Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?

Oldstyle continues the Alt Right blackwhite defense of the meetings.

Hey, numbnuts: the meetings in and of themselves were not illegal, the failure to properly note and account for them with the authorities is illegal.

Now the Special Counsel can investigate and order the participants to be sworn and testify what was discussed in the meetings.
Oldstyle continues the Alt Right blackwhite defense of the meetings.

Hey, numbnuts: the meetings in and of themselves were not illegal, the failure to properly note and account for them with the authorities is illegal.

Now the Special Counsel can investigate and order the participants to be sworn and testify what was discussed in the meetings.

Let the Special Counsel do just that, Jake...I don't think Trump has a thing to hide to be quite frank! Let's be fair here however! Since in Comey's testimony he revealed that Loretta Lynch brought pressure on him over the Hillary Clinton email scandal...let's have Lynch, Comey and Clinton sworn in and answer questions about what took place during that secret meeting on the tarmac in Arizona between Clinton and Lynch and then between Lynch and Comey afterwards!
Oldstyle continues the Alt Right blackwhite defense of the meetings.

Hey, numbnuts: the meetings in and of themselves were not illegal, the failure to properly note and account for them with the authorities is illegal.

Now the Special Counsel can investigate and order the participants to be sworn and testify what was discussed in the meetings.

What "authorities" does a sitting President or his aides have to get permission from to have a meeting with foreign leaders? I must have missed that statute!
Amazing how you snowflakes don't have a problem with Hillary Clinton running the State Department through illegal private servers to hide her pay for play schemes from Congress but you think that Trump and his people need to get authorization from the "authorities" to hold talks with another nation!
And not to even file the proper forms.

No one is questioning the meetings, yet. The questions are why did they not follow the rules of reporting such meetings.

No one is questioning the meetings? Did you really just make that statement, Jake? Those meetings have been "alleged" to have been collusion by the Trump campaign by you snowflakes for the better part of ten months without a shred of proof that was the case!
Why did they all lie about it?
And not to even file the proper forms.

No one is questioning the meetings, yet. The questions are why did they not follow the rules of reporting such meetings.

No one is questioning the meetings? Did you really just make that statement, Jake? Those meetings have been "alleged" to have been collusion by the Trump campaign by you snowflakes for the better part of ten months without a shred of proof that was the case!
Why did they all lie about it?

Clinton, Lynch and Comey?
And not to even file the proper forms.

No one is questioning the meetings, yet. The questions are why did they not follow the rules of reporting such meetings.

No one is questioning the meetings? Did you really just make that statement, Jake? Those meetings have been "alleged" to have been collusion by the Trump campaign by you snowflakes for the better part of ten months without a shred of proof that was the case!
Why did they all lie about it?

Clinton, Lynch and Comey?
OK. Now you're just trolling, and not interested in an adult discussion.
Oldstyle continues the Alt Right blackwhite defense of the meetings.

Hey, numbnuts: the meetings in and of themselves were not illegal, the failure to properly note and account for them with the authorities is illegal.

Now the Special Counsel can investigate and order the participants to be sworn and testify what was discussed in the meetings.

Let the Special Counsel do just that, Jake...I don't think Trump has a thing to hide to be quite frank! Let's be fair here however! Since in Comey's testimony he revealed that Loretta Lynch brought pressure on him over the Hillary Clinton email scandal...let's have Lynch, Comey and Clinton sworn in and answer questions about what took place during that secret meeting on the tarmac in Arizona between Clinton and Lynch and then between Lynch and Comey afterwards!
Sure, no problem with the idea.

The problem is the Special Counsel is investigating the Russian Collusion.

Get another Special Counsel appointed for the plane meeting, you bet.
And not to even file the proper forms.

No one is questioning the meetings, yet. The questions are why did they not follow the rules of reporting such meetings.

No one is questioning the meetings? Did you really just make that statement, Jake? Those meetings have been "alleged" to have been collusion by the Trump campaign by you snowflakes for the better part of ten months without a shred of proof that was the case!
Why did they all lie about it?

Clinton, Lynch and Comey?
OK. Now you're just trolling, and not interested in an adult discussion.

I'm simply pointing out how absurd this whole thing is, Paperview! You've got a media FIRESTORM over alleged "collusion" with zero evidence that any collusion took place...while at the same time it's rather obvious that the Clinton's used Loretta Lynch to pressure James Comey into a favorable ruling on her illegal use of private servers and it's never been examined? After what Comey testified to...Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton should be explaining what happened because right looks about as sleazy as sleazy can get!

