Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?

Comey leaked memos that he wrote while he was the Director of the FBI and then leaked some of those memos to the media, Kondor. I'm sorry but work that you did while in the government doesn't become your property simple because you no longer work for the government!

I watched one of the security folks at the federal court in brooklyn do a crossword puzle on government time. He was allowed to take that work home. So not everything you do at work, is federal property.

Since Trumps keeps saying he wasn't part of the FBI investigation, Comeys notes weren't work related.
The uneducated comments above are interesting.

Comey has invigorated the Russian hacking and collusion investigations.

Trump's prior knowledge probably did not include the campaign stupidity of some of his associates.

If he covered up or lied after find out about the hacking and the collusion (if he did), Mueller will find it.
Invigorated? He blew that clear the hell out of the water. WTF are you thinking?
I actually listened to it.

The Russian hacking and collusion investigations will continue, in which now the agents will look for when and if Trump found out about them.
Comey just blew that fantasy out of the water. Investigations into what? The same shit Comey just said never existed?

Trump is clearly far smarter than Comey.

Comey had lies prepared about his conversations with Trump....until this:

"Trump hints tapes may exist of Comey conversations"
Video: Trump hints tapes may exist of Comey conversations
The uneducated comments above are interesting.

Comey has invigorated the Russian hacking and collusion investigations.

Trump's prior knowledge probably did not include the campaign stupidity of some of his associates.

If he covered up or lied after find out about the hacking and the collusion (if he did), Mueller will find it.

Did you guys watch the hearings....?

Comey admitted that Trump wasn't under investigation and that Trump did not try to keep him from fact...Trump told comey he wanted anyone from his group who may have been involved caught......

comey put himself in legal trouble.....those leaks are against the law......I doubt mueller knew he leaked to the press.....
Comey leaked memos that he wrote while he was the Director of the FBI and then leaked some of those memos to the media, Kondor. I'm sorry but work that you did while in the government doesn't become your property simple because you no longer work for the government!

I watched one of the security folks at the federal court in brooklyn do a crossword puzle on government time. He was allowed to take that work home. So not everything you do at work, is federal property.

Since Trumps keeps saying he wasn't part of the FBI investigation, Comeys notes weren't work related.

Yes...they were...they were from a discussion with the President about national yes...they were government work product which is covered by both federal law and the employee agreement comey signed when he joined the FBI...
Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?
1. The FBI Director did not leak a private conversation.

2. A private citizen leaked a private conversation.

3. Even an officer or employee of the Federal government make undertake such leaks in Whistleblower Mode, when wrongdoing is suspected.

There are laws on the books that protect Whistleblowers.

There are good reasons for such laws.

Given that those in high office may engage in wrongdoing.

Some more than others.

He was not a private citizen when he made the notes, so they are government property.

He wrote those notes on government computers so they are government property.

He did not think there was wrong doing because he did not offer to resign or report the conversations to the Dept. of the law states he has to do.....

He did not release those notes as a whistle blower......because there are actual systems in place for whistle blowers...leaking to the press is not being a whistle blower

he broke the law and his employee agreement that he signed as an employee of the FBI....
2aguy fails.

1. They are Comey's not the government.

2. They are Comey's not the government.

3. Fallacy of confirmation bias.

4. Fallacy of confirmation bias.

5. Fallacy of opinion not fact.
Trump is clearly far smarter than Comey.

Comey had lies prepared about his conversations with Trump....until this:

"Trump hints tapes may exist of Comey conversations"

Comey wants the tapes released. But Trump is in a bind trying to find Rosemary Woods to edit out the 18 minutes where he asked Comey for his Loyalty, and told him with a wink and a nod, that he hoped Comey would drop the Flynn investigation.
Since Trumps keeps saying he wasn't part of the FBI investigation, Comeys notes weren't work related.

Yes...they were...they were from a discussion with the President about national yes...they were government work product which is covered by both federal law and the employee agreement comey signed when he joined the FBI...

Funny, Comey said Trump never asked the Russian interference with the election EVER.

So what part of national security was Trump discussing? Stopping the investigation of Flynn?
He wrote those notes on government computers so they are government property.

Einstein came up with his special theory of relativity while working for the government as a patent clerk.

So much for your theory of government ownership of everything done at work.
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This is an abuse of power, and probably a crime.
I'll make it simple so even you tards can understand it.

Comey's conversation with the apprentice was not classified. Therefore, it was not illegal for him to publicly air what he talked about with Trump, any more than it would be for a Girl Scout who met the President to tell the media what he said to her.

