Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?

This is an abuse of power, and probably a crime.
It doesn't help get Trump impeached, so there WILL NOT be a big deal made out of it.

But you are correct. It should be a crime. Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

I guess Comey woudln't have confessed if it was a crime. I am SURE he spoke to lawyers at length prior to testifying.

I guess speaking out against Trump should be a crime too. This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. This seems to be what you want. Trump lied about everything and Comey told the real story. What a laugh "Make America Great" is. Trump supporters have no clue what America is.

Even if what Comey did isn't technically illegal, it was highly unethical. Also, he's a snitch and nobody likes a snitch.

Unethical? It was ethical for Trump to lie about his meeting? Setting the record straight is not being a snitch. It is being a Patriot.

Comey did no such thing.

Listen to it again.

You don't listen to that one Bucky, it's for readin'.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records

Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof

Now reading that, I'm thinking Comey did one of those. Could just be me, but that's where I'm at now. I'm thinking they are going to jam him up so he rolls on Lynch.

You are going to be very disappointed. Comey telling what really happened is a crime? What tree did you fall out of?

Except that's not what Comey did. He only showed so he has matrial for his book and movie deal. The PR guy he has had a her since he worked for the FBI likely thunk of it.
This is an abuse of power, and probably a crime.
It doesn't help get Trump impeached, so there WILL NOT be a big deal made out of it.

But you are correct. It should be a crime. Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

I guess Comey woudln't have confessed if it was a crime. I am SURE he spoke to lawyers at length prior to testifying.

I guess speaking out against Trump should be a crime too. This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. This seems to be what you want. Trump lied about everything and Comey told the real story. What a laugh "Make America Great" is. Trump supporters have no clue what America is.

Even if what Comey did isn't technically illegal, it was highly unethical. Also, he's a snitch and nobody likes a snitch.

Unethical? It was ethical for Trump to lie about his meeting? Setting the record straight is not being a snitch. It is being a Patriot.

Comey did no such thing.

Listen to it again.

You don't listen to that one Bucky, it's for readin'.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records

Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof

Now reading that, I'm thinking Comey did one of those. Could just be me, but that's where I'm at now. I'm thinking they are going to jam him up so he rolls on Lynch.

You are going to be very disappointed. Comey telling what really happened is a crime? What tree did you fall out of?

Except that's not what Comey did. He only showed so he has matrial for his book and movie deal. The PR guy he has had a her since he worked for the FBI likely thunk of it.

Or so you say. Trump sycophants are morons and nothing else.
Comey served the American people well by recording memos with the President.

The memos were not classified. Comey was a private citizen when part of them were leaked.

No laws were broken.

Trump: release the tapes.
Oldstyle continues the Alt Right blackwhite defense of the meetings.

Hey, numbnuts: the meetings in and of themselves were not illegal, the failure to properly note and account for them with the authorities is illegal.

Now the Special Counsel can investigate and order the participants to be sworn and testify what was discussed in the meetings.

What "authorities" does a sitting President or his aides have to get permission from to have a meeting with foreign leaders? I must have missed that statute!

Excuse me but a President-Elect does not have the right to make promises until they are President. It was illegal for them to discuss sanctions against Russia or make any promises that undercuts the current President.

Excuse me...but candidates do little else BUT make promises! It's why we vote for them! As for what an incoming President can "discuss" with foreign leaders...what law is being broken?
Comey served the American people well by recording memos with the President.

The memos were not classified. Comey was a private citizen when part of them were leaked.

No laws were broken.

Trump: release the tapes.

Simple question, Jake...did Comey make those memos when he was still the Director of the FBI? If he did...then those memos don't belong to him as a "private citizen"...they are the property of the Federal Government!
Comey served the American people well by recording memos with the President.

The memos were not classified. Comey was a private citizen when part of them were leaked.

No laws were broken.

Trump: release the tapes.

Simple question, Jake...did Comey make those memos when he was still the Director of the FBI? If he did...then those memos don't belong to him as a "private citizen"...they are the property of the Federal Government!
Immaterial, OldStyle.

Trump: release the tapes.
Comey served the American people well by recording memos with the President.

The memos were not classified. Comey was a private citizen when part of them were leaked.

