Single Issue Voters & the threat to democracy in America

A mouth full of opinion, and yet the stink of ad hominem is what comes through. The number of logical fallacies used in each paragraph above, is sufficient, and iMO necessary, to refute, logically.

I'm not IN your war. Abortion IS a wash. It's two trains colliding of equal mass. You refuted NONE of my observations.. YOU are the biggest TYPE of "single issue" voter. The vast majority of Brand Name Party animals that don't HAVE single issues. Your single issue is just to DEFEAT the other side and gain/retain power..

Grow up. I give examples, you respond with logical fallacies.

I told you BY numbers that the abortion issue was a wash. You proceeded to mount some MORAL argument against that. That's DEBATING the issue --- not analyzing WHERE the single issue voters are. And you did the same "issue debate" on all of the examples I gave.

And the FACT IS -- the biggest "single issue voting block" isn't really an issue at all. It's just defeating the other and gaining power. Issues hardly MATTER to the majority of party animals. Not in any DETAIL anyways.
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

The election of Obama created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War and then the election of Trump compounded it. You tards on the left are just as responsible for the division in this country as the tards on the right you are pointing your finger at and this rant of yours is a perfect example of stoking that division.

Only for the racists . Obama was pretty moderate on most issues .

So if you're not a fucking commie, that means you're a racist?

You're such an unbelievable douchebag.
A mouth full of opinion, and yet the stink of ad hominem is what comes through. The number of logical fallacies used in each paragraph above, is sufficient, and iMO necessary, to refute, logically.
  1. Abortion is not a wash. The extreme efforts to control human sexuality reeks when the means to prevent most abortions is rejected. What I mean is that those so emotionally wrought over abortion reject age appropriate sex ed. in public schools, reject contrceptives for all females fertile and sexually active, and free or low cost voluntary sterilization for both men and women who choose to not have children.
  2. Immigration is an issue and needs to be addressed. McConnell and Ryan have done nothing to move this issue, even to debate in either chamber, and the Administration has done nothing beyond fear mongering. Clearly this is an a issue of right and wrong, not liberal of conservative, Democratic or Republican, and a lack of effective leadership.
  3. The protection of our air, water and soil from pollution is a great matter of concern and trivialized by a loud minority. Those who whine about the national debt being left to future generations ought to consider how pollution will impact the health and well being of all living things;
  4. Our economy is both consumer driven and has evolved from manufacturing to a service/technology one, and jobs will require the emerging work population to be prepared. Very little has been done or even discussed to solve this issue, in fact, the effort seems to be to promise hand on jobs when the reality is robots and computers are taking over blue collar jobs.

Again. All of your response is biased opinion. Goes far from just standing back and looking for "single issue" voters. You gave issue arguments from YOUR entirely biased position.

No matter how you want to defend or SOLVE the issue DOES NOT MATTER for the purpose of your OP question. What matters is the SCALE AND SIZE of the single issue voters who pull levers tor these issues. So try again.. This is how "single issue" voters ALIGN on some issues.

Abortion ---- That's a wash. Same number both sides.

Immigration -- Both dying parties have immigration issue voters. Advantage to the Blue Team because they are promoting registration for illegals and giving sanctuary every day to MORE single issue voters.

Environment -- Its a single issue LEFT issue really. Based on the fallacies that Repubs and others want dirty air and water ----- And that windmills and solar are ACTUALLY "alternatives". Which they are not. A lot of Left Environauts are HEAVILY anti-science and reason and not able to do cost/benefit.

Economy and Jobs -- largely a GOP issue and drives the BULK of their "populist side" base. The left has shitty messaging on this and relies on division and pandering with Living Wage and Guaranteed Wage and You didn't build that --- flailings. So I suppose -- they have single issue "redistributionist" voters that are roughly the size of the Bernie base. But they can't articulate enough to win. If they COULD -- this would be a wash also. In general, the LEFT HATES thriving economies and talks about "the new normal" and fairness and redistribution..

