids.

Meanwhile, in the real world, if I have to see one more dopey picture of a grandkid covered in food, I think I'm going to puke.

Fact is, your Orange Shitgibbon got caught obstructing justice. Claiming that there were tapes now means he has to prove there weren't tapes, and if he was secretly recording people, won't it be fun when someone starts leaking that.

It will be sooo much fun to get this guy under oath.
A "possible" obstructionist? LOL That's the best you've got, Jakey? That's Comey's "feeling"...based on how he read what Trump was saying to him. Now what he SHOULD have said to Trump was something like this: "Mr President...are you ordering me to drop the Flynn investigation? Because if you are...that's obstruction of justice!" But Comey didn't do that...did he? No he ended that conversation by agreeing with Trump that Flynn was a good guy. For the Director of the FBI to not be clear about what was being asked of him and relying on his "feelings" of what was being said is pretty pathetic! It once again shows what a poor choice Comey was to lead the FBI in the first place. In his own words he was "timid". That's no trait for someone who's in charge of the FBI!

Wow, guy... Just fucking wow.

Trump asks Comey to drop the Flynn Matter
Comey refuses to drop the Flynn Matter
Trump fires him.

Obstruction of justice- textbook.

Now, real world, when someone does or says something outrageous, most of us don't say anything. We should, but most humans are conflict-adverse by nature.

Trump was the guy who escalated what was a minor scandal into a constitutional crisis, because he didn't know when to cut his losses.

Trump tells Comey he "hopes" that Comey can let Flynn off the hook. That's not ordering him to stop investigating Flynn! That's not ordering him to call it a "matter" instead of an investigation! Bottom line is this, Joey...hoping something will happen is not obstruction. James Comey SHOULD have been astute enough to know that! If he's got a problem with what Trump was hoping for...then he should have asked the President to clarify what he was saying!

The reason that Trump fired Comey could very well be something completely different than how he handled Flynn! Let's be honest here, liberals were calling for Comey's head last fall and conservatives were calling for his head as well. He wasn't a good FBI Director. I'm sorry but he wasn't! Anyone that self describes as "too timid" shouldn't hold that office!
Comey was absolutely clear, Oldstyle.

The need for the Russian collusion investigation was greatly strengthened.

The need to investigate obstructionism got a boost with the Flynn comments.

Trump can't disprove Comey's statements because (1) he does not have the tapes, so Comey outbluffed him, or (2) he does have the tapes and they corroborate Comey's story, which reveals Trump is a liar. We know Trump lies all the time.
And the fact that Comey went along with Lynch and described the investigation as a "matter" instead of what it's what kind of person James Comey really is!


He didn't make a bigger deal out of a bullshit scandal then it needed to be?

LOL So when Loretta Lynch called him up and ordered him to call an investigation a "matter"...Comey was being "polite" when he went along with that?

Here's the thing, Joey! Your character is defined by how you act when doing the right thing is hard! The right thing to do when Lynch makes that call is to tell her that the FBI doesn't do semantics...they do investigations! That they were investigating Clinton and if asked that was how it would be described. Comey didn't DO that however. He caved. Which shows just what a timid person he really is!
Comey was absolutely clear, Oldstyle.

The need for the Russian collusion investigation was greatly strengthened.

The need to investigate obstructionism got a boost with the Flynn comments.

Trump can't disprove Comey's statements because (1) he does not have the tapes, so Comey outbluffed him, or (2) he does have the tapes and they corroborate Comey's story, which reveals Trump is a liar. We know Trump lies all the time.

Comey was absolutely clear? About what? He said he felt Trump was asking him to go easy on Flynn but was also clear that Trump didn't order him to do so! He said that Trump told him to go ahead with the Russia investigation even if it involved his "satellites"! So is Trump trying to obstruct justice...because that second part doesn't sound like it to me, Jakey! It sounds like someone who has NOTHING to hide and welcomes an investigation that shows that!
Trump is minced if you defend him, Oldstyle.

Comey came out as the truth teller, Trump came out bluffed and got called out. Trump did nothing.