That seems to be a continuing narrative...accusations that Trump "might have" done something improper...while ignoring things that Clinton obviously DID do that were incredibly improper!
There is plenty of evidence of collusion.

There has been no smoking gun that Trump was part of it.

If there was a collusion, then the next question is who was involved.

The question after that becomes when did and if Trump become aware of it and what did he do?
Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?
1. The FBI Director did not leak a private conversation.

2. A private citizen leaked a private conversation.

3. Even an officer or employee of the Federal government make undertake such leaks in Whistleblower Mode, when wrongdoing is suspected.

There are laws on the books that protect Whistleblowers.

There are good reasons for such laws.

Given that those in high office may engage in wrongdoing.

Some more than others.
There is plenty of evidence of collusion.

There has been no smoking gun that Trump was part of it.

If there was a collusion, then the next question is who was involved.

The question after that becomes when did and if Trump become aware of it and what did he do?

To save himself, Trump will have to sell the fact that he was merely a figurehead in his own campaign
And not to even file the proper forms.

No one is questioning the meetings, yet. The questions are why did they not follow the rules of reporting such meetings.

No one is questioning the meetings? Did you really just make that statement, Jake? Those meetings have been "alleged" to have been collusion by the Trump campaign by you snowflakes for the better part of ten months without a shred of proof that was the case!

Why do the RWNJs keep saying there's no evidence against trump? In fact, there's a mountain of evidence.

How do you nutters explain that every single member of the trump klan and every single trump minion has met secretly with Russians and then lied about it? What about the money they brought from Russia? The money laundering in NYC real estate? Why did trump, little DonDon and sleazy Eric all say they had financial ties, loans, business with Russia? Why is his lawyer also employed by the biggest bank in Russia? Why did trump say he fired Comey to stop the Russia investigation? Then threaten Comey and then have a secret meeting IN THE OVAL OFFICE with Russians the next day?

You can say Comey lied but that won't make all of trump's own actions disappear.


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Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?
1. The FBI Director did not leak a private conversation.

2. A private citizen leaked a private conversation.

3. Even an officer or employee of the Federal government make undertake such leaks in Whistleblower Mode, when wrongdoing is suspected.

There are laws on the books that protect Whistleblowers.

There are good reasons for such laws.

Given that those in high office may engage in wrongdoing.

Some more than others.

Comey leaked memos that he wrote while he was the Director of the FBI and then leaked some of those memos to the media, Kondor. I'm sorry but work that you did while in the government doesn't become your property simple because you no longer work for the government!

What's amazing to me is that Comey is now claiming not to HAVE the memos that he wrote back then...and is refusing an invitation to appear in front of the Judiciary Committee! Are you kidding me? The memos that you felt you had to write because you thought the President might "lie" about what took place in your've now lost? You're kidding...right, James?
Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?
1. The FBI Director did not leak a private conversation.

2. A private citizen leaked a private conversation.

3. Even an officer or employee of the Federal government make undertake such leaks in Whistleblower Mode, when wrongdoing is suspected.

There are laws on the books that protect Whistleblowers.

There are good reasons for such laws.

Given that those in high office may engage in wrongdoing.

Some more than others.

Comey leaked memos that he wrote while he was the Director of the FBI and then leaked some of those memos to the media, Kondor. I'm sorry but work that you did while in the government doesn't become your property simple because you no longer work for the government!
An interesting point of law, of course; followed immediately by the question: Did he leak the memo itself, or merely its contents; either verbatim or paraphrased?

If he released a legally "tangible" communique, either paper-based or electronic, then, you may (or may not) have a point; subject to Whistleblower protections.

If he released a verbatim quotation, or a paraphrased or redacted extract, then, the waters get far murkier, and there are still Whistleblower protections to contend with.

Either way, I'm pretty sure that Whistleblower protections - de jure or de facto or through custom-and-usage - should probably serve as a viable Last Line of Defense for him.

I'm no lawyer, and not very skilled at legal analysis, but, subject to those caveats, it's my guess that Whistleblower protections render him un-touchable in this narrow context.

...What's amazing to me is that Comey is now claiming not to HAVE the memos that he wrote back then...and is refusing an invitation to appear in front of the Judiciary Committee! Are you kidding me? The memos that you felt you had to write because you thought the President might "lie" about what took place in your've now lost? You're kidding...right, James?
He no longer has them. They are now in the hands of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, if I heard correctly on some newscast or another in the past 24 hours.

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