Trump wanted Comey to drop his investigation into Flynn. Comey refused to do so, and Trump fired him.

So the obstruction of justice cloud still hangs over Trump, and will not go away no matter how many times you Chumps click your heels together.
He was not a private citizen when he made the notes, so they are government property...

...He wrote those notes on government computers so they are government property...

...He did not think there was wrong doing because he did not offer to resign...
I do not understand.

...or report the conversations to the Dept. of the law states he has to do...
Oh, but he did.

He reported any conversation in which he detected the potential for wrongdoing, to other senior officials of the FBI - a bureau of the Justice Department - yes?

...He did not release those notes as a whistle blower...
Purely a matter of opinion, rather than at-law.

...because there are actual systems in place for whistle blowers...
There are many paths to blowing the whistle.

Gubmint channels are only one of those paths.


When the system has been co-opted by an Attorney General who is in the back pocket of the POTUS and who already recused himself, official channels are not to be trusted.

That leaves unofficial channels.

...leaking to the press is not being a whistle blower...
Ask former FBI Director Marc Felt, or Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein ( Deep Throat, Watergate ) about that.

...he broke the law and his employee agreement that he signed as an employee of the FBI....
Don't worry.

Whistleblower protections - under circumstances where senior officials in his department had already been obliged to recuse themselves - will be enough to shield him.

Nobody is nominating Jim Comey for sainthood; however, he knows corrupt trailer trash (Drumpf) when he sees it...

Comey acted openly, in the light of day, to inform the American People of disturbing facts, and to trigger the appointment of a Special Counsel, to investigate your boy...

His oath is primarily to the People, the Republic, and the Constitution - not the reincarnation of Benito Mussolini with a strong touch of Tammany Hall tossed into the mix...

He fulfilled that oath, as well as anyone could ask, under extraordinarly trying circumstances.

Your boy... dumb-ass amateur that he is... phukked with the wrong government officer, and got his tail feathers burned for it.

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The Alt Right pro-Trump fly swarm is out in the open where it can be fumigated.
This is an abuse of power, and probably a crime.
I'll make it simple so even you tards can understand it.

Comey's conversation with the apprentice was not classified. Therefore, it was not illegal for him to publicly air what he talked about with Trump, any more than it would be for a Girl Scout who met the President to tell the media what he said to her.

Trump wanted Comey to drop his investigation into Flynn. Comey refused to do so, and Trump fired him.

So the obstruction of justice cloud still hangs over Trump, and will not go away no matter how many times you Chumps click your heels together.

Sorry.....any conversation with the President that involves national security is automatically confidential...and since they discussed the Russian hacking is covered....

You guys........this is going to bite you on the ass and you deserve it.
He was not a private citizen when he made the notes, so they are government property...

...He wrote those notes on government computers so they are government property...

...He did not think there was wrong doing because he did not offer to resign...
I do not understand.

...or report the conversations to the Dept. of the law states he has to do...
Oh, but he did.

He reported any conversation in which he detected the potential for wrongdoing, to other senior officials of the FBI - a bureau of the Justice Department - yes?

...He did not release those notes as a whistle blower...
Purely a matter of opinion, rather than at-law.

...because there are actual systems in place for whistle blowers...
There are many paths to blowing the whistle.

Gubmint channels are only one of those paths.


When the system has been co-opted by an Attorney General who is in the back pocket of the POTUS and who already recused himself, official channels are not to be trusted.

That leaves unofficial channels.

...leaking to the press is not being a whistle blower...
Ask former FBI Director Marc Felt, or Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein ( Deep Throat, Watergate ) about that.

...he broke the law and his employee agreement that he signed as an employee of the FBI....
Don't worry.

Whistleblower protections - under circumstances where senior officials in his department had already been obliged to recuse themselves - will be enough to shield him.

Nobody is nominating Jim Comey for sainthood; however, he knows corrupt trailer trash (Drumpf) when he sees it...

Comey acted openly, in the light of day, to inform the American People of disturbing facts, and to trigger the appointment of a Special Counsel, to investigate your boy...

His oath is primarily to the People, the Republic, and the Constitution - not the reincarnation of Benito Mussolini with a strong touch of Tammany Hall tossed into the mix...

He fulfilled that oath, as well as anyone could ask, under extraordinarly trying circumstances.

Your boy... dumb-ass amateur that he is... phukked with the wrong government officer, and got his tail feathers burned for it.


You don't get whistle blower protection leaking classified information to the press....their are government agencies that you report to to get that protection.....

comey did not act openly...he hid his activity.......I can't wait for him to lose his law license....

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