CDZ Sincere Question


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
It's pretty obvious this Country is on a downhill slide on a very slippery slope. If you don't believe that then there's no point in your posting anything.

Question: What do you think is the best method/way of helping minimize the the inevitable?

The metric I use to assess our situation is simple; when havoc is created, chaos ensues and catastrophe is inevitable. Historians will assign the time line(s) - or maybe your method/way involves addressing a particular time/grievance

Yes, I have an opinion- but, I'd like for people to stop and think about what they believe best path to take and present an implementation.
Well, Chicken Little...The sky is not falling just yet..I believe that we are in a time of transition--and that a lot of people..especially older folks...are ignoring the positive just a bit.
Yes, the right has lost the cultural battles of last century..but that's not a bad thing..IMO. People are getting enough to eat...and medical care is available to least at a basic level. The demographic is changing..for sure...and that's scary to many.

Climate change is the biggest hurdle facing the next few I'd address that...move my people from the coasts..invest in companies that will boom when the East Coast goes bust.

Learn to speak Spanish.
Well, Chicken Little...The sky is not falling just yet..I believe that we are in a time of transition--and that a lot of people..especially older folks...are ignoring the positive just a bit.
Yes, the right has lost the cultural battles of last century..but that's not a bad thing..IMO. People are getting enough to eat...and medical care is available to least at a basic level. The demographic is changing..for sure...and that's scary to many.

Climate change is the biggest hurdle facing the next few I'd address that...move my people from the coasts..invest in companies that will boom when the East Coast goes bust.

Learn to speak Spanish.
----------------------------------- --- ME --- . i'm just going to ride it out . I'll let EagleEye and his cohorts have the moldy leftovers and let them figure things out for themselves .
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Question: What do you think is the best method/way of helping minimize the the inevitable?

Although the inevitable can't be minimized, it can be delayed. Historically, the biggest change agents have been war and migration. Modernly, military war is being replaced by culture war. And as technology grows with exponential speed, our focus has become ever more self-centered.

Perhaps the development of sex robots with AI will lessen to impetus to attack or control others?
Question: What do you think is the best method/way of helping minimize the the inevitable?

Too many complexities in flux for a simple solution, but if i had to generalize , i'd have to say we're not honest about who and what we have become as a society, people, nation....

Well, Chicken Little...The sky is not falling just yet..I believe that we are in a time of transition--and that a lot of people..especially older folks...are ignoring the positive just a bit.
Yes, the right has lost the cultural battles of last century..but that's not a bad thing..IMO. People are getting enough to eat...and medical care is available to least at a basic level. The demographic is changing..for sure...and that's scary to many.

Climate change is the biggest hurdle facing the next few I'd address that...move my people from the coasts..invest in companies that will boom when the East Coast goes bust.

Learn to speak Spanish.
----------------------------------- --- ME --- . i'm just going to ride it out , I'll let EagleEye and his cohorts have the moldy leftovers and let them figure things out for themselves .
Nope..we're tossing the leftovers out...all that moldy baggage from the last two centuries..the God madness...the sexist BS...the racist BS...all of it..on the trash heap of history.

As for figuring it out for ourselves...well...that ship has sailed, for me, but better that--for the next generations..than perpetuating the tired mistakes of the past.
It's pretty obvious this Country is on a downhill slide on a very slippery slope. If you don't believe that then there's no point in your posting anything.

Question: What do you think is the best method/way of helping minimize the the inevitable?

The metric I use to assess our situation is simple; when havoc is created, chaos ensues and catastrophe is inevitable. Historians will assign the time line(s) - or maybe your method/way involves addressing a particular time/grievance

Yes, I have an opinion- but, I'd like for people to stop and think about what they believe best path to take and present an implementation.

Keep democrats out of power. That is the best way to keep the slide from happening. Then, we fix the republicans...get rid of the non-conservative republicans.

That would go a long way....politically.