The LARGEST single issue voters are the ones like the OPoster here. The ones that aren't really single issue voters EXCEPT that THEIR single issue is to "DEFEAT THE OTHER SIDE". And that's where we're headed. You can feel it in the threads at USMB. EVERY party animal is becoming a "single issue voter" and they will vote for DAMAGED, CORRUPT, EGOTISTICAL bastards and bitches if that's what their party is offering to DEFEAT -- the other side
A mouth full of opinion, and yet the stink of ad hominem is what comes through. The number of logical fallacies used in each paragraph above, is sufficient, and iMO necessary, to refute, logically.
  1. Abortion is not a wash. The extreme efforts to control human sexuality reeks when the means to prevent most abortions is rejected. What I mean is that those so emotionally wrought over abortion reject age appropriate sex ed. in public schools, reject contrceptives for all females fertile and sexually active, and free or low cost voluntary sterilization for both men and women who choose to not have children.
  2. Immigration is an issue and needs to be addressed. McConnell and Ryan have done nothing to move this issue, even to debate in either chamber, and the Administration has done nothing beyond fear mongering. Clearly this is an a issue of right and wrong, not liberal of conservative, Democratic or Republican, and a lack of effective leadership.
  3. The protection of our air, water and soil from pollution is a great matter of concern and trivialized by a loud minority. Those who whine about the national debt being left to future generations ought to consider how pollution will impact the health and well being of all living things;
  4. Our economy is both consumer driven and has evolved from manufacturing to a service/technology one, and jobs will require the emerging work population to be prepared. Very little has been done or even discussed to solve this issue, in fact, the effort seems to be to promise hand on jobs when the reality is robots and computers are taking over blue collar jobs.

Again. All of your response is biased opinion. Goes far from just standing back and looking for "single issue" voters. You gave issue arguments from YOUR entirely biased position.

No matter how you want to defend or SOLVE the issue DOES NOT MATTER for the purpose of your OP question. What matters is the SCALE AND SIZE of the single issue voters who pull levers tor these issues. So try again.. This is how "single issue" voters ALIGN on some issues.

Abortion ---- That's a wash. Same number both sides.

Immigration -- Both dying parties have immigration issue voters. Advantage to the Blue Team because they are promoting registration for illegals and giving sanctuary every day to MORE single issue voters.

Environment -- Its a single issue LEFT issue really. Based on the fallacies that Repubs and others want dirty air and water ----- And that windmills and solar are ACTUALLY "alternatives". Which they are not. A lot of Left Environauts are HEAVILY anti-science and reason and not able to do cost/benefit.

Economy and Jobs -- largely a GOP issue and drives the BULK of their "populist side" base. The left has shitty messaging on this and relies on division and pandering with Living Wage and Guaranteed Wage and You didn't build that --- flailings. So I suppose -- they have single issue "redistributionist" voters that are roughly the size of the Bernie base. But they can't articulate enough to win. If they COULD -- this would be a wash also. In general, the LEFT HATES thriving economies and talks about "the new normal" and fairness and redistribution..

The LARGEST single issue voters are the ones like the OPoster here. The ones that aren't really single issue voters EXCEPT that THEIR single issue is to "DEFEAT THE OTHER SIDE". And that's where we're headed. You can feel it in the threads at USMB. EVERY party animal is becoming a "single issue voter" and they will vote for DAMAGED, CORRUPT, EGOTISTICAL bastards and bitches if that's what their party is offering to DEFEAT -- the other side

You're a dingbat. This is a political (mostly) message board. How does one message unless they offer an opinion, and thus open a dialogue. You don't debate, you offer your opinion based on your biases but build them by attacking the messenger. As I suggested before, grow up!
You don't debate, you offer your opinion based on your biases but build them by attacking the messenger. As I suggested before, grow up!

I am debating. Without getting personal as you just did. I'm asking you WHY there aren't approx. the same number of "single issue" voters on BOTH sides of the Abortion or immigration issues? I gave the Enviro to the lefty "single issue" voters and the economy to the GOP "single issue" voters.

WTF was so controversial about those assertions that you're STILL flaming me and demagoguing those issues?

I'm not one of EITHER. And neither are my views. So I'm watching the tribal grudge match from a totally different and foreign perspective.
That's five issues not a single issue. Lol. SINGLE ISSUE. What do you think that means???