The investigations into Russian collusion continue, and now investigations into obstruction begin.
Trump can't disprove Comey's statements because (1) he does not have the tapes, so Comey outbluffed him, or (2) he does have the tapes and they corroborate Comey's story, which reveals Trump is a liar. We know Trump lies all the time.
Trump tells Comey he "hopes" that Comey can let Flynn off the hook. That's not ordering him to stop investigating Flynn! That's not ordering him to call it a "matter" instead of an investigation! Bottom line is this, Joey...hoping something will happen is not obstruction. James Comey SHOULD have been astute enough to know that! If he's got a problem with what Trump was hoping for...then he should have asked the President to clarify what he was saying!

First, dude, are you capableof discussing Trump without bringing Hillary into it. Matter or Investigation, both words are accurate.

Second, Trump saying he hopes you can let Flynn go might be a suggestion, but the MINUTE he fired Comey, it becomes obstruction.

The reason that Trump fired Comey could very well be something completely different than how he handled Flynn! Let's be honest here, liberals were calling for Comey's head last fall and conservatives were calling for his head as well. He wasn't a good FBI Director. I'm sorry but he wasn't! Anyone that self describes as "too timid" shouldn't hold that office!

Actually, Trump says he fired Comey over the Russia thing. It's what he told Lester Holt. I'll take the Orange Shitgibbon at his word.

If he wasn't a good FBI director, then you make that case. Trump didn't make that case...

LOL So when Loretta Lynch called him up and ordered him to call an investigation a "matter"...Comey was being "polite" when he went along with that?

Here's the thing, Joey! Your character is defined by how you act when doing the right thing is hard! The right thing to do when Lynch makes that call is to tell her that the FBI doesn't do semantics...they do investigations! That they were investigating Clinton and if asked that was how it would be described. Comey didn't DO that however. He caved. Which shows just what a timid person he really is!

Or that he was just not going to cave to right wing nuts who were making something out of nothing. I'm sorry, it's pretty fucked up when you guys excuse Trump colluding iwth our mortal enemies, but are still freaking out that Clinton used private email when there wasn't actually a rule against that.
Note: when anyone attempts to point to Obama, Clinton, Lynch, that person is deflecting and has not valid point to make.

Such a person wants Trump to be just like Obama.
You know what, Old Lady? I think Comey basically told the truth as well! What neither of us knows is whether his testimony would have been different if the threat of tapes wasn't hanging over his head. I wish there were tapes of his conversation with Loretta Lynch about what to call the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails! I wish there were tapes of the conversation between Lynch and Bill Clinton on that plane in Arizona! Does anyone REALLY think they had a secret meeting to discuss their grandkids like they claimed? Who's THAT naive?

Yeah, people who know each other and work in the same business never, ever talk about their grandkids.

Meanwhile, in the real world, if I have to see one more dopey picture of a grandkid covered in food, I think I'm going to puke.

Fact is, your Orange Shitgibbon got caught obstructing justice. Claiming that there were tapes now means he has to prove there weren't tapes, and if he was secretly recording people, won't it be fun when someone starts leaking that.

It will be sooo much fun to get this guy under oath.

You know what's pathetic, Joey? You actually believe the bullshit that Loretta Lynch put out there that the secret meeting between her and President Clinton on the tarmac of that airport in Arizona was the two of them talking about their grandchildren! You make it sound like Clinton and Lynch work in the same office and just casually chatted at the water cooler! They held a clandestine meeting only days before Lynch pressured James Comey and Comey made that painfully convoluted explanation about how Hillary had broken the law...had secret materials on her email servers...hadn't turned over all of the material she had about Benghazi...but wasn't deserving of being prosecuted because she was too stupid to understand that what she'd done was against the law! You want to talk about obstructing justice? What Bill Clinton did...what Loretta Lynch did...what James Comey did...was about as blatant an example of obstruction of justice as I've ever seen. That whole thing stunk so bad that anyone with even a modicum of common sense knows that Comey should have been fired THEN...not later!
Trump tells Comey he "hopes" that Comey can let Flynn off the hook. That's not ordering him to stop investigating Flynn! That's not ordering him to call it a "matter" instead of an investigation! Bottom line is this, Joey...hoping something will happen is not obstruction. James Comey SHOULD have been astute enough to know that! If he's got a problem with what Trump was hoping for...then he should have asked the President to clarify what he was saying!