No laws were broken.

Trump: release the tapes.

Simple question, Jake...did Comey make those memos when he was still the Director of the FBI? If he did...then those memos don't belong to him as a "private citizen"...they are the property of the Federal Government!
Immaterial, OldStyle.

Trump: release the tapes.

Immaterial? Really, Jake? You know as well as I do that Comey wrote those memos when he was still Director of the FBI! They aren't his to do as he pleases with...they belong to the Federal Government. As usual...your argument won't hold water!
Comey served the American people well by recording memos with the President.

The memos were not classified. Comey was a private citizen when part of them were leaked.

No laws were broken.

Trump: release the tapes.

Simple question, Jake...did Comey make those memos when he was still the Director of the FBI? If he did...then those memos don't belong to him as a "private citizen"...they are the property of the Federal Government!
Immaterial, OldStyle.

Trump: release the tapes.

you cant reason with stupidity.. these idiots still imagine the memos were classified.


the memos belonged to Comey ... they were NEVER classified ... Trump fired Comey ... he kept HIS MEMOS .. now he can give the to the clerk at he 7-11 if he wants to.
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Comey served the American people well by recording memos with the President.

The memos were not classified. Comey was a private citizen when part of them were leaked.

No laws were broken.

Trump: release the tapes.

Simple question, Jake...did Comey make those memos when he was still the Director of the FBI? If he did...then those memos don't belong to him as a "private citizen"...they are the property of the Federal Government!
Immaterial, OldStyle.

Trump: release the tapes.

you cant reason with stupidity.. these idiots still imagine the memos were classified.


They were government property even politifact agrees.

Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, said Comey’s sharing of the memo with a friend was "unauthorized and thus unlawful," because the material was FBI information covered by federal rules and regulations.

Comey was not allowed to treat the memos as personal property, Turley said, given that they were written in the context of a federal investigation, on an FBI computer and revealed to others in the leadership team.

Turley said Comey is unlikely to face criminal charges, but he could be found in violation of professional standards.

This is an abuse of power, and probably a crime.
It doesn't help get Trump impeached, so there WILL NOT be a big deal made out of it.

But you are correct. It should be a crime. Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

I guess Comey woudln't have confessed if it was a crime. I am SURE he spoke to lawyers at length prior to testifying.
He didn't leak anything. He reported, as a private citizen, threats made by the president against him to lose his job or pledge loyalty.
This is an abuse of power, and probably a crime.
It doesn't help get Trump impeached, so there WILL NOT be a big deal made out of it.

But you are correct. It should be a crime. Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

I guess Comey woudln't have confessed if it was a crime. I am SURE he spoke to lawyers at length prior to testifying.
He didn't leak anything. He reported, as a private citizen, threats made by the president against him to lose his job or pledge loyalty.

3 months later?

This is an abuse of power, and probably a crime.
It doesn't help get Trump impeached, so there WILL NOT be a big deal made out of it.

But you are correct. It should be a crime. Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

I guess Comey woudln't have confessed if it was a crime. I am SURE he spoke to lawyers at length prior to testifying.
He didn't leak anything. He reported, as a private citizen, threats made by the president against him to lose his job or pledge loyalty.

3 months later?

He was not a private citizen 3 months earlier.
Comey served the American people well by recording memos with the President.

The memos were not classified. Comey was a private citizen when part of them were leaked.

No laws were broken.

Trump: release the tapes.

Simple question, Jake...did Comey make those memos when he was still the Director of the FBI? If he did...then those memos don't belong to him as a "private citizen"...they are the property of the Federal Government!
Immaterial, OldStyle.

Trump: release the tapes.

Immaterial? Really, Jake? You know as well as I do that Comey wrote those memos when he was still Director of the FBI! They aren't his to do as he pleases with...they belong to the Federal Government. As usual...your argument won't hold water!
Actually the copies are his to do as he pleases.

The originals are with Mueller.

And as usual your argument is fallacious.
Comey served the American people well by recording memos with the President.

The memos were not classified. Comey was a private citizen when part of them were leaked.

No laws were broken.

Trump: release the tapes.