LOL, yes, of course many of the herd also vote on these single issues, but each is a stand alone wedge issue. That's simple, why you couldn't get it is ... well, sad.

Do, you really believe that a person who is "obsessed" with all 5 of your issue, ie, "God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes."

is more resistant to alleged and hypothetical "demagogues" than one who is ALL about one particular one of them,

or is this just general putting negative shit out there about your enemies?

I don't have enemies,

Mmm, yeah, that's not credible. NOt even a little.

and I'm not telepathic.

Yet in the next sentence you describe why you think that the single issue voters is more easily lead. You can "read the single issue voter" but you can't read the "5 issue voter"?

Looks like a dodge.

It appears to me that a person with a predilection to, say abortion, is easily more led when a demagogue tells them what they want to hear, and rejects those who question or offer alternate opinions on the issue of abortion.

The law on abortion has been decided, and there has never been an effort by either party when in power to put forth an amendment to the Constitution outlawing all abortion. Yet Pols and preachers continue to use abortion as a wedge issue, and it seems the single issue voter on this matter, continues to believe some day abortion will be outlawed. Thus they continue to vote for the one party which tells them what they want to hear, notwithstanding other issues and policies - foreign and domestic - which impact our citizens from post natal to their end of life.

That is my point.

The law on abortion was decided in the Supreme Court.

Republicans have been appointing Judges who are, at least, NOT rabidly actively pro-abortion judges,

and many limitations have been put on abortion and upheld.

IF someday the court is conservative enough, Roe vs Wade could be overturned.

That is the only path forward for pro -lifers and the judges are being appointed.

That's not unreasonable from a pro life perspective.


Cherry picking my post is dishonest. That's the only take away from your post that is relevant.

I addressed every point you made.

You defended NONE of them, and did not even try to refute ONE of my counterpoints.
I must ask if the issue of voting to protect our air, water and soil is a single issue? Relative to the five wedge issues proposed, the long term effect on the health of not only people, but of all living things seems to encompass a wider range for debate than gun control, R v W, Taxes, Marriage or Religious Orders.

Per your original list of examples (God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes) I didn't have to look beyond the Almighty to consider Environmentalism as a single issue. It is a fact that I wouldn't have been aware that Earth Day was a few weeks past if I hadn't heard a number of church sermon podcasts concerning protecting the precious gift of this planet which God provided.

In my original response I looked at "single issue voter" in the broad sense and considered the terminology to be a misnomer. When it comes to choosing a candidate it is simply normal to prioritize what we're looking for. So in that regard is it wrong for a person to hold a strong opinion on these five wedge issues in comparison to myself who wouldn't give consideration to a candidate who, let's say, advocates "shipping all blacks back to Africa"?

I'm middle-of-the-road politically, but fairly liberal compared to many (feels like most) here. I took exception to opening post in that I have strong opinions too. While they are totally different than the five wedge issues, my liberal side contends those folks are just as welcome to their views and the real problem is in demonizing the other side in place of reasonable discussion.
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.
First of all the “swamp” cannot exist without career politicians/deep state people. Dumbass

I am a one issue voter, it’s called the Second Amendment… It’s the only protection the constitution has, It is the backbone of the Constitution. The first amendment relies on it fully.
There is no such a thing as freedom and individuality in a socialist environment...

So fuck socialism… LOL
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

The election of Obama created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War and then the election of Trump compounded it. You tards on the left are just as responsible for the division in this country as the tards on the right you are pointing your finger at and this rant of yours is a perfect example of stoking that division.

Only for the racists . Obama was pretty moderate on most issues .
Quit falling down the well...
Obama was all about being hate filled...
The election of Obama created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War and then the election of Trump compounded it.
Were you in hibernation under Dubya? Good grief. :rolleyes:
No one has divided this country more than Obama, no one else is even close...
Would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

The election of Obama created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War and then the election of Trump compounded it. You tards on the left are just as responsible for the division in this country as the tards on the right you are pointing your finger at and this rant of yours is a perfect example of stoking that division.
Keep telling yourself that.