First, dude, are you capableof discussing Trump without bringing Hillary into it. Matter or Investigation, both words are accurate.

Second, Trump saying he hopes you can let Flynn go might be a suggestion, but the MINUTE he fired Comey, it becomes obstruction.

The reason that Trump fired Comey could very well be something completely different than how he handled Flynn! Let's be honest here, liberals were calling for Comey's head last fall and conservatives were calling for his head as well. He wasn't a good FBI Director. I'm sorry but he wasn't! Anyone that self describes as "too timid" shouldn't hold that office!

Actually, Trump says he fired Comey over the Russia thing. It's what he told Lester Holt. I'll take the Orange Shitgibbon at his word.

If he wasn't a good FBI director, then you make that case. Trump didn't make that case...

LOL So when Loretta Lynch called him up and ordered him to call an investigation a "matter"...Comey was being "polite" when he went along with that?

Here's the thing, Joey! Your character is defined by how you act when doing the right thing is hard! The right thing to do when Lynch makes that call is to tell her that the FBI doesn't do semantics...they do investigations! That they were investigating Clinton and if asked that was how it would be described. Comey didn't DO that however. He caved. Which shows just what a timid person he really is!

Or that he was just not going to cave to right wing nuts who were making something out of nothing. I'm sorry, it's pretty fucked up when you guys excuse Trump colluding iwth our mortal enemies, but are still freaking out that Clinton used private email when there wasn't actually a rule against that.

I didn't bring Hillary into it, Joey...James Comey's testimony brought her into it! He testified that Lynch pressured him to call the FBI investigation into Clinton a "matter" not an investigation!

As for there being a "rule" against people in government having classified information on private servers? It's against the law, you buffoon! People get put in prison for doing that! Let alone doing it and lying to Congress about doing it! Hillary DID that. You haters on the left haven't proven that Trump colluded with the Russians at all, Joey and you've been trying to come up with proof for almost ten months!
Comey did not break the law.

OldStyle saying that Comey broke the law is committing libel. That is actionable.
This is an abuse of power, and probably a crime.
It doesn't help get Trump impeached, so there WILL NOT be a big deal made out of it.

But you are correct. It should be a crime. Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

I guess Comey woudln't have confessed if it was a crime. I am SURE he spoke to lawyers at length prior to testifying.

I guess speaking out against Trump should be a crime too. This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. This seems to be what you want. Trump lied about everything and Comey told the real story. What a laugh "Make America Great" is. Trump supporters have no clue what America is.

Even if what Comey did isn't technically illegal, it was highly unethical. Also, he's a snitch and nobody likes a snitch.

Unethical? It was ethical for Trump to lie about his meeting? Setting the record straight is not being a snitch. It is being a Patriot.

Comey did no such thing.

Listen to it again.

You don't listen to that one Bucky, it's for readin'.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records

Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof

Now reading that, I'm thinking Comey did one of those. Could just be me, but that's where I'm at now. I'm thinking they are going to jam him up so he rolls on Lynch.

You are going to be very disappointed. Comey telling what really happened is a crime? What tree did you fall out of?
Oldstyle continues the Alt Right blackwhite defense of the meetings.

Hey, numbnuts: the meetings in and of themselves were not illegal, the failure to properly note and account for them with the authorities is illegal.

Now the Special Counsel can investigate and order the participants to be sworn and testify what was discussed in the meetings.

What "authorities" does a sitting President or his aides have to get permission from to have a meeting with foreign leaders? I must have missed that statute!

Excuse me but a President-Elect does not have the right to make promises until they are President. It was illegal for them to discuss sanctions against Russia or make any promises that undercuts the current President.

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