Sir Bob Geldof: 'All humans will die before 2030'

What claims might I need to correct and can you offer up any actual proof to support your suggestions?

There's your deranged story that the MWP was warmer than today, combined with your giant whopper of a lie about some supposed conspiracy theory about how scientists are covering it up.

Or there's your crazy "Photons know not to travel towards a warmer surface, and that has to be true because you can't explain Unified Field Theory to me in a paragraph" stupidity. That's a subset of you being dogshit stupid concerning the 2nd law and all thermodynamics.

Heck, it would be a far, far shorter list if you simply showed one of your 'tard conspiracies that you _had_ backed up.
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There's your deranged story that the MWP was warmer than today, combined with your giant whopper of a lie about some supposed conspiracy theory about how scientists are covering it up.

Do you ever stop lying? I have provided no less than 45 or 50 peer reviewed, published studies finding that the MWP was both warmer than the present and many have you provided? 1 and a discredited hockey stick. It must really suck bad to be you.

there's your crazy "Photons know not to travel towards a warmer surface, and that has to be true because you can't explain Unified Field Theory to me in a paragraph" stupidity. That's a subset of you being dogshit stupid concerning the 2nd law and all thermodynamics.

Tell me wackjob, do you think that a dropped rock "knows" or needs to know to fall to earth?
How many denier nutjobs have you corrected today Sid?

What claims might I need to correct and can you offer up any actual proof to support your suggestions?

You first. Prove* Geldorf's predictions are flawed.

* - When I say "prove", I mean PROVE.
Prove it? How? By pointing to the utter failure that is climate science?

We do that all the time. Your response:

I read the link... Moved to proper forum.

Let he who has the crystal balls predict with such certainty the date of the demise of humanity.
I have provided no less than 45 or 50 peer reviewed, published studies finding that the MWP was both warmer than the present and global

Bullshit. Your provided one kook website that openly lied and claimed a crazy thing over and over. While that fooled your fellow cultists, all the normal people laugh at it. many have you provided? 1 and a discredited hockey stick. It must really suck bad to be you.

Dang, sucks to all the whole world and all the science and data behind me. Don't know how I can manage. The only thing that sucks a little is how you're too 'effin stupid to understand that you've been humiliated.

In contrast, all you have is a drinking problem, plus a tiny bitter clique of crybaby cranks to commiserate with. I'd ask if y'all have parties, but we all know you cranks too paranoid to leave your basement bunkers.

Anyways, almost the entire planet considers you to be a lying 'tard. The planet is correct. Toodles.
You righties really make me sick! Don't you all realize that Bob Geldold has a knighthood bestowed upon him by Queen Elizabeth? Do any of you know that Geldof was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize? Obviously, you anti-science racist Nazi pedophile Earth rapers don't give a damn about the world's children! The repugnant flat Earther arsonist terrorists who deny obvious science are inbred fascistic brain dead bastards who do nothing but throw stupid insults at people who disagree with you because you eat your own poo!
How many denier nutjobs have you corrected today Sid?

What claims might I need to correct and can you offer up any actual proof to support your suggestions?

You first. Prove* Geldorf's predictions are flawed.

* - When I say "prove", I mean PROVE.

When Abraham3 says 'prove', or maybe 'PROVE', he means that he cannot think of anything to support Geldorf's lunacy and is trying to duck out.
Does this belong here or in "Conspiracy Theories"?

The musician-turned-activist reckons the world will end in 2030 - leading to the extinction of humankind.

Sir Bob, 61, based his miserable prediction on the effects of climate change.

“The world can decide in a fit of madness to kill itself," he told a group of youngsters at a summit in Johannesburg, South Africa.


All polar ice isn't gone, Sea level hasn't risen 40 feet and Geldof sees the end of man kind in 17 years?

The man DID name his firstborn "Fifi Trixibelle."
Were Geldorf a leading climatologist, I might put some weight into his predictions. However, he is a musician and activist. Not exactly the kind of person that I consider to have an adaquete background to attract my attention on this matter. Unlike you fellows, I don't believe that people with zero scientific background, like the fraudulent British 'Lord', are good sources for information on climate change.

Britain can be blamed for many things but Geldorf is not one of them. He is IRISH.

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