The quest to build a million Obamas - CNNPolitics

What president had most votes in history

The alt-R and teaparty don't like him. LOL
Look who Obama ran against the worst candidates in history, spineless McCain and soulless Romney. You are not fooling anybody... dumbass
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

The election of Obama created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War and then the election of Trump compounded it. You tards on the left are just as responsible for the division in this country as the tards on the right you are pointing your finger at and this rant of yours is a perfect example of stoking that division.

Bullshit, the only thing wrong which Obama did was to be born non-white. By being elected TWICE he enraged insecure white men (mostly, not to leave out W.T. and the drunk cat, et al) and proved that a man of color could govern effectively.

Even when the Republican Party and Alt Right worked as hard could to make him fail Of course they failed in that too since his leadership brought are economy back from the brink of the abyss, he repaired working relationships with our allies and worked toward making all of our citizens equal before the law; enabling all citizens to believe they too could achieve American Dream, notwithstanding their color, creed, gender or gender identification.

Of course the Alt. Right and Republican Party spent 8+ years attacking President Obama for becoming President and for seeking equal rights and equal opportunities for all of our citizens. His election alone brought forth the bigots, racists, misogynists and all around haters, who reject the values so well expressed in the Preamble to our Constitution.
You’re too politically correct to have any sense at all… LOL
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

The election of Obama created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War and then the election of Trump compounded it. You tards on the left are just as responsible for the division in this country as the tards on the right you are pointing your finger at and this rant of yours is a perfect example of stoking that division.

Bullshit, the only thing wrong which Obama did was to be born non-white. By being elected TWICE he enraged insecure white men (mostly, not to leave out W.T. and the drunk cat, et al) and proved that a man of color could govern effectively.

Even when the Republican Party and Alt Right worked as hard could to make him fail Of course they failed in that too since his leadership brought are economy back from the brink of the abyss, he repaired working relationships with our allies and worked toward making all of our citizens equal before the law; enabling all citizens to believe they too could achieve American Dream, notwithstanding their color, creed, gender or gender identification.

Of course the Alt. Right and Republican Party spent 8+ years attacking President Obama for becoming President and for seeking equal rights and equal opportunities for all of our citizens. His election alone brought forth the bigots, racists, misogynists and all around haters, who reject the values so well expressed in the Preamble to our Constitution.
Trump the birthers and the alt-R didn't like Obama because he wasn't white. He could have been Joe the Plumber and they'd have jeered him.

However, Obama did carry enough of those rural Pa, Mich, Wisc ... not to mention Indiana and Ohio and Iowa .... rural counties to carry the states. He did it because even then a lot of white knew the gop abandoned them for big money. In his second term, Obama became more willing to talk about race. There is racism. But Michael Brown was a criminal, and a working class rural kid with drug issues is closer to a black than to a rich white kid

PS even then Hillary wins if she actually talks to those people and tells them how their crops can be worth more and how working a counter can pay more ...
Obama was only half black... dumbass
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

That's five issues not a single issue. Lol. SINGLE ISSUE. What do you think that means???

LOL, yes, of course many of the herd also vote on these single issues, but each is a stand alone wedge issue. That's simple, why you couldn't get it is ... well, sad.
Yes, liberals made me a single issue voter in the last election. Anyone but hillary.

That's your right. How do you think your vote has worked out? Why are we better off now, then when Obama was POTUS.
Because we are not mandated into shit care, one of many things
The election of Obama created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War and then the election of Trump compounded it. You tards on the left are just as responsible for the division in this country as the tards on the right you are pointing your finger at and this rant of yours is a perfect example of stoking that division.

Bullshit, the only thing wrong which Obama did was to be born non-white. By being elected TWICE he enraged insecure white men (mostly, not to leave out W.T. and the drunk cat, et al) and proved that a man of color could govern effectively.

Even when the Republican Party and Alt Right worked as hard could to make him fail Of course they failed in that too since his leadership brought are economy back from the brink of the abyss, he repaired working relationships with our allies and worked toward making all of our citizens equal before the law; enabling all citizens to believe they too could achieve American Dream, notwithstanding their color, creed, gender or gender identification.

Of course the Alt. Right and Republican Party spent 8+ years attacking President Obama for becoming President and for seeking equal rights and equal opportunities for all of our citizens. His election alone brought forth the bigots, racists, misogynists and all around haters, who reject the values so well expressed in the Preamble to our Constitution.

