Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?

Trump's suggestion he had tapes played into Comey's hands.

Comey called him a liar. Trump can disprove it if he has the tapes. He won't provide the tapes because he can't disprove Comey's accusation.

Comey out played Trump easily.
Trump: release the tapes!
Years ago the bar that I managed was sued in Small Claims Court by someone who claimed they hadn't been paid. I took a cassette tape (it was actually a recording of a Stanley Cup playoff game) with me to court and reminded the individual that when they were paid we were sitting at the bar. I then told him that most bars these days have video of cash transaction areas (like the bar area) and showed him the cassette. Then I asked him if he was sure he wanted to claim that he'd never been paid when he was standing in front of a judge. Just the threat of what happened being on video made him drop his claim even though there was no video and it was a total bluff on my part.

My point about what Trump put out there about the possibility of there being a tape could have very well have influenced Comey's testimony under oath is that it was brilliant on Trump's part to put that threat out there...whether there is a tape or not.
Comey was not fazed in the slightest by the threat of tapes. He said he hoped there were tapes. He called the president a liar in front of a senate committee and twenty million viewers. He strongly said that the thought the president was telling to drop the investigation.

Trump: release the tapes.
Trump's suggestion he had tapes played into Comey's hands.

Comey called him a liar. Trump can disprove it if he has the tapes. He won't provide the tapes because he can't disprove Comey's accusation.

Comey out played Trump easily.

We'll never know what Comey might have said if there wasn't the threat of tapes, Jake! He may not provide the tapes because the tapes may not exist. If that's the case...who outplayed who?
Comey was not fazed in the slightest by the threat of tapes. He said he hoped there were tapes. He called the president a liar in front of a senate committee and twenty million viewers. He strongly said that the thought the president was telling to drop the investigation.

Trump: release the tapes.

He didn't "strongly" say anything, Jake! He prefaced most of the things he said with "I might be wrong but..."! He said he felt the President was asking him to drop the investigation into Flynn but he also admitted that Trump told him to go ahead with the Russian investigation even if it involved his "satellites". Would Comey have said that if the threat of tapes wasn't hanging over him? We'll never know.
Trump's suggestion he had tapes played into Comey's hands.

Comey called him a liar. Trump can disprove it if he has the tapes. He won't provide the tapes because he can't disprove Comey's accusation.

Comey out played Trump easily.

We'll never know what Comey might have said if there wasn't the threat of tapes, Jake! He may not provide the tapes because the tapes may not exist. If that's the case...who outplayed who?
Comey has called the President of the United States a "liar" and a possible obstructionist in front of America. Trump can disprove those charges if he releases the tapes.

If he does not release them or he does not have them, then he is a liar and Comey out played him.
It doesn't help get Trump impeached, so there WILL NOT be a big deal made out of it.

But you are correct. It should be a crime. Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

Um, no, not really. Otherwise any memoir by a former official would be a crime.

So here's the real problem you guys have. More people believe Comey's version than Trump's version.
Comey was not fazed in the slightest by the threat of tapes. He said he hoped there were tapes. He called the president a liar in front of a senate committee and twenty million viewers. He strongly said that the thought the president was telling to drop the investigation.

Trump: release the tapes.

He didn't "strongly" say anything, Jake! He prefaced most of the things he said with "I might be wrong but..."! He said he felt the President was asking him to drop the investigation into Flynn but he also admitted that Trump told him to go ahead with the Russian investigation even if it involved his "satellites". Would Comey have said that if the threat of tapes wasn't hanging over him? We'll never know.
I think Comey told the truth because he's basically honest and he was under oath. He said he WISHED there were tapes. I don't think there are, though.
My point about what Trump put out there about the possibility of there being a tape could have very well have influenced Comey's testimony under oath is that it was brilliant on Trump's part to put that threat out there...whether there is a tape or not.

Except Comey didn't change his testimony.

