Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?

You don't get whistle blower protection leaking classified information to the press....their are government agencies that you report to to get that protection.....

comey did not act openly...he hid his activity.......I can't wait for him to lose his law license....

The memos's weren't classified. Take a quarter, and call your teacher to apologize for not learning anything in school.
This is an abuse of power, and probably a crime.

No crime was committed. In fact if Trump would have kept his mouth shut instead publicly attacking Comey and going after him in a tweeter tirade--he could have used Executive Privilege. Since Trump attacked Comey that option was off the table.

James Comey met with special Prosecutor Robert Mueller before he agreed to testify--and you can bet he ran this through a few other attorneys also.

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No crime was committed. In fact if Trump would have kept his mouth shut instead publicly attacking Comey and going after him in a tweeter tirade--he could have used Executive Privilege. Since Trump attacked Comey that option was off the table.

Trump also accused Comey of permury, and said 100% he would testify under oath, adding he'd do it for Mueller. And then hinted he had tapes of the conversation.

This should be fun, since the senate or house committee subpoenaed the tapes, giving Trump until June 23rd, before being in contempt of congress.
No crime was committed. In fact if Trump would have kept his mouth shut instead publicly attacking Comey and going after him in a tweeter tirade--he could have used Executive Privilege. Since Trump attacked Comey that option was off the table.

Trump also accused Comey of permury, and said 100% he would testify under oath, adding he'd do it for Mueller. And then hinted he had tapes of the conversation.

This should be fun, since the senate or house committee subpoenaed the tapes, giving Trump until June 23rd, before being in contempt of congress.

You know after Nixon--it would really surprise me if there were any tapes. I mean you would have to be really stupid to do that.
No crime was committed. In fact if Trump would have kept his mouth shut instead publicly attacking Comey and going after him in a tweeter tirade--he could have used Executive Privilege. Since Trump attacked Comey that option was off the table.

Trump also accused Comey of permury, and said 100% he would testify under oath, adding he'd do it for Mueller. And then hinted he had tapes of the conversation.

This should be fun, since the senate or house committee subpoenaed the tapes, giving Trump until June 23rd, before being in contempt of congress.
Permury? That sounds serious. Trump hinted he may have tapes so to you that means he does? I don't think they have the authority, there's this separation of powers thingy you missed in school.
Comey leaked memos that he wrote while he was the Director of the FBI and then leaked some of those memos to the media, Kondor. I'm sorry but work that you did while in the government doesn't become your property simple because you no longer work for the government!

I watched one of the security folks at the federal court in brooklyn do a crossword puzle on government time. He was allowed to take that work home. So not everything you do at work, is federal property.

Since Trumps keeps saying he wasn't part of the FBI investigation, Comeys notes weren't work related.

That might be the dumbest analogy I've ever heard on here, RR! You seriously just compared a crossword puzzle being done by a security guard to a memo written by the Director of the FBI about a meeting he just had with the President of the United States?
The uneducated comments above are interesting.

Comey has invigorated the Russian hacking and collusion investigations.

Trump's prior knowledge probably did not include the campaign stupidity of some of his associates.

If he covered up or lied after find out about the hacking and the collusion (if he did), Mueller will find it.
Invigorated? He blew that clear the hell out of the water. WTF are you thinking?
I actually listened to it.

The Russian hacking and collusion investigations will continue, in which now the agents will look for when and if Trump found out about them.
Comey just blew that fantasy out of the water. Investigations into what? The same shit Comey just said never existed?

Trump is clearly far smarter than Comey.

Comey had lies prepared about his conversations with Trump....until this:

"Trump hints tapes may exist of Comey conversations"
Video: Trump hints tapes may exist of Comey conversations

Telling someone that you have tapes of what happened before they testify to what happened is actually genius! If Comey doesn't know if there IS a recording...he can't make things up. There may very well not be any tapes at all! It may have simply been Trump bluffing Comey. If so...then you're right...Trump is far smarter than Comey!
He was not a private citizen when he made the notes, so they are government property...

...He wrote those notes on government computers so they are government property...

...He did not think there was wrong doing because he did not offer to resign...
I do not understand.

...or report the conversations to the Dept. of the law states he has to do...
Oh, but he did.

He reported any conversation in which he detected the potential for wrongdoing, to other senior officials of the FBI - a bureau of the Justice Department - yes?

...He did not release those notes as a whistle blower...
Purely a matter of opinion, rather than at-law.

...because there are actual systems in place for whistle blowers...
There are many paths to blowing the whistle.

Gubmint channels are only one of those paths.


When the system has been co-opted by an Attorney General who is in the back pocket of the POTUS and who already recused himself, official channels are not to be trusted.

That leaves unofficial channels.

...leaking to the press is not being a whistle blower...
Ask former FBI Director Marc Felt, or Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein ( Deep Throat, Watergate ) about that.

...he broke the law and his employee agreement that he signed as an employee of the FBI....
Don't worry.

Whistleblower protections - under circumstances where senior officials in his department had already been obliged to recuse themselves - will be enough to shield him.

Nobody is nominating Jim Comey for sainthood; however, he knows corrupt trailer trash (Drumpf) when he sees it...

Comey acted openly, in the light of day, to inform the American People of disturbing facts, and to trigger the appointment of a Special Counsel, to investigate your boy...

His oath is primarily to the People, the Republic, and the Constitution - not the reincarnation of Benito Mussolini with a strong touch of Tammany Hall tossed into the mix...

He fulfilled that oath, as well as anyone could ask, under extraordinarly trying circumstances.

Your boy... dumb-ass amateur that he is... phukked with the wrong government officer, and got his tail feathers burned for it.