And his commie upbringing was a major turnoff for millions of voters, of course you folks don't want to talk about that.


This "folk" is willing to discuss your allegation. Post the evidence and I'll evaluate it.

For one his father hated America. His pastor of over 20 years is an American hating racist. Just to name a few.

You need to name a few more, it seems that those who lived during the Jim Crow era and faced prejudice all their lives explains why a person becomes angry. Especially when the nation, founded on the principles laid out by Jefferson in the DoI have been undermined by laws and bigotry. Hate for hypocrisy is understandable, though not actionable.

The mind cannot understand the motivation of those who act violently, nor can they be forgiven or excused. I know nothing about Obama's Father, but I suspect the only thing you know about his pastor is the one phrase he used posted on videos over and over, that being, "God Damn America".

In fact neither Obama nor his pastor bombed the Federal Building in OKC, and if I recall correctly Obama's father returned to Africa without doing harm to our nation.
Obama’s father did plenty of damage to America, leaving a shit eating half black community organizer behind... lol
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

LMAO liberals are not obsessed with issues? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: I love these liberal projection threads. :auiqs.jpg:

The Left has ONE issue, use Gov to make everyone do as they think they should.

The left, meaning democrats, have a few other issues, such as helping people keep body and soul together. But yes, democrats have swung further right over the years to stay in the political business since big money and large corporations buy politicians, and they will not allow a bernie sanders or ralph nader to become prez.

Actually Bernie competed very well in the primaries, and I for one liked his stump speech, but I voted for HRC, and I'll tell why.

Bernie would be labeled as a Communist by the Alt. Right, and since most people believe the BIG LIE, he could not be elected. Trump's economic promises were hollow, he was and remains a Plutocrat, and yet continue to mislead the biddable that he is really all for them. BIG LIES beat Honesty in every election.
Bernie is a clueless socialist, and only dumbasses like what he has to say
Warning sarcasm ahead:

And here I've been voting on sole basis of being an environmentalist. The opening post has caused me to see the errors of my ways.

Well stated. The first post on my thread which is sensible.

Though, I must ask if the issue of voting to protect our air, water and soil is a single issue? Relative to the five wedge issues proposed, the long term effect on the health of not only people, but of all living things seems to encompass a wider range for debate than gun control, R v W, Taxes, Marriage or Religious Orders.
The federal government is not here to help in anyway… That’s where your confusion begins
I must ask if the issue of voting to protect our air, water and soil is a single issue? Relative to the five wedge issues proposed, the long term effect on the health of not only people, but of all living things seems to encompass a wider range for debate than gun control, R v W, Taxes, Marriage or Religious Orders.

Per your original list of examples (God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes) I didn't have to look beyond the Almighty to consider Environmentalism as a single issue. It is a fact that I wouldn't have been aware that Earth Day was a few weeks past if I hadn't heard a number of church sermon podcasts concerning protecting the precious gift of this planet which God provided.

In my original response I looked at "single issue voter" in the broad sense and considered the terminology to be a misnomer. When it comes to choosing a candidate it is simply normal to prioritize what we're looking for. So in that regard is it wrong for a person to hold a strong opinion on these five wedge issues in comparison to myself who wouldn't give consideration to a candidate who, let's say, advocates "shipping all blacks back to Africa"?

I'm middle-of-the-road politically, but fairly liberal compared to many (feels like most) here. I took exception to opening post in that I have strong opinions too. While they are totally different than the five wedge issues, my liberal side contends those folks are just as welcome to their views and the real problem is in demonizing the other side in place of reasonable discussion.

In terms of civil rights, equal rights and equal opportunities, it seem a qualitative difference exists, which separates the liberal from the conservative.
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

The answer to this is Proportional Representation.

Single issue parties will get their votes, but not enough to form a government. So they can be in Congress representing their people, they might even be part of a coalition in which their issues get listened to even more.
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

Yep. LWNJ's are single issue voters. They hate Christians. They want to outlaw guns. They love gays and trannies. They want abortion on demand up to the moment of birth. They want higher taxes.

If they could see past these obsessions the country would be far better off.

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