Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?

The uneducated comments above are interesting.

Comey has invigorated the Russian hacking and collusion investigations.

Trump's prior knowledge probably did not include the campaign stupidity of some of his associates.

If he covered up or lied after find out about the hacking and the collusion (if he did), Mueller will find it.
Invigorated? He blew that clear the hell out of the water. WTF are you thinking?
I actually listened to it.

The Russian hacking and collusion investigations will continue, in which now the agents will look for when and if Trump found out about them.
Now Fakey, your just making shit up.. IF you had access to this information, you sure as hell wouldn't be leaking it.. Mueller is a relentless man, if you fuck with one of his investigations you will have a nice long stay in the grey bar hotel....
Comey did no such thing.

Listen to it again.

You don't listen to that one Bucky, it's for readin'.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records

Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof

Now reading that, I'm thinking Comey did one of those. Could just be me, but that's where I'm at now. I'm thinking they are going to jam him up so he rolls on Lynch.

Bingo... Its coming...
The uneducated comments above are interesting.

Comey has invigorated the Russian hacking and collusion investigations.

Trump's prior knowledge probably did not include the campaign stupidity of some of his associates.

If he covered up or lied after find out about the hacking and the collusion (if he did), Mueller will find it.
Invigorated? He blew that clear the hell out of the water. WTF are you thinking?
I actually listened to it.

The Russian hacking and collusion investigations will continue, in which now the agents will look for when and if Trump found out about them.
Comey just blew that fantasy out of the water. Investigations into what? The same shit Comey just said never existed?
Investigation into Russian hacking of the DNC server and the purpose of Trumps representatives meeting with the Russians is still ongoing
Nothing in Comeys testimony stops that
The uneducated comments above are interesting.

Comey has invigorated the Russian hacking and collusion investigations.

Trump's prior knowledge probably did not include the campaign stupidity of some of his associates.

If he covered up or lied after find out about the hacking and the collusion (if he did), Mueller will find it.
Invigorated? He blew that clear the hell out of the water. WTF are you thinking?
I actually listened to it.

The Russian hacking and collusion investigations will continue, in which now the agents will look for when and if Trump found out about them.
Comey just blew that fantasy out of the water. Investigations into what? The same shit Comey just said never existed?

The investigation into the Russian hacking and propaganda campaign that Comey confirmed absolutely happened. All Comey confirmed is that Trump wasn't personally being investigated when he left the FBI.

Comey was very clear about the danger of the Russians doing it again, or more, in 2018.

Republicans are obsessed with the idea of voter fraud and ignore the clear and obvious danger of Russian hacking.

Of course the Russians wanted Trump to win so Republicans are fine with it.
Comey's testimony did nothing to bolster any collusion case against Donald Trump since Comey testified that no evidence of that had been found.

What now needs to be investigated however is the Clinton/Lynch/Comey collusion to let Hillary off the hook for her illegal servers and the classified material that was on them ...something that Comey has now admitted took place!
Comey's testimony did nothing to bolster any collusion case against Donald Trump since Comey testified that no evidence of that had been found.

What now needs to be investigated however is the Clinton/Lynch/Comey collusion to let Hillary off the hook for her illegal servers and the classified material that was on them ...something that Comey has now admitted took place!
Nice diversion........HILLARY

Can you explain why key aides to Trump were meeting with the Russians?
I can't
We have no acceptable explanation why Trump aides met with Russian operatives.
We have no acceptable explanation why Trump aides met with Russian operatives.
It should be so easy

Routine meetings have routine explanations. Meetings of key campaign officials and foreign governments get documented. The head of a presidential ticket would generally receive updates on the schedule of key advisors
Why is the head of my campaign and intelligence advisor traveling to Russia in the middle of my campaign?
Somebody or several somebodies are going to break under the scrutiny and pressure of federal investigations. Wherever the evidence leads, the investigators must pursue and hunt down any perpetrators, GOP or Dem, to the ground.

I think at the point Trump has plausible deniability about the collusion itself in the beginning.

The questions will be if and when did he become aware later, and what did he do about it.
And not to even file the proper forms.

No one is questioning the meetings, yet. The questions are why did they not follow the rules of reporting such meetings.
Somebody or several somebodies are going to break under the scrutiny and pressure of federal investigations. Wherever the evidence leads, the investigators must pursue and hunt down any perpetrators, GOP or Dem, to the ground.

I think at the point Trump has plausible deniability about the collusion itself in the beginning.

The questions will be if and when did he become aware later, and what did he do about it.
Trump is either going to come off as a leader who was in firm control of what his campaign was doing or a clueless figurehead unaware of what was going on around him
Comey's testimony did nothing to bolster any collusion case against Donald Trump since Comey testified that no evidence of that had been found.

What now needs to be investigated however is the Clinton/Lynch/Comey collusion to let Hillary off the hook for her illegal servers and the classified material that was on them ...something that Comey has now admitted took place!
Nice diversion........HILLARY

Can you explain why key aides to Trump were meeting with the Russians?
I can't

For the same reasons that key aides to Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford & Nixon met with Russians? They're one of three would be shocking quite frankly if aides to every single President since Roosevelt hadn't "met" with some Russians!

Now would you like to take a crack at putting a good face on Comey's testimony about Loretta Lynch pressuring him not to bring charges against Hillary Clinton?
And not to even file the proper forms.

No one is questioning the meetings, yet. The questions are why did they not follow the rules of reporting such meetings.

No one is questioning the meetings? Did you really just make that statement, Jake? Those meetings have been "alleged" to have been collusion by the Trump campaign by you snowflakes for the better part of ten months without a shred of proof that was the case!

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