You don't get whistle blower protection leaking classified information to the press....their are government agencies that you report to to get that protection.....

comey did not act openly...he hid his activity.......I can't wait for him to lose his law license....
Was the information that Comey leaked officially designated as "Classified" at the time he leaked it?
No crime was committed. In fact if Trump would have kept his mouth shut instead publicly attacking Comey and going after him in a tweeter tirade--he could have used Executive Privilege. Since Trump attacked Comey that option was off the table.

Trump also accused Comey of permury, and said 100% he would testify under oath, adding he'd do it for Mueller. And then hinted he had tapes of the conversation.

This should be fun, since the senate or house committee subpoenaed the tapes, giving Trump until June 23rd, before being in contempt of congress.
Permury? That sounds serious. Trump hinted he may have tapes so to you that means he does? I don't think they have the authority, there's this separation of powers thingy you missed in school.

I think if there are actually tapes of this conversation Trump sure wouldn't want them released. Private citizens have a right to respond to their attacker, including the POTUS. You can bet your last nickle that James Comey talked to lawyers and justice department officials BEFORE he agreed to release the memo's and or testify in congress. We know that he met with the Special Prosecutor, (Robert Mueller) before testifying. As Comey testified--he released the memo's in order to do one thing. Get a Special Prosecutor involved in this case whose job could not be threatened by the POTUS--or could not be bought off. It worked.

Comey also testified that Trump in a NBC televised interview admitted he fired him over the Russian investigation. That's true:

President Trump on Thursday said he was thinking of “this Russia thing with Trump” when he decided to fire FBI Director James B. Comey, who had been leading the counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.Recounting his decision to dismiss Comey, Trump told NBC News, “In fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.’” Trump’s account flatly contradicts the White House’s initial account of how the president arrived at his decision, undercutting public denials by his aides that the move was influenced in any way by his growing fury with the ongoing Russia probe.
Trump said he was thinking of Russia controversy when he decided to fire Comey

It should concern you that Robert Mueller has the hair up on the back of his neck, because he just hired an expert criminal lawyer to this Russian Investigation.

One of the federal government’s top criminal law specialists is joining the investigation by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III centered on possible coordination between President Trump’s associates and Russian officials.Justice Department deputy solicitor general Michael Dreeben, who has argued more than 100 cases before the Supreme Court, is the department’s go-to lawyer on criminal justice cases and is highly respected by Democrats and Republicans because of his encyclopedic knowledge of criminal law.
Top criminal law expert joins special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe
That might be the dumbest analogy I've ever heard on here, RR! You seriously just compared a crossword puzzle being done by a security guard to a memo written by the Director of the FBI about a meeting he just had with the President of the United States?

Neither was directly work related, or work product.
You would claim if Comey did a crossword while dining with Trump, that would become FBI property.
Telling someone that you have tapes of what happened before they testify to what happened is actually genius! If Comey doesn't know if there IS a recording...he can't make things up. There may very well not be any tapes at all! It may have simply been Trump bluffing Comey. If so...then you're right...Trump is far smarter than Comey!

The logical flaw is that Comeys notes were made before Trump claimed to have a tape.
Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?
Since Comey got in a jam.
The uneducated comments above are interesting.

Comey has invigorated the Russian hacking and collusion investigations.

Trump's prior knowledge probably did not include the campaign stupidity of some of his associates.

If he covered up or lied after find out about the hacking and the collusion (if he did), Mueller will find it.
Invigorated? He blew that clear the hell out of the water. WTF are you thinking?
I actually listened to it.

The Russian hacking and collusion investigations will continue, in which now the agents will look for when and if Trump found out about them.
Comey just blew that fantasy out of the water. Investigations into what? The same shit Comey just said never existed?

Trump is clearly far smarter than Comey.

Comey had lies prepared about his conversations with Trump....until this:

"Trump hints tapes may exist of Comey conversations"
Video: Trump hints tapes may exist of Comey conversations

Telling someone that you have tapes of what happened before they testify to what happened is actually genius! If Comey doesn't know if there IS a recording...he can't make things up. There may very well not be any tapes at all! It may have simply been Trump bluffing Comey. If so...then you're right...Trump is far smarter than Comey!

Especially if that someone has been engineering
a. lies about you
b. refuses to acknowledge publicly what he has said to you privately.

That someone is the same Comey who immediately bowed to Bill's wife and AG Lynch in eschewing 'investigation' for 'matter.'

" the F.B.I., C.I.A. and National Security Agency gave a classified report on the Russian hacking, leaking and efforts to influence the presidential election to Mr. Obama, Mr. Trump and congressional leaders, they attached a two-page summary of the unverified allegations in the memos."

"FBI Director James Comey has been caught going around to secret Congressional briefings in “recent weeks” touting the lurid fake “Trump dossier.” He has been claiming that it is a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump to interfere in the election—months after the FBI had already assessed the “dossier” as non-credible."
The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”
Telling someone that you have tapes of what happened before they testify to what happened is actually genius! If Comey doesn't know if there IS a recording...he can't make things up. There may very well not be any tapes at all! It may have simply been Trump bluffing Comey. If so...then you're right...Trump is far smarter than Comey!

The logical flaw is that Comeys notes were made before Trump claimed to have a tape.

The problem with that that nobody has SEEN Comey's notes! He's now claiming that he no longer has some of them...a claim which I find hard to believe to be quite honest with you.
Trump's suggestion he had tapes played into Comey's hands.

Comey called him a liar. Trump can disprove it if he has the tapes. He won't provide the tapes because he can't disprove Comey's accusation.

Comey out played Trump easily.

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