Then, start a campaign to encourage 2 parent with 2 parents, homes with a father, stabilize a society......fatherless boys and girls create crime and poverty.
Well, Chicken Little...The sky is not falling just yet..I believe that we are in a time of transition--and that a lot of people..especially older folks...are ignoring the positive just a bit.
Yes, the right has lost the cultural battles of last century..but that's not a bad thing..IMO. People are getting enough to eat...and medical care is available to least at a basic level. The demographic is changing..for sure...and that's scary to many.

Climate change is the biggest hurdle facing the next few I'd address that...move my people from the coasts..invest in companies that will boom when the East Coast goes bust.

Learn to speak Spanish.
----------------------------------- --- ME --- . i'm just going to ride it out , I'll let EagleEye and his cohorts have the moldy leftovers and let them figure things out for themselves .
Nope..we're tossing the leftovers out...all that moldy baggage from the last two centuries..the God madness...the sexist BS...the racist BS...all of it..on the trash heap of history.

As for figuring it out for ourselves...well...that ship has sailed, for me, but better that--for the next generations..than perpetuating the tired mistakes of the past.
-------------------------------------- well , good for you EEye . Actually I think that things are only going to get worse for you guys EEye .
Well, Chicken Little...The sky is not falling just yet..I believe that we are in a time of transition--and that a lot of people..especially older folks...are ignoring the positive just a bit.
Yes, the right has lost the cultural battles of last century..but that's not a bad thing..IMO. People are getting enough to eat...and medical care is available to least at a basic level. The demographic is changing..for sure...and that's scary to many.

Climate change is the biggest hurdle facing the next few I'd address that...move my people from the coasts..invest in companies that will boom when the East Coast goes bust.

Learn to speak Spanish.
----------------------------------- --- ME --- . i'm just going to ride it out , I'll let EagleEye and his cohorts have the moldy leftovers and let them figure things out for themselves .
Nope..we're tossing the leftovers out...all that moldy baggage from the last two centuries..the God madness...the sexist BS...the racist BS...all of it..on the trash heap of history.

As for figuring it out for ourselves...well...that ship has sailed, for me, but better that--for the next generations..than perpetuating the tired mistakes of the past.
-------------------------------------- well , good for you EEye . Actually I think that things are only going to get worse for you guys EEye .
Dunno who 'you guys' are. I'm into my 70's so..I suppose you're right...LOL! As for the generations of the future..they will have to pay for the mistakes of the past..same as it always goes in history..but the Boomer mentality---is not long for our culture--we just are not going to be able to afford it. Our grandchildren will curse us..our dithering..our short-sighted spending.

But the aged..who cares, right__________pismoe?
1. Keep Democrats out of power.
2. Secure the border and return immigration to an orderly process.
3. Keep the pressure on China to stop cheating on trade, IP and forced labor.
4. Keep Muslims out of government.
5. Reject Political Correctness.
6. Re-elect President Trump and at least one more Republican in 2024.
1. Keep Democrats out of power.
2. Secure the border and return immigration to an orderly process.
3. Keep the pressure on China to stop cheating on trade, IP and forced labor.
4. Keep Muslims out of government.
5. Reject Political Correctness.
6. Re-elect President Trump and at least one more Republican in 2024.


It's pretty obvious this Country is on a downhill slide on a very slippery slope. If you don't believe that then there's no point in your posting anything..

Define downhill?

If you are going to start a thread in the CDZ you need more support than "if you don't agree with me don't bother to post".

Define what you mean by downhill and then we can discuss.
1920 to about 1990 or about 2000 . That was the time to be alive as an American EEye . And with 1920 to about 1980s or so being the best of times EEye ..
1920 to about 1990 or about 2000 . That was the time to be alive as an American EEye . And with 1920 to about 1980s or so being the best of times EEye ..
Well, I suspect a Black man..or a woman of any color...might disagree...LOL! I think times are good right now...absent the political and cultural kerfuffles. We live longer--and are more active--than any time in history.

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