Trump on the other hand, can't keep his story straight.
Trump's suggestion he had tapes played into Comey's hands.

Comey called him a liar. Trump can disprove it if he has the tapes. He won't provide the tapes because he can't disprove Comey's accusation.

Comey out played Trump easily.

We'll never know what Comey might have said if there wasn't the threat of tapes, Jake! He may not provide the tapes because the tapes may not exist. If that's the case...who outplayed who?
Comey has called the President of the United States a "liar" and a possible obstructionist in front of America. Trump can disprove those charges if he releases the tapes.

If he does not release them or he does not have them, then he is a liar and Comey out played him.

A "possible" obstructionist? LOL That's the best you've got, Jakey? That's Comey's "feeling"...based on how he read what Trump was saying to him. Now what he SHOULD have said to Trump was something like this: "Mr President...are you ordering me to drop the Flynn investigation? Because if you are...that's obstruction of justice!" But Comey didn't do that...did he? No he ended that conversation by agreeing with Trump that Flynn was a good guy. For the Director of the FBI to not be clear about what was being asked of him and relying on his "feelings" of what was being said is pretty pathetic! It once again shows what a poor choice Comey was to lead the FBI in the first place. In his own words he was "timid". That's no trait for someone who's in charge of the FBI!
Trump bluffed, Comey called, Trump lost.

You must have seen testimony that I didn't, Jake! Comey's performance in front of that Senate committee didn't hurt Trump at all. The person that was damaged the most by Comey was actually Loretta Lynch and through her...Hillary Clinton! Comey testified that Lynch pressured him on how to describe the investigation into Clinton directly after Lynch had her meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Arizona!
And the fact that Comey went along with Lynch and described the investigation as a "matter" instead of what it's what kind of person James Comey really is!
Comey was not fazed in the slightest by the threat of tapes. He said he hoped there were tapes. He called the president a liar in front of a senate committee and twenty million viewers. He strongly said that the thought the president was telling to drop the investigation.

Trump: release the tapes.

He didn't "strongly" say anything, Jake! He prefaced most of the things he said with "I might be wrong but..."! He said he felt the President was asking him to drop the investigation into Flynn but he also admitted that Trump told him to go ahead with the Russian investigation even if it involved his "satellites". Would Comey have said that if the threat of tapes wasn't hanging over him? We'll never know.
I think Comey told the truth because he's basically honest and he was under oath. He said he WISHED there were tapes. I don't think there are, though.

You know what, Old Lady? I think Comey basically told the truth as well! What neither of us knows is whether his testimony would have been different if the threat of tapes wasn't hanging over his head. I wish there were tapes of his conversation with Loretta Lynch about what to call the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails! I wish there were tapes of the conversation between Lynch and Bill Clinton on that plane in Arizona! Does anyone REALLY think they had a secret meeting to discuss their grandkids like they claimed? Who's THAT naive?
A "possible" obstructionist? LOL That's the best you've got, Jakey? That's Comey's "feeling"...based on how he read what Trump was saying to him. Now what he SHOULD have said to Trump was something like this: "Mr President...are you ordering me to drop the Flynn investigation? Because if you are...that's obstruction of justice!" But Comey didn't do that...did he? No he ended that conversation by agreeing with Trump that Flynn was a good guy. For the Director of the FBI to not be clear about what was being asked of him and relying on his "feelings" of what was being said is pretty pathetic! It once again shows what a poor choice Comey was to lead the FBI in the first place. In his own words he was "timid". That's no trait for someone who's in charge of the FBI!

Wow, guy... Just fucking wow.

Trump asks Comey to drop the Flynn Matter
Comey refuses to drop the Flynn Matter
Trump fires him.

Obstruction of justice- textbook.

Now, real world, when someone does or says something outrageous, most of us don't say anything. We should, but most humans are conflict-adverse by nature.

Trump was the guy who escalated what was a minor scandal into a constitutional crisis, because he didn't know when to cut his losses.

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