Single Issue Voters & the threat to democracy in America

Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

Yep. LWNJ's are single issue voters. They hate Christians. They want to outlaw guns. They love gays and trannies. They want abortion on demand up to the moment of birth. They want higher taxes.

If they could see past these obsessions the country would be far better off.

Idiot-Gram, ^^^ on steroids.
I must ask if the issue of voting to protect our air, water and soil is a single issue? Relative to the five wedge issues proposed, the long term effect on the health of not only people, but of all living things seems to encompass a wider range for debate than gun control, R v W, Taxes, Marriage or Religious Orders.

Per your original list of examples (God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes) I didn't have to look beyond the Almighty to consider Environmentalism as a single issue. It is a fact that I wouldn't have been aware that Earth Day was a few weeks past if I hadn't heard a number of church sermon podcasts concerning protecting the precious gift of this planet which God provided.

In my original response I looked at "single issue voter" in the broad sense and considered the terminology to be a misnomer. When it comes to choosing a candidate it is simply normal to prioritize what we're looking for. So in that regard is it wrong for a person to hold a strong opinion on these five wedge issues in comparison to myself who wouldn't give consideration to a candidate who, let's say, advocates "shipping all blacks back to Africa"?

I'm middle-of-the-road politically, but fairly liberal compared to many (feels like most) here. I took exception to opening post in that I have strong opinions too. While they are totally different than the five wedge issues, my liberal side contends those folks are just as welcome to their views and the real problem is in demonizing the other side in place of reasonable discussion.

In terms of civil rights, equal rights and equal opportunities, it seem a qualitative difference exists, which separates the liberal from the conservative.

Well that's what the commiecrat talking points say, reality says something different entirely. But don't let facts get in the way of good propaganda, right?

Bullshit, the only thing wrong which Obama did was to be born non-white. By being elected TWICE he enraged insecure white men (mostly, not to leave out W.T. and the drunk cat, et al) and proved that a man of color could govern effectively.

Even when the Republican Party and Alt Right worked as hard could to make him fail Of course they failed in that too since his leadership brought are economy back from the brink of the abyss, he repaired working relationships with our allies and worked toward making all of our citizens equal before the law; enabling all citizens to believe they too could achieve American Dream, notwithstanding their color, creed, gender or gender identification.

Of course the Alt. Right and Republican Party spent 8+ years attacking President Obama for becoming President and for seeking equal rights and equal opportunities for all of our citizens. His election alone brought forth the bigots, racists, misogynists and all around haters, who reject the values so well expressed in the Preamble to our Constitution.

And his commie upbringing was a major turnoff for millions of voters, of course you folks don't want to talk about that.


This "folk" is willing to discuss your allegation. Post the evidence and I'll evaluate it.

For one his father hated America. His pastor of over 20 years is an American hating racist. Just to name a few.

You need to name a few more, it seems that those who lived during the Jim Crow era and faced prejudice all their lives explains why a person becomes angry. Especially when the nation, founded on the principles laid out by Jefferson in the DoI have been undermined by laws and bigotry. Hate for hypocrisy is understandable, though not actionable.

The mind cannot understand the motivation of those who act violently, nor can they be forgiven or excused. I know nothing about Obama's Father, but I suspect the only thing you know about his pastor is the one phrase he used posted on videos over and over, that being, "God Damn America".

In fact neither Obama nor his pastor bombed the Federal Building in OKC, and if I recall correctly Obama's father returned to Africa without doing harm to our nation.
Obama’s father did plenty of damage to America, leaving a shit eating half black community organizer behind... lol
He should've been aborted
Let's face it, single issue voters are prey to demagogues and charlatans, unable or unwilling to consider major issues beyond their usual obsessions, i.e. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion and taxes.

They are prey to political operatives and their propaganda, demagogues and charlatans; they never seem to consider the rights, needs and health of their fellow citizens, future generations or our air, water and soil

Easily convinced by the above predators, whose motivation is money and power, they refuse to consider alternative opinions which benefit all of the citizens of the United States.

What is worse is their continued attack on anyone, Pol or Citizen, who fail to support the current iteration of conservatism; The election of Donald Trump has created more division among We the People than at anytime other than during the Civil War; his elitist, bigoted, hateful and dishonest behavior has infected his most partisan supporters who echo each other with BIG LIES, and in print and tweets assassinate the character of all who question his behavior.

Man and women of good will are the few among the swamp creatures who infect The District. It is up to each voter to go to the polls and think outside the box, and not listen to what the predators say, but what those who in office have done, or not done.

Yep. LWNJ's are single issue voters. They hate Christians. They want to outlaw guns. They love gays and trannies. They want abortion on demand up to the moment of birth. They want higher taxes.

If they could see past these obsessions the country would be far better off.

Idiot-Gram, ^^^ on steroids.

His post was very similar in tone and content to yours.

Read them both and be honest with yourself.

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