Not really. Comey is anmoney grubbing turd. 10 million dollars is why he did what he did much like Half Black Jesus selling acess to the SEAL op for a movie.
You know what's pathetic, Joey? You actually believe the bullshit that Loretta Lynch put out there that the secret meeting between her and President Clinton on the tarmac of that airport in Arizona was the two of them talking about their grandchildren! You make it sound like Clinton and Lynch work in the same office and just casually chatted at the water cooler!

Yes, i know, Hillary ate your puppy whatever, stop wasting my time whining about it.

They held a clandestine meeting only days before Lynch pressured James Comey and Comey made that painfully convoluted explanation about how Hillary had broken the law...had secret materials on her email servers...hadn't turned over all of the material she had about Benghazi...but wasn't deserving of being prosecuted because she was too stupid to understand that what she'd done was against the law!

which isn't what he said, but never mind. What he actually said was that there was no intent and no sensible prosecutor would waste his time on this sort of nonsense. Which is of course, true.

But again, Hillary ate your puppy or something, so whatever.

As for there being a "rule" against people in government having classified information on private servers? It's against the law, you buffoon! People get put in prison for doing that!

Except, of course, no one ever has been sent to prison for getting something on an email that was classified. But never mind, we know,Hillary ate your Puppy.
Excuse me...but candidates do little else BUT make promises! It's why we vote for them! As for what an incoming President can "discuss" with foreign leaders...what law is being broken?

The Logan Act. Look it up. Until he's sworn in, the Orange Shitgibbon was breaking the law talking to Putin.

Simple question, Jake...did Comey make those memos when he was still the Director of the FBI? If he did...then those memos don't belong to him as a "private citizen"...they are the property of the Federal Government!

That's what you are hanging your hat on, he took notes? Buddy, here's the headline.

Trump lied about what his meetings with Comey consisted of. Now, true, this was a lie about a blow job or something serious like that, but it was still a lie,and you guys pretend you care about those kinds of things.
You know what's pathetic, Joey? You actually believe the bullshit that Loretta Lynch put out there that the secret meeting between her and President Clinton on the tarmac of that airport in Arizona was the two of them talking about their grandchildren! You make it sound like Clinton and Lynch work in the same office and just casually chatted at the water cooler!

Yes, i know, Hillary ate your puppy whatever, stop wasting my time whining about it.

They held a clandestine meeting only days before Lynch pressured James Comey and Comey made that painfully convoluted explanation about how Hillary had broken the law...had secret materials on her email servers...hadn't turned over all of the material she had about Benghazi...but wasn't deserving of being prosecuted because she was too stupid to understand that what she'd done was against the law!

which isn't what he said, but never mind. What he actually said was that there was no intent and no sensible prosecutor would waste his time on this sort of nonsense. Which is of course, true.

But again, Hillary ate your puppy or something, so whatever.

As for there being a "rule" against people in government having classified information on private servers? It's against the law, you buffoon! People get put in prison for doing that!

Except, of course, no one ever has been sent to prison for getting something on an email that was classified. But never mind, we know,Hillary ate your Puppy.

What he said was that Hillary wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand what was classified information...which is a total farce since Clinton has been exposed to classified information for decades and was running the State Department! For Comey to make that statement tells me that he caved to Loretta Lynch and the Clinton's. It's either that or he's dumbest FBI Director EVER and I don't believe that's the case!
Excuse me...but candidates do little else BUT make promises! It's why we vote for them! As for what an incoming President can "discuss" with foreign leaders...what law is being broken?

The Logan Act. Look it up. Until he's sworn in, the Orange Shitgibbon was breaking the law talking to Putin.

Simple question, Jake...did Comey make those memos when he was still the Director of the FBI? If he did...then those memos don't belong to him as a "private citizen"...they are the property of the Federal Government!

That's what you are hanging your hat on, he took notes? Buddy, here's the headline.

Trump lied about what his meetings with Comey consisted of. Now, true, this was a lie about a blow job or something serious like that, but it was still a lie,and you guys pretend you care about those kinds of things.

I know exactly what the Logan Act is and Trump didn't do anything that every President before him has done! It isn't in any way unusual for an incoming President to have discussions with foreign leaders. You're only upset about Trump doing it because he's Trump.

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